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20430937 No.20430937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>got the good paying job
>got a cute girl who loves me
>parents left me a house for me to live so dont have to worry about debt
>meeting all my goals in life
>Feel more miserable now than ever before

Wtf should I read to help me solve this? Everything feels so fucking pointless and I get paralyzing anxiety just thinking about the purpose of life. Also God is not an option, what should I read? Heidegger? Nietzsche?

>> No.20430949

I actually hate you. Literally, sincerely, and unironically kill yourself

>> No.20430981

>A house, a girlfriend and still can have depression? AGHHHHH I'M GOING INSAAAAAANE

>> No.20430983

Call of the Crocodile. Deals with the concepts of non existence and going insane. I’ve never seen the concept done in horror before and it’s really creepy

>> No.20430990

Fuck you, give me your house, job and girlfriend.

>> No.20430992

I dont really feel depressed, more like empty. Like everything I used to love became chronically boring. If I killed myself it would be out of prolonged boredom, not prolonged sadness

>> No.20430996

Memes aside this is a good answer. Gardner seems to have peaked behind the veil of reality and every time I read one of his books it makes me feel like my life is a lie.

>> No.20430999


>> No.20431004
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>> No.20431005


The story is written by the guy Faggot Gardener. It's really well done

>> No.20431009


>> No.20431017

Read the religious existentialists. Especially the Russians are really good: Berdyaev and Shestov.

>> No.20431021

I don’t even understand why this book is memed so much. It’s a genuinely unique and unsettling approach. I have not read the other books by F Gardner but I’m honestly considering it now.

>> No.20431046

Start with the Gospels

>> No.20431055

>Also God is not an option, what should I read?

>> No.20431157

I understand. Once the grind stops you got time to be alone with your thoughts. Acquire skills.

>> No.20431162

The existencialism is for black people.

>> No.20431169

You lack struggle in life, the feeling of accomplishment after hard work. Get some creative hobby and read books related to it.

>> No.20431200

>doesn't mention religion
here we go again

>> No.20431225

There is no purpose to life and no external accomplishment will change that. You have a hole inside you that only you can fix. Get a beginner's book on stoicism, read it and report back.

>> No.20431237

I read the stoics a while back and didnt find them that appealing but its been a long time and Im a different person so Ill give them a go. Thank you fren

>> No.20431678

Read pessimists like Cioran and Schopenhauer, they will smooth out your bad mood a bit. But if you are desperate and courageous enough, take the path of nihilism and amoralism, it will lighten up the tarnished image of the world and replace despair with an invigorating hatred and passion for destruction. For the last read Nietzsche and decadent literature like Baudelaire.

>> No.20431686

Only Gardner recommends his own books.

>> No.20431698

Cluster B, hence >>20430949

>> No.20431769

I was just looking up symptoms of histrionic personality disorder and found this.
>Strong opinions without actual knowledge
Had a good chuckle

>> No.20431775
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>He believes achieving technical goals will make him content with life

>> No.20431780

Read Eleatic fragments and testimonia, some surrounding essays, and spread the good word of monist metaphysics. This is your new mission: give rise to a new era of Pre-Socratic wisdom and discovery.

>> No.20431794

those things don't mean anything. what's your job? were all your goals in life just to get a job and a girlfriend? were those your goals or just goals?

>> No.20431829

>shit parents
>failed ever hope ive ever had
>suicidal thoughts every day
And the joke's still on you faggpt

>> No.20432368


>> No.20432382

Get some human friends and befriend God.

>> No.20432388

you idiots do realize that everything since German Idealism in German philosophy is just their intellectual and erudite form of theology and that includes Heidegger.
Sein is God.

I know americans are too low iq to get, but thats how it is.

>> No.20432420

>posts something that has nothing to do with the thread
>drops some bullshit opinion he probably read on the internet
>very possible never read German idealists and Heidegger
Thank you for your effort.

>> No.20432454

i have read every work of german idealism (in german) and all of Heideggers major works.

my post was pertinent to a user itt but he didn’t deserve a (you)

>> No.20432475

That's unbelievable how a person who is so well-read can't distinguish between pure ontology and theology.

