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20443501 No.20443501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

looks like /ourgurl/ took the breadpill lads

>> No.20443504

don't care this tranny jumped the shark + dilate + ratio

>> No.20443505

looks like nobody cares what a 35 year old gay crossdressing faggot is doing on reddittube you phoneposting queer

>> No.20443520
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>browsing tranime website on anything but a phone whilst on the shitter

>> No.20443530
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you expect me to watch that?

>> No.20443531

no amount of irony will make it cool to be a tranny, you are a disgusting freak

>> No.20443534

Don’t care

>> No.20443543

There was this british guy that molested him, and came out as a better looking tranny without meds because 1. actor (acting, voice acting, make up, dress). 2. british (effeminate)

>> No.20443590

That shit is kinda crazy. He raper them and then was just like "yeah I'm a tranny now so if you report me you're gonna conform that trannies are sexua deviants and it will hurt yourself". Genius move desu.

>> No.20443619
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>> No.20443628

You mean the other tranny youtube "philosopher"?

>> No.20443632

Sorry, I don't watch rapists.

>> No.20443636

Are you blind?

>> No.20443654

his voice is awful, how can you stomach more than 10 seconds of this

>> No.20443657

Some people once sent me their video, leftists who enjoyed it that is, and as I sat through the video I couldn’t make heads or tails on if the video was sincere or just some kind of satirical parody, the atmosphere is just so absurd. You have this tranny dressed up like a wine aunt, with a lighting and sitting position that is clearly sexual in nature, and the tranny is just eyeing you while giving you the most generic takes possible, the major selling point clearly being the atmosphere. I thought the thing was maybe a joke at the expense of trannies or leftists due to how silly the whole thing was and how stereotypical it was. Couldn’t make it past one video.

I don’t understand how people can seriously watch this stuff.

>> No.20443713
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The average breadtube fan has nothing better to do with their life than to watch their verbose-ass shit

>> No.20443726

This man is a neocon plant from MI6 (or whatever the UK secret services is).
Wrong board. >>>/pol/

>> No.20443736

I felt really gross watching this man in drag half naked talking to me, felt fucking gay in an invasive way, and I'm bisexual.

>> No.20443745

Do they just not notice it? Do they like it? His viewers? I’ve seen people seething about how much money he makes on patreon and how he’ll spend it on costumes I think? I feel like if they’re buying his outfits there has to be a sexual component that they WANT.

>> No.20443808

pretty crazy that a 1.5 mil subs youtube channel can have that kind of effort put into a video. must take a lot of fucking time

>> No.20443813

I unironically watch her videos, although I'm not a patron. I've never felt there's anything particularly sexy about them. I think your fixation on this is quite interesting, though. The fixation on trannies in general, actually.
Some subjects are so boring, so removed from our own experience that they leave us unaffected. But the tranny question doesnt seem to leave anyone unmolested. Does it trigger anxiety in you? If you think its disgusting, why?
Real disinterest would trigger... indifference. But the reaction of many people is anything BUT indifference. There is something suspicious about that.

>> No.20443866

>hey listen man if you get annoyed by trannies being posted all the time maybe you should have some introspection dude like come one if I did not care about trannies I would not mind me spamming them so like let me shit up everything, ok dude?

>> No.20443876

How many tranny threads are on the catalogue right now?

>> No.20443884

One too many since this one is not even related to a literature nor it pretends to

>> No.20443886

I prefer PhilosophyTroon over Hontrapoints tbqh. Hontrapoints makes over a million dollars annually that she (male) spends on booze, opiates, and plastic surgery just by making one or two shitty video “essays” a year. At least PhilosophyTroon doesn’t make as much and isn’t a sad junkie.

>> No.20443892

If anything your post supports my point. I think people spend more time thinking about trannies in spite of an apparent lack of tranny content. A single tranny post lodges itself in the 4chan psyche in a way a Nietszche shitpost (which are far more common) cannot.

