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File: 503 KB, 640x690, WEED SMOKING WEEEED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20456845 No.20456845 [Reply] [Original]

you should smoke weed edition

previous: >>20452861

>> No.20456852
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>Write What's On Your Mind

>> No.20456862

Somewhere along the line Frater got a big head and became a caricature of himself. I used to like him, but now he’s obnoxious

>> No.20456869

Well bros I'm gonna sit around in the park and read

>> No.20456878

but will you smoke weed?

>> No.20456887

Weed makes my mind race at light speed.

>> No.20456908

the joe biden of butt enemas

>> No.20456956

Weed is disgusting and I despise stoners

>> No.20456959

Everything comes together, while things fall apart. The many become one, and are increased by one as one among many. Such is the process of reality.

>> No.20456960

i wish i was a better person

>> No.20456961


>> No.20456996
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>> No.20456997

This is a really nice song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoa4ObRp3NE

Sorry chief, I’ve always had a rather large ego and I think I’ve always been open about that. No worries though I’m soon to be off 4chan quite a bit again, it’s probably just too much of me around got you exhausted. Apologies if I’ve made your posting experience less enjoyable.

>> No.20457058

I really dont want to call to ask about that job but the fucker doesnt respond to emails.

>> No.20457073

edgy, some of the greatest minds were closeted stoners. You should be grateful.

>> No.20457103
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Why do mothers sabotage their sons with awful advice when it comes to dating and what women want? Is it conscious or something they do without realizing the advice they give has no baring in reality and even their own experience?

>> No.20457109

>vape weed and be tense zombie
>smoke weed and have enhanced creativity

>> No.20457112
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>> No.20457113

Its that they think works vs what actually works

>> No.20457118

>smoke weed
>feel epic

>> No.20457120

I wonder if dog parks are a good setting for erotic clit lit

>> No.20457126

I don't remember my parents ever talking to me about dating or anything like that. Maybe it was already obvious to them that I'd be forever alone.

>> No.20457128


This is giving me life fuel to get the fuck off 4chan

>> No.20457131

I’ve always understood this about him
Deep&Edgy was like that. Some people just get like that. At some levels it’s forgivable and I suppose I have a higher tolerance for it.
Wherever you’re going, enjoy.

They’re always doing that shit. Do pester them. Like once a week, or so, till they admit they’ve made a choice or call you back in.

>> No.20457132

If they love you they are unironically blinded by their love to think you are a lot more desirable than you objectively are

>> No.20457141

would you guys buy a car with 200,000km (124,000 miles)?

>> No.20457142

Whats your job butters?

>> No.20457151

Good stuff.

>> No.20457153

crazy to think that there have now been 3 butterfly personas with the first one being the "real" butters

>> No.20457157

weed smokers are all fat and gay

>> No.20457170

deepest lore

>> No.20457176

It's gay month now. It was nigger month a few months ago. Woman month happened at some point as well. I guess there's not any need for white month or man month because white men invented all the months. But months are being assigned to every other group so they don't feel bad about not inventing the months like the white man did.

>> No.20457177

What happened to the first two? Did they dead?

>> No.20457178

yeah its unfortunate that most anons dont know that the actual butters has not been here in years.

>> No.20457179

We all change over time, physically different over the course of seven years I hear

>> No.20457181
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Did she* dead

>> No.20457185

I'm fat

>> No.20457187

No. I didn’t. I just compromised the tripcodes in various ways. None of this matters though.

>> No.20457192


So, I was talking about this in /wg/ before. After watching this video I decided to give F Gardner’s books a shot. This book has a genuinely great story.

>> No.20457194
File: 45 KB, 657x527, apureadinghow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two is plural fren

>> No.20457198
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"they"ism is a mental illness.
It is spreading, it is progressing.
I swear, I've seen English speakers substitute they for "it" now. Yes, they use "they" to refer to ANIMALS! And to inanimate objects and concepts!
Why are they committing this atrocity unto grammar?
Are they eventually going to replace all pronouns with "they"? No more "he" or "she" and no more "it" (why), only "they".
Just one pronoun for all sexes and for singular/plural. Like Hungarian or Estonian or some shit.
It bothers me so much.

>> No.20457200 [DELETED] 

Dont forget we also get nigger day this 19th. Which is funny since it councides with Fathers Day this year

>> No.20457201

maybe butterfly is like the dalai lama

>> No.20457202

They're living in your head rent free.

>> No.20457205

Apologies, I am a blind and a retard, and I misread it as "the first one".
This is due to my rampant rage that I've been having at the incorrect usages of "they" pronoun that I've been noticing lately, see here: >>20457194

>> No.20457207
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>> No.20457210
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It's okay anon, I've noticed it too. There has been a very sharp decline in grammar over the past 15 years

>> No.20457213
File: 401 KB, 447x438, 1640019180903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.20457216

Gardner’s good for the same reason Goosebumps is good. Short twist heavy books.

>> No.20457217

is this "gallows humor"

>> No.20457222

It’s a conspiracy, man

>> No.20457223

No, this is "redditor decides to suddenly switch to gender-neutral at the last second for no reason" humor

>> No.20457233

>Gardner’s good

>> No.20457240

bloody ell

>> No.20457245

This sounds incredible. If this is what F Gardner’s books are actually about then I’m going to read them now.

>> No.20457248

really think smoking weed makes peoples' minds stupid and pathetic

>> No.20457270
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Dont get tricked anon. Its shit. I'll take a pic of any page you want. I seriously regret giving this hack my 6 dollars

>> No.20457277

What marijuana does is induce a state similar to dreaming where everything is strange and wondrous. It blurs the boundaries between imagination and perception as all psychadelics do to greater and lesser degrees.

