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/lit/ - Literature

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20419055 No.20419055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Mormon lit general

>> No.20419338

Ah yes, Mormon literature.
The Book of Mormon, The Book of Mormon, the list goes on and on...

>> No.20419347

>he doesn't know about the Mormon lit machine

>> No.20419456

Jesus the Christ still remains the best book about Christ ever written.

>> No.20419462
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There's something powerful about #284, If You Could Hie To Kolob.


If you could hie to Kolob
In the twinkling of an eye,
And then continue onward
With that same speed to fly,
Do you think that you could ever,
Through all eternity,
Find out the generation
Where Gods began to be?

Or see the grand beginning,
Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation,
Where Gods and matter end?
Methinks the Spirit whispers,
“No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains,
Where nothing has a place.”

The works of God continue,
And worlds and lives abound;
Improvement and progression
Have one eternal round.
There is no end to matter;
There is no end to space;
There is no end to spirit;
There is no end to race.

There is no end to virtue;
There is no end to might;
There is no end to wisdom;
There is no end to light.
There is no end to union;
There is no end to youth;
There is no end to priesthood;
There is no end to truth.

There is no end to glory;
There is no end to love;
There is no end to being;
There is no death above.
There is no end to glory;
There is no end to love;
There is no end to being;
There is no death above.

>> No.20419497
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>> No.20419504

Talmage omitted the part that Jesus was polygamous

>> No.20420621

>he doesn't know Mistborn, Ender's Game, and Twilight are Mormon literature (not even joking, the authors are Mormons)

>> No.20420635

>>he doesn't know about the Cosmere

>> No.20420676

Im going to a local Mormon church this weekend. I was going there to learn more and hopefully get a free book, what should I expect?

>> No.20420707
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Charly by Jack Weyland
>Meet Sam, the straitlaced computer-science major from Brigham Young University. And then meet Charly, the sparkling, quick-witted girl who steps into his world and turns it upside down. Their courtship is a never-ending round of ups and downs- literally. On their first date Charly tricks Sam into taking a Ferris wheel ride, then tells the operator they're engaged! All of this seems to be a little more than Sam can cope with. But he gradually comes to appreciate Charly's point of view. From the girl who loves to laugh, he learns to do the same. He finds out for the first time what it's like to be really alive. Charly is a story of joy and spontaneity, learning and loving, and, most of all, growing.

>> No.20420830

This is literal blasphemy. Mormonism is devil worship.

>> No.20420894

If it's just to see missionaries, don't expect much, they're 18 year olds who don't know a whole lot because the church hides the weird stuff about their history. You'll get a free Book of Mormon and if you keep gowing they'll try to get you on the track to officially signing up to the Church. Unless you plan to keep going, block them on your phone because they'll keep contacting you.

If you're there for a service, politely refuse to stay for the gospel lessons because they're two hours (after the hour long service) and are aimed at a 10 year old intellectual level.

Unfortunately they don't seem to revel much in their weird doctrines, they manage to make ancient American Israelites boring.

>> No.20420901

Extreme boredom.

But, also, a good environment to raise kids

>> No.20420917

It’s literally not. Your heart is governed by fear. Satan owns your heart

>> No.20420937

Well thats unfortunate. Your average church is filled with amateur theologians ready to spill their guts but honestly I'm just looking for the guiding lights and daily experience they have. From those I've talked to the body is very important and thus sobriety to the highest degree. Also modest language. Things like that. I already know about the book of Abraham and their views on Jesus Christ not being the only begotten or the Creator of all things etc. Until I hear them talk over and over it may be difficult for me to pick up on how they really are. As a topic for reading and writing I find Mormons fascinating so it's kind of field study of how their books and theology affect their lives.

>> No.20420939
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The Book of Abraham whose origin has not yet been correctly clarified by Mormons.

>> No.20420958

It’s very good and Carlo does a lot of the incoherent babble of modern Christianity’s origin of the earth story

>> No.20421017

Yes, they take the "Word of Wisdom" very seriously, but just seem to accept it as a given. The two explanations I heard were 1) God commanded it and we're his chosen people so you gotta obey it to get into the temple, 2) God wants you to be healthy and alcohol, tea and coffee are really bad for you (but soda, cake, chips, etc. are fine lmao). Funnily, the original Word of Wisdom allows wine to be produced for communion (but they later banned that and replaced it with water)

The gospel lessons were a real let down for me, the session I attended was just one of the congregants reading from this basic-level textbook. Took two hours to say "all God's prophets predicted Jesus", it was banal in the extreme. The service itself was ok, it's 90% speeches by congregants and 20% hymns, the Bishop just sits at the side and says a few opening and closing words. Kids were allowed to talk, run around, and play on iPads throughout the whole thing. When I went one woman broke down crying saying her children were going to become gods. The bread is broken up by a bunch of snotty kids and you get a thimblefull of communion water.

