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File: 27 KB, 340x255, 7855-new-york-columbia_university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2043995 [Reply] [Original]


if you people are so smart, how come not a single one of you could get into an Ivy League college?

>> No.2043999

I did and declined to attend -- I only would have gone to Harvard or Columbia as far as Ivies go (neither of which I did get into).

>> No.2044002

because i never did my homework in high school and it hurt my gpa.

>> No.2044003

also, i had no extra curricular activities to list except sports, and something tells me they don't care too much about spoartz.

>> No.2044004

I did, B.A. from Brown, M.S. from Penn.

>> No.2044007


>Ivy League schools

>Don't care about sports


>> No.2044008

which important people in world history have ever been from an ivy league school?

>> No.2044010

>implying that Rice doesn't count as honorary ivy league

>> No.2044014

George Dubya

>> No.2044015

barack obama

>> No.2044019

Where I live we have sandstones.

And I'm at one.

>> No.2044021


Barack Obama, George Bush, Naom Chomsky, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, John D. Rockefeller, Richard Gates...

>> No.2044023

>if you people are so smart, how come not a single one of you could get into an Ivy League college?
well obviously OP we aren't all in ivy league colleges so that must mean that not only are we not special but we are also fucking stupid for not busting ass in school and having rich parents

one or two guys will pop up bragging about how they got in or worked hard or something

don't ask me if i am mad because i'm not

saging an off-topic troll thread

>> No.2044025


Pearl S. Buck, E.B. White, Thomas Pynchon, Dr. Spock...

>> No.2044033

The Ivy League might be some of the most famous schools in the world, and some of them might also be among, say, the top ten schools in the world by most rankings, but as a group, it's not like they are the end all, be all.

Sure, I couldn't've gotten into Harvard. Most of the people I know who did are minorities coming from exceptionally difficult backgrounds. There's more too it than academic success and general intelligence.
Right now, I'm attending a school that consistently ranks above many of the Ivys, but below Harvard and the other top-tier non-Ivys (Tokyo U, U Chigago, etc. etc.), and I'm completely satisfied with the level of academics here.

If I had been a teenager in the seventies, perhaps I might've cared a little more, because the prospect of attending lectures by Vladimir Nabokov at Cornell seems a little difficult to pass up.

>> No.2044051

but they probably aren't way into it like how some universities give athletes full scholarships even though they are borderline retarded

>> No.2044065

I go to Oxford and I have worse book ideas than most random assholes on /lit/

But I"m cool with that, because my concetration is economics.

>> No.2044078

I didn't go to an Ivy up north but I did get both my undergrad and Juris Doctor at a Southern Ivy. Surely that counts for something, right OP?

>> No.2044081
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Ivy league is about money. Money I don't have and aren't willing to borrow

the upper class keeps some things to itself

>> No.2044082

>Southern Ivy

>> No.2044090

"If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education go the library." - Frank Zappa

>> No.2044135

Joke's on Zappa... the only libraries with lots of books worth reading are in colleges.

>> No.2044164

Because I cared fuck all about my grades in high school and didn't even bother to take the ACT or SAT. So I joined the Coast Guard after I graduated and I'm...actually living a great life now. I'm pretty damn happy with where I am.

You see kids, you don't have to go to the BEST SCHOOL IN THE UNIVERSE in order to get somewhere in life, and what that "somewhere" is is completely subjective. I make 50k a year. That might not sound like much, but it's enough for me, because I don't require much to be happy.

You gotta find your own niche in life.

>> No.2044188


Hey, I'm there right now! Morningside Heights is nice.

>> No.2044199

Also, I couldn't afford to attend a college in america without a scholarship, and there are a couple of decent universities in the UK

>> No.2044211

Because perfect grades and perfect SAT scores mean nothing if you didn't also start a nationwide charity in your spare time or be really great at some sport. That's basically all there is to it.

>> No.2044219

Hey. Oxford. I just graduated. What college are you at?

>> No.2044227

Because I was lazy and indifferent before I got into college.

>> No.2044228

Corpus Christi!

How about you?

>> No.2044229

could have if i wanted to

>> No.2044231

Magdalen. I know someone at Corpus, but haven't spent any time there myself - otherwise I would totally relate some anecdotes or something

>> No.2044233

You can read college books without belonging to the college. All you will need is social confidence.

>> No.2044235

How can I justify the tuition?

>> No.2044249


Oh yeah? I'm probably going to drop out actually.

I'm going to focus on my band.

>> No.2044250

Embry-Riddle offered a better scholarship.

>> No.2044251

Cool.Good luck if you do that!

>> No.2044253

I don't attend any kind of college.

What now?