The question is what do you use these altered states for? Good uses are to mindfully appreciate natural beauty, explore one's perception, and to actively create. Bad uses are as a coping mechanism, and as mere entertainment / recreation. Overuse dulls the experience such that it becomes "normal," destroying its transformative potential.

>> No.20457298

Bullshit. Did you even watch that video? That unironically is a cool plot. I sort of regret watching that now because it sounds so interesting and I kind of spoiled some twists. I didn’t even realize Call of the Cherokee was supposed to be his best work. All I knew about was Call of the Crocodile. The dude in that video says Gardner’s improved since Croc so I don’t really care if his earlier books have some problems. I’m going to read them for myself and make up my own mind.

>> No.20457301

Wtf this is like the best idea for a book I’ve heard in awhile.

>> No.20457302

Yeah, it's clearly the weed that made them great. Hate to break it to you anon, a genius is still a genius without smoking a plant.

>> No.20457305
File: 3.13 MB, 3264x2448, 20220601_102300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is Gardner paying you

>> No.20457309

smoking weed for recreation seems nowhere near as bad as smoking to appreciate beauty or explore perception or create (especially that).

>> No.20457323

Nothing, anon. These fucks literally do it for free. How fucking pathetic is that?

>> No.20457350

i wonder why i find waldun's literary exploits funny but not gardner's

>> No.20457352

What does it mean to have an identity? Am I fucked if I never developed one naturally? Am I just supposed to make one up?

>> No.20457356
File: 2.09 MB, 498x379, stimpy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if i cross her mind once in a while...

>> No.20457366

Because Waldun is deluded but Gardner is just a grifter. Waldun probably cares about integrity to some degree whereas Frank is just trying to scam people by shilling, buying up ads and fake goodreads reviews, etc.
It’s like if someone saw Terry Davis’ popularity then acted like a schizo to sell their own shitty software. It’s nothing complicated it’s just a really scummy grift.

>> No.20457367

Identify with change and you shall become.

>> No.20457391

Identity is sum of everything you are and what makes you similar or different from others, both physical and emotional, your favorites and your fears and everything in between. It's impossible to not have an identity, it can be dull, but not non-existent.

>> No.20457397


>> No.20457400

Dude just smoke weed and dont think about it, LMAO

>> No.20457411

kinda poetic how semen stains are eternal

>> No.20457421

like controlla, controlla

>> No.20457422

Vape at higher temps ya doofus.

>> No.20457429

thread should be renamed smoke what's in your bowl and weed smoking mandatory for all posters

>> No.20457431

6 days til funeral

>> No.20457432

your mother is a stupid whore

>> No.20457440

next wwoym should be cocaine edition

>> No.20457445
File: 492 KB, 617x421, they 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this, anglos. Justify this.
I have been learning your dogshit language since age 6 and now I am as eloquent as can be, then come the native speaker and does this kinda shit. It's just not fair?

>> No.20457449

The flip side of "I am" is "am I?"

>> No.20457456

your funeral…my trial

>> No.20457461

It's really weird. It's like these people despise individual identity. As if saying he, she, or it bothers them. I wonder what the driving force behind this phenomenon is.

>> No.20457470

i am a crooked man

>> No.20457478

I've also been thinking about my lack of identity recently. It's probably not something that you make up but something that you discover when interacting with other people. If you're someone like me who mostly evaded, or were evaded by, other people, especially during adolescence when everyone else was discovering themselves, then you'll kind of end up not knowing who you are. Identity only makes sense as something that's compared to others.

>> No.20457486

They literally admitted to using it as a thinking tool, it alters the train of thought making you question things you normally would not.

>> No.20457497

Bad posture. Sit up

>> No.20457508

Singular they is literally fine when you don’t know the sex of something or it’s for some reason irrelevant to the subject. I hate trannies and I used it before I knew what trannies even were. Singular they has been a thing for centuries and I won’t let trannies co-opt it from me

>> No.20457511
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>> No.20457525
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>> No.20457535
File: 39 KB, 805x805, questionquestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sum of everything you are
This is the self as an integral, the flip side is the self as a differential: as a tangent point from the immediacy of that-which-is. It is the absential* self, the self as a question questioning itself - questions are tangents, lines of inquiry.

A question such as "What does it mean to have an identity?" transforms identity in the process of seeking. A related question: what are you looking for?

>*Constitutive absence: A particular and precise missing something that is a critical defining attribute of 'ententional' phenomena, such as functions, thoughts, adaptations, purposes, and subjective experiences.

>> No.20457550
File: 621 KB, 2760x2228, 1622619569452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write what's on your mind.
I have nothing on my mind. Last night I probably busted one of the best nuts of my life to a fantasy I had which is weird because I usually coom to one of the 400+ ecchi pics I have saved instead but I hadn't masturbated for a few days at that point. I don't usually use lube but I figured I would use some for this occasion, and rather than death-gripping I made sure to keep my drip as light as possible so I could move my hand up and down as fast as possible. It tickled the head of my penis a bit when I masturbated like that. There wasn't any buildup to an orgasm though, it just sort of happened. I ejaculated before I started convulsing from orgasm - the semen just poured out of my dick. It felt like I was pissing semen, and then once I got done pissing I actually had the orgasm. The fantasy in question would probably get me placed on a watchlist assuming I'm not already on one, but I think Oingo Boingo wrote a song about it. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stop masturbating for a while though, but that hasn't stopped me from saving another dozen ecchi pics to my folder today though.

>> No.20457555

Its not too late. I'm doing the whole delayed adolescence thing in my 20s.

>> No.20457564

There is no singular they. If you dont know the sex of a person you say "he or she" or "his or her"

>> No.20457568

>Write what's on your mind.