>> No.20432497

do name german theologists post 1800 where you dont feel cringe calling them genuine theologists.

I would like to point out that even Ratzinger ‘was’ self proclaimed heideggerian in his ‘theology’

>> No.20432528

I'm not interested in theology. My point is that such categories as Geist or Dasein don't necessarily include connotations of God and should or at least could be seen as completely autonomous ontological concepts.

>> No.20432540

>Der dialektische Weg des Geistes zum absoluten Wissen ist ein Gottwerden -Logik Vorwort
did YOU even read the guys you claim I didnt read?
And surely Heidegger basing so much on Luther and Eckhart was just material for literary inspiration. Dude was a based atheist too smart for God just like me!

>> No.20432568

stop shilling him

>> No.20432577

Call of the Crocodile is kino as fuck.

>> No.20432590

Been meaning to read Heidegger but I've heard that it's just Zen with extra steps. Is there any merit to reading him? I lean more towards positivism/empiricism/skepticism. Which philosophers would you recommend?

>> No.20432595

The fact that the spirit as a certain absolute becomes in God doesn't disregard the autonomous potential of Hegel's concept of Geist. Also, the fact that Heidegger was influenced by the mystical teaching of Eckhart doesn't necessarily affect the concept of Dasein directly, either explicitly or implicitly.

>> No.20432636

unless you are German I dont recommend getting into German philosophy that isnt analytical philosophy (as that is highly influential in the anglo world).
But of course Heidegger is ‘worth it’.
Just start with the greeks. It should take you years to get to ‘your philosopher’.
its the natural progression of german intellectuals. Jacob Böhme was a strict theological Christian and Hegels biggest influence specifically for terminology.
Maybe you think all medieval theologians were low IQ dogmatists?

Sorry dude, but you are just wrong. Youd get more out of thinkers who reference God if you approached them with the same respect as you show your “godless” thinkers and lose the ignorant prejudice and cringe anglo dogmatism.

>> No.20432662

Well, in the end, this is a respectable ending to our discussion, if you can call it that way.

>> No.20432664

>more like empty
mate that is just normal. There has never been a day in life that I didn't feel like there was a giant part of me missing. You just have to delude yourself into believing a overarching goal and work towards it. Doesn't matter if it is a politcal ideology, religion or money. So long as you can see it as something worth devoting your energy towards and can become an absolute fanatic to the point you think it is worth fighting for you'll at least not notice the emptiness (as much).

>> No.20432812

>Sein is God
This is the dumbest reading of Heidegger (and German philosophy) I’ve ever seen. You obviously don’t grasp the ontological difference if you believe this. God and gods are beings, not Being.

Heidegger was an outspoken atheist, even edgy, during the time he did his habilitation on Duns Scotus and when he worked on SZ - not to mention his whole period of historico-destruction of ontotheology and platonic-christianity, and the fact that his black notebooks are full of rage directed towards Christians and Jews and their theological “worldview”.

Taking Heidegger and Hegel for that matter (who got a lot flack for ‘killing’ God and the Christian faith before Nietzsche even entered the stage) as theologically preoccupied with putting “God” at the center of philosophy is a horrible mistake.

>> No.20432829

good post. Heidegger in the end was a sort of Platonist, taking on Plato's quest to understand the difference between the Ideal and the Real. In the end it drove him insane.

>> No.20432857
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lol, Heidegger surely won't help you feel gud.
What's your idea about Heidegger?

>> No.20433019

>Also God is not an option
This is your problem. There is no other option.

>> No.20433045

I think you should do some drugs and experience ego death, might give you a new perspective on life

>> No.20433056
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>Cluster B

>> No.20433062

Pyrrho, Sextus Empiricus, Hume, Descartes

for OP read Gabriel Marcel if need be.

>> No.20433129

Welcome to life, anon. Have a kid to spice it up for a few more years until Habit consumes that, too.

>> No.20433134 [DELETED] 

Ratzinger is too much based on the comparison with Heidegger.

