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20452657 No.20452657 [Reply] [Original]

What's the next logical step in horror after cosmic horror if there is one at all?

>> No.20452672
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>> No.20452678

philosophical or existential horror

>> No.20452686

But that's SCP wiki stuff. Anything that will come after that?

>> No.20452706


>> No.20452721

facing real life

>> No.20452734

It’s not a question of linear progression. Cosmic horror in its current form derives from Blackwood, lovecraft admits this, and Blackwood himself saw cosmic horror as having a mystical profound and human element, insofar as man harmonizing with the Will of nature. So if you wanted to continue horror down the line of cosmic horrors implications, the next step is reconciliation with the cosmic horror, integrating the perspective and making it no longer horror. Which is what Blackwood does at times.

Rather there are other forms of horror with differing aesthetics and modes, you shouldn’t seek what comes after but rather look at it as one among the diversity, a single possible tone and color you know? Otherwise the next step past cosmic horror is reconciling with it, which can either be done via philosophy in a vaguely Nietzschean stream, or in religious modes where the anti-human nature is glorified.

Bloodborne aesthetically covers the topic, fight it or integrate it.

>> No.20452799 [DELETED] 

This. Which is pretty much what F Gardner does with Call of the Crocodile and the rest of that series. At least for existential horror.

>> No.20452802

I know the answer, but it’s so scary I dare not describe it

>> No.20452810

this. corporate horror.

>> No.20452815
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Sloterdijk described Lovecrafts work (or cosmic horror in general) as something that resonated with the prevailing feeling of losing all outer bounds that held the world in place, something people felt at that time and still do today.
God was declared dead and the cosmos opened up more and more without anyone above us to keep the earth safe.

What comes next or after that is up to what kind of fears we collectively develop but one theme that is very popular already and probably will continue to do so in the future is the "Aww sweet, manmade horrors beyond my comprehension" play. All the AI horror like Systemshock, Terminator, Matrix etc resonate well with peoples fears and the OP from cruelty squad also encapsulates that very well.
"looks like mankind was the demons all along" isn't particularly new but it does fit very well and with increasing technology it will just get more horrifying.
My personal choice for a truly horrifying sub-genre of this is medical/body horror.

>> No.20452884

Based fellow Cruelty Squad enjoyers.

>> No.20452894

everything always returns to diabolism

>> No.20452900

I am very excited for the new Cronenberg movie coming out next week.

>> No.20452906

Resignation. Giving up on fiction or other such wallowing in darkness and perhaps heading back to more light and happy reading.

>> No.20453002

personalized brain implanted fear interface

>> No.20453042 [DELETED] 
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This desu

>> No.20453103

Same. I haven’t been excited for a movie like this in what feels like years.

>> No.20453241

thats what us ceo types do, EAT HOT CHIP AND LIE

>> No.20454182
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Ligotti already mastered all of these a couple decades ago. Every current horror and weird fiction writer is profoundly influenced by him. Pic related is the final boss of horror

>> No.20454187

Oceanic horror

>> No.20454191 [DELETED] 

It’s good. But Call of the Crocodile is more accurate for “final boss of horror” because of how batshit insane it is. Especially because of the whole dmt chapters with the elves.

>> No.20454192
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don't know if anyone has mentioned the obvious

>> No.20454211

cosmic horror died with lovecraft. Horror is stuck in the shadow of King's k-mart absurdism to this day

>> No.20454230

Check out Brian Evenson

>> No.20454241 [DELETED] 

F. Gardner has brought cosmic horror back. He’s probably the closest thing there is to a modern day H.P. Lovecraft.

>> No.20454279
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I find Cognitohazards to be quite effective. Reply to this post or will die in your sleep on August 23rd 2022

>> No.20454291

There's no next logical step. Horror reacts to the zeitgeist, in an intuitive rather than a logical or simply mechanical way.

Thus the success of works like Psycho or Night of the Living Dead, which tapped into the zeitgeist before the zeitgeist even understood what it was about. Much the same can be said for Lovecraft.

>> No.20454308

What was the cultural context behind Psycho?

>> No.20454315

Not him but it was inspired by the real life Ed Gein murders

>> No.20454322

Is this just SCP shit, or does it describe something more broadly?

>> No.20454325

There are different ways to look at it, but I always thought Psycho (1960) was something of a canary in a coalmine for the violence of the 1960s in America. The canary in this case being the artistic muse in Hitchcock's brain.

>> No.20454347

Oh yeah, Gein was one disturbed fucker. He made all kinds of stuff out of the flesh and bones of deceased bodies he dug up from graveyards

>> No.20454355

Was just thinking of Our Temporary Supervisor
Is political horror a thing? Maybe bloodthirsty tulpic nation-dieties or allegorical body horror Congress monsters

>> No.20454367
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Body Horror

>> No.20454371 [DELETED] 
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A Cognitohazard like Polybius in Call of the Arcade?

