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20456329 No.20456329 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no female philosophers?

>> No.20456334

because women are of the bodily, not the spiritual

>> No.20456336

There are though

>> No.20456340

There are, you fucking sexist retard

>> No.20456350

Feminist Theory isn't philosophy.

>> No.20456351

Martha Nussbaum
Ruth Barcan Marcus
Simone de Beauvoir
Simone Weil
Sally Haslanger

>> No.20456358

Literally who?

>> No.20456496

>asks for a list of philosophers
>”wtf none of these people are heckin’ ancient Greeks and none of them are heckin’ Nietzsche either wtf is this”
This board really is full of pseuds

>> No.20456498

Read more lol

>> No.20456499

all trans

>> No.20456520

They exist they’re just worse, less innovative and less relevant than their male counterparts.

(By the way, feminism and feminist literature clearly isn’t relevant to anyone who isn’t a feminist, on a literary level they are inferior and feminism itself is not a truly philosophical position but, as they will admit in multiple books, a political position for which they will mangle their philosophers to serve the purposes of. )

>> No.20456521
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No need to continue after first post.

Women are hard-wired for dancing, singing, fucking and playing with kids. Men need to self-actualize via athletic or intellectual pursuits.

>> No.20456530

This. It's also why men are more cringe than women in their attempts at things. They require a level of expertise and success to live and most men simply don't have it.

>> No.20456546

more trans philosophers include:

>> No.20456554

Ever since Marx at least, it was agreed upon that leftist political agitation counts as philosophy, at least for people who lean towards continental thought.

>> No.20456561

>Women are hard-wired for dancing, singing, fucking and playing with kids.
I wish I was a woman it sounds fun. No wonder women commit suicide less than men

>> No.20456565

Eh depends really, Marx and his thought and direct successors are directly furthering lines of thought in the continental tradition, I’d count even a large amount of the post modernists as this, but the majority of feminists begin with the political position of the Feminism and will readily admit their philosophical positions are nothing more than convenient rhetoric to further it. a philosophy which is not a philosophy but simply a rhetorical tool towards a political agenda should not be considered a philosophy but simply rhetoric.

>> No.20456575

Soul is stored in the balls

>> No.20456582

A welcome advancement from the status quo arrived at with Locke, that philosophy should justify rightist seizures and power grabs

>> No.20456587


>> No.20456588

Why are you forgetting Rand?

>> No.20456590

You've clearly never had a conversation with a prostitute.

>> No.20456607 [DELETED] 

Because we have lived in a shitty patriarchy for hundreds of years where men have tried to control women and prevented them from doing whatever the fuck they wanted to do. Men suck

>> No.20456623

Because historically we've lived in a shitty patriarchy for hundreds of years where men have tried to control women and prevented them from doing whatever the fuck they wanted to do. Fuck men

>> No.20456625

why would you delete your shitpost just to slightly revise it

>> No.20456630

Eh it’s bait but I’ll bite!

Men haven’t “tried to control” they have controlled, and they have controlled because men are inherently mightier and more intelligent on average. Throughout history we see men enslaving other men, and breaking free even against more mighty and wealthy forces, Haiti is a very good example of this. There is no female break away because the female’s position is inherently one of submission and subservience, and whenever In history truly brilliant women did arise, they did gain notoriety and we remembered their names. If women were equivalent to men in intelligence they would have, by force, broke free in the past and either established equality or feminine dominance, for again, we see it time and time again that inferior groups (physically, arms, wealth, education.) have been able to break free given enough time.

We need only look at our current world to see more money and law being placed to help advantage the woman and see the woman is still producing less art of a high quality, less truly innovative technology, less great companies and so forth than their male counterparts.

It is true though that men have more extremes, there’s more truly retarded and brilliant men than retarded or brilliant women. Women are more often closer to an average than men. and this is fine, wanting women to succeed in manly things is a foolish desire.

