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File: 243 KB, 1386x1038, Asian Chick With A Bloody Nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20441012 No.20441012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everyone dies once they turn 25.

>> No.20441030

*once they turn 13
Everything past childhood is awful.

>> No.20441035

I died at 20, then discovered what sort of person I want to be at 30.

>> No.20441036

Life begins at 90

>> No.20441064

Is this a book? Is it YA?

>> No.20441083

That's because most people are addicted to coom. They start at 13 and either progress to a fuckhole or keep fapping.. they're slaves. Only times I was happy as an adult were periods where I practiced no sex, no fap and no porn and no sexual thoughts. I felt free and in control of my life and accomplished a lot. Cooming ruins everything.

>> No.20441202

>dead at 25
yes, I hope I stop being a shell of a little presentably functional human soon and figure out "what kind of a person I want to be"

>no coom benefits
I literally turned my life around for 6 months of it, some benefits in refocusing your head and having energy to execute things are undoubtedly true

>no coom downsides
My balls would perpetually be in pain after day 3, sort of like blue balls but without being constantly horny. At first I didnt know why and went to a urologist and checked for kidney stones, ball tumor, varicocele and STDs and nothing was wrong with my balls. As soon as I'd coom it would go away. You just have to ejaculate if you have normal hormone levels.

>> No.20441260
File: 247 KB, 1533x2560, 71UOJPMXTtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone dies once they enter the technical society.

>> No.20441292

Meh, I'm 37 and things are finally looking up.
Feels a bit shitty realizing your body is slowing down, but the upside is that I don't really care about sex anymore.
Plus every friends I had are now settled with constant obligations. No one bitches anymore that I just want to go read books in parks alone and not hang.

>> No.20441378

No they don’t

>> No.20441384

Gay thread.

>> No.20441383

The opinions, thoughts, works and ideas of anyone under 30 are literally worthless.

>> No.20441387

nobody dies, death isn't real

>> No.20441464

Once you're past age 33 life truly begins. Even Jesus didn't do shit until he was 33. Anyone who tells you different is trying to scam you, or they were born with extremely favorable circumstances and achieved success purely based off luck. Not even wrong

>> No.20441476

Not true of musicians. Everything else, I agree.

>> No.20441606

OP is 19 years old

>> No.20441741

it's more like everyone comes out stillborn from the youth-womb

>> No.20441808

My childhood was fucking terrible, gloomy and dismal and quite depressing, I would never go back. But then >>20441083 I also started cooming so there was no good moment in me life. And now being 26 it's just slow decline from mediocre/bad to once-again-abysmal

>> No.20441992

I'm turning 32 this year. I sure as hell already feel dead.

>> No.20441996

I honestly feel like I've only become a real adult human with control over my life once I turned 25. I should have gotten more experience in my early 20s but I don't care that much. being in your mid 20s is awesome, way better than being 18.

>> No.20442094

why do you guys shill this book so much

>> No.20442098

It’s the final boss of lit rabbit holes

>> No.20442127
File: 485 KB, 1334x750, figurativelyme2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all due integralness of sapience granted, at twentyfive years of age one proverbially dies, and begins to regenerate; by twentyseven one finds oneself in the thick midst of life, on all levels; by thirty one virtually totally reconciles the cordiological with the chronological, the former realigning with the latter; an ending supercyclically reconnecting with the beginning; although I am not yet thirty years old, I can see this as clearly as one can foresee the weather.

>> No.20442175

You motherfucker I just turned 25 yesterday

>> No.20442187

I started at 8, i never stood a chance

>> No.20442206

Tranny detected.

>> No.20442276

I’ve noticed that millennials are extremely afraid of getting old, and have a weird obsession with youth/nostalgia. What gives? Were boomers like this too?
T. 01 zoomer.

>> No.20442349
File: 39 KB, 700x700, 1995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The childhood, and/or youth, of Millennials, was nurtured during the "Y 2 K" epoch in particular, and during better times in general, so, naturally, we have nostalgia for that era, the optimistic ones of us forever sharing its spirit, and we dread aging, ever coming to terms with it, but never getting used to it.

Those who were born in year nineteen ninetyfive, or in close proximity to it, are generationally the most in syncord with the phases of death of the worldspirit, which is also one of the reasons why they are the most poetical of the Millennial generation.

>> No.20442362

I was born in 1995. I'm not the person you replied to. Do you have any further insight about this? What does it mean to be "poetical", as you put it, in a practical sense?

>> No.20442379

I'm 27 and finally starting to discover that "pursuing what is interesting to you" has no benefits. If I want to actually become great at things I need to necessarily ignore other skills. For example, I have the potential to become a world-class pianist or a published mathematician. But there is not enough time in the world to do both anymore.

100+ years ago, sure. But these days to become "world-class" in anything is to necessarily atrophy other skills.

>> No.20442400

But if I don't pursue what is interesting to me, I will never know what is truly interesting. I will always be lost and thoughtful about it, wasting my time even further for not deciding to pursue what is interesting to me—succumbing to a certain status......

>> No.20442439

being a teen is better than being a child , i remeber being a child and being so bored constantly.So much so that i would just follow my parents around and nag them about random topics

>> No.20442457

Surely you are doing SOMETHING. Whether it's porn, video games, trading crypto, working a day job, music, studying, something.

My problem is that I have spent multi-year long phases in each becoming genuinely pretty good at them, but ultimately it amounts to nothing. If I want to truly attain the highest rings of society I need to pick ONE thing and focus on it.

>I have a million dollars in cash from crypto, a wife and kid from self-improvement, a 200k salary job and ivy league degree from studying, written a novel, and recorded a complete album of works I learned on the piano, and I have over 150TB of movies, tv, games, and porn downloaded and I could talk about that alone for hours.
But you've never fucking heard of me. I guarantee you have no idea who the fuck I am because I'm not "great" at any of these things. That's my point.

>> No.20442475

i am actually happier now at 25 than i was in highschool and later
But i was always asocial incel, so now when there is pandemy and i somehow forced myself into remote work where i larp as engineer, for the first time i feel somewhat normal.
Also has much more time, when no commute or has to waste time "socializing" with normans

>> No.20442511
File: 351 KB, 1440x1045, Millennials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It means to be imaginally proactive —to recognize the universal syncord that exists between the mutually affined, and to virtuously personalize oneself through good works.

Most Millennials have lost their Millennial tincture, and become genexerized, and/or zoomerized —id est: pessimistic, fatalistic, nihilistic.

>> No.20442533

Every time you sleep you die, every morning is a resurrection

>> No.20442576

Thank you, well said.