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20425940 No.20425940 [Reply] [Original]

>be Evola
>write a bunch of kabbalah jew and freemason fanfiction
>drink your own cum
>retards call you redpilled

>> No.20426128

Bump not even reading picrel.
What do you get out of Evola? Who here has a regular magical practice based on his books? How long did it take you to get results? What were they?

>> No.20426176

OP, you are cringe.
Your mentality would make you perfect to be a freemason, entirely spiritually dead and only interested in material things in this world. A larping old fat man with nothing else inside.
No. You will never enter God's Garden.

>> No.20426189

Do you love black people?

>> No.20426243

Bumping again.

>> No.20426311

uh based?
rebis worshipping retard lmao

>> No.20426414

How is OP cringe? He has supplied more information about Evola than any of his supporters have under direct questioning. This is the most information rich thread on “Tradition” that is currently active on /lit/.

>> No.20426464

Bro we can tell you're OP so this is awkward

>> No.20426487

Is Evola fanboyism comorbid with schizophrenia? A new study may surprise you.

>> No.20426492

Reddit too... Just self-report the thread so a janny puts you out of your misery

>> No.20426517

but what would Our Lord and Saviour JVLIVS EVOLA think of your mewling on the internet? Is this really "riding the tiger?"

>> No.20426530

I’m not, I haven’t referred to name calling. I have only asked questions. I did so in a different thread that was hijacked to promote this stuff. No one said anything positive or substantive. One person admitted to never even having read any Evola, which I know is par for /lit/ but still sad any time it happens. Someone else offered pictures of book covers as some sort of meaningful response to the very basic questions of what this is about, what sort of practices it leads to and what benefits you get from it.
You, too, have completely failed to answer those questions. So far the only thing I’ve learned about Evola is that he’s a cum guzzler who plagiarized Jewish mysticism. I’m not even trying to be closed minded, there has just been absolutely nothing offered to the contrary.
I’m not even trying to be right on the internet, it’s just tiresome to see an Augustine thread get shitted up by something unrelated that is completely lacking in substance.
I am asking these questions because I am willing to investigate something that can make a real claim to offer more than Christianity. So far no one has been able to do that.

>> No.20426566

Imagine thinking I'm going go read that crap

>> No.20426584

Evola advocate utterly buttblasted, will never recover

>> No.20426594


>> No.20426604

>comes to /lit
>admits he can't read two paragraphs
>copes with a "seething" nobody believes
keep riding the tiger fren

>> No.20426606

Stop begging I'm not reading your delirium

>> No.20426626

I didn't write that, schizo :)

>> No.20426632

My issue with you is how you act like a fragile snowflake that can't evolve according to new evidence or data. Someone can criticize some of Evola's views while still seeing merit in other parts of his philosophy.
Becoming a blind ideologue for someone like Evola is quite stupid.

>> No.20426634

Even worse cuck you're begging me to read your boyfriend's fantasies

>> No.20426663

when my boyfriend comes back he's going to intellectually bend you over again

>> No.20426667

I am fpbp. I asked some very simple questions. I have held plenty of different views based on learning from life experiences. Please answer my simple questions before saying I can’t accept evidence because you really haven’t offered any.

>> No.20426676

I don't see what's wrong with your image, he's describing the JQ in metaphysical terms relative to other subversive movements.

>> No.20426685

If you're who I think you are based on your syntax, then I have already given plenty of evidence past in regards to how all ancient nobles and aristocrats were not blue eyed or blonde haired. You're the one claiming every single one of these ancient kings were blue-eyed and blonde-haired. Do you realize how asinine of a claim that is? Do you realize I even sympathize with certain right-wing ideals, yet I am not going to agree with obvious Nordicist bullsit like that? Do you realize what you're promoting is counterproductive to your cause since it fills people, like me, with schadenfreude?

