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[ERROR] No.2042804 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/,

For those of you in college,

What are some stupid assumptions people make about your degree. I'm a dual Lit/Humanities major so it's:

>"Oh, Literature? So you want to be a librarian?"

>"Oh, Humanities? So you're trying to be an artist?"

>> No.2042809

Hey, OP, what do you want to be?

>> No.2042811

>>Psychology? You guys have magical people perception right? Tell me something about myself! Analyze me!

>>Psychology? You obviously know what's best for me. Advise me!


>> No.2042814 [DELETED] 
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Doesn't history philosophy anthropology and sociology all fit with the arts to make up the humanities?

>> No.2042816


I want to do exactly what I'm doing now: volunteering for nonprofit organizations and helping people. Except after graduation I want to make a full career out of it.

>> No.2042819

"Oh, really? Well... as long as you're happy."

Every time.

>> No.2042820


Anthropology and Sociology are considered to be among the Social Sciences, not the Humanities.

>> No.2042825

OSHA (occupational safety and health)

>oh u wana work 4 tha OCEAN?! like finding nemo and shit?

Don't even think I'm kidding

>> No.2042826
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>> No.2042833

>Naval Architecture? You're going to be a boat-builder?
>Contract Law? What a soulless robot.
I just want to be Hagbard ;_;

>> No.2042839

"Criminology? You wanna be a cop? Fucking pig."

I get similarly retarded comments when I mention that I'm trying to get an internship with a private investigator, which morons think is the same thing as a cop.

>> No.2042848

None of you fuckfaces have it as bad as me.


>> No.2042851

>Oh? You aren't in Uni?


>> No.2042853

>So you want to be a Liberian
>Yeah, you kinda need a master's degree
>Bullshit you don't need a fukkin masters to be a liberian!

>> No.2042855

Yeah, OP. They should be more like this:

>Oh, a dual Lit/Humanities major? So you want to be unemployed?

>> No.2042858

>Mathematics? So you're good with numbers?

>> No.2042861

> Sociology ?
> Oh you want to be a social worker ?

>> No.2042862

Swear to god I got this once:

Me: I'm an Anthropology major.

Retard: Oh yeah! The study of animals!

Me: ...

>> No.2042863


It's technically true.

>> No.2042864

>Political Science? Do you want to be a Lawyer?

>Yes, I do.

>> No.2042865

Private Investigator, huh? So you want to spy on a married guy humping his secretary?

>> No.2042866


Judging something like that is fucking stupid on other peoples' part. There's this assumption that everyone has to go to college, and it's bullshit. Not everyone likes or needs to be in higher education. Some people are better suited to go straight into a career or spend a few months on career training/certification.

People assume that a Bachelor's degree is a ticket to a job, which is also pretty fucking stupid. A Bachelor's degree, with a few exceptions (like Nursing or Engineering) exists to help a person become more cultured, well-read and well-rounded. It exists to allow intellectuals to network. What college is not (in most cases) is a way to go directly into a career. Your undergraduate major means jack shit other than that you can read, write, and focus on a task.
If you really want to use college as a stepping stone for a career, earn a two degree from a community college OR major in whatever the fuck you feel like in your undergraduate studies before going on to Med school, Veterinary school, Law school, etc.

>> No.2042867

>I'm a dual Lit/Humanities major so it's:

Oh, you want to be unemployed?

>> No.2042868

It is the study of ONE animal. It technically isn't true.

>> No.2042869


I can fix tumors. I give shits about tumors. Tumors.

>> No.2042870

>Philosophy? Enjoy unemployment, haha!

Bitch, I'm going to law school.

Studying analytic philosophy is a great way to prep for the LSAT.

>> No.2042873

I feel that people don't realize that you can get a Master's degree in a completely different subject than what your Bachelor's is in. A person's life is not determined by their undergraduate major. I have a professor who has worked (at various points in her life) for FEMA, The American Red Cross, and the CIA. Her undergraduate degree is a B.A. in Women's Studies from a liberal arts college.

>> No.2042875

Actually, I didn't know that. That knowledge lifted quite a bit of weight from my shoulders.

>> No.2042878

>tell my mom I want to get my masters in Library Science
>she thinks its a joke
"No mom, really, you have to have a masters to be a librarian"
"Where? The Smithsonian?"

To be fair, I was rather surprised when I found out it requires a post-grad degree.

>> No.2042880


It's a study of a large number of that one animal. You're not doing psychology, after all.

>> No.2042889
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> Education
> "I would hate working with little kids all day."

> implying there is only like god damn kindergarten to teach

>> No.2042898

>Oh Media... What the fuck is that...

>> No.2042899
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>Politics and International Relations

"Oh, so you want to be a politician?"

>> No.2042902

>"Economcs? So... you wanna be an accountant?"


>> No.2042904


I get this so fucking much. x_x

>> No.2042917
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>Oh, humanities

>> No.2042929

>"So you're a philosophy major huh? So can you tell me like all the answers to the universe?"