Proper education
(Unfortunate infomercial intro followed by old man/stroke slur, but I’m liking it. Thanks for posting it earlier anon)

>> No.20457570

That can become quite a mouthful if you talk about them a lot.

>> No.20457577

Only if you have a speech impediment

>> No.20457579

>What does it mean to have an identity?
It means fuck-all, like anything else.
>Am I fucked if I never developed one naturally?
Once you're dead you won't give a shit about this, and eventually neither will anyone else, so don't overthink it too much.
>Am I just supposed to make one up?
Why not? That's what everyone else does.

>> No.20457583

Here is an excerpt that talks about bhang (ancient form of edible cannabis) from "Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India" (1563) by Garcia de Orta
>"They make the pressed leaves, sometimes with the seeds, into a powder. Some inject Areca Verde, and those who drink it become beside themselves. For the same purpose they mix nutmeg and mace with it, and there is the same effect in drinking it. Others inject cloves, others camphor of Borneo, others amber and Almisque, others opium. These are the Moors, who are much addicted to it. The profit from its use is for the man to be beside himself, and to be raised above all cares and anxieties, and it makes some break into a foolish laugh. I hear that many women take it when they want to dally and flirt with men. It is also said, but it may not be true, that the great captains, in ancient times, used to drink it with wine or with opium, that they might rest from their work, be without care, and be able to sleep ; for the long vigils of such became a torment to them. The great Sultan Bahadur said to Martin Affonso de Souza, to whom he wished every good thing and to whom he told his secrets, that when, at night, he wanted to go to Portugal, Brazil, Turkey, Arabia, or Persia, he only had to take a little Bangue."

>> No.20457586

Weed isn't a personality

>> No.20457588

I wish I could be as passionate about something as you are about weed.

>> No.20457593

Or maybe you don't want to sound like a sperg retard with your constant "he or she" injections and choose the more succinct "they" for the sake of common fucking sense and convenience.

>> No.20457608
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A weed smoker and a non weed smoker contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference

>> No.20457612

Lol that's pretty much where I am on all those questions. It all seems so bleak though, like either I delude myself into being something, or actively pretend to be. I just don't see a satisfying path forward. Better than just being a depressed nothing I guess.

>> No.20457614

goin up cripple creek have a lil whirl
goin up cripple creek find my girl

>> No.20457620

what if they're neither

>> No.20457621

Dude... whoa...

>> No.20457626

No such thing

>> No.20457636

yes such thing

>> No.20457638

Weed smoker contains particles of weed in his lungs and bloodstream. Non-weed smoker doesn't, just regular air in lungs and the usual stuff in the blood that the weed smoker has as well.

>> No.20457640

Your mother sure got an extra dose of particles last night after I rammed my cock down her throat and busted a load. Not sure how this relates to anything, but I wanted to inform you nonetheless.

>> No.20457643

The singular non gendered pronoun for English is "it". I will call you an it if you'd like.

>> No.20457656

in english we also use they/them

>> No.20457661
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>Write what's on your mind.
I have nothing on my mind.
I'm the tallest one in my family, anywhere from six inches to a foot taller than everyone else. It makes me think I'm very tall. When I go outside I feel like I'm only slightly taller than everyone else though. My height is probably quite average in actuality. I had to go to the bank the other day and there was some latina bimbo that was only like an inch shorter than me. Maybe she was wearing heels so she looked taller, but I wouldn't know because I'm not a foot fetishist that makes an effort to look at everyone's feet in public. She had fat ass and tits and was wearing a tank top with cutoff shorts that barely went below her gargantuan behind and had botoxed dick sucking lips. With her she had a stack of bills to deposit that was almost as fat as her good parts. Made me wonder if she had those bills because she was a prostitute. She was certainly dressed like one. I wanted to ask for her services but the bank was probably not the best place to do so. I would need her services to have sex if I'm not actually as tall as I thought I was. If I'm average height I have nothing that makes me attractive and stand out to women. So my only chance of getting pussy at least once in my life would have to be from a prostitute.

>> No.20457664

I can drink more than all of you.

>> No.20457696

Brosef, particles of weed are the same thing as particles of air, piss, or whatever else you have in you. It's all the same shit if you look close enough to see the strings. Numbers of particles don't change, just like you can't destroy information.

>> No.20457699

Yeah, Call of the Cherokee is the best F. Gardner book. It’s one of Gardner’s later works and is fairly complex and multilayered. The whole D&D concept for it was neat and it has some scary moments. If you read any of F Gardner’s other books you’ll notice he does the whole meta-twist concept a lot. I thought it was intriguing how most of the books incorporated the idea of the DMT machine elf stuff but in a horror setting. Really unique.

>> No.20457709

I've given up trying to update my laptop by myself. I'm actually going to have to bring it to a computer guy, all to keep amazon from stripping the covers from my books. This is such a fucking hassle, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.20457711

Horror’s Call is literally “Dude DMT!: The Series.”
It’s like if Joe Rohan decided to try to become the next Stephen King.

Speaking of which, Stephen King and JK Rolling are both actual characters in Call of the Crocodile. It’s crazy. They get kidnapped and the kid has to save them. F Gardner also makes himself a character in his own books in some of the other ones. He’s viewed by the other characters as a beloved and famous writer.

>> No.20457715

even the least of my thoughts is too good to share with you. consider this charity

>> No.20457717

F Gardner is a famous writer.

>> No.20457725

proving robert graves point that erring away from ambiguity of expression can lead to limitation of thought

>> No.20457735

Doesn't he also mention Butters and Walden? Have yet to read them but I've seen posts of pages.

>> No.20457756

No we don't. Your grammar is atrocious. >>20457664
Drinking is not a personality
"Non-binary" people aren't 2deep4you.