>> No.2044254


>I'm going to focus on my hand


>> No.2044255


I don't blame you.
I don't go to Oxford or anything but I hear the girls there are sort of handsome, if you catch my drift.

Playing in a band definitely seems like a better option.

>> No.2044260

it's called the "ivy league" simply because of sports
fucking retard

>> No.2044264


That too.


Uh, I guess you're right.

>> No.2044265
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I don't live in that horrible country.

>> No.2044268
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CC'14 here, OP. Fuck you.

>> No.2044282


That's too bad. You're missing out on the liberties America provides its citizens, liberties not found anywhere else in the world.

>> No.2044283

fuck you op, i'm a bus driver.

>> No.2044285


>> No.2044294


The first amendment, the second amendment... the constitution of the United States is based on freedom. We have the right to free speech. That is a right that is banned in most of the rest of the world. We also have the right to defend ourselves, which is a right not found in much of the rest of the world. We have the right to a fair trial, the right to not let soldiers invade our homes. Basically we are better off than most of the world because of the liberties our constitution allows.

>> No.2044299

not a bad route. you probably make more than most people with a humanities degree, and you got benefits.

>> No.2044305


Yes, sometimes I do regret not being able to buy 2 big macs for a dollar.

>> No.2044312


The government can suspend those rights whenever.

>> No.2044318


No, it can't. There have been abominations like The Patriot Act but the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are still the more important documents.

>> No.2044323

In Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. you're mostly alright with free speech, fair trial and stuff. In some of those other countries you get other cool stuff - like legal weed in Holland etc. US is by no stretch of the imagination unique in having the liberties you're so proud of

>> No.2044324

Yes, you have invisible rights floating around you that somehow give you a sense of gratitude, even though "a fair trial" is one where rhetoric is used to sway a collection of questionable citizens to varying, sometimes incredulous results, and hollow rights like "the right to privacy" is a pandering right that goes to illustrate how you- and everyone else in your country- has their values in the wrong, selfish places. Also, you're ignoring that the economic principles your country was founded on have many flaws now rearing their heads.

>> No.2044327

Hold on - are you advocating trial without jury here? WTF?

>> No.2044335


The United States, is however, strong in that it is willing to defend those liberties. We are the home of the brave for a reason.

>> No.2044339

A jury full of the average american is NOT a fair jury at all.

>> No.2044343


Also, speaking of western Europe, that includes Germany, a country whose liberties are limited. Germans are paranoid of having any sense of national pride and when someone raises a German flag at a Soccer game it starts controversy. Germans are weak-minded enough to think that it is okay to ban books whose ideas they feel are a threat.

Other European countries are not protected from censorship, either. That is a difference between Europe and the United States.

Another difference? The United States actively encourages competition rather than striving towards giving people handouts. In the United States, if you want to live well you are going to have to actually work for it. That is part of what freedom means.

>> No.2044344


>implying there's something bad about having a right to privacy.

>> No.2044345

Defend them? Against whom? The only people you could possibly need to defend yourself from, who could take away those rights, are your own government (acknowledging, albeit reluctantly, that the US is unlikely to be the victim of a military invasion at any time in the near future)

>> No.2044356


The United States has defended its freedom from:

>The British under the tyranny of King George III


>Secessionists who wanted to deny African-Americans their right to freedom

>The Spanish



>Islamic terrorists

And the list goes on

>> No.2044357

>>if you want to live well you are going to have to actually work for it. That is part of what freedom means
That... that is definitely a new meaning of 'freedom' for me, but whatever. Oh, yeah, and plenty of books are banned in american schools and whatnot; certain websites are illegal to view (e.g. paedophilia - I think correctly, but that's hardly the point at issue); and the fact that you feel free to generalise about the entire population of a country being 'weak-minded' --- well, that's just, quite literally, racist. We all know that's bad, right?

>> No.2044363


Germans aren't a race, they're a nationality.

>> No.2044364

I am. It's something a lot of people care about, but it's a silly fucking thing to expect to get when you've 1) never worked for it, 2) aren't intelligent enough to know this system of thinking is terrible for the world, and ultimately thus for the individual. You shouldn't be given rights like this if you aren't cultured enough to know the value of that right beyond that it 'makes you feel better and is mah right as an amerikkan hurrka durr".

>> No.2044365

You spoke in the present tense initially. However, I shall rise to the bait: 'Nazis' 'Communists' and 'Islamic terrorists' are bullshit inclusions. Nazis never attacked the US (even the Japanese did so with the initial hope of sueing for peace once they'd nabbed some oil - or so I've heard. I'll admit uncertainty on that); 'Communists' just wanted to kill you all because of Nuke tension - they didn't want to curtail free speech or anything, that was irrelevant; Islamic terrorists. Really? REALLY? Grow the fuck up

>> No.2044368


Americans have the right to say what they think and feel without being spied on or abused. America is not a police state where anyone can be detained just for saying an opinion the government doesn't like.