>> No.20433140

You need to do something dangerous to regain your love of life. I recommend starting with skydiving and go from there. Seek thrills, and you will start coming back to humanity. I was just like you

>> No.20434255

sorry to break it to you kid, but when God is ontic you are not doing theology. Read Ratzinger.

You atheist cringe LARPers just WANT to have ‘God’ be the thing you are against to elevate your own notion above that which ‘the uneducated masses’ (your parents most likely) hold onto, but you fail to realize that when a genuine Christian, jew, muslim etc speak of God it is nothing but ontological.

You are vain losers who create strawmen to prop up your conviction, but by doing that you just make yourself as shallow and pathetic as those who you oppose.

German Philosophers Since Kant simply didnt accept the dated and ever sophmoric becoming arguments by the southern Europeans convincing anymore, so they made their own God and gave him all these beautiful German names.

>> No.20434327

Read the Gospels, Acts and Ecclesiastes.

>> No.20434366

Kierkegaards sickness upon death, and fear and trembling

>> No.20434383

God doesn't exist, there is nothing I want or don't want god to be, because how can you make something that doesn't exist?

>> No.20434387

God is being and knowing. refute either, virgin.
Protip: you can't.

>> No.20434401

>because how can you make something that doesn't exist?
The same way that God made our world, by making it come-to-be from nothing. You have reality upside down, it's us that were created from nothing.

>> No.20434409

No need to refute something that doesn't exist. While you still haven't proved your nonsense. Don't feel too bad tho, it's impossible to prove metaphysical opinions, so you can quietly disappear from the thread.

>> No.20434412

Not him but this was a midwit cop-out

>> No.20434413

Then who made god? And your argument falls flat. God doesn't exist.

>> No.20434414

weak bait

>> No.20434420

Sorry, but I don't partake in metaphysical masturbation matches to prove or disprove other people's metaphysics. Metaphysics are fairy tales.

>> No.20434425

Weaker argument, but please tell me all about your opinions on fairy tales and how they fit into your worldview, I'm sure you even have a unique take on christcuckery.

>> No.20434431

Nothing can come from nothing. Something must have always existed.

>> No.20434438
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just stop posting

>> No.20434445

So the universe always existed, where's the problem?

>> No.20434454

Your argument of who made god is rendered irrelevant. Better luck next time.

>> No.20434460

Universe and god is not the same, the former exists, the latter not. It's okay it might take some time for Christcucks to come to terms with this information.

>> No.20434461

And how are you making this assertion?
How can you not know that the sensible universe is a subset of God?

>> No.20434465

No proof of god, no god, simple as.

>> No.20434467
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>live in poverty
>mentally unhinged
>only go outside to visit the gym and the supermarket
>read obscure alt right political essays all morning
>study all evening
>haven't had sex in years
>every day is a struggle
>angry misanthrope with delusions of grandeur
>happy, look forward to conquering every day

consider struggle op

>> No.20434478

No current proof =/= no god.
>if we have no proof of the Americas circa 1200s, they mustn't exist!

>> No.20434488

And we found America's, so until you sail your little boat, find god and send god back to earth as a slave then tough luck, no god, it is cute that you think you'll ever find god tho.

>> No.20434494

This question assumes God is conditioned by time, which would make time more divine than God. Nobody believes in god you're trying to refute, it's just a strawman.
Every worldview at its core would either rest on unprovable resupoositions and be circular. So the problem you want to see in God's existence is in fact not the problem of God, but the problem of how any worldview works. So the question is which worldview would be most coherent all-encompassing and honest. Materialism is not such a view.
And the fact that we didn't explain something in terms prior to it doesn't mean that something doesn't exist. For example mathematics is 'out there', doesn't need time or space to sustain it, yet it's very studiable.

>> No.20434497

At best, you can only say you are agnostic, not that god doesn't exist. Good job, retard.

