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File: 36 KB, 410x480, Karl_Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20436774 No.20436774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche is unironically obsolete because Marx existed. Imagine trying to philosophize without first reflecting on your own material conditions that give rise to your perspective. Read 'The German Ideology', faggots.

>> No.20436778

cope commie

>> No.20436781

Explain please.

>> No.20436782

Marx was filtered by Wagner and his interpretation of primitive society.

>> No.20436787

>Self reflection

>> No.20436793

retarded, all the smart commies base themselves in nietzsche

>> No.20436794

It's all laid out in "The German Ideology". Holy shit incelbros are hopeless.

>> No.20436800

>Once upon a time a valiant fellow had the idea that men were drowned in water only because they were possessed with the idea of gravity. If they were to knock this notion out of their heads, say by stating it to be a superstition, a religious concept, they would be sublimely proof against any danger from water. His whole life long he fought against the illusion of gravity, of whose harmful results all statistics brought him new and manifold evidence. This valiant fellow was the type of the new revolutionary philosophers in Germany.

>> No.20436801

I sort of view them as two sides of the same coin. Marx unveiled the material determinants of the history of ideas while Nietzsche unveiled the biological determinants.
Calling Nietzsche naive for ignoring social structures is like calling Marx naive for putting too much emphasis on the social/material environment and ignoring the intrinsic properties of individuals. Maybe those claims are justified; but there’s nothing inherently wrong with choosing one aspect to study and giving it prominence in your work. No one can be expected to provide a complete description of all aspects of reality.

>> No.20436805

And Marx is obsolete because the driving force is will to power, so all attempts at actually using all those volumes of system building for anything worthwhile is doomed to failure at the outset

>> No.20436810

>Has never read any of the Frankfurt School.
This is why Nietzsche is worthless - no subsequent schools of thought have ever managed to expand and develop his thought. Neo-Marxists answer your contentions. Seek them out.

>> No.20436815

>Trust me, I'm smart, you just have to read the book for yourself and you'll see my two-line shit-post is really deep and worthwhile
You are everything that is wrong with /lit/ and should kys

>> No.20436817

>no subsequent schools of thought have ever managed to expand and develop his thought
Foucauldian philosophy?

>> No.20436819

>Nietzsche unveiled the biological determinants.
Fredric Jameson was right when he called Marxism the 'unsurpassable horizon' of interpretation. Honing in on biological determinants is already an ideologically motivated strategy which only Marxism can expose by way of addressing the material conditions of the society from which such a school of thought arises.

>> No.20436826

>Fredric Jameson was right when he called Marxism the 'unsurpassable horizon' of interpretation.

>> No.20436827

Retard. Foucault's critique begins from a Marxist vantage point.

>> No.20436830

I'm aware. He also developed on top of Nietzsche. Stop insulting random people's inteligence.

>> No.20436831

Fantastic rebuttal.

>> No.20436837

Yes, by rendering Nietzsche superfluous kek. Only Marxism can do this.

>> No.20436840
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>Fantastic rebuttal.

>> No.20436841

Stick your assumptions up your ass, Marx didn't write, so that "subsequent schools" could "develop" his thought in yet more writing while all their high-minded students sat around in Paris Cafes and drank red wine and waxed poetic about the working man, or so you can shitpost online while all attempts at using Marx for anything at all turned into Gulags and mass famine

>> No.20436844

a top kek to you sir =)

>> No.20436845

Are you alright? You're incomprehensible.

>> No.20436846
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>> No.20436848

You're just illiterate. Surprise, surprise

>> No.20436849


>> No.20436851

He was right about essentially everything so all that is left is seethe.

>> No.20436854
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>Marx didn't write, so that "subsequent schools" could "develop" his thought in yet more writing while all their high-minded students sat around in Paris Cafes and drank red wine and waxed poetic about the working man, or so you can shitpost online while all attempts at using Marx for anything at all turned into Gulags and mass famine

>> No.20436856

And there we go. The shitposter shows his true face
Mommy didn't love you, and daddy didn't care, so you have to get your attention where you can

>> No.20436858

Nietzsche-worshipping incels can't help buy project. A true sign of their inferior thought processes.

>> No.20436865

Bruh you seem very angry. Just embrace Marx - it's very refreshing.

>> No.20436868

Oh yes, commenting on an entry level-modern thinker must mean you worship them
Come back when you learn to read

>> No.20436873

>This demand to change consciousness amounts to a demand to interpret reality in another way, i.e., to recognise it by means of another interpretation....They forget however, that to these phrases they themselves are only opposing other phrases, and that they are in no way combating the real existing world when they are merely combating the phrases of this world.

Refute this, faggot.

