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20423996 No.20423996 [Reply] [Original]

Fall of Hyperion
Rise of Endymion

>> No.20425252


>> No.20425518

Oh, my brothers, why did he write the sequel series?

>> No.20425706

I'm reading it now and fucking suffering. It physically pained me to finish Endymion

>> No.20425735

a smarter anon than I said really pay attention to Silenus' story

>> No.20425785
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I was thinking how maybe the story was okayish for mid 1990's. The hot Asian assassin chick trope and jailbait chosen one probably weren't outdated by then.
It's sad how it became a self fulfilling prophecy for Simmons becoming a hack author. I honestly really liked Martin Silenus, but Endymion's half of the series retroactively lowers my opinion of the first duology. Maybe Hyperion was shit all along?

>> No.20425893

>It's sad how it became a self fulfilling prophecy for Simmons becoming a hack author. I honestly really liked Martin Silenus, but Endymion's half of the series retroactively lowers my opinion of the first duology. Maybe Hyperion was shit all along?
I'm a little less than halfway done my second "Fall of Hyperion" read after about 5 years. I am a little shocked at how okay I am with the whole Severn/Keats thing. I think Hyperion actually does stand on its own, the biggest issues I have with it being some of the naming (Qom-Riyadh is retarded and lazy, more so in 2022), the Keats and Hastings wankery, and the bad/corny Wizard of Oz note it ends on. Since "Fall of Hyperion" leaves that in the past, it probably suffers most from being a sequel, and at least he tried to come up with an excuse as to why "I SEE THEM THROUGH MY DREAMS FOR NO PARTICULARLY GOOD REASON, TRUST ME BRO." Still, that's bad, right? I know better, but it's not bothering me, because I know how shit the last two books are.

>> No.20426218

Johnnies aren't even that bad. They remind me of talking heads from Futurama, just sexier. Everything in the Fall was alright with me. Too bad the fun parts are in the first book, but the second one at least has all the action.
I also appreciate the warning in the first lines of Endymion that it will NOT be a fun book. Too bad I didn't listen to it and now I'm stuck with reading the final novel.
Tldr: a single story from the first book (even the Consul's story) is more fun than entire third book.

>> No.20426290

>I also appreciate the warning in the first lines of Endymion that it will NOT be a fun book.
but I really love the setup of the book: the murder of someone who doesn't really die, the Pax, de Soya and the Archangel ship, even the fact that it's Silenus who makes up making the horrible sacrifice of continuing to live then it goes full bore terrible very quickly and never recovers.
>Consul's story
I have a soft spot for it because I live and work overseas, coming back is always strange. There is an even worse IT WAS ME ALL ALONG at the end of "Rise of Endymion." Enjoy lmao.

>> No.20427176

>jailbait chosen one
this is what happens when you join the Harlan Ellison fan club

>> No.20427250

In which book does Ellison invent this trope?

>> No.20427437
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>> No.20427731

Hyperion was always shit (apart from the Father Dure story). It's basically the Ready Player One of fantasy: an excuse for the author to say look at me I'm so smart I have all these random forced Keats references. Martin Silenus is clearly a self insert with his endless monologues on the 'craft' of being a writer, and the opening line is one of the most pretentious in modern literature.

>The Hegemony Consul sat on the balcony of his ebony spaceship and played Rachmaninov’s Prelude in C-sharp Minor on an ancient but well-maintained Steinway while great, green, saurian things surged and bellowed in the swamps below.

What's the matter, too good for Mozart? The number of unnecessary sex scenes reeks of the author's escapist fantasies. Even the fucking robots get laid. How high off your own farts do you have to be to refer to your genre fiction series as Cantos?

>> No.20427737

The first Hyperion was a lot of fun. The Terror was good too. Simmons is an odd duck but his quirks shouldn't detract from the fun of Hyperion. It's a very imaginative setting.

>> No.20428988

I guess he wanted to impress his less educated readers. Perhaps Rachmaninov is totally unknown in the US, same with Van Gogh painting.
Jews gotta jew.

>> No.20429005

I've never seen Dan Simmons' face

>> No.20429333
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>> No.20430427

>What's the matter, too good for Mozart?
i'm schizo but I think it's for gematria reasons
>unneccesary sex scenes
>genre fiction Cantos