>> No.20434511

The holy and prayer and so on exists in an ontological sense for Dasein, but “God” is a definite ontic being. Sein is not a being for Heidegger

>when genuine christian, jew, muslims etc speak of God is nothing but ontological
They mostly engage “God” as a metaphysical place-holder to ensure presence (omni-presence), which is a particularly dangerous and misguided way of construing the “holy” as Heidegger would say, which is why he prefers early Christians (who never had any insurance of God’s presence because they waited for parousia) and Hölderlin’s notion of the flight of the gods

>> No.20434514

Sorry, but humans coming up with math isn't proof that god exists.
Are you an agnostic for Thor, Zeus, Santa Claus and tooth fairy? Don't be stupid.

>> No.20434524

>God is Thor, Zeus, Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.
Holy bad argument. In no way are any of these comparable. If you're going to use such poor assertions, I'm not going to bother. At least come up with an intelligent retort.

>> No.20434529

>It's not comparable because it just isn't okay
Put your tooth under the pillow, just in case she does exist and if nothing happens the next day, then try again, because you never know.

>> No.20434536

Nigga, become a Buddhist

>> No.20434540

Wow being buckbroken must suck.
I’m a schizo NEET and I wake up smiling every day and love being alive.

>> No.20434544

>Sorry, but humans coming up with math
Where did I attempt any proofs? So you belief math is just a product of imagination. How do you then explain the fact that this imagination is independently accessible to different humans and civilizations? What makes it different from the works of fiction? The elements which are common to all fiction no matter time and space such as day, night, sun, rain, love usually describe things which exist.

>> No.20434548

Hmm if everyone has it is it still a mental illness?

>> No.20434562

Inches or centimeters which is correct? Math is a human construct to explain nature. That's it.

>> No.20434572

>Are you an agnostic for Thor, Zeus, Santa Claus and tooth fairy? Don't be stupid.
That's quite an ignorant premise. You assume religions are exclusivist in the sense that they view all the other religions as totally made up nonsense just in the same way as you do, and that the only different is that you just reject one more religion as total nonsense. But that is not the case at all, Christianity for example doesn't reduce all pagan traditions to mere fantasies, they are often seen as genuinly describing real things, but not giving the complete picture, some could also been seen as demonic influences. But in any case not a single religion is atheistic towards other religions in the same way as atheists are.

>> No.20434588

So you are agnostic for Thor? Or he's just a demon? Why do christcucks call themselves monotheistic again?

>> No.20434594

>Inches or centimeters which is correct?
What does it have to do with math?
>Math is a human construct to explain nature
Wrong, most of mathematics is far removed from corpreal reality and is not based on anything from the physical world.
And you're not answering the question. If math is a mere human construct, how come it has notion of absolute truth which is accessible to different humans independently? Pi was the same throughout civilizations. Moreover if you see what prominent mathematicians have to say on the subjects, they all say they're discovering stuff, not inventing it.

>> No.20434605
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I'll be honest, there's this girl that I know and it is fucking KILLING me knowing that I'll never be able to lick her feet once in my life. Other than that I am almost numb to the misery of life now, just patiently waiting for it all to end

>> No.20434610

What math is removed from reality? Give me an equation.

>> No.20434614

I'm not well-versed in Scandinavian mythology to have an opinion on Thor. Maybe he was a demon, maybe nephelim, maybe Thor if understood correctly stood for some natural principle which was practical and the whole question of being agnostic for Thor is meaningless. Why should I have an opinion on the things I don't know about? What problem are you trying to point out exactly?

>> No.20434623

Large cardinals are quite far removed for example. But more 'normal' things are not motivated by anything physical too such as Adams spectral sequence.

>> No.20434635

What's so not physical about them?

>> No.20434647

About large cardinals? The non-physicality begins in far ealier concepts which precede large cardinals, I just gave it as an example for its whackiness. Non-physicaly starts already when you consider transfinite sets and various sizes(cardinalities) of infinity. Continuum hypothesis for example has nothing to do with physics.

>> No.20434663

If it doesn't deal with reality then it is just a thought experiment.

>> No.20434670

So what? It's still math, I brought it up to demonstrate that math is not a human construct to describe material reality. The whole math can be said to be a thought experiment. Still you don't have any explanations to why math is objective and accessible independently to various researchers.

