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/lit/ - Literature

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20441396 No.20441396 [Reply] [Original]

Share your favorite history books, books you recently read or any history book you would strongly recommend to anyone on /lit/

>> No.20441412
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Great academic history. Incredibly well documented, unbiased, and compelling.

>> No.20441424

Based. Have you read his other books? Would you recommend?

>> No.20441463
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Grabbed this recently, about 75% done with it. I've never read a book about war from someone so high ranking before, it's an interesting look at decision making and the thought process of senior commanders. You get a good look at how much politics influenced Allied decision making during the war. It's also interesting that since it was published in 1948 a lot of things were still classified, you can see where Eisenhower talks around some things and leaves others out because of this.

>> No.20441493

I haven't, but I can't imagine they're bad. He's a talented historian who takes his job very seriously.

>> No.20442575


>> No.20442675

Madhouse at the End of the Earth:THE BELGICA'S JOURNEY INTO THE DARK ANTARCTIC NIGHT By Julian Sancton

Picked it up after I saw it on another Anon's GoodReads.

Also very common but Napoleon: A Life was a great read. My favorite part is how his friends would be on the battlefield with him and they would be gutted by cannonballs aimed for Napoleon. It happens multiple times.

>> No.20442907
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Any recommendations about the age of discovery and great navigations?

>> No.20442911

Livy and Herodotus are both fun reads

>> No.20443191
File: 23 KB, 232x387, Lithuania_Ascending_A_Pagan_Empire_within_East-Central_Europe,_1295–1345_(book_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongly recommend Lithuania Ascending.

>> No.20443415
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this book is just a ton of fun. Spoiler alert the roman empire didn't die until the arrival of islam

>> No.20443448

The Second World War by Anthony Beevor is excellent. He also has done other greats, stalingrad, etc

>> No.20443692
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>> No.20443769

iirc muhammed and charlemagne is a pretty outdated text.

>> No.20443796

I'm currently reading a biography of Edward I of England by Michael Prestwich, a biography of Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow, and 'The Medieval World' by Friedrich Heer, a general work on the middle ages from 1100-1350.
I've recently read 'The Reign of Philip the Fair', a detailed analysis of the reign of Philip IV of France, a biography of George Canning by Wendy Hinde, and an analysis of English Constitutional conflicts of the 17th century by J.R. Tanner.

>> No.20443797
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The conclusion is questionable, but the rest of it is fantastic. A very fun read.

>> No.20443826
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Right now I'm reading Escape from Rome. Which is basically 'why did the Roman Empire rise, and why was there never another Empire like it in Europe?' and 'Why is this a good thing'
Lot of comparissons between China and Europe. So Europe only had Rome as a hegomonic Empire while China had the multiple dynasties which would end up putting China back together when they collapsed and why that is.

The other book I read before was Charlemagne, King and Emperor. Bit of a slog at the end but it's a thorough book. Lots of primary sources used and a lot of notes.

>> No.20443897

MacArthur at War (Borneman)
Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History (Brodie)
The Rape of Nanking (Chang)
Washington: A Life (Chernow)
The Fate of Empires (Glubb)
Mussolini (Hibbert)
Theodore Roosevelt trilogy (Morris)
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (Shirer)

>> No.20443934
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Is there a guide or series that covers essentially the history of civilization?

I tried Durant's History of Civilization but I couldn't make it through it. Nothing against him as an author but it was just too long and supposedly historically outdated.

>> No.20443957
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Currently reading this. Pretty good so far. An easy read as well. Just read Kant before this and he talks about Kant a bit in this one which I didn´t know. Nietzsche is a great writer.

>> No.20444118
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>> No.20444217

Some more recommendations:
To End All Wars (Hochschild)
A Plague upon Humanity (Barenblatt)
1776 (McCullough)
John Adams (McCullough)
Occupied America (Johnson)
Bitter Glory (Watt)
A General History of the Pyrates (Defoe)

>> No.20444408

I'm currently reading "War Peace and War" by Peter Turchin. It talks about how civilizations form and fall

>> No.20444435

Hey I have a physical copy of that book but havent read it, might read it in the next couple of days.
I also want to know this

>> No.20444439

Turchin is based as hell.