>> No.20443903

Hah, oh so that's your REAL problem with it, hu? A different reason than what you said originally. Again, very suspicious. Also very interesting.

>> No.20443912

>listen my post about a tranny eceleb in a literature board should not annoy you
>no, he is not really related to literature, but nietzsche should annoy you more even though he actually wrote books and is of some interest

>> No.20443913

this cringey dude is still around? lol

i feel like the "Breadtube" movement is about to turn into a dumpster fire like the "Alt Right" and "new atheist/atheism+" movements will

>> No.20443918

>the "Alt Right" and "new atheist/atheism+" movements will

i meant to say: like those movements *did*

>> No.20443921
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If you live in a place that smells like shit, then you will lose the ability to smell shit. If someone who lives in a place that smells nice comes by, says "Wow, this stinks like shit and is really unpleasant", that's not suspicious. They're unaccustomed to constantly smelling shit, and normal people are unaccustomed to it.

>> No.20443953

Lucky for you bro bro I both introspect a ton and have applied thought to analysis of contemporary culture so this question isn’t very hard for me to answer.

>I've never felt there's anything particularly sexy about them. I think your fixation on this is quite interesting, though.

For me this frames it in a way as if its not clearly intentional, the OP’s image shows this is at least sometimes the point, the close camera angles, wine, voice modification, I think it’s obviously put in, perhaps as a marketing method since sex sales? but it’s clearly there.
>The fixation on trannies in general, actually. Some subjects are so boring,

First things first, it is NOT a boring subject, it is an extreme subject, it is a man claiming his ontological being has some sort of crisis inherent to it, and on account of this, mutilates a portion of himself and demands that his attempted mutilation be respected by the outside world, this causes the following phenomenological reactions.

1= incongruence of association

By this I mean to say, naturally as men we, when we see another man associate in some way to him, we say this is another man, he is like me, he is better in this way or worse in that way, by that act of association we can feel sympathy for we see ourselves reflected in the other through our share masculine characteristics, the tranny however denies this association we share and actively is doing all that it can to remove it, this builds up with the second problem.

2= the conflict of eidetic categorization

By this I mean to say, at the moment we, the subject, view anything in this world, we associate it to a number of eidetic categories which are likewise built up continuously by the further data we gain about such things that fit within the categories of perception, the tranny by saying he has a disruption in his being, an irregularity, he tells us that

1=our faculty of perception is incorrect
2=he has access to a form of perception alien to us
3=his perception and categorization is superior

Because of these, we conflict in eidetic categorization modes, it’s not just about a man wearing a dress for we don’t care about the dress, there are cultures where men wore dresses, robes that is. No it is because they dress and apply make up in a manner that is associated with the sex they are not and will fight tooth and nail that our perception and associations are incorrect. Now add to this that the trans identity is not actually one built on femininity.


>> No.20443958

What do I mean by this? Examination of the male transsexual brain demonstrates time and time again there’s is but a chemically imbalanced form of the normative male mind, and by analyzing their fashion choices, their make up, their desire for trans role model, if becomes clear they have created a simulacra, an archetypical form by which they wish to conform their image and become the expression of, which has no origin but their own desires and cultural build up. The tranny does not really even try to speak or act like a woman. They try to speak and act and dress as a tranny, they seek trans idols because they don’t see themselves as female, but rather as trans. Phenomenologically whether they admit it or not, it is clear to them deep down and to us who see them, that they are identifying with something which isn’t femininity but is masquerading as the feminine. In the contemporary internet culture this simulacra is primarily based off of the e-girl itself a product of anime fixation.

Now all of this is conjoint with the third elements.