Being profiled, spied on and harassed for your beliefs is the very definition of being a victim of Fascism. That is something that stands very much against what America stands for.

>> No.2044370

Sorry, should clarify the last point: They cannot alter the laws of your country without invading it. You are not defending your right to free speech from them: you are defending your sovereignty - and even that's only if you accept a genuine threat to the stability of US government

>> No.2044372

The idea that ivy-league schools are actually to be aspired to by working-class children is laughable. Universities like those exist only as money-sinks for the wastefully rich to send their over-privileged children to, offering little that another school can't aside from prestige, future business partners, and pretty hallways.

Honestly, any teenager whose ultimate dream is to be accepted to Harvard or Yale and whose parents aren't already filthy rich is setting themselves up for disappointment no matter how goddamn smart they are.

>> No.2044377

America harrasses and spies on any foriegn nationals within its borders, whether she's an 84 year-old Australian lady, or a 23 year-old Kenyan. It's a country with many lovely, open-minded, intelligent and attractive people in it. It's just that by far the majority of them are total fuckwits

>> No.2044378

its pretty chill when your great nation let down many returning soldiers from iraq and foreclosed on their homes after they nearly died for your country...

>> No.2044379

yep 25 an hour isn't too bad

>> No.2044383


Let's contrast the United States with the society Islamic terrorists come from. In the United States, women are allowed to vote, wear clothing that actually lets them show their bodies and faces, and when someone commits rape the rapist is punished for it.
In Islamic society women are treated as property like household fuck pets, and it is seen as their fault if they are raped, hence honor killings under the rule of the Taliban. In Saudi Arabia, people are still killed for homosexuality. (something Americans have a perfect right to without fearing the government)

You know what else people are executed for in Islamic societies? Sorcery. America stopped executing people for "witchcraft" over a century ago.

The very fact that the Taliban aided al Qaeda in their Jihad against the United States has to do with the fact that al Qaeda and the Taliban stand in direct opposition to the kind of freedom America allows its citizens. They are afraid that if the United States remains a progressive, dominant power, its influence will "corrupt" their batshit insane society of misogyny, superstition and oppression.

>> No.2044387


>Foreign nationals

You only have American liberties if you are an American citizen. Foreigners are not protected by the constitution. Maybe if migrants actually took the time and effort to become naturalized citizens this wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.2044392

Sorry, I think the initial point was '... the liberties America provides its citizens, liberties not found anywhere else in the world.' not 'liberties some cuntmongering Arab states deny its women'.
But if your point is that, because they have their laws and the US has its, by bombing the crap out of these other countries the US is preventing such laws from becoming enshrined on its home ground.... I call troll, because no-one can be that silly.

>> No.2044398

not everybody in america who isn't a national is a migrant worker. You've heard of tourists, right? Global businesses? (I've heard some of the latter even employ people without US nationality!!!!). I just think that it's rather hypocritical to pride yourself on the rights the country awards its citizens and at the same time revel in its denying decent treatment to everybody else on the planet....

>> No.2044399

if they want to enjoy those same rights, they should become citizens.

>> No.2044400


>> No.2044416

because we can't extend the same rights to everyone or else we'd be at war with every other country.

>> No.2044446
File: 18 KB, 309x95, Screen shot 2011-08-29 at 01.53.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a picture of my school.
Pic related I just screencapped my profile.
>and no I'm not telling you what my name is
I could take a picture out my window but it's dark.

>> No.2044449

The only legit southern school is Virginia, and Vanderbilt is acceptable I guess. Otherwise no.

>> No.2044667

>implying America is the only country with those rights
>implying your legal system isn't unjust as fuck

>> No.2044821


The only legit southern school is Duke.

>> No.2044830

I go to Amherst. That is better than an Ivy League.

>> No.2044940
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>> No.2045785


I hope this isn't what Amherst students actually believe.

>> No.2045791


>> No.2045822
File: 55 KB, 640x360, FIRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any desire for upward mobility at all. And intelligence isn't what gets you far in society, it is submission.

>> No.2045856
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Also: Drink blood, smoke crap, worship satan, go Mac[alester]!

>> No.2045864

Enjoying NSOP?

>> No.2045902

Never heard anyone, except visiting Americans, use the term 'concentration' with regards to what subject they are reading.

>American pretendfag detected.

>> No.2045912


That's what they call majors at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and the like.

>> No.2045917

I can only speak for Oxford, but no it isn't. Major/minor isn't a common/offical term here for combination of subjects (also UK in general).