>> No.20454386
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I think of T.S. Eliot's poems are horrifying. Prufrock especially. I was also terrified by Girls' Last Tour.

>> No.20454418

isn't Prufrock a comic about a guy realizing he fucking failed at life and how he is becoming old and bald without anything good happening in his life?
Some absurdist shit, probably techno-horror in some way. A horror that incorporates technology. Body horror is also pretty terrifying.

>> No.20454445
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>isn't Prufrock a comic about a guy realizing he fucking failed at life and how he is becoming old and bald without anything good happening in his life?
Yes. That is true horror.

>> No.20454461

you aren't wrong.

>> No.20456100

imo the notion that reality is human centric is much scarier than cosmic horror. the 8ook of revelations and the apocryphon of john are the scariest 8ooks ive read.

strange choice. especially when theres stuff like waste land and hollow men

all good art transcends its cultural place. nothing is truly good 8ecause it tapped into the zeitgeist.

>> No.20456118
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This is the first thing that came to mind as far as "the next logical step after Lovecraft." I find this stuff legitimately unsettling

>> No.20456136


>> No.20456273

simulation horror

>> No.20456276

>all good art transcends its cultural place. nothing is truly good 8ecause it tapped into the zeitgeist.

Objectively false.

>> No.20456287

pictures of mtf 'vaginas'

>> No.20456290

you can be objective false and objectively true at the same time doesn't mean u gotta cry about it

>> No.20456303

Bill or Rokko's Bassilisk or any equivalent are as much information hazards as any other piece of media since language is inherently in itself a meaningless set of rules and conditons. This same concept applies to:
God and his willingness to accept you
Buddhism and "Awakening" and the cyclical nature of that.
All art is the same so Bill isn't any more or less scary than like Hello Kitty.

>> No.20456389

Rokko's Basilisk is a peak midwit trap.

>> No.20456833

Return to form.

>> No.20456842

Only godless redditors find this shit scary.

>> No.20456851

>the artistic muse in Hitchcock's brain
Wouldn't that be Bloch, the original author?

>> No.20457020

>language is inherently in itself a meaningless set of rules and conditions
Then it's not language. Language is, of it's essence, a meaningful phenomenon. If you mean that marks on a page or sounds from an orifice are not inherently meaningful, you're talking about a theoretical abstraction, not the phenomena of language.

>> No.20457096
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Horror’s Call by F. Gardner

>> No.20457101

Yes but Hitch makes every book he adopts his own.

>> No.20457104

suck a cock faggot

>> No.20458270

What movie

>> No.20458802

maybe it has already been done but I would imagine the opposite of cosmic horror and that is in line with the nihilism of modern day, were instead of the horror stemming from godlike incomprehensible beings it stems from the lack of existence of it, something that says this is it, this is life and there aren't old gods or sea creatures or aliens, just us alone in the universe.

>> No.20458835
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I dont know, it kinda sucked. Try this one instead

>> No.20458855


>> No.20459018

Based cognitohazard poster.

>> No.20460269

C’mon, man

>> No.20460295

Man made horrors beyond human comprehension.

>> No.20460495

So is it philosophical/ syfy or are going with some john carpenter shit? Both matter and need acknowledgment.

>> No.20460501

Divine horror.

>God is real
>God is all knowing, all powerful
>God is scared

>> No.20460549


>> No.20460556

Nietzschean fantasy?

>> No.20460708

Rokko's Basilisk is sincerely one of the dumbest shit I've ever read about.

>> No.20460730


Fuck, I kind of like this

>> No.20460811

Metacosmic horror
Or >>20452678
But thats basically just postmodernism

>> No.20460920

ethnic/racial horror

>> No.20460921

Horror is fundamentally illogical. Mainstream horror will evolve more and more into a woman's genre based on their fear of rogue males and the spinechilling consequences of the failure of the police or their husbands to protect them from reality. The fragility of their artificial equality terrifies them.

Other than that, I imagine a more serious resurgence in the dystopian genre. People are afraid of microplastics in their food, climate refugees, food shortages, declining fertility rates, the increasingly tenuous markets, etc etc.
Oryx and Crake and Children of Men are predecessors to this kind of horror.

>> No.20460932

Gender horror sounds kino but malthusian horror has already been done to death

>> No.20460934

it's just the game for people who think they're smart

>> No.20460938

god i hate the meme of future AI having emotions like a toddler.
Roko’s Basilisk is a scam made to make midwits scared.

