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[ERROR] No.2044419 [Reply] [Original]

Any other nihilists here?

>> No.2044427
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... I'm not sure. What's a nihilist?

>> No.2044428
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>> No.2044432

It's not fair!

>> No.2044429
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"That must be exhausting."

>> No.2044436
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"Why should I have children..."

>> No.2044439


Fuck it in the ass.


Good for you.

>> No.2044441


You shouldn't, there's no reason to. They'll just live out the rest of their lives in a world far worse off than our own.


Go rape yourself.

>> No.2044442

I don't believe life has any meaning and that moral philosophy seems silly.

>> No.2044445

Most of the people on this board are nihilists, in some form or other.

>> No.2044453

I believe life's meaning can only be discovered through endless struggles and revolutions

>> No.2044455

Why would you be a nihilist?

>> No.2044459

Nihilism is self-defeating. It makes no sense in its own context.

>> No.2044463


no, it's not, nihilism is symphony of destruction

>> No.2044467

There's no point in discussing Nihilism since everyone erroneously boils it down to "believing in nothing."

>> No.2044468

Both false.

>> No.2044465


Why would life even have a meaning? How could it have a meaning? And why would struggles or revolutions bring about revealing it? I don't even consider life meaning apt.

>> No.2044470
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>Symphony of destruction
I understand it. But it's so damn stupid.

>> No.2044471


I hope you don't think that communism is possible in this day and age. Marxism was the solution but we've gone too far in the wrong direction.

There is hope, but not for us.


So I can violate your mother while you're at school.

>> No.2044473

"Nihilism (play /ˈnaɪ.əlɪzəm/ or /ˈniː.əlɪzəm/; from the Latin nihil, nothing) is the philosophical doctrine suggesting the negation of one or more putatively meaningful aspects of life. Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. Moral nihilists assert that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived."

>> No.2044475

>So I can violate your mother while you're at school.

This is legitimately a better reason than most nihilists would give.

>> No.2044480

>Nihilism is the philosophical doctrine suggesting the negation of one or more putatively meaningful aspects of life.

You can't simply be a nihilist. You have to negate something.

>> No.2044481


The best part is it's true.

>> No.2044482

whates uo
i r nihilist

>> No.2044484


The best nihilist is a suicide bomber

>> No.2044485

I like it because it's an ethical reason instead of a bullshit attempt at a metaphysical or logical one.

>> No.2044488

>Moral nihilists assert that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived
Ahahaha, guess they skipped out on science after 1998 or so.

>> No.2044486


I might stab you in the neck.

>> No.2044487

Most nihilists aren't nihilists at all. The Russians treated it like a branch of anarchism.

>> No.2044489


>not communism, anarchism.

>> No.2044492

I only know one guy in real life who is self-important enough to identify himself as a nihilist.

Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of people who think with nihilistic philosophies, but it's annoying as fuck that this guy feels like being a nihilist makes him "special", when in truth such behavior means he isn't even a nihilist in the first place.

>> No.2044495

wait, what did science do in 1998 that proved ethics?

>> No.2044496

According to the popular definition of Nihilism, isn't it true that anyone who believes that there is not an inherent "meaning of life" is a Nihilist? Therefore, isn't it true that only the religious, or those who believe that we are working towards an 'afterlife' or 'judgment' are NOT Nihilists?

Therefore, either we must assume either that a Nihilist is anyone who does not believe there is an ultimate point to humanity, or that the popular definition of Nihilism is in itself misunderstood and pointless. I favor the latter.

>> No.2044501


I guess those scientists skipped out on Hume.

>> No.2044502


You just feel threatened because you want to fuck me.

It's alright.
But no.

>> No.2044503

Neuroscience proved that our brains tie us down to moral structures, whether we like it or not.

>> No.2044505

Nothing. That guy probably takes evolutionary psychology seriously, LOL.

>> No.2044506

If by fuck you, you mean fuck up your face with my bare hands, then I suppose you've succeeded in calling me out.

>> No.2044508


No, most atheists believe in some meaning. They care about making money, sex, drugs. True nihilists don't care about that shit apparently.

>> No.2044509

The idea that you can only believe in a meaning of life if it is based on divine revelation is distinctly modern. The Greek philosophers, for instance, were moral, and believed that there was a meaning to human life, but they did not believe in it in a religious sense.

But, yes, anyone who doesn't believe there's a meaning to a human life is a nihilist, whether they like it or not.

>> No.2044511


Repressed homosexuality?

Or are you a chick trying to defend yourself mentally?

>> No.2044514

>moral structures
And what does this horseshit mean, exactly?