>> No.20456654

It can be transmitted to woman via...methods.

>> No.20456660

Women who are smarter and made more contributions to philosophy than you. Imagine being such a nobody that you have to live vicariously through the merits of some because they are the same gender as you

>> No.20456664

I have a better question: Why are there no female girlfriends, of me?

>> No.20456668

No but most of them are jewish

>> No.20456726
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There are…

>> No.20456733

see >>20456499

>> No.20456740


>> No.20456749

Men are physically and intellectually superior to women, and women are aesthetically and morally superior to men.

>> No.20456757

Aesthetics is debatable, I see no reason to consider the female the more moral.

>> No.20456765

Are you serious?

>> No.20456774

I would have heard of them if that were the case.

>> No.20456782

Isn't your mom your girlfriend?

>> No.20456788

In fact I’m gonna elaborate on why I consider the female as more aesthetic is a debatable topic, mostly due to the average male’s sight of the woman being corrupted by other modes of perception that are unrelated to the aesthetic contemplation.

I think men approach women through three possible modes of consideration/appreciation.

The sexual, the erotic and the aesthetic. Of these the sexual is the smallest category but also the most common, the aesthetic is the one with the most depth but also the least common.

The sexual is to see a woman as a sexual partner in a explicitly sex and reproductive mode, and the fact is, this is not intellectual nor aesthetic appreciation in any deeper sense, when we see breasts our mind enjoys it because it thinks its ass, which we desire on account of reproductive desire, likewise the look of a woman in terms of sexuality comes down to health and capacity for breeding. This has very little to do with aesthetic contemplation, and this is why you have “post nutt clarity” and “beer goggles “ and other such ideas So widespread, because when the sexual urge has been satiated, the aesthetic value can be coldly looked at and judged disgusting or wrong or inferior.

The erotic is more popular than the aesthetic and slightly less popular than the sexual but not by much, I would say everyone in the modern society partakes somewhat in the erotic to some degree, the erotic is a perception that is associated with sex but is not sex, it is not the sexual desire but secondary and even arbitrary traits and aspects which have become associated with the sexual desire, this is your goth girl, this is your foot fetish, this is your desire for short stacks or your fat fetish or your milf fetish. None of these things directly relate to sex directly and can actually be considered as ultimately negative traits, for the goth girl has hidden her actual beauty and health so you do not know, the milf and fat woman are strictly inferior partners for reproduction, etc. the erotic contemplation again suffers from not being aesthetic because it’s based on a kind of infective quality in sexuality (see Bataille) and again, when the erotic desire has been satiated many times disgust and humor can be seen in what was a few moments ago desirable, in extremes consider the woman who shoves maggots in her vagina due to her fetish or the man into a woman applying CBT to him, such things aren’t beautiful nor aesthetic and these people don’t believe it is, in fact they’d even get off on how ugly it is aesthetically and enjoy the contrast.


>> No.20456794
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So it is ultimately the purely aesthetic which is the rarest way of appreciating woman, Obviously in the most beautiful women you have a mixture of the erotic sexual impulses with the purely aesthetic, the ratio of hip to shoulders is famous but something I don’t see talked about is how all of the “sex symbol “ women if analyzed actually have a kind of illusionary super-hour-glass by having very broad masculine shoulders which are if actually measured are equal or slightly larger than the hips, this creates a kind of triangular hour glass that is simply not attainable otherwise, we see this if we analyze the bodily proportions of Marilyn monroe and Scarlett Johansson, in fact here’s one diagram I made.

I would actually say Schopenhauer is correct in saying that the man is the aesthetic sex but not because why he says, it is not that the male form is naturally more aesthetically pleasing because there are multiple kinds of aesthetic beauty; it’s rather that we as men lack sexual attraction to men thus do not have to fight through our sexual desires when analyzing men, whereas when we try to appreciate a woman aesthetically our mind is clouded by the erotic and sexual traits. For example how many of you have seen women you find dirty, sweaty, nasty even, but very sexually desirable and impregnatable? All of you I am sure. Since with men our minds aren’t clouded we can analyze aesthetically the man without any such weakness.