3=the grotesque aspect. Humans enjoy learning about the gruesome the horrible and disgusting, both hating it and wanting to see more, this is why probably all of us here on 4chan were into gore, this is why the common person enjoys series about murderers and horrible slayings, why we have television shows about disgusting medical monstrosities. The tranny is alike to these grotesqueries however it is self induced, it is active, it is a political and social identity, thus it is a freak that cries out “I am not a freak”


>> No.20443968


isnt this a troon/shemale thing? it seems all the most "famous" breadtubers are troons

>> No.20443970

and this induces in us an experience of the aesthetic sublate, we are astounded by the freakish nature of it, we are pulled in because of how the creature, both in the silliness of its normal interactions but especially in the violence of its surgeries and dilation, we are pushed away and because we are pushed away, there is power in the object that pushes, and that power means it is, to our perception, a thing to reckon with.

4=it must be understood that the extent of their popularity even if inflated by media, is making it more the concern of the average person, the average child even if he is not taught such views, will naturally segregate into friend groups that are harmonious of race and gender and will bully and pick on the children who are different if they can get the chance, meaning that the hate of and the cultural crushing of the different is simply a feature of human nature and one that is unchangeable at the deepest levels, that is why when religious texts say “accept the foreigner, the alien, the stranger” into your home, it’s such a big thing, it’s such a holy act. You have to fight all of the instinct inside you that tells you this thing is different therefore it is my enemy.

Thus to hate the tranny because they are different and are lifted up as a political entity is completely normal.
>But the tranny question doesnt seem to leave anyone unmolested.

This is an over-reaction to it, it’s more akin for most people like seeing a piece of meat irl filled with maggots, one study shows this iirc, though I will not look for it.

>Does it trigger anxiety in you?

Not particularly, however I do not disagree with my instincts, if I walked into a store and there was a fellow who had some manner of leprosy, some wound or mark, and he was shouting that he is clean, I would react similarly, for they are both diseased creatures both shouting they are clean. It is not that I am triggered into anxiety, it is that they are abnormals.

>> No.20443980

Also I am not indifferent, I am opposed to anything related to trannies. You ask why I think it is disgusting, and it is because the mere concept of trannyism is a plague and a cancer in not only 4chan, but also politics, medicine, psychology, psichiatry, education, politics, interpersonal relationships, abhorrent philosophically, uncritically idealistic to the extreme, and not only that, but also pushed by extreme sexual degenerates, incredibly mentally ill people, mostly both at the same time; and they (you) are not satisfied with destroying themselves alone, but actively push for the proliferation of awareness of their fetish and/or mental illness, just like this thread where not a single book has been mentioned but instead is two troons trying to do the le ebin btfo to people who point out that this thread, in fact, should not be here.

If I could push a button and completely annihilate every transexual person I would, and that is why I bothered to respond. Hope that answers your question.

>> No.20444006


Mind you, I personally if met with a tranny will feel disgust for them, but if possible I will try to offer discussion, religious or philosophical literature and other such. For I hate the category they are in, I do not hate them necessarily as an individual because I believe them diseased. My personal theory on them is they’re what happens when a normie tries to introspect, tried to find an identity, and has a miniature crisis of sunyata, of emptiness, of not being able to grasp on to anything solid, but instead of seeing this as universal, they localize it to their own identity as being the empty and non-existent, thus they try to grasp on to their sexual desires and the culturally loved. The female culturally is pure image with no essence, lacan agrees with this as does the ancients, so they think if they can wrap themselves about conceptually as the image-without-essence, the aesthetic-without-meaning; they can solve the existential crisis, now obviously some are just perverts and others hormonally imbalanced, but I genuinely believe a number of them have had the above crisis, this is also backed up by the majority of them being post puberty transitions, who also still desire women, and the fact that this group and only this group of trans, who are still sexually attracted to women and perform their transition later in life, are actually one standard deviation higher in IQ. They’re effectively midwits encountering existential crisis and not having the tools to deal with it. We can see r9k as living examples of this, in fact I’m friends with a few of the groups which bully and forcibly black mail robots into taking HRT, trannying out and harming themselves, I’d post some harm one of my boys got one of them to do to their leg but it’s really not appropriate for a blue board. Met that group while trolling, they’re good trolls, we fuck around at random with differing servers, Point being is, I’ve seen the type of internet dude which they feast on, they’re a weak broken man who thinks they can give up on life and become a tranny and that’ll give their life meaning and make people care about them. They are absolutely a creature of meaning-lack, which results in the various other mental illnesses all trannies often possess.