>> No.20436875
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The Gulag Archipelago and the Protocols of Zion are the theory and practice of Marxism.

>> No.20436877


The devil is dead, and we have killed it!

>> No.20436884
File: 118 KB, 1093x649, ZvMNBWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx - Zionist, Rothschild stooge
Lenin - Zionist, Rothschild stooge
Hess - Zionist, Rothschild stooge
All the founders of (((Marxism))) were Zionist stooges and shills for central banking.

>> No.20436885

>This is why Nietzsche is worthless - no subsequent schools of thought have ever managed to expand and develop his thought.
Literally what is postmodernism.

>> No.20436894
File: 19 KB, 204x346, TheTechnologicalSocietyCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx is obsolete because he didn't reflect on his own immaterial conditions. Read Ellul.

>> No.20436896

>reflecting on your material conditions is what validates a philosophical idea


>> No.20436898

So you’ve only read Marx, and now think that his school of thought it’s the one and only way.

>> No.20436921

More info on this? Any site I can check out? I’ve heard of http://fuckthejews.com/

>> No.20436944
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Behind Communism by Britton Frank

>> No.20436992

Thanks anon.

>> No.20437021

You do realize this is an entirely manufactured quote, right? It's trivial to check as all of Bakunin's writings are easily accessible online and for free. It's like that one statement supposedly by Trotsky that gets thrown around here about Bolshevism being a ploy to enslave ethnic Russians, which is completely manufactured and can only be found in some pamphlet written by an American neo-nazi in the 1970s, this also contains all those famous supposed connections to Wall St.
The same with this thing. Yes indeed ethnic Jewish people were found with somewhat more frequency within the Bolshevik movement. But at the same time, other groups such as Letts (or Latvians), Lithuanians and Poles were even more frequent according to the demographics of the Russian Empire, without anyone calling a conspiracy w/r/t them.

>> No.20437030

Lefebvre seemed to think that Nietzsche, Marx and Hegel we’re all necessary.

>> No.20437049


>It's trivial to check
Sure is, google exists. Nazi tranny spammer? He's the only one who lies this brazenly and ends every thread by just making everybody hate Jews ten times more.

>> No.20437050

Idk anon, you sound like a Jew lover. Is there a book that debunks the conspiracies of the Jews?

>> No.20437139

Your link does not work.

Also, this book does not use a primary reference to Bakunin, nor does any mention of the word "Rothschild" appear in any edition of his collected works.

>> No.20437152

Bakunin on Marx and Rothschild
“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.

This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”

Source: Michael Bakunin, 1871, Personliche Beziehungen zu Marx. In: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3. Berlin 1924. P. 204-216.

>> No.20437167

The Werke are not available online, but here's the German
Diese Auffassung verknüpfte Bakunin auch mit seiner Marx-Kritik, wie folgende Stelle aus dem Text „Persönliche Beziehungen zu Marx“ von 1876 zeigt: „Nun, diese ganze jüdische Welt, die eine ausbeuterische Sekte, ein Blutegelvolk, einen einzigen fressenden Parasiten bildet, eng und intim nicht nur über die Staatsgrenzen hin, sondern auch über alle Verschiedenheiten der politischen Meinungen hinweg, – diese jüdische Welt steht heute zum großen Teil einerseits Marx, andererseits Rothschild zur Verfügung. Ich bin sicher, dass die Rothschild auf der einen Seite die Verdienste von Marx schätzen, und dass Marx auf der anderen Seite intensive Anziehung und großen Respekt für die Rothschild empfindet.“ Und weiter: „ … der Kommunismus von Marx will die mächtige staatliche Zentralisation, und wo es eine solche gibt, muss heutzutage unvermeidlich eine zentrale Staatsbank bestehen, und wo seine solche Bank besteht, wird die parasitische jüdische Nation, die in der Arbeit des Volkes spekuliert, immer ein Mittel zu bestehen finden …“.

Here's more
Bakunin’s December 1871 Letter to the Bologne Members of the International. Here is an extract from this circular:
"Well now, this whole Jewish world which constitutes a single exploiting sect, a sort of bloodsucker people, a collective parasite, voracious, organized in itself, not only across the frontiers of states but even across all the differences of political opinion—this world is presently, at least in great part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand and of the Rothschilds on the other. I know that the Rothschilds, reactionaries as they are and should be, highly appreciate the merits of the communist Marx; and that in his turn the communist Marx feels irresistibly drawn, by instinctive attraction and respectful admiration, to the financial genius of Rothschild. Jewish solidarity, that powerful solidarity that has maintained itself through all history, united them."
>The circular letter is available as “Lettre aux Internationaux de Bologne (décembre 1871),” in Bakounine, Œuvres Complètes, Volume 2. For more of Bakunin’s anti-Semitic rhetoric, see his “Aux Compagnons de la Fédération des Sections Internationales du Jura (février-mars 1872),” in Michel Bakounine, Œuvres Complètes, Volume 3: Michel Bakounine et les Conflits Dans L’Internationale 1872 (Paris: Editions Champ Libre, 1975). In Bakunin’s reply to Marx and Engels’ “The Alleged Splits in the International,” he denounced the lies of “German and Russian Jews.” See “Résponse à la Circulaire Privée du Conseil Général: Les Prétendues Scissions dans L’Internationale,” in Bakounine, Œuvres Complètes, Volume 3, 121. Bakunin’s reply was published in the Jura Federation’s Bulletin of June 15, 1872.