>> No.20426695

He's busy sucking my cock right now so it'll take a while

>> No.20426740

I am sorry but you are mistaken. I am a Jesus freak and believe that anyone’s body is capable of being the Third Temple if they choose it. My beliefs are based on my personal experiences and have helped me be more loving and patient with all the people around me, including the difficult ones.
I have been trying to get recommendations on some good Augustine to read. I haven’t been able to do that because people show up muddying the thread saying that I’m a stupid christard. If that is really the case then I would genuinely like to know how reading Evola and practicing no one can even say what will constitute trading up.
Please stop trying to guess who I am, read my simple questions in the first post and answer them to the best of your ability.

>> No.20426747

>I am a Jesus freak
>I never read Augustine

>> No.20426751

I don't like either Evola or Christianity.
I can respect authentic Christians a little bit more than Nordicists at least. I still know you're all stupid.

>> No.20426754

>God’s Garden
It amazes me how christcucks can follow Evola’s views and not see the irony in it

>> No.20426757

Your christniggertry was obvious from the start. Only Christniggers seethe at Evola, just like they seethe at Nietzsche.

>> No.20426860

I’m not seething I’m asking for a tl;dr overview. If it’s truly a better system I will investigate it.

>> No.20426874

This board needs ids to keep everyone straight. I’m not mad. I find it irritating when people need to derail threads over their personal agendas. If they have something to offer, great. I am still just asking to know in brief what that is. This is ignorance. Stupidity would be my failure to understand the information once I see it, but that hasn’t happened yet.

>> No.20426950
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The esoteric JQ is actually interesting. One rabbi, Marvin S. Antelman, attributed a heterodox occult school of Judaism, Sabbatean Frankism, of the 18th and 19th centuries, to infiltrating, working with, and/or inspiring and funding as apparently diverse movements as the Bolshevik Revolution of the USSR, Masonic lodges, and the Bavarian Illuminati. The supreme mindfuck is that if some occult movement hiding behind Jewry, maybe running out some Babylonian Talmudic self-prophecy of themselves as the rulers of the world, or an aberrant modern one such as in the theology of the antinomian neo-messianic claimant Jacob Frank, which held that increasing sin and degeneration would expedite God’s descent into the world to save humanity, really WERE doing such things, it wouldn’t be given any credence, as it’s “antisemitic.” Obviously, Antelman, himself having been an American-Israeli rabbi, is in line with Evola’s qualified view that it is not the religious tradition of Judaism itself that is the matter here, but some force which hides behind Jewry.

>> No.20427056

It's called Italian creme

>> No.20427108

>The supreme mindfuck is that if some occult movement hiding behind Jewry, maybe running out some Babylonian Talmudic self-prophecy of themselves as the rulers of the world,
there is
>but they've also intermarried with their own creation to a point that they're almost indistinguishable, and in a halakhic sense aren't
>wait where have I heard this before?

>> No.20427145
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His most successful protege Rene Guenon became Muslim

It is the conclusion to all rightwingism, philisophical or otherwise


>> No.20427281
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Yep, I know about the Mossad, Epstein’s island, their ties to 9/11, and the Rothschild/Soros globohomo cult and the ADL’s role in covering stuff like this up. It’s knowledge I hate having because it’s so profoundly disorienting and disturbing, even embarrassing and humiliating. I am in no way a neo-Nazi or rabid antisemite, seeing the average Jew as being just as betrayed and brainwashed by this Satanic elite as the rest of the masses are, which makes me further psychologically isolated, as this separated me even from /pol/. The esoteric historical truth (if you can talk about “esoteric history,” a somewhat strange neologism but you probably get what I mean) is that Nazism and Zionism seem to be inverse and equally corrupt ideologies. Both see themselves as a master race fit to rule the masses, one worked with more open aggression and the other works more covertly, denying it even exists as a sinister force or ideology at all. What they have done and are doing to the Palestinians is clearly an analogue of what they want to do to the West. In the Book of Revelation, this corrupt force was apparently and amazingly prefigured as “the Synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not.”

>> No.20427458

Take a REALLY good look at the fall of (Neo)-Babylon. It was not an accident, and some organization certainly "occulted" itself, and not even for the first time at that point.

>> No.20428298

Judaism is a bad seed period. European esoteric traditions are basically raped and need to be tossed out.

