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20454497 No.20454497 [Reply] [Original]

YLYL /lit/ edition


>> No.20454512

these are the only threads on /lit/ with no losers

>> No.20454533 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20454548
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>> No.20454565
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>> No.20454571

Better than my Phil 101 essay about how I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE, hate the idea of free will, support hedonistic nihilism and denounce Nietzsche (despite having never read him) just because the professor said he liked him.

>> No.20454583

KEK, this is the only funny line ever put to paper

>> No.20454622
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>someone actually being funny on /lit/

I've seen it all now

>> No.20454924
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>> No.20454965
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I lost. The perchance at the end really caps it off

>> No.20455033
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If your post counts then I've finally lost.

>> No.20455049
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Guenonfags, I kneel.

>> No.20455059

> You can't just say "perchance"
Ok, this got me. This is probably fake but the crossed out "I believe" is making me think twice, honestly. Could just be a teacher with a sense of humor. Very funny either way.

>> No.20455077

Not really funny, just rude :,(

>> No.20455354

I wonder if any of those funny school texts with teacher comments was ever actually real.

>> No.20455571

Holy kek
What book is this anon?

>> No.20455595

kek isn't that from the bible?

>> No.20455758

I think it's Storm of Steel, by Junger.

>> No.20455781
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>> No.20455782

can someone explain this to me, im a mindlet

>> No.20455796

always cracks me up

>> No.20455892

Thanks anon

>> No.20455990


>> No.20456085
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>> No.20456111
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>> No.20456232

Yeah I never really understood the hype around Kerouac

>> No.20456241


>> No.20456475

>perchance again at the end
my fucking sides

>> No.20456529

what the fuck does any of this even mean

>> No.20457027
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>> No.20457228


>> No.20457259
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>> No.20457264
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>> No.20457272
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>> No.20457278
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>> No.20457282
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>> No.20457286
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>> No.20457291
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>> No.20457306
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>> No.20457314
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>> No.20457317
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>> No.20457331
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>> No.20457341
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>> No.20457354
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>> No.20457359

>fucking trap gods
Holy based

>> No.20457362
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>> No.20457378
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>> No.20457388

wait a fucking minute I've quoted Junger to people before
I had no idea he was an actual Nazi

>> No.20457390
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>> No.20457399

great even the digits are mocking me
I hope nobody went to look up who he was

>> No.20457405
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>> No.20457419
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>> No.20457425
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>> No.20457430
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>> No.20457441

>better known for other works

>> No.20457446
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>> No.20457455
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>> No.20457458

>get laughed at by catty bitches
>Instant Loss them
Huemac was the Chad I wish to be.

>> No.20457473
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>> No.20457479
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>> No.20457488
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>> No.20457496
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>> No.20457506
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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion on goodreads is like 3.5 stars

>> No.20457509
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>> No.20457518
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>> No.20457533
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>> No.20457539
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Man what is going on here

>> No.20457541
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>> No.20457548
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That's it for me.

>> No.20457557
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Someone needs to visit the outdoors

>> No.20457574

Stopped reading

>> No.20457581

Reminds me of the Ted K one

>> No.20457584

These got me

>> No.20457589
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>> No.20457594
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>> No.20457606
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>> No.20457616


>> No.20457654

better than anime

>> No.20457672
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This should be the painting

>> No.20457704
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>> No.20457747

The first book Texe Marrs, who is primarily known for being an anti-semitic Alex Jones, wrote is titled "A perfect name for your pet". So while the meme is false, a related statement is true.

>> No.20457758

This reads like a Reddit post.

>> No.20457784

What a chad, wish I could meet him.

>> No.20457820

Hitler was a protestant? I thought he was born in Austria.

>> No.20457856

Were the remainder of these pages blank?

>> No.20457875

I can’t find that quote

>> No.20457895

He was Catholic in his youth but loathed all religion upon discovering /r/atheism

>> No.20457903

Even a reddit post is more natural and sovlful.

>> No.20457908
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>> No.20458001

This is the only funny post ever made on /lit/.

>> No.20458064

None of these are funny.

>> No.20458086
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>> No.20458247


unironically quite on point, though

>> No.20458583

That's pretty clever.

>> No.20458671

U really do sound like a freshman kek

>> No.20459837

None of these are funny.

>> No.20459882
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will Jordan Memerson ever recover?
or fix his god damned family and slut daughter?

>> No.20460005

He wasn't. He fought in WW1.

>> No.20460039
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>> No.20460052
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>> No.20460057

These threads always prove that many posters on lit have a terrible sense of humor

>> No.20460058

That makes them sound like more interesting books than they really are

>> No.20460069
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>> No.20460098

Everyone is looking at this bloke like he’s schizo because none of his beliefs relate to anything or will change anything but it’s about the same for any common man with politic beliefs anyway.

>> No.20460105

Vegeta was a bitch though. What inspiration is he getting from that?

>> No.20460111

>child's handwriting
>letter grade instead of number

>> No.20460124

I think it’s just supposed to cover what’s inside to force you to open the door to have the added 0.00001% chance you actually buy something or something silly like that

>> No.20460135

based mother. She knows the answer. It's North Korea deception meant to hide the fact that we are entering a recession with food supply shortages.

>> No.20460143

He was openly anti-nazi in Nazi germany and got away with it.

>> No.20460144
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>> No.20460152

The real answer is programmable price tags brw. There's a whole industry built around trying to make retail tag updating easier because wagies are bad at it and often just don't do it at all

>> No.20460179
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>There's a whole industry built around trying to make retail tag updating easier because wagies are bad at it and often just don't do it at all
Couldn't be me, haha...

>> No.20460384
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>> No.20460393
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>> No.20460394

Honestly I was hooked by the first sentence.

>> No.20460396

No one can write good without experiencing loss. Happy people don't write. Simple as.

>> No.20460421
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>> No.20460496

>better known for other work
kek is that necessary?

>> No.20460562


I've investigated his mathematical work and it's quite real. I wanna say at some point I came across another instance of the article (maybe on Jstor, or how it actually looked in the journal apart from the author's own pdf), and I want to say there was another version of the footnote. It would have amounted to actually saying the same thing, but it may have been a bit less "cute".

The train of thought being investigated in the involved article has to do with the relatively un-serious topic of how to multiply numbers (in some given base) such that the product has the digits reversed. In his Mathematician's Apology, Hardy (per a book of amusements due to Coxeter IIRC) tossed off 1089 and its double, 2178: multiplying the former by 9 gives its digit reversal 9801, and multiplying the latter by 4 gives its digit reversal 8712.

This basic idea was taken up and formally generalized in a few notes in one math journal during the 60s/70s. At that point, Kaczynski was still an active mathematician, and like all active academics he was looking to pad his article count, so he submitted a note continuing the discussion in the same journal and it was published. This topic is distinct from his most serious work, dealing with boundary functions. Decades later, a woman (the author of the footnote) did a further article re-capping the history and theory of the given topic, which happens to involve Kaczynski.

>> No.20460604

Reddit cringe.

>> No.20460668
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>> No.20460672

is watching the movies better than reading these books

>> No.20460721
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>> No.20460741
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>> No.20460843
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>> No.20460860


>> No.20462039
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Thinking about those beans

>> No.20462176

Love this book

>> No.20462206

This one is decently funny. Too bad no one on this board has actually read Ulysses

>> No.20462209

Bread is bad for ducks, clogs their insides and kills them. Fuck Karl, he's a faggot. Not funny.

>> No.20462233

Damn Barnes & Noble Classics gettin' to be fire I see

>> No.20463077
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