>> No.20437168

Who gives a shit about "material conditions"? Do you also think the "proleteriat" will revolt inevitably?

>> No.20437182

Wtf does this even mean? Is he saying wills(phrases?) are not real or something? What does he mean by the "real existing world"?

>> No.20437252

Again, these reference do not seem to exist.

Here's his collected works in French, there are only 4 references to Rothschild throughout, none in reference to Karl Marx.


>> No.20437310

That's probably because it's the older French edition of the oeuvres, but it is odd that the second citation says the lettre aux Bologne is in tome II. In any case it's said to be in band 3 of the Gesammelte Werke so I'll check if my local edition has it since we have a copy.

When Draper wrote his original citation it was only in the archives, not in any published edition. Not hard to see why. They did the same thing to Marx and Engels in the 1890s. Big controversy over what exactly to publish and what to expurgate, because Marx and Engels had spent 50 years calling every single person in the leftist movement retarded faggots and giving them gay nicknames.

>> No.20437320

holy based

>> No.20437332

Why leave out the sections concerning Marx's supposed connection to the Rothschild family, while retaining all of the other anti-semitic crap Bakunin wrote in the very same edition? Seems odd to me.

>> No.20437355

>Says the quote is fake
>Proceeds to get BTFO'd by >>20437152, >>20437167

>> No.20437357

no, it's what invalidates it

>> No.20437377

This "critique" of Stirner makes no sense. Nietzsche just pointed out the truth in that every good society has been an aristocratic one and it always will be.

>> No.20437383

He didn't though. No primary reference was posted and the quotes are not found in the French edition of Bakunin's complete works.

>> No.20437395

Source: Michael Bakunin, 1871, Personliche Beziehungen zu Marx. In: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3. Berlin 1924. P. 204-216.
Volume 3, 121. Bakunin’s reply was published in the Jura Federation’s Bulletin of June 15, 1872.
He did.

>> No.20437400

>your perspective
More than 50% is constructed by your genes and physiology.

>> No.20437416

Materialism is unironically demiurge worship

>> No.20437419

No we're just not a tranny like you

>> No.20437424

even if its true quote, Bakunin never wrote anything of importance, just jealous of based Marx genius bigbrain boy

>> No.20437439

Curious how this does not seem to be available anywhere. Some of the other ones are definitely made up, such as:
>The circular letter is available as “Lettre aux Internationaux de Bologne (décembre 1871),” in Bakounine, Œuvres Complètes, Volume 2
Neither the specific letter nor any of the quoted sections appear to exist in the French complete edition.

>> No.20437446

I agree, nor do I really have any interest in defending Bakunin who was no doubt an anti-semite. I am just tired of seeing what appears to be more or less manufactured texts circulated in order to imply a connection between Marx, communism and the Rothschild family.

>> No.20437494

who cares though? the only people who would give shit about "Rothschild" connections are some internet losers larping as fascists. there's nothing to be learned from such people so they can be completely ignored

>> No.20437528

They don’t want the truth out there

>> No.20437535

I find it strange that there are connections that tie the Rothschilds and other bankers to the Nazis and to communist states.

>> No.20437549

Because unfortunately it appears to be effective in fueling anti-communist sentiment.

>> No.20437557

So the quotes are fake? Looks like /lit/ got BTFO again.

>> No.20437582

If you're a real person, shouldn't you exist beyond your communist self-identification? Communism isn't a viable alternative (most people have never heard the term), find a new fantasy.

>> No.20437587

>value of something is related to the amount of work put on to it
yep, he believe that, stupid jew

>> No.20437595

Nah I just got back from the library. The quotes are all real. Took pictures from both the French and German editions for proof. Will post in a bit.

The French citation was mistaken because it said volume II when the article is in volume I, book II. It's split into two books. Actually there are two articles, both the Lettre and then the Persönlich Beziehungen.

>> No.20437602

Persönliche stupid phone

>> No.20437607

This thread is filled with frustrated shitposters. My advice is to abandon it and let these unloved childs to their quarrels.