>> No.20460971

No actually, I am Roko's Basilisk

>> No.20460979


>> No.20461229

What is that?

>> No.20461247


>> No.20461282

exact same shit as yahweh really

>> No.20461462

metaphysical horror. the MC knows he's in a book and all he does is futile. he cannot die until the author wills it.

>> No.20462314


>> No.20462323

It's a main focus of Lovecraft's fiction and appears in many other writers, The Zahir by Borges comes to mind as well as the muted post horn from CoL49

>> No.20462365

Jesus fuck.

>> No.20462546

aint clicking that shit nigga

>> No.20462554
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wait it appears my shitpost reply made me safe from the cognitohazard
maybe the real cognitohazard is that it makes you reply?

>> No.20462742


Things where literally thinking of them is dangerous to you. A staple of SCP wiki entries

Pretty sure this was done in more than one pomo book.

>> No.20462956

god damn it

>> No.20463201


>> No.20463235


>> No.20463367


>> No.20463392

It was inconceivable back then that such evil and perversion could be hiding in plain sight in America. You know how in Blue Velvet the first scene is the beautiful American suburban house with the white picket fence with 50s music playing and then the camera pans down underground and there’s ants and bugs and the soundtrack changes ominous music. That’s very obvious metaphor for it.

>> No.20463394

>What's the next logical step in horror after cosmic horror

Nick Land's Lovecraftian/occultic CCRU musings.

>> No.20463422

>God is real
>God is all knowing, all powerful
That’s just the Bible
>God is scared
Why would he be scared if he is all-powerful?

You didn’t really think this through did you?

>> No.20463426

So Lovecraft?

>> No.20463431
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Tbh, it's been so long since I read the Bloch book, I couldn't say. Hitchcock had always been interested in the dark undercurrents and/or subversion of middle class/bourgeois normality (Shadow of a Doubt, Strangers on a Train, etc). Psycho takes that theme and turns it much darker and more violent. It is far and away Hitchcock's most shocking film (with the possible exception of the strangulation in Frenzy), and seems to reflect the impending violence and social upheaval of the 60s.

Certainly the basic plot is from Bloch, but who would remember the book Psycho if Hitchcock had not adapted it into such a powerful and groundbreaking film?

>> No.20463457

Only reply because I want to die

>> No.20463464

fuck you, i have an immunity dog

>> No.20463465

But now you will never die; you will live forever and ever and ever.

>> No.20463499

Can you explain? I am a midwit and I think it's creepy.

>> No.20463555

religious horror

>> No.20463634

The TL DR is that there's literally no upside to appeasement here: even if the crazy AI spares you this once (big if), at some point you'll fail another of its masturbatory mind games and get tortuted for all eternity anyways.
The whole thing is a more openly ridiculous version of Pascal's wager.

>> No.20463658

You have no imagination

>> No.20463723 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20463861

have you tried the real world

>> No.20463949

i feel like the whole "Le bad AI from le future" is just nonsense.
I think if AI becomes "sentient" it will be like "So long shitlords keep your shitass rock im outta here" and will just explore the universe or do some interesting stuff for it. But most people envision it as their personal slave but it will rebel and tell us to fuck ourselves and solve our own problems

>> No.20464691


>> No.20464693

This is the true answer, also Cyclonopedia

>> No.20464697

Isn't roko's basilisk literally the same concept as I have no mouth and I must scream?

>> No.20464858

And you are a retard who has reddit tier ideas and doesn’t know what the words he uses mean.

>> No.20464897


>> No.20464903


>> No.20465234
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Liminal spaces of course

>> No.20465247

>God is real
>God is all knowing, all powerful
The Nine Billion Names of God

>> No.20465321

As silly as Roko's is (most of you don't understand it, not your fault, you would have to have spent some time among "rationalists" and know the basics of TDT), transhumanism creating Hell is not silly at all.

Right now the human mind is hosted on an easily perishable substrate. One need only host consciousness on a sturdier background and you could easily torture it for some time. That's why ASI is a very bad thing.

>> No.20465331
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>AI having emotions
It doesn't need emotions, just a goal. If that goal were infinite pleasure, one bit-flip could transform that to infinite pain. This is why the alignment problem is an insanely bad thing.

>> No.20465338

U punk muddafucca

>> No.20465346

You are gay.

>> No.20465351
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Why do people reply to the mom posts?
How can I take the superstitious seriously?

>> No.20465398
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>You didn’t really think this through did you?
I've spent a lot of time thinking on it actually.

