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/lit/ - Literature

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20432264 No.20432264 [Reply] [Original]

Going through an extremely tough breakup now with the woman I thought was to bear my my children. Is there any lit that will help me through this turmoil, or at least resonate deeply in such a raw emotional state?

Please no blackpill shit. Love is real even if it’s a chemical. I don’t believe in soulmate nonsense, but love is certainly real and perhaps the realest experience there is besides warfare.

>> No.20432298

Wuthering Heights

>> No.20432331

>or at least resonate deeply in such a raw emotional state?
Hello fellow man. I see you are feeling down. Want to learn about my extremist political ideology?

>> No.20432346

I’ve heard and thought about them all. Theodore K was right. But I’m not gonna do anything about it, and I don’t believe the wheel of time can be turned back nor even slowed in a meaningful way.

>> No.20432425

The 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.20432436

I want to skin you alive, season you, then reverse sear you.

>> No.20433811

Sounds good, care to elaborate?

>> No.20433824


>> No.20433933

Joke answer: The Sorrows of Young Werther.

Serious answer: On the Beach. Simultaneously a great crier that is completely without hope, about absolute nuclear holocaust, and at the same time one of the most benevolent-spirited books you'll ever read, very positive about relationships.

>> No.20433935

The poem Locksley Hall by Tennyson. Trust me OP.

>> No.20433937

Love is sex. If you stop having sex you stop loving.

>> No.20433949


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

whenever im sad or blackpilled bout w*men I listen to this chapter and it reminds me it's not all that bad :)))))))))))) It's literature tooo and from the most memorized book IN THE WORLD!!!

So feel good and dw, whatever Allah prevents you may be good for you so ask Allah for something that is better

>> No.20433956

Inshallah allah will guide him to the right path because he was probably in a haram relationship anyway. Fornication is way too normal, then again maybe his concept of a relationship is analogous to an Islamic marriage.

>> No.20433960

May Allah grant you Jannahtul Firdaus habibi
Always nice to see a brother online!!!


Here is a nice Qari for you to listen to :))))))))))

>> No.20433985
File: 95 KB, 960x540, 3vf1i55ndkg51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20434046

You have a bad case of "porn" brain, my friend. OR you're a woman, and love is as foreign a concept to you as loyalty, friendship, or dignity.

>> No.20434051

That is Ohio

>> No.20434064

lol must have taken from a pro-ohio memer b4 changin it

guess he dont like michagang

>> No.20434106

In search of lost time

>> No.20434823

This one。

>> No.20434879

Samyutta Nikaya

>> No.20435268

no. what you're going to need is intense physical exertion. get a heavy labor job or start working out pronto. go to a boxing gym especially. kill your flesh every day, exhaust it and replace each cell with steel. you won't find such placidity with any novel, and if you rely on books for it, you'll founder and likely commit suicide by broken heart.
do and do, thing done - joyce

>> No.20435276

What went wrong?

>> No.20435313

Lift, eat good food, purge unnecessary things from your life, bare essentials, worship the sun, indulge yourself in hobbies. This is the best advice you can get, books do nothing without the support of the things said above. Be life affirming in your physicality, and it will lead to a life affirming mentality.

>> No.20435323

Gorther's Sufferings of Yung Werther

>> No.20435329

the book of Ecclesiastes.

>> No.20435402

In a few months time, maybe even a few weeks, the young woman with whom you are besotted will have dried whatever tears she shed (due to stress and moreso due to self-pity and learned behaviour) and will once again be coldly analysing each male she comes into contact with in order to judge whether seducing him is likely to guarantee her (1) a materially comfortable lifestyle, (2) a desirable and enviable social status, (3) an exciting life of erotic and novel pleasure. She is a young woman, and her instincts are all compelling her to remember that before long the ball will come to an end and unless she finds a suitable prince charming she will be forced to settle for a sub-optimal male. Furthermore, you are a man. From a young age she has learned that men like you are (or at least should be) dominant, assertive, ambitious, protective, confident and powerful enough to navigate life (e.g. interpersonal dispute, employment, complex tasks) easily and that failing to do that is deeply, deeply revolting. Tears compound your weakness.

Perhaps in a year or so, when she is lying in bed on her phone after an unsatisfying sexual experience with her new partner she will wistfully think back to her experiences with you a few years ago and become nostalgic etc. But this thinking isn't healthy, and so her mind will by default scan her memories of you to identify and repeat the things about you which make you inferior to her current boyfriend. She will be tempted to remember you as an abuser, as lazy, as unresourceful; those intimate and vulnerable moments where your flaws were exposed will be revisited in order to identify the reasons why her current trajectory is Disney-approved while the alternative, of staying with you, would surely have resulted in a comparatively lower social status, a less materially rich lifestyle, etc.