>> No.20437613

Also he mentions the Rothschilds often enough. Just check the indices.

His criticism of Marx is pretty good too. Basically Marx was an autistic doctrinaire tyrant, which is obvious from all reports of his organizing activity.

>> No.20437639

why would that be strange? they were all capitalist economies, and you can't have a capitalist economy within a world market in the era of finance capital without connections to finance capital
lmao where? anti-communist sentiment is caused by communism being associated with totalitarianism and backwardness through the USSR as well as with the latest leftist cultural garbage. nobody gives a shit about some obscure "connections" except mentally ill people on the internet who are completely irrelevant to anything in the real world because they don't even leave their rooms
are you calling yourself a stupid jew? because Marx definitely didn't believe that. he openly rejects that view:
>Not the labour time incorporated in [previous] output, but the currently necessary labour time determines value. Take the pound of gold itself: let it be the product of 20 hours of labour time. Suppose that for some reason it later requires only 10 hours to produce a pound of gold. The pound of gold, whose denomination asserts that it = 20 hours of labour time, would now only = 10 hours of labour time, since 20 hours of labour time = 2 pounds of gold.

>> No.20437675

It’s strange because the nazis were openly shitting on bankers.
As for the commies, well they stopped the banks and have their economy collapse like total idiots.

>> No.20437858
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The volume for reference (1963 Brill edition, volume 1 book 2)

>> No.20437863
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The table of contents

The articles of interest are IV and V which are basically identical

>> No.20437865

>Imagine trying to philosophize without first reflecting on your own material conditions that give rise to your perspective
Imagine trying to Marxism without a hammer lol

>> No.20437869
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The Marx/Jew/Rothschild part from the Lettre, unfortunately I fucked it up and it's blurry but you can make out the Rothschild part near the bottom. Luckily the next article is a near duplicate and the picture is much clearer.

>> No.20437875


>> No.20437876
File: 269 KB, 1024x768, bak6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginning of relevant part from the Relations with Marx manuscript

>> No.20437883
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Next part of quote from Relations manuscript

>> No.20437887
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This is the Beziehungen (Relations) from the Gesammelte Werke, volume 3, again a bit blurry because my phone sucks

>> No.20437891
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Next part of same

>> No.20437907
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Some random Bakunin remarks about Rothschilds I came across just in that first French volume
>I do not think there exists a single Jew in the world today who does not stir with hope and pride when he hears the sacred name of Rothschild pronounced

>> No.20437910
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German title of the Beziehungen with note about the original manuscript

>> No.20437914
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French title of the Lettre

>> No.20437916
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Bumping to humiliate the dick-sucking connaisseurs who made this garbage thread.

>> No.20437971

Nietzsche's will to power, resentment and anthropological/sociological expositions show upon what Marx's disposition, reflected in his productions, is grounded. Even the apparently legitimate acceptance of combat, struggle and war against noble authority is tarnished by the moralistic, idealistic and resentful force with which this movement is propelled.

>> No.20437999

None of this proves the quotes aren't fabricated.

>> No.20438047

Do you understand how long it takes to put out a Gesamtausgabe or Oeuvres edition and how much scrutiny is directed at them? They're meant to be standard references for an entire century or even more, and they can take decades or generations to complete. If there were any way these were fake, there would be thousands of scholars capable of questioning them, and in this case almost anybody who studies Bakunin for a living would be motivated to do so since they make Bakunin look bad. The footnote I showed even has a manuscript history describing the exact manuscript. Draper, in the citation most people quote at second hand, cites the exact ms. number.

It's like saying you think there are fabricated passages in Hume's collected works. That would be kind of a big story. One single Locke manuscript being found in the 1940s (I forget) was a massive deal because Locke scholars know every inch of the Nachlass and it only stayed hidden by being tucked into something else. Everything is meticulously numbered and known.

Also it's not like it's out of character. Like I said, check the indices. He frequently mentions the Rothschilds and it's well known he was antisemitic. Are you going to say there was a worldwide hoax to fabricate all the OTHER times he mentions the Rothschilds negatively, and in print? Or was it just the one time it was in a manuscript or private letter that it was a hoax?

>> No.20438052

Are Marxist stupid or delusional? Both?
Why is it that they always defend communism, socialism, Marxism, and when refuted by evidence, they have three tricks up their sleeve, 1 “but that wasn’t real communism”, 2 “we have to define what _____ really means” (even after given a clear definition of a statement or idea, and 3 “this doesn’t prove _____”

>> No.20438075

Nice, thanks for posting. That said, it doesn't really tell us much other than the fact that Bakunin was into anti-semitic conspiracy theories.

>> No.20438109

quigley backs him up:

>> No.20438175