>If you think its disgusting, why?

The above reasons stated, see the surgeries or the category disruption.


>> No.20444014

>Real disinterest would trigger... indifference.

It’s not about indifference, it’s hate, I hate. I actively hate those elements of society in general that worsen and weaken the society, that disrupt the unity in it. Personally my politics are a strange mixture of the Bible, baudrillard, deleuze, Giovanni gentile and Dante. I would say fascist but the contemporary associations of fascism don’t reflect what I’m saying. Personally I am one who would be fine with the state annihilating my own culture if it benefited the group, I would be fine with it genociding rap and black culture which I enjoy, I would be fine with it destroying anything that goes against the absolute unity and continuous of the state and society as a whole. For I am a lover of life, unity and love above all else, and these derive from God and these emanate as state, man and society. If my own self was determined to be bad for society I would agree with the morality of its removal.

How much more than am I against the tranny who is mentally ill, who has fought tooth and nail against medical studies (such as the usage of pimozide) to heal them, how much more am I against any political group that tries to influence politics in a manner that is against the majority’s natural view of perception?

>But the reaction of many people is anything BUT indifference. There is something suspicious about that.

It’s because they’re freaks and contemporary society in the west doesn’t allow them to express their disgust and hate of the other like they would be able to in any other place and any other point in time. I am honest because I do not fear this cultures morality.

>> No.20444017

this troon didnt commit suicide yet? toplel

>> No.20444028
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>> No.20444056

Okay I tried but I had to turn it off. Something something satire done poorly is just annoying.

The larger point is these geezers need to work on their voices, big times. I'm not even a troon and I can fake a better fem voice than this. Sounds like a bunch of angry Rupauls trying to out man-voice each other.


>> No.20444070

breadpill refers to the eucharist, i have no clue what breadtube means

>> No.20444080

>can any breadtube not become a tranny

>> No.20444081

I just had to look it up myself. Apparently its children doing politics.

>> No.20444083

Bro there’s so many better channels that aren’t these soulless consumerist garbage. Something like this is so much better for the mind.


Bonevac’s a professor and he has work on everything from analytic to continental to scholastic material to various prose writers.


This guys essays on literature are great and have such a diversity of lit he covers.

There’s obviously more, but like, you don’t have to watch that brain rot, hell you can just read more.

>> No.20444093

Essays, kek, I meant lectures! Sorry!

>> No.20444109
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I got my YouTube intro to philosophy from PhilosphizeThis! for continental and Carneades for analytic.

These troons never even showed up on my gaydar. Also big shout-out to Rick Roderick. Miss that fat fuck like you wouldn't believe.


Do the troons ever get around to philosophy?

>> No.20444119

Wdym without meds?
Pretty sure philosophy tube takes estrogen

>> No.20444121

if we are lucky monkeypox will cull the herd of these sodomite troon "youtubers"

>> No.20444124

Pretty sure she makes a lot of money from patreon

>> No.20444149

>makes a lot of money from patreon
/thread. That's all this about. Go do yourselves a favor and read instead

>> No.20444169

I think the saddest thing about all of this is are they even making the time to fuck men?

It seems like a waste to go through all that change just to discuss boring old thinkers. I would be out there getting absolutely turned-out by Chad Thundercock, swallowing some veiny monster-meat.

>> No.20444190

Frater, I hope you never stop posting on /lit/.

>> No.20444254

>Examination of the male transsexual brain demonstrates time and time again there’s is but a chemically imbalanced form of the normative male mind, and by analyzing their fashion choices, their make up, their desire for trans role model, if becomes clear they have created a simulacra, an archetypical form by which they wish to conform their image and become the expression of, which has no origin but their own desires and cultural build up. The tranny does not really even try to speak or act like a woman. They try to speak and act and dress as a tranny
Mulaney said it more concisely.