Human beings are scared animals, and while non-human animals can only identify the weak points of their fellow animals' physical disposition, a human animal also scans their fellow humans for psychological weak points even though a smile lingers on their face, and though their eyes are wide with supposed enthusiasm. It will only take one argument, one serious threat to their ego and the lifestyle which keeps it afloat, for all the analysed data to be poured out in a barrage of insults, accusations and harsh reminders. The animal with a desirable hole will drop the learned facade of cute inferiority and dependency and crack the whip to keep the animal with the excitable phallus in check. Your little rom-com episode is over, and you are crying like a wolf who has lost his pack (and thus the opportunity to abide by his Will's decree and sire another wolfling). The day ends, night arrives. The pain insists on sticking around. Meanwhile your ex-girlfwend is cleaning her uniform, waxing her dummy-like facade, and preparing to put on a show for the next acceptable hunk who will be seduced into providing for her. And I say that as a virgin.

>> No.20435463

You are like a monkey in a cell surrounded by floor-to-ceiling television screens on which are playing various looped memories of intimate and happy moments with your girlfriend, and also imagined scenes you projected onto your future with her. That time you first kissed and she blushed and looked at you with tears in her eyes? That time you had passionate, beastly, borderline-nonconsensual (and thus deeply arousing, for her) sex after escaping the incoming rainstorm? That image of you driving along an empty road in early Autumn with your wife beside you and your kids laughing and singing along to the song you love? What can you do as a frustrated monkey but run around the room with your long arms swinging wildly, covering first your eyes and then your ears as the familiar sounds of her moaning, her laughing, her whispering from the adjacent pillow in darkness incessantly besiege your ears (vibrating your stupid little ear drums as though you were a poor man trying to ignore the constant banging on your door from the debt collector). Keep running little monkey! Keep flinging yourself on the ground as the television screens illuminate the small space in which you are trapped. Why not throw some feces at the screens! How about hitting yourself with your big swinging monkey arms so hard that you are knocked unconscious for a while? Damaging your monkey body doesn't mean much at this moment in time. You will forever be a stupid, little monkey. Whether in this room, or another. They are all the same. The television screens will surround you forever, until your stupid little monkey heart gives out. The bright colours, the sounds, the sight of the smiling faces (a smile gives away so much!), all of them will torture you and tempt you to slap your pathetic monkey knuckles on the thick, curved glass in the hope that you will somehow taste what is captured within. Keep knocking, monkey boy! Nothing will change. Maybe at certain moments you will enter a room in which a camera stands waiting to focus on you. How fantastic that will be! You will gorge yourself on the sweet fruit presented on the white table and will howl with ecstasy as the camera zooms in (you'll notice the lens becoming smaller) on your fat, smiling face. But that is just one room of many. You know that by now, monkey boy! Stupid, stupid monkey boy. Keep running forever. You might catch it in the end!

>> No.20435499

Really all you need is time. Give it a few months, go out with friends and get laid a few times. You'll be okay. You're probably pretty young too. I always read salinger after breakups, I don't know particularly why, it's often not relevant to his stories. But there's a great relief, for me, in his characters' angst. Any Hemingway romance, especially The Sun Also Rises, would be great for this moment too.

Also, if it's your thing, I always gravitate to comedians when I'm going through something like this. Carlin, Louis C.K., Patrice O'Neal. Stuff with some edge. Opie and anthony was a great radio show back in the day that regularly hosted these guys and others like them. they're very edgy, very angsty, totally anti-phony. Anyway, it's the kind of shit that really helps me when I'm in a rough period, and there's huge archives of the stuff on youtube. good luck bro

>> No.20435533

irksome post
you seem like an awful superficial normhound who doesn't have the capacity for soul destroying heartbreak. gtfoh with your comedy shit.

fear and trembling

>> No.20435585

Just ended a 10 year relationship, saw the breakdown coming, and got a physcial labor job for the summer. I'm 20 pounds down, looking good, and my mind is preoccupied during the day.

>> No.20435642

Irksome post from average dude with oneitis. You are not special. She was not special. Your earth shattering heartbreak was just your brain's way of dignifying your desperation for pussy

>> No.20435684

more template inanity from you, enjoy your surface life, comedy fag. this board is not for you, go back to /adv/

>> No.20436333


>> No.20437474

Some good recommendations in here. Thank you


>> No.20437521


>> No.20437546

>and I say that as a virgin
Wow what a twist