>> No.20421137

Haha are the the type that needs a to be entertained at church? This is why Mormons think most other religions are a mockery of God. Sometimes you get a boring person that talks but the whole point is to educate each other and educate yourself through your own prayer and scripture study. Also they most likely told you to go to the gospel Principles class which is specifically for non members or people who are investigating. Next time ask to attend Gospel Doctrine class which will be more deep. Also ask to attend seminary which is the deepest level of scripture study that Mormons attend in a classroom setting.

>> No.20421222

they shortened the service, its just 2 hours
each week switches between gendered class or age-based class

>> No.20421227

are there mormons on /lit/? Please post kino Book of Mormon passages

>> No.20421232

>attending seminary
thats for people in high school

>> No.20421250

yeah there are a few of us
i can post a couple passages that are alright, off the top if the head it would be
>lehi’s vision of the tree of life
>abinadi and king noah
>ammon, or generally sons of alma, perhaps their conversion
>samuel the lamanite (gigachad)
>jesus visit to the americas
i can find the references to these in a bit but in mobileposting rn

>> No.20421298
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What went wrong?

>> No.20421445

They do recognize that Jesus is the only begotten. If you really want to know what they believe then read ‘Articles of Faith’ by the Mormon Apostle James Talmage.

>> No.20421448

>>20421232There is also college seminary

>> No.20421453


>> No.20421462
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Real bad heresy fren

>> No.20421475

You literally believe Jesus and Satan are brothers
You're a heretic

>> No.20421477

you also have to do some weird masonic handshake in order to go to heaven

>> No.20421535


They literally are. Satan fell and will forever be the enemy of mankind and God. Seethe. Y’all are so fucking stupid and brainwashed by your pastors who literally get paid to keep you going to church which is against the Bible. Lol.

>> No.20421686

maybe you mean Institute? for college students, usually once a week at night i think

>> No.20421712

my brother in christ, where did satan come from

>> No.20421729

>Carlo does a lot of the incoherent babble of modern Christianity’s origin of the earth story
wrong reply?

>> No.20421801

This is honestly the best textual and stylistic research I've ever seen and I'd like to thank Mormons for bringing it and the musical from South Park to us
Mormons probably do not want to watch it however, but if you're interested in data analysis and literature, it's a great watch

>> No.20421832

>exmormon foundation
wonder why mormons wouldn’t watch it lol

>> No.20421844

I think they have response videos (since textual analysis is a big thing for Mormons as explained in the video) but I think the main audience is probably exmormons and big data nerds

>> No.20421852

Anybody here read The Giant Joshua? I'm reading it right now. It's alright

>> No.20422609

please do. also welcome! Your people were the nicest to me when I was most wretched. Thank you. Are you universalists?

>> No.20422746
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refuted by Guenon
>Among the religious or pseudo-religious sects widespread in America, the Mormon sect is assuredly one of the oldest and most important, and we believe that it would not be without some interest to look at its origins.
>At the beginning of the nineteenth century there lived in New England a Presbyterian pastor named Solomon Spalding, who had abandoned his ministry in favor of commerce, where it was not long before he went bankrupt. After this setback, he began writing a kind of novel in biblical style which he entitled Manuscript Found, and which, it seems, he counted on to restore his fortune; in this he was mistaken, as he died before he could find a publisher. The subject of this book concerns the history of the North American Indians, who were portrayed as the descendents of the Patriarch Joseph; it was a protracted account of their wars and their supposed migrations from the time of Sedecias, king of Judah, up to the fifteenth century AD. This account was supposed to have been written by various chroniclers, the last of whom, named Mormon, is said to have deposited it in an underground hiding place.
>The success of Mormonism seems astonishing. It is likely that it is due more to the hierarchical and theocratic organization of the sect—very cleverly conceived, it must be acknowledged—than to the value

>> No.20422797

What do Mormons think about the extreme repetitiveness of the BoM? The extent to which it overuses phrases like "came to pass" in order to presumably "sound biblical" make it an incredible slog.

>> No.20422981

>finished his mission on earth
>could have gotten out of dodge but decided to stay like a man
>sealed his testimony with his blood
>passed the torch to Brigham who secured the future of the saints for the next 200 years

It definitely reads like it was written by someone trying to convey spiritual ideas but whose only reference for religious language is the KJV. There's a portion of church members who believe that it was revealed word by word to Joseph Smith but I think it was an actual attempt at translation. The original unedited versions contain some pretty abhorrant grammar. Lots of uses of "them which" for example.
In spite of how cumbersome the prose is the strength in the book lies in how straightforward the core religious ideas are. There's little room for misinterpretation because language is misleading or flowery.
To my bilingual friends I recommend they don't read it in english. The non-english versions are usually way less clunky.

>> No.20423054

This has been debunked for over a decade kek.