>> No.20434677

Because people observe nature and use math and/or other tools to understand it, simple.

>> No.20434681

Where did I claim math is not used to understand nature?
You're not addressing what I said at all and instead keep making unrelated strawmen.

>> No.20434691

Where's the problem? Math is objective because nature is objective. People observe nature and it gives them objective answers in the form of math.

>> No.20434697

>Math is objective because nature is objective
Holy paleopositivist cope, Batman!

>> No.20434707

I'm sure you have an argument, but you accidentally pressed post, try again.

>> No.20434712

>People observe nature and it gives them objective answers in the form of math.
That's the problem. Math is not studied by observing nature. You seem to be totally unaware of distinction between pure math and physics/applied math. The way math is done is totally different from the way natural sciences are. Scientific method doesn't use the notion of absolute truth, quite the contrary everything should be falsifiable. Whereas in math absolute truth is assumed. You can choose to say that his absolute truth is nothing more than chemicals in your brain, but in that case it's just a dishonest assumption, since you would seriously expect something like 2+2 could be equal to 5 sometimes.
Maybe you should familiarize yourself with Hume's is-ought dilemma and Duhem-Quine thesis.

>> No.20434723

That which doesn't deal with reality is just a thought experiment. I have no problems with it, people can come up with all kinds of mental gymnastics to prove and disprove other mental gymnastics, doesn't make them real tho.

>> No.20434725

Shut the FUCK up.

>> No.20434726

you can't think your way out of existential angst

the only salvation to be found is through reconnecting with nature. if you need to read something, buy a bird guide for your state/region. Spend a couple of hours a day walking in the woods, focus on your surroundings. It goes without saying, but stop posting here and get rid of your smartphone and any social media.

after a decade plus spent in this shithole, it's been about six months since I last posted here, and they have been the best months of my life. this might be the last time I come here. good luck to everyone.

>> No.20434733

There is no math that is tied to nature in any way.

>> No.20434736

Math is just a tool, it obviously is not literally nature. A hammer is not a house.

>> No.20434737

>wants to discover meaning of life
>avoids spirituality

>> No.20434738

>That which doesn't deal with reality is just a thought experiment.
What are you trying to reduce it to by saying it's JUST a thought experiment? Is it just demagogy or you mean something precise? You still don't have any explanation for the objectivity of math.
>people can come up with all kinds of mental gymnastics to prove and disprove other mental gymnastics
What does it have to do with math? Established truth in mathematics is absolute, it's not some vague mumble-jumble which can be refuted by someone else.

>> No.20434742

>Math is just a tool
So math is a made up human construct. Could it have been done differently then?

>> No.20434746

>i was just looking up the latest horoscopes authority figures swear are true

>> No.20434752

>So math is a made up human construct
No it isn't. It represents underlying reality.

>> No.20434757

Traditional astrology is more accurate than jewish psychology.

>> No.20434758

So you believe in non-physical reality?

>> No.20434759

Math is objective because nature is objective. It's nature from which math derives it's objectivity, not the other way around.
Yes, it's a human construct. I don't know, maybe, the numbers could definitely be different.

>> No.20434777

Yes, for I am not a jew nor a pleb.

>> No.20434782

It's so simple, but he is having so much trouble with it. He has trouble thinking for himself I guess, definitely a leftcuck.

>> No.20434791

>Math is objective because nature is objective
I don't know what you mean by nature exactly. But I have demonstrated that a lot of math doesn't only lack any physical motivation but deals with things which wouldn't ever have physical intepretation. And still those are objective and you don't have any explanation for their objectivity.
>Yes, it's a human construct. I don't know, maybe, the numbers could definitely be different.
Kekus. That's where atheism leads, denying the objectivity of numbers and logic. At least you're considering your convictions honestly which not many atheists do. But you should still take one step further. Since you deny the objectivity of logic and the notion of truth, you also shouldn't assume that you're arguing for some truth, you're already good at breaking logic, but you're still attached to the notion of truth, abandon it also.