>> No.20444476

I only read Our Oriental Heritage and couldnt continue so I actually want to know as well if there any other good books about the history of civilization

>> No.20444487
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Im looking for another Austrian /Hapsburg history after this so feel free to recommend.

I also just read Fin-de-siècle Vienna, but thats more of a social history then anything.

>> No.20444584

Found picrel in a link in the chart thread; haven't read any of these myself

>> No.20444590
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forgot the pic

>> No.20444720 [DELETED] 

Can you recommend any other books on charles minge?

>> No.20445000

Only good one so far.

>> No.20445018

In historiography, "outdated" means "does not align ideologically with contemporary views and trends".

>> No.20445151

Alexander to Actium
The Landmark Julius Caesar and the other landmark series desu

>> No.20445186

Then why is recent historical work on the crusades and middle ages more positive than say, 70 years ago? If you contrast Steven Runciman, who was highly influental, to Régine Pernoud, Thomas Asbridge or Christopher Tyerman, seemingly the academic view on European history has only become more favorable recently, even though white people-hate in the media is at a all time high. The "dark ages" myth also has been largely dispelled, even though it was common knowledge just a few decades ago. Of course, the elite has an interest to control history to their own ends, but as long as independent academics exist they cannot control it all and truth will win in the end.

>> No.20445281

/his/books read this year
>Bryan I. Fugate - Operation Barbarossa Strategy and Tactics on the Eastern Front
>J. McIver Weatherford - Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
>Richard M. Eaton - India in the Persianate Age, 1000–1765-University of California Press
>Heart of Europe - A History of the Holy Roman Empire
>The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies by Pashaura Singh, Louis E. Fenech
>Dancing in the Glory of Monsters - The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa
>Pity the Nation - Lebanon at War
>Dragonslayer The Legend of Erich Ludendorff

To read
>Theodor Mommsen - History of Rome
>Sean McMeekin - Stalin's War - A New History of World War II
>Robert Citino -The German Way of War From the Thirty Years War to the Third Reich
>Alexander Mikaberidze - The Napoleonic Wars - A Global History

>> No.20445306

>Bryan I. Fugate - Operation Barbarossa Strategy and Tactics on the Eastern Front

I plan on buying this book. Whats your verdict?

>> No.20445325

Its excellent. No bullshit, dry military strategy analysis. You should get Stolfi's Hitlers Panzers East as well. Its a great book as well. Both smash the meme that Nazis had no chance to win against the USSR
I got them from libgen

>> No.20445633

Thanks, I'll probably buy it. Already have all the works of R. H. S. Stolfi except the one on the 7th Panzer Division which is hard to find. I'm not a military historian but it's interesting to read Stolfis claims and compare them to, say David M. Glantz. I know Barbarossa exists on libgen but I'm a physical copy kinda guy.

>> No.20445960

>Our Oriental Heritage
Is that also by Nietzsche?

>> No.20445987
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If you're just looking for a short overview of the whole shebang, read something like pic related. Depends what you mean by 'history of civilisation' though. This doesn't really say a lot about the history of art or literature.

>> No.20446011
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For proper /his/core a book should be focused on an extremely specific subject that the author has autistically wasted years of their life on.

>> No.20446075

lol meant to reply to >>20443934

>> No.20446852


>> No.20447382


>> No.20447683
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great book the author is good but he does make some mistakes like how he thinks arabs were in the gulf before they were in iraq and egypt (sinai)

>> No.20447977

I'm currently reading the True History of the Conquest of New Spain by Bernial Diaz, recommended to me by another anon here when I asked the same question. I love the book and its author is clearly a man of respect that cares about the men he fought with and wants to honour them, do them justice

>> No.20448003

how the fuck do I approach medieval Europe

>> No.20448010

>Encyclopedia Britannica
Why waste your time with these pop-history books?