>> No.20457763
File: 66 KB, 1200x628, 36571BBD-3C6B-47E1-A592-28F742422400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not a very good characterization.

>> No.20457772

>Drinking is not a personality
Sure it is. Most people can be summed up in a sentence, why not make it "dude weed/booze lmao".

>> No.20457775

You can do whatever you want. I wont stop you from being pathetic.

>> No.20457777

we do. shakespeare did
>In the eighteenth century, grammarians began warning that singular they was an error because a plural pronoun can’t take a singular antecedent. They clearly forgot that singular you was a plural pronoun that had become singular as well.

>> No.20457786

yeah i think he says you're beautiful

>> No.20457819

What one character thinks of the one representing me isn’t a characterization of me. But this is just some dig at my appearance. As if I cared what some 4chan dude thought of my looks.

>> No.20457824
File: 486 KB, 383x681, f95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally don't care. Stop altering grammar to fit your mental illness please.

>> No.20457831
File: 507 KB, 729x1299, Marina-Shimkovich-Sexy-Model-on-Bed-iPhone-Wallpaper-iphoneswallpapers_com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because women do not experience what men do and it creates problems

>Write whats on your mind
currently thinking about money coming through right now and how stupid pride month is (its also my birth month) also been reminscing about what women I find attractive

picrel is close as I can after filtering out explicit results and worksafe as possible

>> No.20457847

in principle i'd like to love everyone with all my heart, even those who hate me
but in reality i hate you all, even those who love me

>> No.20457854

I hate you all in principle

>> No.20457857

nah you just got done

>> No.20457858

i bet i hate you more faggot

>> No.20457863

there should be a comma before 'please' in a direct address

>> No.20457870

oh haha

>> No.20457879

Does Mellisa post on /lit/ now?

>> No.20457890

>"Non-binary" people aren't 2deep4you.
are the definitions for he/she purely biological? how would you refer to hermaphroditus

>> No.20457894

Yeah in “Call of F. Gardner.” That’s actually the title of one of his books.

>> No.20457896

if he were any good it'd be an interesting arc

>> No.20457900
File: 82 KB, 900x784, 1636713422799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write what's on your mind.
I have nothing on my mind.
I desperately paranoid that one of my housemates may have read my diary. Perhaps it's my fault for leaving it out in the open but I figured that no one would actually take the time to skim through a beat-up spiral-ring notebook with half the pages ripped out. But people have been asking me if I feel okay recently and suggesting I go to therapy. They're probably just asking me that because of the way I act but if they've read my diary then they would certainly be concerned about me. I don't care if they're concerned about me. My diary is supposed to be private. There's so much embarrassing stuff written in there that if I knew anyone who read my diary it would result in a murder charge or at least assault and battery. If I really wanted to be safe I shouldn't have written down anything embarrassing in the first place but I get nothing by keeping that shit in my head. I could go back and destroy any cringeworthy passages but once again I defeat the purpose of my diary by doing that. Recently I've started writing in cursive with the intent of obfuscating anything I wrote so maybe even if anyone did try to read my diary they would just see nothing but scribbles since cursive is a long-forgotten arcane script at this point. Even after I die I don't want anyone to read anything in my diary. I'm going to make sure I destroy it at some point, when I no longer have any need to look back at my old thoughts and see any progress I've made in life. From now on I'm doing to hide my diary somewhere. But that might just make anyone who happens upon it more eager to read it.

>> No.20457917

He mentions them, but they literally just show up, the main character says who they are, and then they disappear.

>> No.20457923

Waldun is mentioned and Butterfly, Hiro, and F Gardner himself, are all actual characters in the book.
J.K. Rowling and Stephen King are in Call of the Crocodile toward the end.

>> No.20457924

Almost got into another fight with my girlfriend’s father

>> No.20457929

in the afterlife you can view all your stats, anything you like
how many apples did i eat? how many times did i say the N word? how many times did i cum? how many hours did i spend asleep?
you can learn the exact the answer to all of these and more

>> No.20457938

Her or she sounds awkward as fuck. They is the obvious solution. It sounds fine and there’s no legitimate reason to be against it. I hate trannies for making it look bad.

>> No.20457949
File: 804 KB, 1280x960, LDxl9o044EoSyKiO6BhJ_SMHnF0THDY6CC1TbuhJFyvVzs1chVmG9QREXGpDjiS-Lk9yKi8JErPq_9dnYcIUKPk_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"singular they" means using it as a hypothetical.
>if somebody came through this door, they would trigger my expertly placed trap
You CAN'T use it for a specific real person.
If the sex of said person is ambiguous, you have these options:
1. assume male or female. Correct later if wrong.
2. put "he/she" with a slash, if it's a legal document
There is no "singular they".
Non-binary mentally ill need not apply.

And fucking obviously don't use it for inanimate objects and animals.
Whale is "it".

>> No.20457951

imagine making your public tiffs more public by sharing them on 4chan. you're boring mate

>> No.20457954
File: 29 KB, 409x121, they3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you do, but you shouldn't. It's a grammatical error and possibly a form of subversive Newspeak.

>> No.20457958

There’s no reason not to use it for a specific real person.
>b-but you just can’t!
It sounds much better than “he or she” and it completely removes the need to “correct later if wrong” that assuming one or the other creates. It just makes sense.

>> No.20457959

There's not a man I meet but doth salute me
As if I were their well-acquainted friend

>> No.20457960

"He" works just fine as a gender neutral. Works well in many other languages too.
>I hate trannies for making it look bad
It looks bad on its own. It's a plural pronoun being used in a singular sense and it's confusing as fuck. Every time I hear a zoomer on a disgusting discord server say shit like "So I have this friend and they bought me a copy of hollow knight on steam" I have to do a double take like are you talking about multiple people?
What is this shit?

