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[ERROR] No.2043693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My biggist problem with the police is the way they arbritarly enforce laws, their ignorance of appropriate charges and their disinterest in finding out who is innocent in situations when making arrest. Their attitude seems to be is to arrest everyone and allow our "true and honest" judicial system sort them out.

When the police use their own discretion its typical for them to have this "white knight, good ol' boy" mentality that includes believing that females are incapable of any wrong doing because their mother was such a great woman and that their prick seems to disrupt their concept of reality. Because of this women are rarely ever suspected of a crime and are rarely ever arrested even when someone has the nerve to accuse on them being a criminal.

Just like the stereotype of the obnoxious, overweight, ignorant, ugly American fits the profile more of the black American but yet it gets misdirected toward the white, middle class, hetrosexual male, the idea of "white privallge" is something only white females enjoy and not all white people in general.

>> No.2043701

Go read a book and stop your whining.

>> No.2043702


>> No.2043705

le Sigh

>> No.2043714

Looks good

>> No.2043715
File: 600 KB, 1204x1392, Courage the Cowardly Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2043723

I would like to see someone argue against this.

>> No.2043728

I would like to see it deleted.
How's it feel to want?

>> No.2043729

>"white privallge"
Ok, in the second case you might be making fun of people who see privilages all 'round them, but first is just bad.
Overally, very nice.

>> No.2043732


Anectdotal evedins is accepteble beause I kno what I saw is what alweys happins.

>> No.2043735
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1304101280179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citation needed, citation needed everywhere

>> No.2043740

>fuck blacks and women but please, before you say anything rude, think of the white males!


>> No.2043742

>My biggist

Stopped reading there.