>> No.20434793

>considering your convictions
consequences of your convictions*

>> No.20434796

> It's nature from which math derives it's objectivity
Holy paleopositivist cope, Batman.

>> No.20434824

Nature, reality, whatever word you want to use.
Again they are objective because nature is objective. That which is not set in reality is just mental gymnastics, no matter how objective it is in said mental gymnastics, I'm sure Plato's forms can seem very objective, doesn't make it true.
Numbers and logic are man made, plenty of numbers, plenty of logics, who makes you the superior on logic? Ever heard of a women's logic? What truth? Why not untruth?

>> No.20434838

How do you know there isn't a higher reality that is more real than this reality?

>> No.20434846

Because this reality is enough for me.

>> No.20434855

Read a book on logic. It will do you good.

>> No.20434857

I said I don't know what you mean by nature because I don't intend to be stuck in your false dichotomies. Of course mathematics is part of reality, but the non-physical part of it.
>That which is not set in reality is just mental gymnastics, no matter how objective it is in said mental gymnastics
You can call it thought experiment, mental gymnastics or whatever you want. You still don't have any explanation for why math is objective, and repeating the same thing doesn't help, I've shown you math which is not only devoid of physical motivation but will never have physical interpretation.
>plenty of numbers
What?? There are different kinds of natural numbers?
> plenty of logics, who makes you the superior on logic?
From the context of my posts it's very clear that I meant formal mathematical logic. When it's applied to human thought or to anything about physical reality, then the question of superiority and mental gymnastics makes sense, since maybe there is a flaw in the way you applied it. Still I can rely on such a logic because it is absolute, the fact that I can use it mistakinglly is another issue, just like arithmetical mistakes don't mean that numbers are flawed.
>What truth?
Because I assume you are a materialist, I bring up only very restricted notions of absolute truths, namely mathematical and logical truths. But you yourself denied their objectivity already, so I don't know how you could argue for anything without assuming those things.

>> No.20434858

Who's logic? There are as many logics as people.

>> No.20434862

Atheism as it is.

>> No.20434875

A man is condemed to death. Is he the murderer? Or is he not the murderer? Either/or. No such thing as multiple logics.

>> No.20434890

I think he genuinly doesn't understand the nature of distinction between the general and particular, that's why he keeps trying to muddy the waters by reducing each particular case to something, ignoring the abstract categories, so he could say murderer is a human construct too, and the victim was killed by knife, not the murderer.

>> No.20434904

Math is derived from nature, all objectivity and truth that is in math comes from nature. If the math that is used isn't set on physical traits it's just a thought experiment and therefore not set in reality. That is how paradoxes come to be, they are just conjured in the mind and not set in reality.
I still don't understand why you give such divinity to a tool(math), when all the power of it comes from nature.
Materialism isn't set in logic and truths, because logic and truths are made up, then materialism would become metaphysical, same as religions and not be set in reality, but because materialism is reality so there is no need for manmade tools like logic and math for it to be real and argued for.

>> No.20434913

If you steal to feed your family are you a criminal or a hero? Let's say the man murdered a pedo, is he a murderer or a hero? Murder is murder, but pedos bad therefore murder good in this case? And no matter which option you pick someone will pick the other and you will have two logics.

>> No.20434942

>Math is derived from nature
If by nature you mean physical world, then no it isn't. Mind alone sufficies to study math, you don't have to observe nature.
Moreover, you have no basis to say that math is derived from nature, where is number Pi with all its infinite digits in nature? Known physical universe has finite amount of particles, so there are numbers which cannot ever physically be represented, do you deny the existence of those numbers then? You are ultrafinitist then, which is a marginal view within mathematics (yet it's not material still).
Of course we can learn about math through the material world, because math manifests itself in the material. But it is not subject to it, it is timeless and changeless, meanwhile nature changes.
> If the math that is used isn't set on physical traits it's just a thought experiment and therefore not set in reality
You're not answering at all why it is objective and accessible to independent researchers.
> but because materialism is reality
Meaningless statement by your own reasoning since you deny the notion of truth.