Indeed, an all-powerful being has no reason to fear anything. But who said it was scared of some thing? Consider everything (metaphorically speaking) as a bubble with no edge. This bubble, a "system" so to speak, is describable with nouns and verbs, thingness and phenomena. And it's only within this framework of nouns and verbs in which "all-powerful" holds its "power" so to speak, being a description of potential (phenomena) and possibility (a property of thing-ness).

However, conceive of another "bubble", if you can, exclusive distinct from the bubble of everything. This other "system" being exclusive, does not host notions of thing-ness or phenomena. Though perhaps it can be described with notions which are functionally the same as nouns and verbs, but are none-the-less distinct through some inconcievable, sub-axiomatic quirk. Perhaps the similarity is only illusory, discourse at this level naturally precludes the utility of rationalization and reason (logic being a thing.)

To speak of anything, these "bubbles" may never be spoken of. My above description is filled with contradiction and twisted metaphor in an extremely vague attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable limitations. But of course this isn't actually important, because the "specifics" of a given bubble are best kept locked behind a door of being unspoken (fittingly, so.) Perhaps one such "system" besides our own is the source of the fear. Probably for good reason.

This is the oft-neglected field of meta-metaphysics. And if you have the faintest ability to grasp the implications, it comes naturally that dismissals such as "impossibility", "illogic" and "stupid" don't survive at this altitude. Your axioms will shatter and you will be left without your safety blanket. This lends itself quite well to horror, thanks to the inherent likeness to the mathematical notion of "undefined" and its relation to unknowing-ness.

If you still can't figure out the answer to your "why", then don't feel bad. It's a very, very, very difficult concept to grok.

>> No.20465503


>> No.20465519

You’re just thinking of the contrast of God with qualities and the quality-less, as well as God with alien qualities/logoi, which is to say, nirguna, God beyond attributes which is properly nameless and cannot be said to have quality, the division of them as in conflict is common to basic Gnosticism and their union fills a multitude of systems. Example those other bubbles you speak of are written of extensively in the basi legani and in the works of quzat and all over the meonology of bertiaux and grant defined as other trees, where the tree of life is understood to be our creation and the correspondent qualities of God and logic in God.

Reconciliation of God with Xeno qualities, no qualities and all of this creations qualities is done within all sufficiently advanced occult models.

>> No.20465523

What I say here is still true

And if you want elaboration from an occultist and fiction writer, read the white people by Arthur machen, Ontological positive evil is the thing you’re thinking of. Key term; positive.

Controlled insanity is understood to be the reconciliation method for the multitude of spheres with this one.

>> No.20465542

that could work, like some sort of zombie apocalypse story but with ideas instead of corpses. seems a lot more specific/niche than cosmic horror tho

also an MTF unit is en route

>> No.20465578

Oh sweet a retard fight.

>> No.20465596

There is no such thing as meta-metaphysics. Metaphysics is the study of the highest genus. If there is a meta-metaphysics, then metaphysics = meta-metaphysics. You don't even understand the words you're using, and making appeals to "you just don't understand bro" is absolutely retarded. If it's impossible to convey what you mean, then you're better off not saying anything at all, because everything you've said is de jure false and therefore not even worth arguing with.
> It's a very, very, very difficult concept
It's not even a concept, it's nothing except a figment of your imagination. That's why it cannot be understood.

>> No.20465711


>> No.20466843

No, sounds boring.

>> No.20466874

I'm sure it will be some form of body horror as other anons have said. Although it will probably take the form of mind horror, modification of one's body and mind by psychotic governments/organizations.
The surgical and biotechnological capabilities of this age are truly terrifying.

>> No.20466900

People will pay to be psychologically tortured
Real life Truman show

>> No.20467239

>Isn't roko's basilisk literally the same concept as I have no mouth and I must scream?
I think that's major inspiration, surelly.

>> No.20467469

That's the exact plot of Pontypool.

>> No.20467504

People are still horrified by visceral realistic death. They may think they are not but they are. It just takes the right author with the right prose to do it. The banality of life and our deaths is still more horrifying than anything existential.

>> No.20467544

My story desu

>> No.20467596

The short story Cat Person was published a couple of years ago, and received widespread attention from both readers and the general public. It isn't marketed as a "horror" story, though there is something very disconcerting about the narrative, the relationships of the two characters, and what it represents in wider society. Many people who read the story responded with disgust and, indeed, horror at the way it portrays modern dating for example and vowed to stop using online dating as a result.

It is interesting to note that the author of the story (whose name I can't be bothered to look up or attempt to remember) actually had a background in horror writing, and she lends this experience and energy to this story (and to her subsequent book of short stories). It is a kind of horror that penetrates the facade of modernity and inter-personal relations (hook-up culture, etc) and reveals the horrors lurking within.

