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20426500 No.20426500 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ sisters, it's finally up.. https://youtu.be/HbGoUwmqIEQ

>> No.20426519

cringe vs cringe

>> No.20426525

This gets my T up as people watching wrestling

>> No.20426655

By "T" I assume you're referring to your tits

>> No.20426678

Why a phone interview?

>> No.20426799

gosh dawkins has such a kino voice

>> No.20426930
File: 31 KB, 320x381, ldpol4wugwt81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly appreciate Dawkins' attitude of just straight up saying Christianity is ridiculous. As he says himself, you can counter that what he's attacking isn't the True Christianity™ that's got loads of sophisticated theology behind it, but the average Christian doesn't know any of that and many of them believe in literal magic apples, talking snakes, and talking bushes, and that's retarded.

>> No.20426977

10 minutes in and it's just Peterson ranting about pronouns for the hundredth time. This psycho leaf is so fucking boring.

>> No.20427197

jordan thinks he has literally seen his own dna after taking mushrooms.
wow, this is what is means to be an intellectual today. really depressing.

>> No.20427283

two of the biggest hack frauds ever battling it out, cant wait

>> No.20427801

Have you taken mushrooms? I became the universe. Can’t say his statement is unbelievable.

>> No.20427947
File: 31 KB, 634x507, uss libtard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not wasting my time on this shit

>> No.20428417

peterson talks a lot. highlight was when her and Dr. Dawkins btfo lacan

>> No.20428444

“/lit/ gets filtered and seethes” the /thread. This is going to be a 200 reply shitstorm at the end of the day, if past experience here tells me.

>> No.20428460

Where has Dawkins ever been fraudulent?

>> No.20428493

Rough and tumble Christianity without the sophisticated theological shit is still great, though.

>the world is infested with demons
>God came down as a carpenter and got axed
>he woke up and went into the sky, and if you believe in him you can follow him
>sell all your shit and serve the poor and ill
>at the end of time God flips the table and remakes the earth without suffering

How can anyone not love that? In fact I suggest that anyone who moves away from this basic message of Christianity is a tasteless pleb

>> No.20428542
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>> No.20428550

How the fuck do two pompous straight-edgers debate psychedelics?

>> No.20428586

>never taken mushrooms
jesus christ man grow up

>> No.20428592

Read the quran inshaAllah

>> No.20428638

Trips of truth

>> No.20428666


Wtf is “true Christianity?”

>> No.20428673

I suggest you start with the Gospel of Matthew, friend.

>> No.20428704

meh, I'd rather listen to Keith Woods and Aarvoll talk about the multiverse

>> No.20428713

I'd rather listen to paint dry.

>> No.20428729

Since when is the average Christian relevant to Christianity? That's about as intellectually honest as refuting atheism based on the average atheist's incomprehension of philosophy.

>> No.20428856

Peterson is such an autistic weirdo. He needs to stop being so tryhard with his vocabulary.

>> No.20428956

Well yeah but how is that an argument for atheism as opposed to an argument against general retardation?
The average person believes plenty of stupid things, and people like Dawkins or that guy who wrote that awful book on free will capitalize on this by attacking strawmen ideas which makes said normies go:

>> No.20428977

No it isn't, it's completely ridiculous. Polytheistic mythology is vastly superior to this, plus no one bothers me if I don't literally believe that Zeus turned himself into a bull and raped someone

>> No.20428992

You feel his voice is cinematic? Like James Earl Jones? Or Morgan Freeman?

>> No.20429000

I managed about 30m, felt like 29m of peterson boilerplate and 1 minute of dawkins trying to get a word in.

>> No.20429014
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1651448971817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip: You can watch this at 1.25 speed

>> No.20429016

Or 2x like a man

>> No.20429036
File: 8 KB, 211x206, 1595807492818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, more power to you if you can manage all that

>> No.20429055

>Since when is the average Christian relevant to Christianity?
Christians believe you're saved and go to heaven if you're a Christian so it's extremely relevant. You think being retarded is ok as long as you believe in Jesus? Jesus said his followers should be shrewd. And how is it a straw man if it's what a lot of people actually believe?

I do agree that his positive arguments for atheism are bad, because he only attacks Christianity and Islam, he doesn't seem to care about other ideas of God.

>> No.20429061

Except God also creates a lake of fire where there's eternal suffering if you don't believe in his magic carpenter son, sounds awful to me.

>> No.20429070

Both Christians and Atheists can both do better than these time wasters.

>> No.20429184

He said he can eat spaghetti without hands

>> No.20429211


>> No.20429688


>> No.20429696


>> No.20429700

What happens? I'm too lazy

>> No.20429763
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>> No.20429802

i dont particularly hate peterson but i found it pretty funny how dawkins at several points had to tell him to stfu

>> No.20429819

Illicit honey smuggling involves deceit, no?

>> No.20429838

who's the other guy and why ?

>> No.20429927

>Why a phone interview?
They live on different continents.

>> No.20429934


>> No.20430049

Aarvoll vlogs about all kinds of things but he's primarily known as a Platonist
or if you mean Keith Woods, he makes videos on nationalism, the third position, deep politics, and philosophy

>> No.20430107

why even cover.... Whatever that was?

>> No.20430188
File: 1002 KB, 1975x2428, numeriser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacan was the great trolling Shitposter, frogs loved him very much for being such a fraud. Pic is from his students' notes.

>> No.20430350

All of Christian theology is ridiculous though. Reading St. Augustine or Thomas Aquinas won't get you any closer to enlightenment than Joel Osteen or Rick Warren.

>> No.20430591

Dawkins is the only based Nu-Atheist, an actual biologist calling out bullshit in clear language ie not laced in philosophical or semantical mumbo jumbo.

>> No.20430603
File: 142 KB, 618x902, R (53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inventor of memes