>> No.20428576
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/pol/ is astroturfed to fuck by glowies. Its not really worth going there once you are decently redpilled because its the same line of half true drivel missing the real points of things like Mind Control technology or social engineering the masses to be dumb and vile.

/pol/ is like having your first drink of beer or puff of weed and getting intoxicated. Staying there limits you to a shallow pool of knowledge and experience and generally you become boring. I've known several potheads in my life and across the world and I can say without reservation that these people are fun at first but they never grow and begin to act childish just wanting to stay in their own circle. Its very tiresome to see people after a while who never grow and are content to rot away and laugh.

Thats what /pol/ will do to you and you will just hate gay people, hate jews, hate women, and be completely brainwashed into an anti-world. There is nothing to inspire you on /pol/ or help you grow. Its at best a warning or training ground of how to deal with the world but its just another gate.

>> No.20428898
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Shut the fuck up already

>> No.20429208

Evola was not the hardcore autist that the mainstream tries to paint him as. He was a unique philosopher/occultist in an age where there was a lot of exploration in that regard. With that being said, this is a shit thread made only for (you)s so here I gave you one. Now piss off

>> No.20429225

Now this is genuinely schizo-tier.
>inb4 I'm declared every bad thing in the book because I disagree
I'm sorry but I'm not going to believe that the Sabbateans or the Franks are actually anything other than Jewish sects that got wrecked because they deviated from orthodox Jewish thought.

>> No.20429270
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>stop pretending that your evangelical mission is related to Guénon, you've never even read the author stop pretending otherwise.
Guénon said all "religions" were the same - diverse and multiplicitous, but the same in light of the supra-individual and metaphysical, only beneficial in their difference, Sufism in the sense of the Nafs, Qalb and Ruh, are only accepted insofar as they are consistent with the Vedanta.

Was Guénon a Muslim? No.

"What also surprised me a great deal was the regret that I had no biographical information about myself; this is something I have always formally opposed, and above all for a reason of principle, because, according to traditional doctrine, individualities count for nothing and must disappear entirely ... But, in spite of this, I am obliged at least to rectify erroneous assertions when they occur; For example, I cannot let it be said that I am "converted to Islam", because this way of presenting things is completely false; anyone who is aware of the essential unity of traditions is by this very fact "unconvertible" to anything, he is even the only one who is; but he can "settle down", if it is permitted to express himself in this way, in this or that tradition according to circumstances, and especially for reasons of an initiatory nature. I would like to add in this regard that my links with Islamic esoteric organizations are not something more or less recent as some people seem to think; in fact, they are almost 40 years old...".o
- Letter from René Guénon to A. Daniélou, August 27, 1947, my translation - i'm french and my English is bad so sorry if there are mistakes

Retarded Muslims who try to grab his glory must get out. Guénon was Sufi at the end of his life, for purely practical reasons: he already had links with Sufi organizations and he wanted to leave France. The closest and most convenient was the Maghreb.

99.99% of the Muslims who try to seize Guénon's genius by saying "he converted to Islam lol" are refuted by the master himself in this letter and probably never read him, because they would make apostate any Muslim having 1/10th of Guénon's beliefs. Some points of his belief in brief:

1. that all religions are currently valid to lead to God and that Islam is only the most practical path of our time for a European
2. that deliverance (union with the Absolute, death of the ego, al-fana' ) is superior to salvation (entry into paradise), the latter being there for the masses when deliverance is the way of the elites
3. that the world is a part of God and that there is an Absolute superior to the personal God.
4. that it is desirable to achieve supra-individual states through intiation
5. that there is an esoteric path that transcends religious divisions

The Sufi Islam of Guénon is: yes.

The exoteric Islam of 99.99% of the Muslims on earth: it's no, it's shit, and it's probably the worst exotericism still alive.

>> No.20429289

And even then it has been pointed out that Akbariyya even falls short in the sense that they reject explicitly the position of the Advaitins, and that Guénon was led along by a defective translation by a swedish convert shaykh,

>“…it seems to be about this time [1907] that [Guénon] came into contact with some Hindus in Paris, some Hindus of the Advaita Vedanta school, and one of them initiated him into their own Shivaite line of spirituality. We have no details of time or place, and he does not ever seem to have spoken about these Hindus, and after one or two years he does not seem to have had any more contact with them. But what he learned from them is in his books, and his meeting with them was clearly providential. His contact with them must have been extremely intense while it lasted, and his books are just what was, and is, needed as antidote to the crisis of the modern world—that is the title of one of his books, ‘The Crisis of the Modern World’—and the perspective of his books largely coincides with the Hindu perspective.”