>> No.20457964

>There’s no reason not to use it for a specific real person
The reason is: people are either male or female, there is no alternative.
It's a grammatical error.
>It sounds much better than
No it doesn't. It's plural.
>it completely removes the need to “correct later if wrong”
Sure, but it substitutes it with confusion and makes you look grammatically challenged, which is much worse.

>> No.20457967

It sounds fine and normal, seems like the problem is your lack of comprehension.

>> No.20457970

Yeah, so hypothetical.
He's not talking about one particular man, but any man. All men.
Thanks for proving my point.
Still reads like shit btw.
>There's not a man I meet but doth salute me
>As if I were his well-acquainted friend
See? So much better.
You are habituated to the Newspeak. You ought to detoxicate.

>> No.20457971

Will you stop spamming this thread with your nonsense?

>> No.20457974

>Will they stop spamming they thread with their nonsense?
I don't understand you, man! Zoomers ruined the language with their Newspeak! It's super double un plus!

>> No.20457975

'you' is grammatically plural as well

>> No.20457976

There should be a man looking back in your mirror. Oh wait, there is.

>> No.20457981

Unfortunately yes.
This is no reason to further degrade the language.
That's like saying "I will break this man's arm. My reason: his health is already not that good anyway."
On the contrary, preserve what bits of sense the language still makes. Do you really want pronouns "it, he, she" to disappear?!

>> No.20457986

But sometimes you don’t know or may intentionally obfuscate the gender. In those cases it works well.
>It’s plural
It can be plural or singular. You already admitted it works as a singular hypothetical >>20457949
, you can’t then pretend somehow that disappears if the subject is real.
>substitutes it with confusion and makes you look gammatically challenged
No one is confused except you. It’s always obvious from the context it’s a singular person, claiming confusion is pedantic and performative

>> No.20457989

Is there a leaderboard as well? I would like to see how I compare to the general population when it comes to the amount of times I said "nigger".

>> No.20457995

If you don’t use pre-Shakespearean English you’re speaking newspeak as well.

>> No.20457999

There are multiple people who are addressing this. Singular they is retarded as fuck. Stop spamming this thread with your tranny nonsense.

>> No.20458004

>He's not talking about one particular man, but any man. All men.
and therefore always 'his', no?
So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.

>> No.20458006

So you’re admitting your only problem with it is trannies.

>> No.20458007

If it's a singular person, use "he". If it's a female for sure, use 'she'. If it's an animal of unknown sex and without a name, use "it".
Why is that so hard. Stop retardifying the language.
That's not what "Newspeak" means.
This is not related to trannies. Normies use it too even when talking about normal people who aren't non-binary.
I've seen people use it to refer to people whose sex is not ambiguous at all. Men and women.

>> No.20458010

No, that's not what my post said at all. If you had a competent grasp on grammar then you would not be so confused about what I'm saying.

>> No.20458015

Stop bringing trannies into this. You are making my grammar-based onslaught on singular they look stupid like a /pol/ rant! You're making my side look bad!

>> No.20458018

> This is not related to trannies. Normies use it too even when talking about normal people who aren't non-binary.
I've seen people use it to refer to people whose sex is not ambiguous at all. Men and women.
This is because it’s been a part of colloquial speech for ages because it makes sense and fulfills it’s function in casual speech a lot more effectively than the officially accepted options.

>> No.20458021

it stands to reason that there would be

>> No.20458025
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>> No.20458029

jannies on /tv/ losing their fucking mind, why?

>> No.20458030

english is a living language so it, like all such, must be continuously changing.

>> No.20458034

I don’t browse tv and neither should you

>> No.20458035

>This is because it’s been a part of colloquial speech for ages
For a few years at most, unfortunately
>it makes sense
It does not. Men and women have specified pronouns. There is never a reason to use a gender neutral pronoun for a specific man or woman, unless it's a legal document template where you use he/she with a slash.
>fulfills its function
What function?
>in casual speech a lot more effectively than the officially accepted options
How is introducing a more vague, gender-confusing and plurality-confusing option being more "effective" in casual speech at all?
I just told you, I had many incidents where I didn't know who was being mentioned and how many people were being mentioned because of this retarded pronoun. It degrades speech.
And now people use it to refer to animals and inanimate concepts.

>> No.20458039

>because it makes sense
No it doesn't. Referring to an individual in plural form is illogical.

>> No.20458040

i hate every last one of you
i hate your faux touch
i hate your need a cause
i love you so much

>> No.20458042

>for a few years at most
You’re living under a rock then. Gender politics and shit has made it bigger but it was always a thing, it just used to be a fight between students and English teachers instead of a political statement

>> No.20458045

If it's so ancient, why did I never notice it until circa 2016, despite reading a lot of English, watching English-speaking content, videos, moves, and engaging in conversations on the daily basis?

>> No.20458049

can't refute you

>> No.20458050

wwoym always confirms my impression that /lit/ is retarded at heart

>> No.20458054

It can be both plural and singular, perfectly logical unless your mind can’t cope with a word holding two functions at once

>> No.20458055

The fight isn't over.
Singular "they" is a grammatical atrocity. And fuck Shapeskeare, too!

>> No.20458060

No it can't. You are wrong.

>> No.20458063

Nice argument

>> No.20458067

You made your assertion. I made my own. Cry about it tranny.

>> No.20458077
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>> No.20458083
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Update: I do cross her mind once in a while.

>> No.20458087

Nice opinion.

>> No.20458091

>he still can’t let go of the tranny thing

>> No.20458092

are there any hate groups that hate indiscriminately?