>> No.2044520

A subjective set or moral values.

>> No.2044521


>> No.2044528

[citation needed]

>> No.2044533

So you, or some scientist, or more likely some hack pop science journalist you read are projecting a subjective idea of morality onto some function of the brain, as if it says anything of the existence of morality itself. It's just as absurd as saying that the numbers exists independently of human thought simply because you can apply the property of quantity to objects

>> No.2044540

also, it's real stupid because the fact that human brains tend to be hard-wired to care about morality says nothing about the content of the moral codes they follow. and it turns out that this is real important sometimes, like when there's this cool new political party that says that morality involves following the supreme leader and killing all the jews

>> No.2044551
File: 320 KB, 956x593, r9k retard central.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that human brains tend to be hard-wired to care about morality

oh god, I knew I was saving this image for something.

>> No.2044553

This whole tread sounds like a high school English class. (I teach one).

We live in a post-modern world. Most people try to identify themselves as nihilists just don't understand what it means... Have your woman cheat on you, give you aids and then your parents divorce and then come back here and say. I am a Moral Nihilist.

You cant even 'be' a nihilist just like you cant be an existentialist.
>nihilism = belief in nothing.
>self identify as nihilist.
you believe in one thing. nihilism. its a fallacy and stupid egotistical way of being intellectually superior to others.

>> No.2044555

i don't think that brains are hard-wired that way or that it's genetic. but the guy i'm talking to does and i'm willing to roll with it

also, /r9k/ was awesome sometimes

>> No.2044556

>plebeian thread

>> No.2044557

Leave it to an English teacher to go full retard. You guys excel at that.

>> No.2044558

well, you're half right.

Nihilism isn't meant to be worn like a badge of honor, and it certainly isn't a synonym for depression.

But Nihilism is not "belief in nothing." That's an oversimplification.

>> No.2044559

Yeah that's why I called it self-defeating earlier. Pyrrhonian skepticism is a preferable epistemological position

>> No.2044560

that's a really dumb way of looking at nihilism, tbqh, nihilism is the belief that there are no true values, that all human values are utterly meaningless and ought be ignored. nihilists might be willing to admit that they dislike something that happened to them - nihilists aren't robots - but they would deny that there's any kind of abstract principle behind those actions being wrong. nihilists don't actually believe in nihilism. nihilism is a descriptor of their beliefs, not something that they think is true. i can't believe i have to explain this.

and i do think that most people who claim to be nihilists are just being pretentious, but we shouldn't disregard an idea just because the people who hold it ought to be dickheads. (and for reference i wouldn't consider myself a nihilist)

>> No.2044564

I'm fine with this as long as they understand that they're being dogmatic

>> No.2044569

there's absolutely nothing inconsistent about being a dogmatic nihilist. and i think they're less dogmatic than you think they are but w/e

>> No.2044570

So we can take the meaning of life to be "whatever keeps you from killing yourself", the literal reason to live (once we disregard supernatural ideas)- meaning that for someone to be a Nihilist they would need to be in the act of killing themselves to be anything but hypocrites, for the very act of staying alive through sentience implies a reason for living, E.G. a belief in there being a "meaning to life".

Am I wrong? I've never been seriously educated on the topic before.

>> No.2044572

Maybe I was under the false impression that they were opposed to any kind of dogmatism, which would itself be a dogmatic position

>> No.2044571

I think we should give some merit to the idea of nihilism if not as a world philosophy but at least as a legitimate philosophical question / position. Does life have a purpose? Are objective or subjective values any meaningfull as moral constructions? Who defines that mankind should strive towards something or why? Since if there is no inhererent meaning in life who are you to know and be able to define that absent sence of meaning?

>> No.2044574



>> No.2044577

I think that's going perhaps a little too far - one can, for instance, stay alive because there are things one enjoys or finds pleasurable without pleasure being the meaning of life. And at the same time "meaning of life" carries a little more weight than that, because it's not just a reason to live but also a purpose, something towards which we can orient our behavior. But other than that yeah basically.

>> No.2044581

Yes you're wrong. I'm tired of this "you should kill yourself" argument.
First, there's no more reason to die than to live.
Second, you can believe in something without rigorously applying it.
You believe in helping people yet you donate nothing and don't help beggars.
You believe in being a good and productive person yet you browse 4chan's shithole.
We're not robots. Habits are stronger than beliefs.

>> No.2044595

living requires work, dying does not

>> No.2044597

You know the whole contradiction can be avoided by the nihilist saying that he doesn't believe in nihilism in the sense that he doesn't consider it true.

