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20441072 No.20441072[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did he sell Jesus out to the jews?
Seems like kind of a bitch move

>> No.20441087

It had to be done, in order to fulfill the prophecy and save mankind.
Judas sacrificed his sould selling Jesus for our salvation.

>> No.20441115

ok jorge

>> No.20441124

Because he was tired of the Pharisees kvetching over every petty kike shit they could bring to him just so they could be a nuisance. He gave them Jesus, who he found no fault in, just so they would shut the fuck up for a few months.

>> No.20441328

Because Jesus was a jew. He was accused of a religious crime according to jewish scripture, which the Roman governor wasn't responsible for. So he turned him over to the jewish religious authorities. Sounds pretty reasonable to me.

>> No.20441333

Because Jesus wanted it

>> No.20441366

There could've been a Saint Judas. Instead he killed himself without repenting, rejecting God in doing so.

>> No.20441369

It's not his fault. As a jew he was genetically programmed to do literally anything for 30 pieces of silver.

>> No.20441380

Ok but why did Rome execute the orders of a religious court they had no responsibility of? Sounds like they’re trying to play both side, oh our hands are tied over this, execute him? Yeah sure no problem.

>> No.20441390

That’s Pontius Pilate, anons

>> No.20441401
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Was he a vampire in the bible?

>> No.20441514

The Romans managed to administer their vast empire in a time without instant communication because of one key feature: devolved government. When a message takes weeks to reach the provinces from Rome, it's much easier to let the locals handle most affairs the way they have always done it and entrust your governor with only the most important stuff, like collecting taxes or suppressing revolts.
The last point is especially important, because Iudaea was a province notorious for its frequent religious uprisings. So when an angry jewish mob demanded Pilatus to execute another jew (not a Roman citizen) he didn't care about in the first place, the sensible thing was to just do it and not risk another costly uprising.

>> No.20441604

Judas, like most people at the time, believed the Messiah was going to overthrow Roman occupation and take a position of power ruling over the nation of Israel. Judas may have followed Jesus hoping to benefit from association with Him as the new reigning political power. No doubt he expected to be among the ruling elite after the revolution. By the time of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus had made it clear that He planned to die, not start a rebellion against Rome. So Judas may have assumed—just as the Pharisees did—that since He would not overthrow the Romans, He must not be the Messiah they were expecting.

>> No.20441800

> 10 posters
> only 4 managed to figure out this is Pontius Pilate, not Judas

>> No.20441891

Pilate didn't sell him, though

>> No.20441935

He did. Just so the kikes would shut the fuck up so he could get promoted and get the fuck away from Judaea.

>> No.20441937

He did turn over Jesus to Herod. And he is the one in the picture.

>> No.20441965

Op in a round about way said ‘sell out’ not ‘sell’. When he himself said he found no evidence of any crime but still ordered his execution can be seen as a sell out move

>> No.20442200

>turn over
>can be seen as
I don't know anon. When I read 'sell' the thirty coins come to my mind automatically. But yes the man in pic is Pilates and I don't have any problem recognizing I'm a retard. Cheers.

>> No.20442455

That short story was amazing

>> No.20442461

I ain't no traitor, but, like, 30 pieces of silver is 30 pieces of silver. Straight up, you feel?

>> No.20442516



>> No.20443183

it seems to me like he just wanted to keep order, but really didn't feel to good about it, and even hoped to appease the jews by executing Barabbas but they weren't having any of it and would rather have a good man like jesus executed over a scumbag like barabbas.

>> No.20443249

Judas is burning deep, deeeep in hell, forever

>> No.20443665

Because they threatened to tell his superiors that he was aligning with the “King of the Jews,” which could have gotten him executed as a traitor. It is sped out pretty clearly in the gospels, anon. Ultimately, he chose to preserve his safety and career by surrendering his duty of judgement, which is a pretty terrible thing for a judge to do.

>> No.20443669

> Why did he sell Jesus out to the jews?
>Seems like kind of a bitch move
Because Pilate was a bitch, anon

>> No.20443683

he was a realist

>> No.20443698

He didn't. The whole thing never happened, a Roman leader wouldn't have just casually been bullied into doing what the Jews wanted by some mob which just days before was worshipping Jesus like he was the messiah

bullshit from beginning to end

>> No.20444022

this makes judas the real hero and saviour of the human race and our souls

>> No.20444034

He was jealous that JC was getting too close with Maggy.

IDK, never read the bible. Only listened to Jesus Christ Superstar.

>> No.20444104

Because the Jews were shouting "Crucify him! Crucify him!" and he didn't want them to go apeshit if he didn't listen to their kvetching so he just decided, whatever, I can't deal with this shit, just kill him.

>> No.20444131

Pilate sought a compromise. Knowing Jesus had been handed over by the religious leaders out of envy, he appealed to the crowds.

>> No.20444195

Independent and unbiased(even hostile) sources affirm the execution of a man named Jesus in the Roman province of Judea at the around the time of 30-60BC.
Canonically, Pilate didn't want to execute Jesus because he didn't commit any sort of crime in Roman law. He did break local Jewish law, but that wasn't enough to permit an execution. According the accounts written by Christians, the Roman officials and Herod government in charge of Judea were dealing with increasing unrest and feared that not allowing Jesus' execution would lead to a rebellion(which later happened anyway, as the historically undisputed Bar-Kochba revolt).
To justify execution, Pilate allowed the jews to exchange Jesus for a prisoner already condemned to death(Barabbas, a rebel).

>> No.20444214

Additional source from Tacitus' Annals, book XV
>Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular.
Tacitus is, I would say, a credible hostile source that makes the Christian accounts much more believable.