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20440941 No.20440941 [Reply] [Original]

Any book that will help me find a reason to live?

>> No.20440975

"I ask you, gentlemen, what else are we to do but laugh when we hear utterances so ridiculous, and when we see old men all but standing on their heads in public for the sake of a little despicable fame? That you may know what manner of thing is this 'Holy Image' which is about to be burned up, lend me your ears, for I have observed his character and kept an eye on his career from the beginning, and have ascertained various particulars from his fellow-citizens and people who cannot have helped knowing him thoroughly.”
"This so-claimed ‘creation and masterpiece of nature’, this ‘Canon of Polyclitus’, as soon as he came of age, was discovered attempting to commit a rape in Armenia and got a sound beating by his discovers but managed to escape by jumping off roof and running away as fast as could with a radish having been jammed into his rectum. Then he groomed and molested a young boy, and only by paying three thousand drachmas to the boy's parents, who were poor, did buy himself off from being brought before the governor of the province of Asia.”
"All this and the like of it I propose to pass over; for he was still unshapen clay, and our 'holy image' had not yet been consummated for us. What he did to his father, however, is very well worth hearing; but you all know it—you have heard how he strangled the aged man, unable to tolerate his living beyond sixty years. Then, when news of his vile deed had reached neighboring cities, he, wishing to escape justice, claimed to condemn ‘himself’ to exile and roamed about, going to one country after another.”
"It was then that he learned the wondrous lore of the Christians, by associating with their priests and scribes in Palestine. And - what else would we expect? - he quickly made them all look like children, for he was soon their prophet, their cult-leader, the head of their synagogue, and everything all at once, by himself.
He interpreted and explained some of their books and even composed many, and they revered him as a god, made use of him as a lawgiver, and set him down as a protector, second in importance only after that other ‘prophet’ of theirs whom they still worship: that man who was crucified in Palestine because he introduced this new cult into the world.”

>> No.20440977
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>> No.20440978

Don't read books for the sake of inciting a certain feeling. If you do, it will start disappearing as soon as you put the book down.

>> No.20440981
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>> No.20440987

Die fröhliche Wissenschaft

>> No.20440997

however all of that doesn't confirm your Jewish death cult or your clown deity storybook religions as being true.

>> No.20441000

Please continue, schizoanon. You have my attention.

>> No.20441144

The frog made no expression as he sat still dormant on his lily pad. Across the ocean another shaved ape had latched onto his physic beacon and it would not take much to annihilate the apes consciousness and replace it with a construct of the frogs own desire.

The little veins in his back bulged. All he was projecting was KILL KILL KILL. And in many ways the apes did deserve it.

>> No.20441150

There is no reason to live other than God.

>> No.20441168

if only all theists took that view and there were more mass suicides. Just goes to show they don't really believe in what they say and that their sole reason for carrying on one day after the next is to annoy other people with their depressive mind-rotting psychodramas.

>> No.20441220
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This frog right here mate.
Also, killing yourself is a crime mate. Don't do crimes.

>> No.20441229

i don't have the energy to kill myself, and i don't want to. i just feel like i've never really been alive.

>> No.20441239
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Do you have any hobbies?
How old are you?
Where do you live? What kind of outdoor activities are available to you there?

>> No.20441240
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>> No.20441254

To Stay Alive and H.P. Lovecraft by Michel Houllebecq

>> No.20441266
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Read Ellul.

>> No.20441273

Go on…

>> No.20441289
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i'm 18, never had any real problems, most things in my life were handed to me by my parents.
i do sports and i work out, but i always have this impression that in the end it's all for nothing, and that our lives don't mean anything.
sometimes i have phases when i discover a new philosophy and think to myself: "this is it! i've found it!" but in the end i come back to the same conclusion that nothing really matters.
i want to believe in the soul, in honor, in god, in purpose. but my rational side doesn't believe it.

>> No.20441306

I've never really understood the problem with suicide or why it's considered somehow 'bad' over here; people assume you need some massive terrible reason but there doesn't need to be. If life is boring and the time is tedious and uninspiring take another spin on the reincarnation wheel. You're only really waiting for a long number of years before being born into that future era or past era anyway.

imo suicide isn't bad or unhappy but the only unhappy part is that people who ought kill themselves and put the world out of their misery; the government officials and so on, can't even have the good decency to do it to themselves en masse.

>> No.20441313

The power of now

>> No.20441322

deep unhappiness seems coupled with a tenacious desire to live and do harm to others. that's what i'm getting at.

the nature of the ravenous little weasel going on living and eating the various insects and mice it can manage to overpower; to make its dishonorable conquest over weak creatures to be some kind of moral fuel for its own ego as it imagines itself mighty and powerful solely and singularly 'by' dishonorable acts.

bah, kill the weasels.

i've also never understood why the modern day high school shooters don't bother killing people who actually deserve it.

