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/lit/ - Literature

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20452956 No.20452956 [Reply] [Original]

Why are their users so hated on here? They seem literate atleast

>> No.20452965

They have the most soiboi and sjw takes, plus they use cringe words like "y'all" and "problematic"

>> No.20452967

go back, not literature

>> No.20453001

I gradually realized that the medium with which you engage subtly shapes your way of thinking and acting. Twitter makes you act like a coquettish teenage girl. That's who it's for. Clicking the little heart button is extremely gay. If you step back and see how unmanly it is, it's astonishing. It's not even truly feminine, it's too childish

>> No.20453017

>They seem literate atleast

They're not.

>> No.20453019

Hm sounds about right. What about 4chan then as a medium?

>> No.20453022

I have been banned from twitter for about 2 weeks now. I hate it, hurry up elon

>> No.20453036

4chan attracts autists

>> No.20453045

As far as the major social media sites go:
Youtube > Instagram >>> Facebook > Tik Tok >>>Twitter
Functioning humans only use the first and occasionally the second.

>> No.20453051

I get banned way more on 4chan and way longer than on Twitter

>> No.20453061

I also thought like this but there’s diversity in Twitter too, you can choose to follow and create very different experiences based on your choices

>> No.20453078

This. Reddit is thankfully a burger thing so It isn‘t really „major“ social media

>> No.20453084

Anonymous fourchin posters are forever territorial and fragile. They’ve moaned on and on about every other site that came and went, gaia, livejournal, tumblr, Twitter, myspace, Facebook, instagram, reddit, tiktok, etc. they’re extremely jealous and hateful people. They come from high school and are used to the divisions of tables and cliques.

>> No.20453096

the crazy thing is how culturally relevant twitter seems to be and how few people there actually are posting on twitter.
Any topic or news item, you will know how the twitter gestalt feels about it shortly. Twitter is content for other social media sites, they even report on big tweets on the local news. Twitter has defined the democratic agenda and affected workplace and student culture. Fucking crazy considering it's supposed to be a percentage of a percent of the population.
Social media, all of it, needs to be destroyed.

>> No.20453102
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tribalism, basically. See pic related, you draw a line and faggots will fight over which side of the line is better

90% of people in 4chan are faggots, there are 10% of them who are okay
90% of twitter users are faggots, there are 10% of them who are okay
90% of reddit users are faggots, there are 10% of them who are okay

But 4chan users think Reddit users are faggots, Reddit users think Twitter users are faggots, Twitter users think everyone is a faggot. Understanding other people takes a certain level of intelligence that most neurotypicals here don't have.

>> No.20453106

redditor spotted

>> No.20453127

yes I have a monthly premium subscription to all 3 top news sites, 4chan reddit and tik tok

everything else is unnecessary

>> No.20453149
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Twitter is to hate-follow people. It's a site that normalizes stalking of people who wrote/said things that irritated you. It's a clearing house for stalkers and a propagator of the stalker mentality.

>> No.20453152

I want to limit my social media time to only one website, so I have to know which site produces the most quality content on average. Is it 4chan?

>> No.20453157

Freedom of speech was a mistake

>> No.20453160

That thing is fucked up

>> No.20453161

People that don't like censorship and aren't afraid of seeing words like "nigger"

>> No.20453168

Youtube is all right as a store of knowledge that doesn't offend the ruling class, but not when used as social media. Social media turns you into a bug

>> No.20453175

You can't just visit one website, unfortunately. It's either going balls deep into social media or staying out. If you can afford the tax of not knowing what is THE RECENT THING I would suggest staying away from ALL social media. Twitter, 4chan, all of it. Don't even check Youtube commentaries.

>> No.20453182

4chan is the Judaism of social media?
Twitter is an intelligence asset, thats why it was made popular and relevant, why CNN and Fox will report on tweets all the time

>> No.20453192

Jesus...but I like to some of the recommendations and charts 4chan has pumped out over the years. If I stay away from all social I at least need to read some books you know

>> No.20453204

twitter is the best social network

>> No.20453208

Twitter is like braindead youtube comments but without any actual youtube videos.

>> No.20453228

Funny because in many ways it symbolizes the anti-social network. People are just online to engage in petty microblogging squabbles

>> No.20453231

You could just google "book recommendations" or "movie recommendations" and also get recommendations. You don't need all the discussion around it. You're better off without ALL social media

>> No.20453249

they are equally (if not a bit more) braindead and arrogant as /lit/ users, the difference being that 90% users just follow the current trends and le science (the other 10% gets banned for not agreeing with the rest) whereas a 4chan user is contrarian for the sake of it

>> No.20453251

Your most likely right, but in that case, why are you still here?

