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/lit/ - Literature

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20425146 No.20425146 [Reply] [Original]

What is the greatest obscure book you've ever read?

>> No.20425158

The Duchess of Malfi may not be "obscure," but I have never seen anyone besides myself mention it or Webster on /lit/.

>> No.20425422

>The Duchess of Malfi
Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.20425440

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20425446

I hate newfags so damn much.

>> No.20425459


>> No.20425475

Also, to answer the question, The Dwarf by Pär Lagerkvist

>> No.20425530

That's literally their schtick goyim. They reprint non-English language works which have been left to the wayside. If it wasn't for NYRB, you as an American, would never have heard of this book or author.

>> No.20425535

El señor de Bembire, by Enrique Gil y Carrasco. Historical novel about medieval times in Spain, from the romantic period. I bought the book by pure chance while doing the Camino de Santiago. A few days later I visited the grave of the author, by pure chance, too.

>> No.20425543

*Señor de Bembibre*

>> No.20425550

Just because it's not Nicholas Sparks or Paulo Coelho doesn't mean it's obscure, fucktard.

>> No.20425556

I have been reading Walser well before entry- level retards like you even decided to start reading (and no thanks to NYRB)

>> No.20425596

Give me a plot summary of Malicroix by Henry Bosco. You have 5 minutes. Shouldn't be a problem if you haven't read it since NYRB doesn't publish obscure books. AND NO YOU CAN'T COPY PASTE WHAT IS ON THE NYRB WEBSITE OR AMAZON/GOODREADS.

>> No.20425612

Nigger, you're sperging out beyond the previously established limit. How would doing any of that disprove anything we've said?

>> No.20425614

It's in the archive.

>> No.20425619

If NYRB doesn't publish obscure books, then you should easily be able to find a summary of this book online.

>> No.20425623

The one my friend wrote and only showed to me

>> No.20425626

I mean it IS relatively obscure.

>> No.20425633

Just because you have shit taste and have not heard of him until 3 minutes ago when you sperged out by browsing NYRb archive to find a writer you have never read because you have only read 30 books in your life does not mean it is obscure.

>> No.20425643

same but with a noir novel i found at a book store in madrid called "dispara la sirena".

>> No.20425645

Nigger, the point is that a lot of the books NYRB publishes are well-known in whatever language they're originally published in. They've published fucking Nobel-prize winners. Most NYRB books are only 'obscure' if you're coming from the perspective of the average American Penguin literary bestseller reader. Fuckwit.

>> No.20425650

Absolutely obscure to the 6000 normies on good reads notwithstanding all the other normies who buy NYRB who do not use good reads. NYRB is about as commonplace as reading the New Yorker

>> No.20425671
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Bosco is also forgotten in France.

>> No.20425683

>NYRB is about as commonplace as reading the New Yorker
I very rarely see an NYRB paperback at my local used bookstore. They have quite a large inventory as the bookstore is in a warehouse.

>> No.20425693

Lmao now this copeposting from a fatty

>> No.20425703

My nigger are your hands that small or your legs that fat?

>> No.20425732

I've quoted it more than once. I included a passage from it in one of my quizzes. I also put it on a list of "dodgy brother-sister relationships" some filthy pervert was asking for a few months back.

>> No.20425742
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>> No.20425743

>thighs barely wider than an NYRB paperback

>> No.20425747
File: 2.64 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized you retards thought that was a single leg. That's both of my legs in the picture

>> No.20425750
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>> No.20425751

So it’s small hands then.

>> No.20425756

Rofl it gets better and better. My guy is actually proudly proving that he’s a manlet on a Mongolian basketweaving forum.

>> No.20425760

6'1". It's called a lanklet. Seek help.

>> No.20425768

small hands might mean small penis but big hands usually mean big penis, and if you have the latter, you're more likely to pack fudge. look I don't make the rules here.

>> No.20425780

I'm the guy with "small" hands in the picture. My penis is 6.5" in lenght and 5.5" in girth. If the blood's really flowing and if I'm really turned on, I can hit 7". That's the biggest I've ever measured my penis.

>> No.20425797

Wait are you telling me yout schlong almost has the same width as lenght? Does it look like a cube?

>> No.20425800

I'm OP and I'm trans btw

>> No.20425827

No. Circumfrence is not the same thing as diameter in a cylindrical object.

>> No.20425857

It's probably circumference retard.

>> No.20425876

Jakob von Gunten is one of my favourite books. You should also read the first section of A Schoolboy's Diary by Walser too as that is basically more Gunten.

I didn't really like The Dwarf, and I was disappointed by it. I'd read Barabbas and The Sibyl previously so I had high expectations, but I think those two novellas are just better, at least for my tastes.