I would say that the runway model is closer to the aesthetic ideal of the female, focusing on facial beauty but is not perfect insofar as, their job is ultimately to wear the clothes and not to be beautiful in all ways, not to distract, thus their forms are encouraged to be straight, small, overly skinny, breastless even, rather when I say the word “shapely” we all get in our minds what the actual peak female beauty is, a woman with proportional breasts and ass which are large but overly large, with appropriate hip to shoulder ratios, for this reason I would say the actress more often satisfies the aesthetic ideal because they need to be both sexually attractive but also look good in a cold aesthetic form, thus why the sex symbol is more often an actress or singer.

>> No.20456798
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Here an example from Monroe. I have contemplated this in the context of the trap, I’ve actually spoken to a number of women who try to dress like the trap because, being designed by men, it has means of disguising the weaker secondary sexual characteristics thus the more mid-tier women gain from aping their dressing style, and from what I understand they use their naturally broader shoulders to create a similar pseudo V while using posture and camera angle to disguise basically everything else, I would say the trap/Tranny fetish we see so commonly on 4chan is of the three types a form of the erotic impulse deriving from a kind of mental corruption deriving primarily from anime/hentai consumption. I say this because if we analyze the trap aesthetic it’s fundamentally a modification of the e-girl style, which is an application of make up to create hyper-stimulus of the sexual traits and uses clothing and excessive colors and so forth to replicate anime and doujins, this is most recognizable in the prominence of the “ahegao” which is a fictional depiction of a look of orgasm which the e-girl has absorbed completely. A funny side effect of this if we truly analyze the e-girl, is the blending of western and eastern pop culture in them has resulted precisely in the predicted cyber-punk aesthetic that we see was predicted in the 90s and 2000s, especially in those e-girls which work to ape the punk and gothic aesthetics on account not of having interest in these but on account of knowing men have developed erotic desire towards these looks. So I think the e-girl and trap fixation are proofs that the common person isn’t looking for aesthetics in general but instead the aesthetic is at most secondary and their primary interest is the erotic-escalation.

>> No.20456805
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A single element I should add is, while I do believe there is an aesthetic female form which is not the erotic/sexual, I would say there is a multiplicity of aesthetic female forms which are held on a person by person, and culture by culture basis, for example in the most primitive examples such as the venus of willendorf the uncommonness of obesity made the beautiful to be the ratios of the obese woman, for hers is an aesthetic super-stimulus designed around abstraction of the erotic into an unnatural(to them) form of super-beauty. Thus ratio and health still has dominance it is just that this is defined differently due to cultural developments. But again cleopatra is given as a example of beautiful woman for a reason, or if You desire read the imagines of philostratus, which is a written account but also prose poetry concerning various paintings and visual art pieces by the Greco Roman written in the third century. You will find description of women that is not at all against the aesthetic sensibilities of the modern man.

>> No.20456815

At the bare minimum you should know one’s brother and one’s partner if you are as smart as you think you are

>> No.20456821

The vast majority of murder, torture, rape and theft is done by men, not by women. Women are simply more empathetic, more merciful, more charitable and kinder than men.

However, men are fairer and more just than women who tend to arbitrariness.

Yes, I am.

>> No.20456889

>The vast majority of murder, torture, rape and theft is done by men,

Murder is debatable since women are more likely to get away with it and don’t have the power to do it so publicly, also due to economics women can get away from not doing it for gang related reasons, instead prostituting themselves, which I consider equally as wrong. Also you’re wrong about theft, most statistics show women perform more theft on average, rape is obviously more male as is robbery, there is also the truth that women get convicted less often and found out less often, I would also argue that government/law isn’t the Basis of my morality and most people don’t say he lad is equivalent to their morality, and in that regard women are often chief degenerates socially, and a woman if not regulated almost certainly will be immoral in terms of social matters.

