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/lit/ - Literature

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20448929 No.20448929 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question how do I get into literature if I find it difficult to read anything that isn't in plain current English? I'm trying to read Homer.

>> No.20449114

Stupid frogposter

>> No.20449127

Stupid frogposter

>> No.20449183

>It might help if you get an English translation. Ancient Greek is a pretty tough language.

>> No.20449218

read simple literature first. Try Hemingway

>> No.20449235

Give up, you will never be able to iq gain, some things will always be out of reach.

>> No.20449308

Literally just force yourself. That's what I did. Often jumping into things above your knowledge grade can be far more rewarding and educational, even if you don't understand everything.

>> No.20449335

If you want to learn to appreciate those older forms and styles you're going to have to read things that aren't written in plain current English. That's the only way through this. Your reading experience might not be pleasurable at first, but do it and you might acquire one of the most valuable abilities in life: delayed gratification.

>> No.20449398
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Start with Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20448937

>I'm trying to read Homer.
It might help if you get an English translation. Ancient Greek is a pretty tough language.

>> No.20448947

read books that interest you. The more you read, and expand your tastes and interests the more you will be able to read a whole range of prose and dialect within the english language, and when you go back to read the translations of Homer, it will be as straight forward as any other author.

Or you can brute force yourself to read his work, either works.

>> No.20449898

Treat it as another dialect to learn.

>> No.20449900

That’s actually good advice.
Why not put audio book instead. Start with that.

>> No.20449955
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I am babby. How do my parents expect me to learn English if I can't speak English?

>> No.20450003

Take notes in plain english from what you are comprehending, and use a dictionary.

>> No.20450057

homer is an epic read something more casual from the ancients and it will read easier

>> No.20451163

Learn to read poetry, learn the basics of latin, learn another language, read philosophy, go to university, etc.

>> No.20451464

Some people will say "just dive in at the deep end" but that's never worked for me. I think it's inefficient ever to read anything that's a real slog. Therefore, you have to train yourself to like what you should like. To do that, always read the hardest thing you actually enjoy.

If you do this (and you have a brain) it shouldn't take too long to get to the weightier stuff.

It's just like "how do I bench-press X when I can't even pick up a very long novel?" Answer, start with ¼X, etc.