>> No.20434970

>Materialism isn't set in logic and truths, because logic and truths are made up, then materialism would become metaphysical
Saying that your metaphysical assertion is not metaphysical doesn't help whether you realize it or no, it's always been considered metaphysics and your particular view is a form of monism. By placing materialism above logic and truths, you're making materialism even more metaphysical.
And it appears you are neither naive empricist, nor positivist, since you belief logic and truths are human-made concepts, so the reality is unknowable. What view do you even represent?

>> No.20434975

Sure you can study math in your mind, but it is what I said, that math is a man made tool and not set in reality. And everything objective of it comes from nature. Otherwise you could say 2+2=5 in your mind, but nature would show that is not the case. Math being timeless just shows that it is made up, a fairy tale.

>> No.20434978

What does it have to do with the subject of discussion? We are not discussing whether the absolute good or evil exist, nor discussing whether ethics are absolute. We merely discussed if logic and numbers are absolute, the fact that ethics is more complicated doesn't mean logic and math are merely human constructs and don'texist objectively

>> No.20434980

>What view do you even represent?
My own.

>> No.20434991

What makes math and logic objective? Math and logic itself? It selfcorrects until it becomes objective? Then again what defines it as objective?

>> No.20434997

Not only you're not answering anything at all, you contradict yourself in your own assertion, you say that math is just man made, yet when saying "nature would show that is not the case" you're assuming it's inherent in nature.
Again I'm repeating it for another time, I've shown you math devoid of physical motivation and still it's objective, you don't have any explanation for why it is accessible to different researchers independently.
You don't actually have a view, since you like most atheists didn't ever question your assumptions or address contradictions in your beliefs, instead you just arbitrary resort to whatever ad-hoc justification without caring for your justifications to be coherent with each other.
>What makes math and logic objective?
Independent accessibility to different humans.
> Then again what defines it as objective?
The notion of objective already assumes that you belief in non-human made truth, which the poster I replied to denied, so I don't know if it makes sense to discuss it.

>> No.20435000


>> No.20435039

All I've been doing is answering and all you've been doing is not understanding. Both of those statements are correct. Math is in nature and humans made math. Nature allowed humans to make math to understand nature with math.
And what makes humans objective?

>> No.20435081

>All I've been doing is answering and all you've been doing is not understanding.
You didn't answer at all, you just kept repeating same thing ignoring my objection. I've shown you math not only devoid of physical motivation, but also devoid of any possible physical interpretation, yet it's still objective. How is that so? But the problem starts with far more mundane math as I outlined here >>20434942
>you have no basis to say that math is derived from nature, where is number Pi with all its infinite digits in nature? Known physical universe has finite amount of particles, so there are numbers which cannot ever physically be represented, do you deny the existence of those numbers then?

> Math is in nature and humans made math. Nature allowed humans to make math to understand nature with math.
If you mean that math is part of nature (non physical), but the means through which we study math, our language and notation are human-made, then I agree. But I clearly meant the math itself, not the notation.
>And what makes humans objective?
What do you mean?

>> No.20435120

What makes non physical math objective? Itself? Mathematicians?
Sure, math obviously is not physical.
It's a simple question, what makes humans objective or what is it that allows humans to be objective or make things, physical or not objective?

>> No.20435128

>What makes non physical math objective?
I've amswered it already>>20434997
Independent accessibility to different humans makes math objective.
>what makes humans objective or what is it that allows humans to be objective or make things, physical or not objective?
Same answer.

>> No.20435161

So humans make things objective and humans make humans objective, sounds very subjective to me.

>> No.20435172

>sounds very subjective to me.
Not a problem for me, since I've not placed objectivity as supreme reality and subjectivity as lower version for me. It's only a problem for materialist itt who postulated that materialism is so much real, that it's beyond the notion of logic and truth, thereby giving it divine qualities.

>> No.20435176

> and subjectivity as lower version for me
and subjectivity as lower version of it*

>> No.20435182

What are you even trying to argue against? In that way nothing is objective, the whole world is subejctive then. I don't care about the definition of objective, when I said that math is objective I merely meant it is as objective as the physical world. If physical world is subjective, let it be so, my point still stands.