>Women are simply more empathetic,

Not true from my experience, men statistically give more to charity in terms of how often they do it and in terms of how much, but also men in general are very empathic to the common person and their suffering usually, they just don’t express it in overwhelming emotion, but usually action and helpful ways.

>more merciful,

Subjective desu.

>kinder than men.

Depends on a number of factors, I’d say the common man is kinder on average.

>> No.20456935


Holy autisim batman. It's ok to want to fuck men you know

>> No.20456983

See the above, I’ve no desire to, it’s on the question of do we really aesthetically evaluate the women we are sexually attracted to, and I think for the most part we don’t so often as we just erotically look at them.

>> No.20456999
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there are

>> No.20457010

All suck shit

>> No.20457016
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>> No.20457076

Ayn Rand, you stupid frogposter.

>> No.20457145

fug, tripfag is wholly right for once

still a faggot and should neck urself tho

>> No.20457150
File: 50 KB, 1024x461, Weil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20457214

There are, you just have to have a more holistic view of philosophy. All sciences are a part of philosophy, all scientists are (lesser) philosophers, thus women scientists are (lesser) philosophers. If you extend this to social and human sciences, you end up with a relatively large pool of (admittedly lesser and misdirected) philosophers.
The question is why are there so few women that seek to approach knowledge from the general rather than the topical, why they almost never tend to reach for the eidetical rather than the empirical.
In the end it matters little. Without a proper idealistic foundation to science and philosophy, all inquiries are tentative, be they made by men or women.

>> No.20457251

>The vast majority of murder, torture, rape and theft is done by men, not by women.
Women are not capable of reliably doing violence to men.
>Women are simply more empathetic, more merciful, more charitable and kinder than men.
No, its just that if you can't do something your personality eventually shapes itself around it. Women are not physically capable of being violent to the degree that enables them to overpower people socially.

>> No.20457347

the venus is a shitpost, otherwise true

>> No.20457386

Doesn’t philosophy prove it to be tentative

>> No.20457424

Men are just better at suicide

>> No.20457438

>Women are simply more empathetic, more merciful, more charitable and kinder than men.
The defining characteristic of women isn't empathy, mercy, charity, or kindness. It's deceit. Men have always taken what they wanted through brute force. Women have always taken what they wanted through deceit. The idea that women have more empathy is laughably quaint in today's gynocentric every boy left behind world. It's magical how empathy happens to disappear as soon as women get what they want.

>> No.20457591

Women>incels, AIAEC

>> No.20457635

>Murder is debatable since women are more likely to get away with it and don’t have the power to do it so publicly,
There is no debate, because this is flat out wishing for something to be true that isn't. No gender gets away with it more, women are just more likely to get reduced charges, at least that's the judicial trend in western countries. I haven't looked at international results, so it might be different. Didn't read the rest.
t. lawyer

>> No.20457650

Makes sense

>> No.20457662

Men lie 4% more than women bro. I'm... I'm sorry.

>> No.20458334

Not a real philosopher. Besides didn't she identify as a man?

>> No.20458345


>> No.20458350

Weil is the only one on that list worth mentioning, and she was a mystic not a philosopher.

>> No.20458386
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Why anyone would waste their time reading these nobodies when you could instead read the great male thinkers is beyond me. Women are a mistake

>> No.20458403

Based to post her but she's more a mysticist than a philosopher.

>> No.20458457

Women started with the extreme handicap of having to give birth to people. This defined the power dynamic in unfathomable ways and naturally put man in charge of almost everything. Given the recent invention of the pill I don't see how one can make an absolute claim of superior intelligence. Might be, but it's simply too early in history to make absolute claims.

>> No.20458470

Muh evil white men

>> No.20458485

Okay so sexual dimorphism women became more biologically wired to breed and be useless