>> No.20458093

not paying attention.
it's 'on a daily basis', by the way

>> No.20458095

>"they" still can't figure out pronouns

>> No.20458098

1998 to 2010 was an insane leap in terms of technology. Why does 2022 feel practically the same as 2010? What happened?

>> No.20458100

bringing up a book on the literature board aren't i

>> No.20458101

Everyone got too addicted to their new dopamine machines to work on anything new

>> No.20458110

I have a book that says you're a faggot.

>> No.20458111

recession ?

>> No.20458117

you own a book that says "you're a faggot"??

>> No.20458130

big cocks will rule the world

>> No.20458136

where do i get weed

>> No.20458146

anywhere and everywhere

>> No.20458152

Make friends with someone you know who smokes, then ask them about their dealer.

>> No.20458161

how much u after? can you do pickup

>> No.20458172

No it says "they're a faggot"

>> No.20458179

Who is the male target market for females like this?

>> No.20458183

White Chads with big dicks.

>> No.20458207

Do you always italicize shorthand for book titles in academia, like if you wrote CP for Crime and Punishment or U for Ulysses do you italicize CP and U?

>> No.20458210

In academia I don't think you're supposed to write shorthand titles for books.

>> No.20458217

English and Spanish are notably similar in vocab and syntax

>> No.20458240

You're the guy updating his laptop from Windows XP to 10? What's the issue? It should be pretty easy, install Windows on a USB stick and just install it.

>> No.20458266
File: 352 KB, 1200x1196, 0008352483_10-2563987269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just microdosed some psylocibin, so far so good.

>> No.20458301

An immense proportion of Americans (no less than 40%) who survive the climate crisis shall move to Alaska. Anchorage will become a Neo New York while Canada will be perfectly content with climate change as the Yukon, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Newfoundland/Labrador will all see significant gains to their economy. From this vantage point, Canada will attempt to supplant USA as the foremost North American world power.

>> No.20458323

Is this a prophecy you just foresaw?

>> No.20458330

There is no good fetish porn. Either the guy doesn't do the thing at all and just skirts around it, or he does way too much of the thing and makes it weird. If you're into facesitting, you'll find a billion videos where the woman never takes off her panties, and a billion videos where she wears a pink neoprene jumpsuit and powerbombs her pussy onto the guy's face from a diving board, but you won't find any mundane facesitting videos. If you're into women wearing glasses, you'll find self-proclaimed glasses fetish videos where the woman only wears the glasses for the first 24 seconds and then takes them off, and you'll find videos where 250 Japanese men ejaculate onto the face of a woman wearing ten pairs of swimming goggles, but you won't find any women just wearing glasses.

In one way or another all of life is organized in this way. Nothing is ever what it's supposed to be. Everything is either crazy and dispiritingly awful or weak and lazy.

>> No.20458340

one of the dumbest fucking posts ive seen here

>> No.20458356

7 to 10, but yeah. The install creation tool won't run no matter what I try, and restoro didn't help. i think there's a broken file somewhere on my computer. i suppose I can try that, but if I can't get the pre-install to work, I don't have much hope

>> No.20458357

>t. gigacoomer

>> No.20458367

They like 30 year old writers who live on boats and huff nitrous.

>> No.20458377

Just back all your shit up and format your computer my man. It's gonna be a pain to reinstall everything, but it will also make a good clean up. Just make a list of all the programs you're using.

>> No.20458396
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A lot of guys who have fetishes are into really extreme version of those fetishes. Which is why there are so many of those weird videos. I think society in general has gotten both more lazy and more extreme. People either don't care enough to put in basic effort or they have some weird compulsion and overindulge in whatever they're doing. Not to say that normal shit doesn't exist anymore, it certainly still does, it's just a lot less common. Because of all this overindulgence and overconsumption in today's society normal shit is considered boring nowadays. People can hardly be bothered to give a shit about someone's mundane life. Older people talk about the most "boring" shit because their brains aren't fried and they can value reasonable things in life. But social media and all that has made the younger generation hooked on extremes. I think that's part of the reasons why there are so many incels and also why incels are so hated. They're left out because they aren't extreme enough in an attractiveness and charisma sense, but no one wants to listen about how a guy can't get laid because that's a mundane problem. They'd rather listen to some guy who has a problem with degenerate sexual exploits just because that's something relatively novel. Books tend to be boring to some people because they're normal. No one wants to listen to Holden Caufield complain about his life, even if it's something understandable. They all want to watch larger than life heroes kill the bad guy for the hundredth time or insert themselves in a fantasy where they get a harem and magical powers. They can't even have normal fantasies like finding a girl who loves them for who they truly are.

>> No.20458442

Walking around Pasadena. Surprised how little there is to do in such a prominent city.

>> No.20458443

>Veritas numquam perit

>> No.20458449

I think /lit/ would benefit greatly from 3-5 effortposting opinionated tripfags.

>> No.20458450

How do we escape from this nightmare?

I'm burned out and bored at the same time.

>> No.20458456

LA is a dead shithole I’m sorry you fell for the meme 2 years too late

>> No.20458458

I think your gay

>> No.20458461

Kill yourself immediately and I’m even having a good day where I’m trying to refrain from saying that sort of thing

>> No.20458462
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>/lit/ would benefit greatly from 3-5 effortposting opinionated
Go fuck yourself faggot.

>> No.20458466
File: 73 KB, 850x400, quote-the-first-and-fiercest-punishment-ought-to-fall-first-on-the-traitor-second-on-the-enemy-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-81-96-79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture applies to tripfags and tripfag enablers too

>> No.20458469

I didnt fall for a meme. I got stranded out here ten years ago

>> No.20458475

long ago I made a woman obsessed with me. she could still be. I can't even remember the person I was when it happened. I remember I was popular with the girls. I think I was nice. I'm not really sure I ever understood why. This is such a long time ago. I think she latched onto an idea of me then which was never really accurate and she's still on it. Or I'm just the swellest guy. It's just I think we may communicate soon, and I could.. be open to the idea, in a way, maybe. Over time, maybe. But I just can't.. even remember the guy she fell for.