Martin Lings

Unless you're advocating the joining of a heretical sufi tariqa which does not denigrate the other religions, and fully acknowledges the "Infinity" of difference between that special religous point of view which a person "converts to" and the metaphysical, then your advices are null and void.

>> No.20429326

>Was Guénon a Muslim? No.
thanks for clearing this up for the Muslim LARPers. Gaynon was yet another in a succession of Judeomasonic stooges regurgitating "gnostic kabbalah" or whatever your preferred term for it may be, he is only notable for having "le wacky Islam" window dressing while doing so.

>> No.20429359

I saw your post in the other thread, and once again here you've shut Evolafags up. I have read some Evola, and beyond being a somewhat decent source on certain esoteric topics (alchemical symbolism, and symbolism in the Holy Grail myth), his writings are otherwise useless. That is, there is some intellectual merit to him on niche topics, and his books on magic can contain some useful advice for meditation (what he calls magic is really just meditation) but by in large his stuff hasn't done much positive for the world. He intellectualizes feeling outcast from the modern world, and so he's become beloved by the exact sort of people who chronically spend all day on 4chan. That's really the only real reason for his popularity.

By contrast, as far as Occult figures go I am much more impressed by Rudolf Stiener. Steiner's influence has resulted in people opening up hospitals to take care of the handicapped and mentally disabled, he's influenced people that cited him as reason for their contributions to fields of both official and alternative medicine, and his philosophy on education has been the basis of multiple private schools which aim to approach education in a way that guide children to develop their interests early on.

>> No.20429392

>Was Guénon a Muslim? No.
>thanks for clearing this up for the Muslim LARPers. Gaynon was yet another in a succession of Judeomasonic stooges regurgitating "gnostic kabbalah" or whatever your preferred term for it may be, he is only notable for having "le wacky Islam" window dressing while doing so.
Sure I cleared it up, but really hardly anyone on /lit/ actually reads Guénon and so forth, he does put forward a "Gnostic" "Luciferic" understanding in the truly illuminative and corrected etymological sense, pertaining to Knowledge, Pure intelligence, which is allegorised by the Light of Lights, Light is Light, truly when you venture into the domain of Universal Manifestation and pure intelligence, it's unavoidable - something supra-individual, supra-categorical concerned with the Metaphysical surpasses ambiguous exoteric religous self-differentiation which is really for the typical ego-clinging Moderns grasping for their shackles. Guénon was not a syncretist or universalist in the distorted sense of theosophisms either, and unless you understand yourself the precise difference between Guénons "Universalism" and the distorted sense of "Universalism" expressed by theosophists, and one-world religionists, then there is no point in discussing this any further.
Indeed guénon infuses many of his works with traditional parralels deriving from the Hebrew traditions, the Kabbalah, Evola too and so forth, and why shouldn't they, the Jewish and Abrahamic traditions are worthy of study, ultimately it shouldn't matter who taught this or whose name something is ascribed to, this is what the "supra-individual" point of view entails, Guénons work mostly pertains to the merely Relative sensibilities of the Moderns, of course.

>> No.20429409

Guénon doesn't exist, there is no Guénonfag, Evola doesn't exist there is no Evolafag, this is not merely a pedantic exaggeration, but the determinative sense in which it is meant here, in a way not merely incidental captures the special anti-metaphysical disposition of this board and all its participants.

>> No.20430491

An answer! Thanks for saving me some time! I’ve read plenty of other occult stuff and had a meditation practice for over a decade before having kids.
I know a bit about Steiner and Waldorf schools. One of the good ones.
Thanks again and all the best.

>> No.20430531
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>> No.20430565

On the contrary I hate atheists and don't think they deserve rights

>> No.20430915

Confirmed tranny OP.