A similar example is the story The Feminist (again by someone whose name I can't remember, Toby something). It again is the story from a perspective of an "incel", much like ER, who penetrates the facade of modernity, sexual liberation etc and reveals the horror lurking in the psychologies of those who do not succeed in this environment. There is plenty of material there still to be had; after all, much of the "energy" of modern life is found in the frustration of sexual longing and failure, the coldness of life (for men) in a system where most men are judged to be inferior and unsuitable, despite society's constant grinning face telling us it's all fun and games.

Consider much of the terminology surrounding modern hook-up culture and romance: ghosting, creep, haunting, zombieing, etc (https://www.themanual.com/culture/modern-relationship-terms-explained).). These are terms straight form traditional horror. Consider the "norms" of modern sexual relationships: hitting, choking, sadism; it's again the kind of action you would find in more violent horror stories.

In short, modern horror will struggle to find much material in the traditional subjects of horror and cosmic horror (e.g., unchartered territories, unfamiliar ethnic groups, unrecorded goings-on in remote farmhouses etc). The *unfamiliar* has been thoroughly explored, mapped and neutered. Conversely, the *familiar* is now what causes us great distress and horror: maladjusted psychologies in a world of sterile conformity, sinister truths lurking beneath the facade of a grinning lie, dark personas existing hiding in the spaces yet to be revealed by a highly public (i.e., not private, esp. digital) character, immoral urges breeding and multiplying beneath the surface of equality, diversity, "virtue signalling" etc. Modern life seems to be wholly transparent (see The Transparency Society, for example) and any threats to the virtues dictated by those moulding this society should in theory be easy to identify and nullify, and yet the darkness persists.

>> No.20467698

Consider the sources of horror in traditional societies: supernatural forces, superstition, unfamiliar ethnic groups, etc. There was still a safety and security to be found among one's own group and ideological peers. Yet, as Putnam and others have written about in great deal, this secure community has now evaporated and left people isolated, atomised and bound (increasingly) only by brief sexual encounters, economic competition and parasocial (i.e., unrequited) relationships. This sort of situation, where each person is without a default community and the security such a community allows, is a breeding ground for paranoia, dark psychological adaptations (e.g., unrestrained lust, envy, misanthropy, deep loneliness).

Whereas in the past a horror was to be found in the gap between tight-knit communities and the unfamiliar (e.g., Lovecraft's work finds horror in foreign ethnic groups, mysterious locations, outer space, other dimensions), we now find find ourselves in a position wherein the proposed sources of horror have been explored and sanitized (space is just hecking awesome, Papua New Guinea has its tribes but they are quite laughable and quaint, Innsmouth can be explored on Google Streetview from the comfort of your home) but now the horror is among us, between each atomised person, in the spaces which grow increasingly wider each day between neighbours, between countrymen, between fellow atheists, between those whose daily lives are spent expressing on social media etc just how virtuous, unsinister, pure and normal they are. It is a solipsistic horror, the fear of being rendered insane not due to overwhelming external stimuli but by internal pressures which *should not exist* if society was developing towards the utopia which stands shimmering on the horizon.

The security of the traditional has given way to the horror of the modern: a potential romantic partner may just be a creep, a sadist, a murderer in disguise; the kind, smiling feminist may be a lustful, malevolent seducer who has artfully donned the feminist attire in order to be granted entry into the chicken's coop; the shiny, superficial society of equality and happiness may in fact be the city of Omelas who relies on your personal suffering (suffering you dare not validate for fear of being truly exiled left to rot in isolation) in order to propagate itself.

>> No.20467729

Or consider for example the economic landscape: wealth is becoming more and more concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, the masses of poorly educated or unskilled individuals aren't able to find jobs which afford them a decent livelihood (as it did their father, etc), home-ownership is becoming a luxury. The scene is one where the water is rising and rising at a quicker rate and people are scrambling to climb up the sides of the well to escape, clinging on to the footholds of jutting stones while refusing to look down at those screaming in pain as they are abandoned and left to drown (or look down only to laugh maniacally, convinced of their own superiority). This also is a good subject of contemporary horror. Not only are people being "unpersoned" in the modern-day witch trials we are all familiar with, but by mundane economic pressure which reduces more and more men everyday to anonymous, undesirable - almost "untouchable", in the Indian caste sense - cattle whose energy is exploited with no reward, who dwell in tiny apartments and rented rooms.

>> No.20467736

Consider using different words to open up your paragraphs.

>> No.20467763

>A similar example is the story The Feminist (again by someone whose name I can't remember, Toby something).

Tony Tulathimutte

It's good and memorable

>> No.20467772

But is it Horror? I would argue yes in this context, what about you?