>> No.2044602

Overcoming your self-preservation instinct isn't that simple.

>> No.2044619


This is what non-suicidal people actually believe.

>> No.2044627

Are you kidding? It's the opposite: non-suicidal people call suicide "easy way out" and tell themselves that just continuing to live make them brave and noble. Suicidal people who are still alive usually justify it by saying that suicide is hard and requires lots of courage.

>> No.2044629

>one can, for instance, stay alive because there are things one enjoys or finds pleasurable without pleasure being the meaning of life.
Hedonistic nihilism? Seems like an elegant way to roll, I dig it.

>> No.2044633

ITT: people claiming to be nihilists while not really knowing what nihilism is, others attacking the nihilism while not really knowing what it is, and a few who actually understand what it is and whose arguments are being ruined by the people what claim to be nihilist but don't really know what it is.

Disclaimer: I know some of you have an idea, I'm just saying you don't really or fully understand it, also my statements are bullshit anyway.

>> No.2044634


You can't ignore values. People will still hold values even if they know its arbitrary and meaningless. That's why there are so many forms of nihilism. If I am an Existential nihilist, I will still need to find my own personal set of values to function in this world. Just the act of living is a value judgement. so is suicide.

>> No.2044640


Yeah well, you don't really have to. Values exist for each individual, but there is no universal value, or definition of what is good and bad. The only thing that we have is what we are thought is good and bad and so on, and usually that concept was generated from religion or instincts or both. You can find your own values and be happy with it, but it will be most likely influenced by who you are and the context you grew up in, you can't just ignore that.

The thing is that you don't have to do shit with your life, you might as well just kill yourself and it wouldn't make a difference, but the thing is that there is no point in killing yourself either.

>> No.2044660

An understanding of Nihilism has really dampened my ability to reason and argue with others, e.g.

"Oh, you think gays are unnatural and evil? I guess thats as utterly unbased on logic as my worldview that peoples sex lives are their own business. There is nothing inherently better in my argument than yours. Oh well."

Its really depressing

>> No.2044661

practically it makes a lot of sence. it just doesn't to most people because they annot except that everything they have been taught since birth was a lie, that there is something more to life then life itself, when really, thats all we have. the short spec of time on this planet and then oblivion. your existence will mean nothing ultimately and so will that of your friends and family. so don't give a fuck, its all a big joke.

>> No.2044670

>pampered white kids acting jaded

>> No.2044675

you will become an nihilist after you watch te sunset limited, starring samual l jackson and tommy lee jones

>> No.2044676

to act jaded is to become jaded
to become jaded is to be jaded
white kids in this thread are therefore jaded

>> No.2044685 [DELETED] 

>be happy cause it could be worse

Fuck off.

>> No.2044696

I always thought nihilist was a pejorative. I've never met someone who actually self-identified as one.

>> No.2044747

This is the most hilarious thread I've read in awhile.

>> No.2044764

Sort of
I believe life has no meaning
but I want one

>> No.2044784

if I wanted to play a game of basketball against a team of nihilists, could they by their own free will,
or would i have to hire a team of gay bdsm guys with whips to motivate them? Can a nihilist motivate him/herself? Do they enjoy sonnets? I bet so.>>2044676

>> No.2044813

I think there's no meaning to life, we're just here as a result of an accident — evolution happened just by mistake and there's no real god, no after life or anything like that. I consider being alive has the same value as being death.
However, I find the idea of not existing to be more than I can take, therefore I hold to my life because it's all I know there is for me right now. If I knew there's an afterlife I'd kill myself, no second thoughts. I don't find any pleasure in living, but a life of misery seems to be better than no life at all.

Does that make me a nihilist? I really don't care, labels are not going to help me overcome my faggotry

>> No.2044843

>could they by their own free will,

They probably could. A team of determinists, on the other hand...

>> No.2044855
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>Nihilism expert

>> No.2044871

this thread is filled to the brim with morons who are completely illiterate about matters of philosophy

>> No.2044889

>Existential = life has no intrinsic value.
>Moral = there are no intrinsic values.

Cool. How the fuck did that change my life?

>> No.2044892

A true nihilist would/should just kill themselves right now.

>> No.2044899


it didn't. you didn't define any terms, so you can make it mean anything

>> No.2044916

some people need really complicated reasons for why they don't give a shit

>> No.2044931

No, because life or death both have no meaning at all

>> No.2044968

no, killing yourself amounts to death being of greater value in 'fulfilling' what you see nihilism requires than living your life (but nihilistic view places no value on anything). the point is neither death nor life is preferable in accordance with nihilism in terms of expression