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[ERROR] No.2042901 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for off the wall hilarity of the highest order.

What you got?

>> No.2042903

Catch-22 is one of, if not the, funniest books ever written. Shame the other 21 suck, though.

>> No.2042909

I finally read this after irrationally avoiding it for years. Decent writing and messages that, if no longer as revolutionary as on publication, obviously still hold value today. But it is repetitive and (for dialogue and scene structure, not overall plot) predictable as hell. All it does is combine Lewis Carroll's toying with language and logic with Oscar Wilde's paradox overflow with Evelyn Waugh's world out of control cynicism. Its interesting as an admixture but there's nothing really original except the immediate setting.

>> No.2042910

There are not enough cliche'd things I can say.

John Dies at the End.

>> No.2042918

Candide is good dark humour.
Don Quixote is probably the funniest thing I've read. Sancho so crazy.

>> No.2042922
File: 44 KB, 630x423, houellebecqgazencigarette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Whatever" by Houellebecq is quite funny. i didn't think Houellebecq was capable of being so funny.

>> No.2042930

Our Man in Havana, by Graham Greene.

Well, I thought it was funny, anyway.

>> No.2042947

The Importance of Being Earnest

>> No.2043076

Importance of Being Earnest - Wilde
Anything by P. G. Wodehouse or Evelyn Waugh
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bolgakov

>> No.2043080

Finnigans Wake - Joyce

>> No.2044792

Ulysses is way funnier. While you're at it, anything by Pynchon.

>> No.2044798

Pet Sematary (sic) by Stephen King

The part with the kid and the 18 wheeler gets me every time. xD