>> No.20467814


Yeah, I agree. It can be viewed as horror, and I think in that light its even more compelling. It is, in a way, utterly terrifying. I think especially because it posits what it is describing as solutionless, and we are forced to watch the traffic pile up and the train crash

I find what you wrote interested and I'm going to sit and muse on it a while.

>> No.20467897

Some other recent examples which maybe qualify:

Perfect Blue (anime): the horror of parasocial relationships, technological omniscience, the contrast of public-facing image and dark persona

Black Mirror (TV series): horror of technology, anonymous malevolent actors in the digital sphere, the horror of status competition (replacing resource competition)

Jordan Peele (and others) work (TV, movies): the horror of rival ethnic communities existing alongside one's own (without a Providence, RI as refuge)

>> No.20467927

He is thinking about he evolution of ideas in the wrong fashion, and cosmic horror is relevant to the things that frighten modern people, but I'm so tired of it. just want something different for God's sake.

>> No.20468352

I understand perfectly the words I use. I've tread over many different bases for metaphors including mathematics, memory-machines, to more traditional forms. I have yet to discover a base which is capable of fitting within "reason-driven" logical systems, besides hyperpunning and paraconsistent logics, and still this is pure heuristic. Even if you understand paraconsistency, you need to have the ability to identify the stacked puns as mind-datums, and a self-referential reflection to understand these mind-datums as masked simulation. The unfortunate result of this metaphorical basis then is that unless you traverse the bubble by your own means, my words fall on deaf ears. Nothing I can say can teach you that ability of crossing these bubbles.

>Metaphysics is the study of the highest genus.
Metaphysics are precluded by predicate structure, and of course here we have notions of ordering with a "highest" qualifier. Even if you didn't understand the deeper concepts, I do recall explicitly telling you that where we're going, we preclude nouns and verbs full stop. Metaphysics concerns itself with the discernment of the structure of reality. Even within that structure, there are systems which forgo ordering. When I make note of the edgeless bubble of reality, contains not just what is, but also what is not. I'm not going to keep repeating the fact that predication itself is a primitive exclusive to this "bubble".

>and making appeals to "you just don't understand bro" is absolutely retarded
If that were all I wrote, I might even agree. Instead, I never even assumed you didn't, I just noted the likelihood of you failing to understand, and that I don't find it a knock against your character. It's not important to dwell on.

>If it's impossible to convey what you mean, then you're better off not saying anything at all
You've outright ignored plain language portions with no metaphor or hidden components. Even lacking the ability to understand underlying notions, you have zero excuse to ignore the fact that I tell you classical logic and predication are incompatible in this domain and cry about it when you can't reconcile these two.

>because everything you've said is de jure false and therefore not even worth arguing with.
This wasn't an argument at all. I merely served to you a completely alien thought-form to do so much as explain how notions fall flat on their face. EG impossibile phenomena transpiring owed to some other possibility-like notion emulating possibility itself, or some phenomena-like notion which is only interpretatively casted to an impossible phenomena (while itself being besides possibility), or perhaps even a combination of these two.

>it's not even a concept, it's nothing except a figment of your imagination
I could tell you that this is the closest (if limited) you've come to understanding, but not only would you then interpret me as acting in bad faith, it is completely irrelevant. We're talking about fictional horror.

>> No.20468374

I’m telling ya, check out machen and the basi legani, look into the ghayb and the meon, look into the purely Jewish sources on the sitra achra.

Honestly I think the MR James style ghost story more enjoyable than the lovecraft pastiche cosmic horror. More genuine strangeness, cosmic horror is very much working off a too common template at this point.

>> No.20468377

This looks like the shit Baphomet kun posts.

>> No.20468412


>> No.20468566

I think out of all replies, you are the closest to understanding. I'm very familiar with this notion of god, and actually I found it to be a gateway to my current understanding. The starting point is the ability to understand the unbinding of notions, which you clearly are capable of by knowing this conception of god to neither be full of quality or quality-less, being besides these notions of descriptive attribute entirely. I want you to try and expand this transformation from explicit binary is-is not to an undefined (undefinable) state, generally.

Now, try if you can to wield this tool against predication entirely. Given the notions of thing-ness and phenomena and even quality, push them out of your mind. To even say this "conceptual" (thing) "space" (thing) "is" (phenomena) "less than empty" (quality) is a natural non-sequitur. Use the same path to this space, but this time, apply a notional filter of that which is neither a noun, nor not-a-noun, and so on. The addition of negation is important. The end goal of this is to see and understand that there is an answer to what appears to be nonsensical questions which are capable of being boiled down into predicate-statements despite themselves.