>> No.20453260

What’s his fucking problem?

>> No.20453271

Hi Klaus.

>> No.20453276

>Twitter is an intelligence asset
Probably. It being "sold" to frontman Elon Musk is somewhat amusing.

>> No.20453278

that's just gametheory 101. the design shapes the meta. twitter is very good for quick short announcements. news can circulate and unprecedented speeds. if you're a business or news outlet, then twitter is very positive. but from an individual user perspective, twitter is essencially a glorified gossip hall. and who gossips the most? that's right, teenage girls.
4chan creates a safe enviroment for individual growth. people value the truth inherently. the only reason why people hide their thoughts in public is because they get punished for them. anonymity allows people to make mistakes and be wrong and as a result of that, people can be criticised and learn from those mistakes. the consequence of that is that 4chan has a userbase with a significantly above average IQ compared to other social media.
remember, you can't be bullied if you're anonymous. people arguing that we need ID confirmation to reduce online bullying have literal braindamage. associating your online identity with your real life identity, results in making you a target in real life. online bullying does not exist if your ID is anonymous.

>> No.20453291

>4chan has a userbase with a significantly above average IQ compared to other social media.
This is only more evidence that IQ is a meaningless metric when it comes to true intelligence aka wisdom.

>> No.20453315

>Twitter is an intelligence asset
They all are, including here.

>> No.20453325

good post except the IQ part. Makes you sound like a snob a bit

>> No.20453326

compared to what? twitter? facebook? give an example.

>> No.20453331

There are probably as many intelligent posts/people here as there are on twitter.

>> No.20453358

That’s what I like about it. Twitter is a completely level playing field. You have direct access to anyone you want. There is no distinction between anonymous accounts and world leaders, no friend requests, you don’t even need to be following someone to reply to their posts. I hate what the centralisation of information has done to the internet, but at least twitter has created an open world experience where some guy with a furry sonic OC profile picture can ratio Barack Obama. It’s really like an rpg where the verified characters are the NPC’s who drive the narrative, but you can select whatever build you want to participate in the story and shitpost.

>> No.20453361

>They seem literate
You need to go back

>> No.20453362

go back to gaia online faggot

>> No.20453365

Nah I don't buy it. People still valie the opiniom of a celeb more regardöess of what they post. Judging a post truly of its content is only possible in complete anonymity

>> No.20453367

I fucking hate phoneposting

>> No.20453379

No, I agree with that part. I meant level playing field in that you are free to talk to anyone you want at any time. The celebrities have all the influence, but you can still interact with them and become part of the pantheon in your particular twitter ghetto if you successfully bait them into responding or ratio them, which isn’t possible in other social networks.

>> No.20453391


>> No.20453406

@wef blocked me and has comments turned off.

>> No.20453418

But there are a lot more unintelligent posts on Twitter so 4chan gives you a better ratio

>> No.20453422


>> No.20453431

Populated by cancerous kids and their shit takes full of angst.

>> No.20453434

I can focus on the intelligent posts on twitter by only following intelligent people and choosing not to read most comments.

>> No.20453439


>> No.20453465

Who the fuck is jealous about gaia?

>> No.20453470


>> No.20453491

Completely wrong and I expect as much from a braindead twitter user. 4chan users prefer 4chan specifically because they dislike divisions and tables and cliques. Anonymous is anonymous, there are no social cues here just ideas. On those sites it's all about the numbers, the social alliances, the infighting, real life but on the computer. 4chan may have retards too but it's still better than all that shit.

>> No.20453511

It isn't literature and it promotes e-celeb faggotry, the most cancerous of all faggotries

>> No.20453561

>They seem literate atleast
They're as literate as /lit/.

>> No.20453573

You’ve seen the catalog? This is sadly the best thread.

>> No.20453577

It's full of pretentious platitudes and circle-jerky "preaching to the choir" posts. Twitter posters commonly like to delude themselves into thinking they are posting profound aphorisms but it's mostly dreck. The character limit is stupefying and it's a horrible medium for in depth discussion. Asinine political contextualization to everything too. Posts are very scarce when it comes to veracity or credibility.

>> No.20453579

It was brief, but I saw it some. Pre-Boxxy period.

>No! We are pure! All others are jealous of us!!

>> No.20453583

>Twitter posters commonly like to delude themselves into thinking they are posting profound aphorisms but it's mostly dreck.
So, twitter is like /lit/? Why do we hate them again?

>> No.20453601

>Why do we hate them again?
Namefags. That’s it.