>> No.20441326

Take one way flight ticket go into a whole new place, find new friends, take a job (if you can ss. visa), have fun hike... And maybe once you'll come back to the place you currently live in or otherwise you'll call your new place home and you'll be just happy. At least I would and i plan to do that tell me if it worked

>> No.20441350

Dude, Jesus Christ, give yourself time, it is absolutely normal to have these moments when you are that age.
If you are well off and do sports, have friends, don't worry, it'll pass. I had the same issues (and others) and tried to end myself once, but you don't seem to be on that way.
>i want to believe in the soul, in honor, in god, in purpose. but my rational side doesn't believe it.
Soul is life, there is nothing to believe in other than your own eyes seeing that living things are different from unliving things.
Honour is a virtue, it doesn't require belief. If you mean the belief that behaving with honour will always be better than behaving without it, despite the obvious cases where it doesn't, you are mistaking ethics with strategy.
God is, beyond the Revelation, the intuitively given correlate of the lived world's teleology. It is perfectly reasonable to believe in Him, however there isn't much that can be said about Him through reason alone.
As for purpose, you need to believe in the one you find. There is sadly no other trick to it.

>> No.20441362

Ask yourself: what difference does purpose make? I personally am crazy and need no proof we are here congregated in Maya to learn and suffer until eventually we escape, but even if I didn't I'd find the notion of meaning to be at the very least somewhat laughable. You are alive in a world adorned with every contour from the mythical to the carnal and sinful. You are and will be surrounded by a number of individuals ranging from the most debased of hylics to the most detached of psychics. Yours will be an experience that will be undoubtedly and unabrazenly tainted by the colors, egos, desires, tragedies, emotions and feelings of others, and regardless of what you think of them, whether you see them as mere flesh puppets easily manipulated or as beautiful yet misguided beings living teaching of the kind only etched in soul through the flesh, you will nonetheless have barely any time to process it. If you live properly (and you should, both your flesh and soul cry for it) then you will find purpose to be intrinsic. At worst you'll attach it to an inherent part of living, just to be proven wrong if the gods are feeling in good humor that evening.
Perhaps that's the first thing you need to learn: it's the condition of human beings to know absolutely nothing about their state. And that's okay. It's the first of many humbling revelations you need to discover by yourself.

>> No.20441368
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I understand what you're saying because I use roaches instead for the same kind of analogy.

But I think you've got weasels all wrong.

>> No.20441404

Mans search for meaning by Victor Frankel

>> No.20441406
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>> No.20441415
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>> No.20441420
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read books / authors mentioned in these charts i posted, and you are sure to find some sort of meaning

>> No.20441427

ah maybe we judge the weasel too harshly; stil it's hard to find examples of mammalian life who get off on this cycle - i wouldn't use a cockroach for the example because insects don't possess higher conscious to control their actions with same kind of intent, it's more automatic.

>> No.20441457

Consider animals without reason, like cats. They don't need a reason to live.

>> No.20441465

actually the word and concept of 'soul' refers to psyche; the mind; intellect.

this destroys all notions of non-material mysticism and if we can one day have pyschic troopers in the field, guess what, it's because we've fathomed (or divined) the material science of the mystical phenomenon.

either way chubs, nothing can excuse you from studying practical things except your own laziness.

>> No.20441478

>Consider animals without reason, like cats. They don't need a reason to live.
Mammals do possess reason.

But this is not a good argument; you're saying consider, in your words, dumb beasts who don't need a reason to live and yet do live, but I wold argue that to be like a dumb beast is the precise reasoning why humans do not want to live to be like that - they already are like that and every fiber of their brain hates it.

badum chush

>> No.20441611

There is no ebook version and a paperback copy costs at least 100 dollars. Thanks

>> No.20441620

Crime is rad, though. Why else would rappers make high art about it?

>> No.20441624
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>> No.20441633
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>> No.20441641

For me, it was The Kybalion.

>> No.20441658

>incapable of finding a pdf on the internet
Perhaps for you, there is no reason to live.

>> No.20441763

>I want to believe in the soul, in honor, in god, in purpose. but my rational side doesn't believe it.
Retard. Reason is the least important component, especially after you do all the hard work like I did, only to realize that you’re in the unenviable and self-contemptible position where you know what’s right but your disposition doesn’t show it. Whether or not your “rational” side believes in it won’t be enough for true faith. Reason only perfects what is already inside. Reason led me to God, but the process of transforming every cell in my body so it orients towards God is an DELIBERATE and LIFELONG process.

Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Whatever you end up believing, understand that cold, abstract reason is not enough. You have to feel it in your heart and your bones, and that’s hard work.

>> No.20441766

How about your irrational side?

>> No.20441810

name one thing your willing to suffer for, then suffer for it. Simple.

>> No.20442074

> read heterodox Christian nonsense from /pol/ because it mentions scientists and science itself is just heterodox Christianity
I won’t.

>> No.20442092

Jane Eyre. Happy endings happen, and are more beautiful than one can imagine.

>> No.20442102

Become transsexual and then read Nietzsche.

>> No.20442180

>heterodox Christianity
lol so mainstream christianity is referred to as homodox? that actually makes sense.

>> No.20442233


>> No.20442288

well fuck you then.
>give me book reccs
>give book recs from well known scientists and philosophers.
>no, not that! I dont want to read that!
well fuck you then, dont read anything, and remain ignorant forever,

>> No.20442301

Digits of true.

>> No.20442493
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>> No.20443858

Is it Christian? Doesn't it advocate for reincarnation?

>> No.20443867
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The Gospel of John

>> No.20444449

I also can't find it. It's not on libgen, not on any IRC channel. Where did you get it?

>> No.20444464

Only you can find that, anon.

>> No.20444877

Going outside and interacting with people.