>> No.20435193

I didn't say that, but it is interesting how you are putting such emphasis on things when they are subjective to you. Just leave it at that.
Only thing I'm arguing is that math doesn't mean God exists.

>> No.20435213

>on things when they are subjective to you
>Only thing I'm arguing is that math doesn't mean God exists.
Who argued for that? You fail to grasp simple inconsistencies in your reasoning and repeat the same refuted thing over and over. Of course at this point you are far from "proving" God from math. So I just point out problems of your views instead, showing contradictions in materialism.

>> No.20435297

Better off than 90% of /lit/, and 99.9% of the chan. Maybe you should kill yourself you decadent faggot. Go indulge in your retard wistfulness somewhere else. Maybe at the end of a noose, seriously.

>> No.20435325

I am 24 years old and have never even kissed a girl

so kill yourself you dumb nigger

>> No.20435372

You not understanding doesn't mean it's a contradiction.

>> No.20435416

You're supposed to have kids anon. Stop making excuses or instead of simply being depressed for no good reason, you'll be depressed for a very good reason later on in life.

>> No.20435455

Holy shit is this me or what

>> No.20435709
File: 62 KB, 642x648, 1649506898719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling empty inside is completely normal and ok, mate.

>> No.20435725
File: 141 KB, 726x682, B556FB85-7EB6-489E-880F-B74FC7939065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20435828

what are your opinions about the godel theorem? I am not a mathematician, but I'm curious, doesn't it undermine the "absolutivity" or whatever of maths?

>> No.20435873

It says that a consistent axiomatic system sufficient enough to model arithmetic would be incomplete, meaning that there would be true statements which are not provable. So it doesn't undermine any absolutivity, it only shows that mathematical truth is more mysterious than previously thought.

>> No.20435886

alright thank you. Might I ask what are you? your worldview or whatever lol

>> No.20435896

Mysterious is a fun way to say math is only absolute in a non physical world aka math is a fairy tale made up by people.

>> No.20435964

Orthodox Christian, I've also studied and practiced Kashmir Shaivism I understood a lot of things through it and it affected my life a lot, as a result of it I ended up being Orthodox eventually.Although I'm not sure if I would have gone as deeply into KS if I was familiar with church fathers before.
No, it's simply a fun way to say that some theorems cannot be proven in a finite amount of steps and therefore we will never prove them. Those unprovable theorems can appear to be something mundane such as twin prime conjecture (it's now known if it's unprovable, but it could be)

>> No.20436055
File: 668 KB, 4911x2762, maslow-s-hierarchy-of-needs--scalable-vector-illustration-655400474-5c6a47f246e0fb000165cb0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just lost in your path to self-actualisation. You thought that happiness comes from without when the truth is that it comes from within. Read the stoics and create something like art.

>> No.20436063

Call of the Crocodile is the closest thing I can think of.

>> No.20436624

Not read. Starve. You are too same to live. Only the irrational survives. Take up a job which brings you fear. Say words which will scar your memory for decades. Pain is the longest pleasure and peace the most humid anguish of the wretch

>> No.20436816

Self-evident because Gödel was a Platonist anyway

>> No.20436857

What's self-evident? Gödel's theorem being true has nothing to do with accepting or rejecting Platonism.

>> No.20436901

That it can be compatible with it.

>> No.20437262

Damn you’re right.

>> No.20437271

subliterate scum

>> No.20437281

>all these posts after OP vaguely describes Call of the Crocodile.

Amazing. I love this board.

>> No.20437717
File: 30 KB, 500x239, areyouconnectedtoyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To miserable desolation is opposed melancholic consolation; you believe in the delusion of happiness, therefore, you stray from the perpetual reality of sorrow, and persist in psykhoemotional, multipolar instability.

>> No.20437726

>Only the irrational survives.
Interesting, books on this?

>> No.20437736

Nietzsche’s Gesammelte Werke

>> No.20437992

See you tomorrow.

>> No.20438002


>> No.20438030

Find something to make life fun and meaningful.