>> No.20458480

i am not a tripfag

>> No.20458504

Been there. She's now married to a guy that drunk drove her truck and totaled it. It ain't worth it, my dude. Then again, I can't tell you not to because I've never had a relationship where the girl didn't fall head over heels for some idea of me that never was only for them to claim I've changed when I never have. Just keep being you, dude. Better to wet your whistle as fantasy than stay dry in reality.

>> No.20458558

I just had an encounter with the largest species of spider that lives in my country.
That monster was absolutely huge.
Legs included, it must have been about 9, maybe 10 centimeters in diameter for fuck's sake.

>> No.20458565

How many inches is that

>> No.20458570

It's like 3-4 inches

>> No.20458573


>> No.20458575

yeah we need more normal stuff. in an age of everyone doing 'very important projects' we need someone to write about a going to the same supermarket 3 times a day lifestyle. more bants less rants.

>> No.20458576

Wow thats as big as my dick

>> No.20458577

true. I still think about it though

>> No.20458589
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>> No.20458616

Do I really have ambitions or do I just not want to work?

>> No.20458617

Something like that.

>> No.20458628

of course an election tourist like you thinks that

>> No.20458642

Its been 6 years. They're permanent residents now.

>> No.20458646
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I was responsible for the attack on the World Trade center on September eleventh, two-thousand one. The guilt won't go away.

>> No.20458652

I don't remember issuing them a green card

>> No.20458658

YOU sold Mohamed Atta the box cutter!?

>> No.20458664

trips were always cringe

>> No.20458668

that's what the mealy-mouthed moderates said about the israelites too. then silly stache man stepped up

>> No.20458669

I just saw videos on youtube about the poverty in the region of the appalachian and it baffled me
it looks just like the poorest regions of my country, but with while people instead of brown people, even the "children going to school for the food" happens there as well

>> No.20458679

West Virginia has always been one of the shittiest state in the US, but it's gotten a lot worse since all the coal mines were shut down.

>> No.20458688

Everyone should have a trip to have accountability and to prove they read

>> No.20458694

/lit/ is a hispanic board

>> No.20458698

What about people who come here because they like to write?

>> No.20458705

Hispanic here.

>> No.20458712

they should be made to wear badges on their clothes. something yellow, star-shaped, maybe... just spitballing here

>> No.20458714

Why would I need to prove something to random literal whos on the internet? Unironically, reddit might be a better place for you if thats what you want

>> No.20458719


>> No.20458732
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reply to this post or you will sleep horribly tonight and wake up miserable tomorrow

>> No.20458737

/lbgt/ is filled to the brim with transexual /pol/ tards lmfao

>> No.20458738

I already do that every day

>> No.20458739

Length or girth?

>> No.20458740

gotta swap tires tomorrow so i'm already miserable but whatever

>> No.20458746
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i just want to sleep with some jewish whore with huge tits and a big ass nose.

>> No.20458753


>> No.20458788

I’ve been trying for the last several years to find something I’m passionate about and I’ve come up with nothing. I’m not good at anything. I’m not particularly passionate about anything.

I just don’t want to keep doing this anymore.

>> No.20458791


>> No.20458793

The chuds are repressors so it would just end with a lot of filled boivaries

>> No.20458796

have you tried hobby tunneling?

>> No.20458800

most people in history never had that chance so you should be grateful

>> No.20458806

but it would be cool. Remember in Ender's Game how his brother and sister were basically tripfags and ended up manipulating global politics?

>> No.20458819

I don't wanna be Qanon though. I just want to write.

>> No.20458825

we have a chit chat slack channel, and people were posting like 'this or that' like 'peanut butter or jelly' -- and someone posted 'team depp or team heard' and people replied with pirate flag emojis and one of our HR managers was like "team Depp!!!" and mentioned a few bit players, like the lawyers by name and this instagram acct. i checked the ig acct, and this Californian woman just flew to England last night to watch Depp's "band" perform. gross as fuck. colleague friends are trying to think of what to do. but it all feels just so poisoned to the core. rotting.

>> No.20458834

Trips are even better for writers. It would be great if there were tripfags here who actually wrote interesting stuff instead of just shitposting. Plus, if they ever want to find old stuff they wrote on 4chan after they get published they can find it in the archives.

>> No.20458837

*His* panic in Uvalde? Imagine if all the 1st cops to appear had been women, evidently confronted with a psychopath threatening young children. There's something in the male psyche that's very ambivalent abt its perception of non-personal violence, something approaching unconscious leniency.

>> No.20458846

see >>20458834
start blogposting here or wrtiting critiques or poems under a trip and if its good people will enjoy and look forward to reading what you write.

>> No.20458863
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I prefer the temporal and anonymous nature of what I write. My work should stand on its own and have a tenuous connection to my identity. I have started three of my posts in this thread with "I have nothing on my mind" and I consider that to be too un-anonymous. I want to draw attention to what is written, not myself.
Why don't you all start being tripfags before encourage me to be one? Or why not fuck off back to R*ddit where all your posts have a username attached instead of shitting up the anonymous culture of this board? When in Rome, do as the Romans.

>> No.20458903
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I'm microdosing psylocibin, taking turmeric with pepper and now I will start taking lions mane. Apparently all of this substances promote neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. My goal is to test how will this impact my reading and learning abilities and hopefully expand my creativity, cognitive abilities, visualization, memory, etc....

just started microdosing psylocibin mushrooms and now will start reading Anna Karenina

>> No.20458907

Lol those whyte folx are top dumb to use their privilege. If I had white privilege and lived in West Virginia I would be rich

>> No.20458921

I used to think that at some point I would snap, but now I think my mental state will just disintegrate until there is nothing left to snap.