>"Philosophy is easy"
Meanwhile they step into a class on the Political Philosophies of Marx, Communists, and Fascists and then drop by the second class because it's completely beyond them.

>> No.2042934

Yeah not to mention epistemology/metaphysics = brains exploding.

>> No.2042936

"Aerospace engineering? So you wanna be an astronaut, right?"

"Aerospace engineering? All you're going to do is build bombs."

"Aerospace engineering? You're in it for the money."


>> No.2042937

The point is, the guy thought I was a zoologist.

>> No.2042940

Yeah. Political philosophy is easy. Metaphysics is the fucked up shit.

>> No.2042952

Economics - Oh so you love math and money?

>> No.2042956

>imply you don't love math and money

>> No.2042957 [DELETED] 
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> mfw just two days ago I overheard two chicks talking to a guy about his major
> "I'm thinking something related to aerospace."
> she gestures a rocketship while inquiring " What got you into space studies?"
> mfw

>> No.2042978


So how many languages do you speak?

>> No.2042980

>Cultural Studies: Oh, Cultural Studies? Don't worry you could probably switch after the first year...
>Oh, anthropology? You are studying dinosaurs, like Ross from Friends?!

>> No.2042981

Women's studies and black studies

>oh, so you want to be a black woman?

>> No.2043021

I find that the people who think that college is a ticket to a career are usually the ones who drop out early on.

>> No.2043022

>Women's studies
>Black Studies

>> No.2043027

>"Criminology? You wanna be a cop? Fucking pig."

How old are those people?

>> No.2043033



>> No.2043036

Isn't that the phase where you should stop acting like a "I UNDERSTAND THE WORLD COMPLETELY" teenager?

Ah, whom am I kidding. I am always surprised at how kids can be really smart and young adults really childish at times.

>> No.2043046

>Philosophy. Oh! So you're the biggest smartass now, eh? Well have fun being forever unemployed!

>> No.2043052


>So you wanna be a psyciatrist

Not really an assumption about me but...
>Why do you want study old shit?

>> No.2043055 [DELETED] 



fucking shrinks. I haven't met one shrink that doesn't have a superiority complex. I love how they think psychology is "Psychiatry Lite". Nigger please. Can you measure behavior? Do you know anything about transfer and counter-transfer? Do you actually know anything beyond your fucking DSM-IV?

>> No.2043068

>Not using ICD-10
Oh America. No wonder everyone is considered to have 'mental' problems over there with such an inferior classification system.

>> No.2043073


I heard they were planning of adding "introversion" as a mental problem in future versions of the DSM. AHUEHUEHUEHEUE

>> No.2043075
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>Mental Disorder
Get the fuck out of here.

This is a joke, right? Right?

>> No.2043086 [DELETED] 


No my nigger, do a bit of digging. I am not sure of the details, but the initiative is real. A professor of ours told us about it and everyone, including him was all: WAT

>> No.2043094

Is there a white sudies?

>> No.2043099

I hate to be THAT GUY, but the people making those assumptions are most likely in dead-end jobs that crushed their souls a long time ago.

>> No.2043101

Fucking these. I studied cognitive psychology goddamn it. I am not a jedi.

>> No.2043102

Yes, but they call it art history.

>> No.2043105

>Wow, that's nerdy!
I don't look like a neckbeard, although I do look fucked up.

>> No.2043108
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Well shit.

>> No.2043112 [DELETED] 

>That feel when you mention psychology and people start choosing what they say around you scared you're going to be able to deduce some big secret just because they once listened to a song on the radio.

>> No.2043115


Surely you can use this power to win friends and smash vagoo?

>> No.2043117


I should say that I don't mean 'the power' as in you've got magical psychoanalysis powers... No, I mean 'the power' in the sense that the person thinks you do therefore a door has opened which, if you walk through, brings you to a room inside their brain and from this room you can punch in certain codes and tap certain buttons and tug on certain levers to almost entirely manipulate the person.

>> No.2043119


>>dat feel when everyone asks you to look at their tree and people drawings. You know how to analyze that shit, rite bro?


>> No.2043122

I done Politics, Philosophy and Economics

>"but you can only do one subject"
>"that then determines whether you get an arts or a science degree"

I seriously got that from one of my aunts.

The good news is I live in the UK, and I was able to say it's the same degree David Cameron has, which seemed to succeed in embarrassing her at our own ignorance just a little.

>> No.2043124


A lot of the people making these assumptions are students themselves.

>> No.2043129


>Politics, Philosophy and Economics

Are you at Oxford?

>> No.2043130


haha, Freudian slip. should be "her own ignorance". Alhough I am pretty ignorant myself, I'm not as bad as her. Please god I'm not as bad as her.

>> No.2043131


Nope, nothing so upmarket. You could narrow it down though, I don't think many places do PPE.

>> No.2043132

>"Oh, you want to be a maths teacher!"