>> No.2045938

It's /lit/, you cockmongler.

>> No.2045949


Actually in the United States a "concentration" refers to a focus within your major, not the major itself. For example, our current president holds a degree in Political Science with a "concentration" in International Relations

>> No.2045953

>Americans pretending to be British

Never change /lit/.

>> No.2045960


>Americans pretending to be British


>Men pretending to be fags

Just some food for thought, faggots.

>> No.2045961

ITT: people who go to community college (including OP)

>> No.2045969


I went to community college and state uni for undergrad, have an A.A. and a B.S. My M.A., however, is from Dartmouth.

>> No.2045980

>implying undergrad counts for a single thing
These days, only getting a Bachelor's isn't worth any more than a GED. Go somewhere you'll do really well for it, then get in to a good school for your Master's/Doctorate.

>> No.2045981

A degree from those sheep-shaggers ain't worth shit.
kool kidz go 2 Koolumbia

>> No.2045985

Dartmouth is worse than Brown, and that's saying something.

>> No.2045992



>Not Penn

lolololol, you're both fags. Everyone in my family either went to Penn or Brown or taught there. I've actually just been accepted into both for grad school. Jelly?

>> No.2045995

Jelly of something you didn't actually earn? No.

>> No.2046000

Which shall you choose?

>> No.2046010

No, not really. The only good thing about Brown is Emma Watson, and she left.

I'm content with my Columbia education, tyvm.

>> No.2046024


lol no

>> No.2046237



>> No.2046265


Neither of those schools is a particularly bad choice.

>> No.2046282 [DELETED] 

yfw i'm a yale undergrad

>> No.2046348


>> No.2046365


It may be "the gay ivy" but it's still top three and I'm pretty happy with that. Not that it matters all that much to anyone else, but I think Yale has the most beautiful campus in the world. Also, our residential college system is fucking tight. Also, I got in to Harvard and not Princeton.

>> No.2046372

ITT: liars

>> No.2046375

>my face when you're an undergraduate at all.

>> No.2046378



>> No.2046393

Eh, it's cool. We're the Durg/Protest/LiberalHippyBullshit Ivy, so whatevs.
At least we're not Brown!

>> No.2046397

would a >>2044081
>money I don't have and aren't willing to borrow
What you meant to say was
>money I don't have or intend to borrow

>> No.2046666

I am in a PhD prog at Vandy, Ivy enough for me bitch

>> No.2046940

Because my degree gets me the same amount of money no matter where I go.

>> No.2048143


In other words, 0 dollars.

>> No.2048412

I was accepted to UPenn but couldn't afford to go there

>> No.2050220 [DELETED] 

I go, or went to Grinnell.

I'm on leave right now though, due to a condition.

>> No.2050223

Couldn't get into the University of Iowa?

>> No.2050230 [DELETED] 

I actually moved to Iowa just to go to Grinell. The very laid back and homely atmosphere that oft mentioned compelled me to come. I remember being really psyched for college after I actually visited sophomore year with some mates.

>> No.2050231
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I live in Scotland and I'd rather get free education than pay just so I can hang with yuppie pig Americans.

>> No.2050234

>due to a condition.
is your heart too big for your body?

>> No.2050235
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Catholic University Louvain reporting in.

I study Language and Linguistics.

I just know there have to be more Belgians in here.

>> No.2050245 [DELETED] 

No. Migraines due to something far more serious.

But its okay. I've come to accept my place right now. That's all you can do.

>> No.2050252

aw. best of luck

>> No.2050622

If you didn't go to an Ivy League school, your degree doesn't mean shit.

>> No.2050645

I was accepted to Brown and Cornell but decided to go to Carnegie Mellon because I had never eaten a real Primanti Bros. sandwich.

I have since dropped out.

It was worth it.

>> No.2050684
File: 12 KB, 200x303, sound-fury-corrected-text-with-faulkners-appendix-william-faulkner-hardcover-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I never had time to go to go to Harvard or drink myself into the ground. I had to work."

>> No.2050694
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Is it just my imagination, or is Faulkner the spitting image of Frasier's dad out of off of Frasier?

>> No.2050703

I wanted to stay local, and there aren't any Ivy League schools in California.

>> No.2050708


>wanted to stay local

Academic inbreeding much?

Most people go to college to gtfo from where they lived their previous lives. You defeated the entire point.

>> No.2050721
File: 125 KB, 628x398, John-Mahoney-dans-Barton-fink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the lulz, check out "Barton Fink." John Mahoney (Frasier's dad) plays a novelist from the South who was invited to Hollywood to write scripts and drinks a lot. He's almost 100% based off Faulkner.