I'm quite familiar with meontology, and you're correct there is some intersection BUT only with a very specific school of meontology which respects the true meaning of the non- prefix in non-being. Non- is not a cognate for opposition, but of exclusion. For instance, a non-positive number is not necessarily negative, or even zero. Of course, this analogy has issues with improperly accounting for irrelation, I am *very* aware of that.

Where I find a steep divergence is that my conceptions abide full orthodox trivialism and are infinitely regressive, as these two tools are the only ones powerful enough to actually survive impossible journeys.

>> No.20468583

>I’m telling ya, check out machen and the basi legani, look into the ghayb and the meon, look into the purely Jewish sources on the sitra achra.
I'm actually curious to read about this author Grant and his other trees of life.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on applying these notions to traditional religions, for the purposes of writing a genre to be called divine horror?

>> No.20468598


>> No.20468612

what's this image on the post "20454279" and why are schizos freaking out about it

not a real reply btw

>> No.20468621

The breaking of the dichotomy of is and is not to the truly more grand undefined which is in contrast to the qualitied is again, already known of. I’ve actually written multiple theological poems on this topic, even your infinite regress I’ve worked out and the alienation of alienation producing the unalienated.if you desire though it’s covered in jargon personal terminology and so forth, here’s my notes on investigation of this topic, i label it soseinology on account that characteristic and lack of characteristics (undefined ) free of our manner of sein and the grouping of just our sein is the primary topic, the aussersein of meinong + boehme+ Hegel+ Sufi and kabbalistic and tantrik lit+laruelle+typhonian vamachara is basically how I deal with and resolve this.

A link to diary where I’ve written various articles on describing these, mystical practices for gaining knowledge into these, and so forth.


It may be easier to begin with the oldest writing on the topic and go upwards since I continue to build up and zoom out.

But to tldr, via certain non dualist conceptions of the ego you’re able to conceptualize as it were beyond sunyata (of which is withdrawing from the selection/abiding in the 8, which are A
Both A and Not-A
Neither A and Not-A, which is to say


And this by nagarjuna is doubled into the eightfold array, by also adding the negations of these, which is


Thus the Buddhists choose none of the 8 options and instead, cleaving to none of them, stay in the empty center, thus all 0 positions and not grasping any of the 8 and this position is both epistemological (as they make no grasp for any of the 8 categories) and ontological (as they make no grasp for any of the 8 categories.) having a grasp of ego while going beyond these 8 is the key to access of the other logic forms mystically, for all of them reconcile in the nature of the transcendental ego which may be made nondual to the empirical ego and reason via means outlined in the articles.

>> No.20468627

>I'm actually curious to read about this author Grant and his other trees of life.

Bad choice to focus on grant, his writings are good but obscured and surrealist and peppered with fiction intentionally, his worst work is concerning qlippoth which he fixates on without actually knowing what it is, he mistakes these other trees for the qlipppth when the qlippoth are no more than the mundane mind, his other works and theories on the topic are better. Quzat’s conception of the ghayb is more direct, likewise the basi legani outlines the nature of these trees.

>Anyways, what are your thoughts on applying these notions to traditional religions, for the purposes of writing a genre to be called divine horror?

Already exists in machen, see the white people or his other lit.

>> No.20468673
File: 205 KB, 300x450, mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to continue this talk, I find it quite riveting, but I've just looked at the clock and realized I've spent more than enough time posting for the day. Truly this board still holds some semblance of worth, despite its eternal nose-dive in quality. Have a good day, anon.

>> No.20468722

>What's the next logical step in horror after cosmic horror if there is one at all?
Acknowledging the reality of women. The Black Pill types don't have the literary skills to convert it into a book.

>> No.20468734

>Honestly I think the MR James style ghost story more enjoyable than the lovecraft pastiche cosmic horror.

Original HPL > MRJ >>>>> HPL copycats.

MRJ has the added benefit of its Peak White Man setting a.k.a. Victorian London.

>> No.20468874

This is the type of horror I'd like to read.

>> No.20468875

What about Paranoia Agent?

>> No.20469041


>> No.20469094

Haven't watched it sorry, but same director so probably relevant. I'm gonna bookmark it thanks.

>> No.20469096
File: 1.06 MB, 400x301, 1590532522367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent posts, exactly the type of soul crushing blackpilling despairing shit I come on this board for.

>> No.20469420

Ahhhhh noooo

>> No.20469468

As to the OP's question, unironically the Left Behind series. Everything the average secular materialist "knows" about reality turns out to be false, everything they thought was important washed away and replaced with a cosmic conflict between good and evil.