>> No.2043134

hominids, tree shrews, primates, humans


>> No.2043136
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I have no problem with this
>Telling people it's the same degree as Cameron.
In my household you'd lose all respect as soon as those words came out. Regardless of the quality of your major.

>> No.2043141

I love you.

Lovingly Yours,

Not Lady Sov ;_;

>> No.2043143


>> No.2043145

>theology and cultural/religious studies
Oh, so you want to be a priest?

>> No.2043146

>disparage Conservative-leanings
>use picture of Gordon Brown as example

I hope you don't do this, kid. He's potentially the worst Keynesian operator ever to reach office and this is coming from a person staunchly on the side of supply side economics. Cameron's political praxis has thusfar been inoffensively moderate, shrewd and practical and is much better than the rolling disaster that was Brown's term.

>> No.2043150


lol, fortunately my aunt is typical tea-in-the-afternoon wannabe-upper-crust Tory. Maybe that should be unfortunately actually. Having said that it could be worse, some of my other family gatherings are like rightwing militia meetings.

I kind of wish I'd done more philosophy actually. I entered the philosophy courses thinking it would all just be glorified intellectual pot smoking, but it was easily more interesting and more difficult than the politics and economics. It was also philosophy that ended up getting me much more into math, which I never really liked much before.

>> No.2043155

>Oh, I see...

Just fucking say it!

>> No.2043161
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I love you too Anon.

Ironically, the reason he was passed over for Tony Blair originally was that he wanted labour to be, well, labour, not the cluster fuck that was called "New Labour".
Also, to be fair, the reason Brown's term was fucked was because he was left a pile shit from Blair.

I don't know if I agree with your opinion on Cameron's policies being practical. I mean he was smart enough to calm down on the whole NHS cuts, but that was more political than economical. I can see that by the end of his term we're going to be fucked.

but it's okay, most of the blame will be placed on Nick Cleggs shoulders.

>> No.2043169

>social science

>> No.2043171



that or l2scientific method

>> No.2043173


>tory shit


Tell that to the nobel prize winners in economics mate.

>> No.2043174

>You must be really smart.
In my experience maths is something you just get or you don't.

>> No.2043179
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Man, this big society shit fucks with me a little but otherwise, I think we need some fiscal prudence right now while everyone is whiling out the economic crisis.

This was something that this clunking old socialist bureaucracy that Brown was slowly retrofitting onto the new labour paradigm, admirably so maybe, could never handle. The stakes are too high right now for politics to be a place for anything but the most pragmatic idealism and certainly not for poor tier demagoguery.

>> No.2043182

>Psychology? I better watch my mouth around you before you figure out all of my secrets
>Psychology? Define me! Analyze me!

It's cool that you think we have superpowers.

>> No.2043185

>in my experience maths is just something you get if you're smart or don't if you're dumb

Agreed 100%.

>> No.2043206

LOL, quality thread

>> No.2043210

International Relations and a minor in Arabic

>What, America isn't good enough for you?
>Why do you want to learn how to speak like a terrorist?
>Do you support Sharia Law?

I hate my family of proles.

>> No.2043215

>Architecture? can you design my house for me lol?

>> No.2043216


You should learn cold reading as well, then impress them with your awesome insight.

It's annoying when people think your degree gives you magical powers, since you know you're destined to disappoint them and it just becomes awkward. I've even seen people treat math majors as if they can handle big numbers like savants. Yet to see an economics student asked about tax evasion though.

Yes you get better at doing things relevant to what you study but you don't really get special fucking powers.

>> No.2043251

>Geography? What is the capital of Zimbabwe?

>> No.2043253


Geography? So you study, like, rocks and stuff?

>> No.2043258

>I hate my family of proles.
It's okay, they hate your class traitor ass as well.
Calling them proles. What's wrong with you. Upperclass people are the most racist fucks I've ever come across and you're acting like it's just the poor, working class. Where do you think they get their views?
The media projects these views, and we all know what kind of people own the media. And it isn't the poor.

>> No.2043260

>Dual major Math/Physics

Wow you must be really smart! I'm so bad at math.

And I'm awful at interacting with people, everyone has a different skill set, you don't have to be a genius to be good at math, you just have to be good at math.

>> No.2043262


That's Geology, though we have some units under their department.

Generally, we study spaces, especially human spaces, and everything that interacts with it.

>> No.2043264
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>Political Science
>"Oh, so you want to be a politician?"


>> No.2043266
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Journalism? So you want to be poor?

>> No.2043267


>> No.2043270
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So you want to live the life of scumbaggery?

>> No.2043273
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>> No.2043274

so you're an astronaut?

>> No.2043336


This. Biggest bullshit question ever.

>> No.2043691

>Linux Systems

whats linux?

>> No.2044625

human biology major humanities minor
conversations usually go along the lines of:
stranger: what're you studying?
me: human biology and humanities
stranger: are you premed?
me: yes
stranger: then why are you wasting your time studying humanities?
me: i like challenging myself with other interests
stranger: why?

at this point i usually just end the conversation

>> No.2044626


>Is your head a super calculator now?