>> No.20458922

>all of this
**all of these

>> No.20458923

imagine spending your mushroom trip reading.

>> No.20458933
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a lot of you guys do this sort of thing to yourselves. you should stop.

>> No.20458937
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So you're saying that smoking weed is like drinking piss? I agree.

>> No.20458942
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Which distro does lit use?

>> No.20458948

How do I learn to stop needing praise and external validation to be happy?

>> No.20458949

I have not but I can’t say this interests me much.

Well, I’m not.

>> No.20458963
File: 137 KB, 864x1598, Screen Shot 2022-05-25 at 7.40.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you die. that's the only way out

>> No.20458966

take me home

>> No.20458973

We should structure society like an ant colony.

>> No.20458984
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>Write what's on your mind.
I have nothing on my mind.
I need to stick my face in that ass. Smell the sweat and suntan lotion. Stick my dick in it. I need to find a girl with a nice ass that will let me stick my face in it then stick my dick in it. Girls hate me though. I don't even try to interact with them anymore. They still find some way to hate me. I want to feel the weight of a fat ass pushing down on my crotch. If I made millions of dollars I would spend it on plastic surgery, dick enhancement surgery, cutting edge medicine that makes me look young and clears up my skin, I would hire a stylist to get me fashionable and a good haircut, and maybe get some roids while I'm at it. Then I could be confident and girls would hate me less. Or maybe I'll just ditch all that cosmetic shit and just buy a bunch of hookers. Everything is all in my head though. Even if I got a million dollars I don't think I'd actually spend it on anything. I'm too terrified of the prospect of actually interacting with other people because of how awkward and deformed I am. But it's a paradox, a trap, a feedback loop. If I don't interact with other people I can't stop being awkward and get the medical care I need to stop being ugly.
I have a big nose but it's not crooked like a Jew's. If I had a Jew nose I would pull a Jew and pretend to be a Jew for my own-self interest. I could get one of those de-facto arranged marriages with a hot jewess and get a lot of Jew money.
Fuck you. I don't want to be an ant. You homosexual nigger. I want to be an individual.

>> No.20458986

Anyone here have experience using fetlife? I'm tempted to use it to meet kinky gfs

>> No.20459007

Ants don't have division of labor and are unspecialized meaning everyone is equal. They're free.

>> No.20459014

>I catch fish
anon thats a hobby

>> No.20459029

Do I really want to write and sell books or do I just hate my job?

>> No.20459044

disagree but I'm curious, why do you think that?

>> No.20459059

There is a very cute and nice girl at work and I think that she is hitting/flirting with me.

I wish I could know for sure, but it's impossible for me to tell.
I am not available nor am I interested in a relationship of any kind with her, other than coworker.

It would be important to know so I can adjust my response in my interactions with here. I usually find that mirroring how other people are with me works very in a social environment and I have become extremely good at it. Ever interaction is personalized and I don't even know what my default personality is.

The issue is, if she's flirting with me and I mirror her attitude, she will obviously think that I receive her advances well and want to go forwards with something, which I don't and will make things increasingly complicated. On the other side, I could just be blunt and say I am not interested, but if she's actually not flirting, it will be embarrassing, will make me look like a douche for thinking that and might affect our work relationship.

I think the only thing left to do is look for a new job because this situation is just too complicated.

Did I mention I have autism?
I have autism.

>> No.20459065

Fair enough man no need to get your panties in a bunch.

>> No.20459069

Just keep her at an arm's length.

>> No.20459071

The line between hobby and job is only dependent upon whether or not one is paid for the work.

>> No.20459076

I forgot autistic people don't understand metaphors/idioms too well.
What I mean is don't get too close to her socially, and then it won't matter if she doesn't like you. If she does like you then she'll keep trying to get close to you despite you not trying to be friends with her yourself. Then you can tell her you're not interested.

>> No.20459079

one is for fun. another is losing your vision.

>> No.20459080

Windows 10

>> No.20459094

I would just keep flirting. Just tease her along for fun without caring. It'll make the days go by faster, and then maybe at the company Xmas party you decide you want to get your dick sucked and now you've got a batter warmed-up and on deck.

>> No.20459097
File: 161 KB, 757x588, 1641831347791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

The actual number of people killed by Zhang is not known and is disputed. Official Ming Dynasty history Ming Shi recorded a figure of 600 million deaths due to Zhang's activities, an obvious exaggeration, since the total population of China at that time was less than 150 million, perhaps much lower.

Remember the 600 million.

>> No.20459110

>losing your vision
is that your experience with weed or your experience with other people on weed?

>> No.20459120
File: 78 KB, 771x547, 1632083573802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy! I'm so happy! I'm elated! I'm up and jumpin' around! I'm happy! Yay! Today is a wonderful day!

>> No.20459172

I can't, she keeps coming to talk to me. The only way would be to be rude or something, which I am not.

>> No.20459204

Just have awkward drunk sex at the Christmas party and then never speak again

>> No.20459213
File: 2.14 MB, 498x274, 1636797607540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting a Maoist insurgency seems fun, but I don't actually want to kill other people or be killed myself. Is there a community of people that would be okay with me making a secret base out in the woods or mountains and fighting a "people's war" by just fucking with them minorly? Like graffiti and pranks and stuff.

>> No.20459363

So when can someone make q new thread without janny deleting it? Whats the bump limit?

>> No.20459372

We hit bump limit not long ago, I think it's like at 300 posts here on /lit/, but I don't care enough to make a new thread.

>> No.20459387