My recs:

The Cook - Harry Kressing
The Sorcerer's Apprentice - François Augiéras
Gilda Trillim: Shepherdess of Rats - Steven L. Peck
Moss - Klaus Modick
On Elegance While Sleeping - Vizconde de Lascano Tegui
Tidings of the Trees - Wolfgang Hilbig
The Arabian Nightmare - Robert Irwin

The last three books are more well known than the others but still fairly under the radar. They're all excellent books.

>> No.20426303

Can we just agree that some books published by NYRB are relative obscure, while others certainly are not?

>> No.20426313

I've read this in German. It's good, but don't expect a plot.

>> No.20426951
File: 424 KB, 1471x2315, 538F7354-C4D0-4E84-8775-99FA74639553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This or Modern Chivalry by Hugh Henry Brackenridge. Were fairly popular in their time, though Hogg was poorly received by the Edinburgh literati. Very funny satires in both cases. Worth the read if you are into late 18th/early 19th literature.

>> No.20426976

ive read it but i thought it was not very good.

>> No.20426989

It's crazy how even simply from the way this thing sits, you can tell it's a low T soi.

>> No.20426997

Nice skirt fucking faggot

>> No.20427000

American education right here

>> No.20427002

They are paradoxically obscure and not by virtue of NYRB picking them up. They have a good selection. Never understood the /lit/ hate for them beyond the classic elitism of hating popular things.

>> No.20427015

Why does NYRB cause manlets to rage so much?

>> No.20427032

NYRB Classics titles typically fall into one of these three categories:
>book originally written in English but left to the wayside until the reprint (e.g. The Tenants of Moonbloom by Edward Lewis Wallant)
>classic in a non-anglophone country (e.g. Havoc by Tom Kristensen, which is required reading in Danish high schools and universities)
>remarkable contemporary novel from a non-anglophone writer (e.g. Sand by Wolfgang Herrndorf or The Invisibility Cloak by Ge Fei)

>> No.20427040

It's crazy how I know that if we were to pose side by side and post the picture on 4chan, you would be the one getting made fun of and called low T

>> No.20427059
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This one no doubt

>> No.20427064

It's crazy how instead of not giving a fuck what others have to say about your appearance or demeanor, you point the finger back and talk about how lucky he is that he's not in the picture with you
Either way, he's right. You are a low T soi

>> No.20427073

>[load of hypocritical bullshit]
I noticed your lack of criticism for the person attacking. Either way, you're low T too.

>> No.20427080

It’s a good blend. Wish they’d do proper reprints of Powys. He fits their mold perfectly, but Faber seems to be holding him hostage atm.

>> No.20427088

Go drink your søÿ latte.

>> No.20428382

Recently read Panopticon and it was really good

>> No.20428433

Is the author male or female? I can hardly tell

>> No.20428442

The one by Steve McCaffery

>> No.20428461

Some weird sci-fi I found in the school library in 4th grade. I'll probably never remember what it was.

>> No.20428537

i read Sand in college and didn’t get the plot twist until i read the afterword and i still honestly don’t get it

>> No.20429213

Damn now I want to read that

>> No.20429262
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This one

>> No.20429272

Why attack such fine beverage

>> No.20429274
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Not that obscure here, but it was unexpectedly good.

>> No.20429461
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I would have to say this is the most obscure. It was written in bastardized latin so some of it isn't translated. He's an incredibly famous person but people don't know the first thing about him. So I decided to learn about him because I hate the idea that everybody knows of somebody yet at the same time knows nothing about him.

I concluded that he is literally a serial killer who used to the church and converted people merely to get away with his crimes. (think mass killings in foreign countries "for our democracy").

>> No.20429471
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#2 would be the Jefferson Bible. He basically takes every single quote from Jesus directly and makes a neat little book out of it. All of the context is stripped as it's exclusively quotes meant to be his distilled teachings. So I would say it's something you should read AFTER the new testament. I read it before reading the bible, which was a mistake.
I always think upon this book very sourly. I was reading it in a wooded area and some middle aged creep was following me. I stopped to let him pass and he stopped to talk to me. He then asked me if I wanted to get my dick sucked.

>> No.20429477
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#3 would be pic related. It's a neat little history on a niche political party out of Syria with huge ambitions. I wrote a thread about some of the parts that stuck out to me:


>> No.20430897


>> No.20430909

KYS for your shit thread

>> No.20432703

The Great War of 189—: A Forecast

>> No.20432908

>Can I copy your homework?
>Yeah, just change it up a bit.
>Got it!