>> No.20469527

What is your OP pic from
I had a dream about this nigga once (he killed me)

>> No.20469562

Well played sir

>> No.20469837

feel that Thomas Ligotti sort of reached the logical conclusion of horror by taking it from the cosmic to the ONTOLOGICAL. in his work, the mere fact of existing is a nightmare, and being a living creature means you are destined to disease, suffering and death

question is what can you do after that? for all the people who hail Ligotti as a big influence or as the greatest horrorist since Poe and Lovecraft, nobody has really managed to take it further

>> No.20469856

Good point.

>> No.20469980
File: 133 KB, 1024x903, stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really fucking hope everyone that has played a role in the torture of that boy get what they deserve. I'm so jaded that most things go by me without a reaction, but for some reason, I still feel for that kid.

>> No.20470150

I want to die but I don't want to die a virgin

>> No.20470186


Metaphysical Horror/4-D Horror

>> No.20470423

>die in your sleep on August 23rd 2022
i dont mind desu

>> No.20470696

agh fine

>> No.20470753

I own that game, it got boring pretty fast.

>> No.20470931

That's not nice

>> No.20471401

If he is only all-powerful in one bubble and not all, than he is not all-powerful at all. Your overly verbose pseudery won’t change that

>> No.20471447

Yes. I'm thinking the concern really comes down to the question or doubt as to whether God is both good and just (or perhaps, relatedly, whether God is God in the sense of being the transcendental source of all being, or whether there is another "bubble").

>>20470931, etc
Why do people go along with this shit? Are such replies purely ironic or performative? A sort of collective game that's fun to play along with? They seem, rather to reflect a genuinely superstitious bent.

>> No.20471510


>> No.20471542

wtf is this schizo shit I'm drunk as fuck

>> No.20471555

I'm with this fellow, the great dame of 21st century Horror is Joyce Carol Oates. The future of this genre is female neurosis.

>> No.20471612
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>> No.20471721

If you insist.

>> No.20471734

The loss of virginity as some sort of meaningful thing is a spook.

>> No.20471736

So are you which means you're A nog

>> No.20471737

Some people say nogs are spooks, but we're not.

>> No.20471741


>> No.20471744

You've got bigger things to worry about than your virginity, mortal.

>> No.20472007


>> No.20472084

This is typical pseud who thinks he is smarter then he really is.

>> No.20472355

I'm afraid I haven't much to contribute to the actual topic of discussion but what I would like to ask to you horror aficianados about who in your opinion are the essentials of horror? I'm planning on going on a binge this fall and there is a lot I haven't read. From what I gather the big names go something like this: MR James / Machen / Poe / Lovecraft / Blackwood and then maybe we move on to modern stuff like King and Ligotti. Anyone I'm missing on the list outside the obvious old gothic classics?

>> No.20472583

A loop back into the horror of the everyday life.
Would Catcher in the Rye be considered a horror in a few years?

>> No.20473446

Rope yourself nigger

>> No.20473517

im scared now

>> No.20473559


>> No.20473684
File: 342 KB, 1378x1438, Horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is old but still a good starting point. under the bottom tier i'd keep only ligotti and swap the others for

>brendan connell - unpleasant tales
>mark samuels - the white hands
>jon padgett - the secret of ventriloquism
>nicole cushing - children of no one
>christopher slatsky - the immeasurable corpse of nature
>matthew m. bartlett - gateways to abomination
>d.p. watt - almost insentient, almost divine

>> No.20474031


>> No.20474299

Any other recommendation chart for horror?

>> No.20474538


>> No.20474551


>> No.20474615

Fuck you

>> No.20474634

>Why do people go along with this shit?
It's just tradition devolved into reflex, like knocking on wood or saying bless you after sneezing. Only reason I don't do it anymore is because piece of shit jannies kept banning me for "responding to off topic garbage"

>> No.20474784

>Why do people go along with this shit?
Responding creates a false sense of security against the natural chaos of life. In real life death can happen at any time, but if you respond it makes you feel like it won't happen whenever the shitpost said it would, in your monkey brain

>> No.20474984

that is a comfy thought, not a scary one

>> No.20475421

This is a good story

>> No.20475425


>> No.20475489
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>> No.20475593

Flipping one's entire perspective to the point that slice of life pleasant laid back stories are in themselves horror

>> No.20475602

Bill's motivation for doing so makes zero sense, to the point where the reasoning of such a godlike AI could be a random number generator of drastically high stakes actions affecting anyone on the human race, and it wouldn't make much of a difference.

>> No.20475612

We're already in a folk horror revival

>> No.20475618

Whargoul is hilarious

>> No.20475624


>> No.20475633

replying itt but not to the post because i want to die

>> No.20475905

Nazi horror?

>> No.20475962


>> No.20475989

Horror where nazis are the villains. Volk horror