>> No.20423062

Debunked by the Experts at Snopes?

>> No.20423064

I’ve read both and always wonder why people have such a problem with this. You settle into it like any other book.

>> No.20423069

I have always thought it was conveying the message that the spirit needed him to dictate and was not meant to be word for word either. >>20423062

>> No.20423902


>> No.20424133

Do I have to be exalted to get a mormon gf?

>> No.20424542

They want to get married and you can't marry without a temple recommend, so you need to be in the church and tick all the boxes

>> No.20424554

i think if you get an old one (32+) they get desperate and will just get married to anyone. tinder in utah is actually pretty good around that age even for non momo

>> No.20424625

Huh well Ive been doing that for years and get ignored. Gonna keep reading their books and writing about Mormons in books that eventually will get published.

>> No.20424626

I can't tell if this thread is a LARP or not. I hope you guys are not actually worhipping this randos fan fiction .

>> No.20424825

Find christ in your life

>> No.20425591

>To my bilingual friends I recommend they don't read it in english. The non-english versions are usually way less clunky.
The English is clunkier than the Spanish, I agree. The Book of Mormon is very clear with its religious ideas but the prose is not that fun for those that aren't used to it.

>> No.20425767

Mormonism rejects Christ and it's the last place I would look to find him. Enjoy your dumb American cult but don't pretend you are true followers of God.

>> No.20425778

>rejects christ
>foundational text is about how christ visited the americas after his resurrection

>> No.20425792

I'm familiar with your silly beliefs but you can explain your christology in heavy detail to help other anons see just how heretical you Mormons get.

>> No.20425821

Joseph Smith was called a prophet dum dum dum dum


>> No.20425860

long and short of Christ in Lds Theology is
>everyone existed before they came to earth
>everyone was presented with the choice to come to earth with agency
>Christ offered to be the perfect sacrifice made so that those who do not follow Gods will exactly can still return to Him
>satan proposed that all humanity come to earth without agency, forced to act according to his laws, and claiming the glory unto himself
>a third of the host of heaven agreed with him and they were cast out of heaven
>God and Christ created the world, and sent adam and eve to populate it
>Christ, born of Mary, performs a perfect Atonement that allows all of God’s children to return to Him
as far as the character of Christ, we believe that He is one in purpose with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, but has his own physical body, just as God has a physical body.
Christ is our elder brother, the Firstborn of the Father, and the only way that we can live with God again.
Any questions on our Christology

>> No.20425868

do you like bumholes and willys haha xx

>> No.20425882

So native Americans came from Jerusalem? Can you explain why black people have dark skin? How do you feel about polygamy?

>> No.20425891

And you also believe humans can become gods equal to Jesus?

>> No.20425936

It's such a fascinating mix of different ideas. The pre-existance of souls and Christ as being the one who sort of rose to the top amongst these souls before creation is very reminiscent of Origenism, but then they throw in the anti-trinitarianism and extreme anthropomorphism of God (and the pre-incarnate Christ) so much that they are said to have flesh and blood bodies (not even spiritual bodies like with Tertullian's stoic system).

>> No.20425954

The only way people stay in Mormonism is if they were born in the church, they were brainwashed since childhood to believe in all that nonsense
Every doctrine is schizophrenic, nothing makes sense, yeah, Joseph Smith found the Book of Mormon in New York, a place where WASP churches were booming, every day people had testimonies about seeing Jesus in a vision, an angel appearing to them or some shit like that
The Book of Mormon isnt even the worst, it's their retarded concept of trinity, Jesus and Satan being brothers, having a preexisting life, being able to become a God, an infinite numbers of Gods
There is a reason all these doctrines appeared very late in the church, it was because Joseph Smith wasn't a teen anymore, his way of seeing the world changed, so did his doctrines

>> No.20426014

>So native Americans came from Jerusalem?
Some did, some didn't.
>Can you explain why black people have dark skin?
>How do you feel about polygamy?
It seems like it might be good for establishing a nation but not for sustaining it. Idk what they do in heaven and I don't think anyone does. Jesus kind of dodges the question when it comes up.
>And you also believe humans can become gods equal to Jesus?
Jesus can raise his power-level at will so that's impossible.

>> No.20426071

The first book in Mormon canon is the KJV Bible. The Book of Mormon contradicts nothing in the Bible either but rather upholds it’s teachings. Mormons know Jesus more than you ever will because they know more of his life than you. Seethe.

>> No.20426081

I've seen a few people become Mormon because they had extremely fucked up personal lives and the church offered some semblance of stability and community but most of those people either got abused in the church or soured on it quickly. The aggressive marketing strategy of the Mormons has to work for some people, otherwise they probably wouldn't bother to do it. It's the same with scientology, if you keep approaching people eventually you'll find a sucker.

>> No.20426095

Jesus said this not Mormons. Y’all are so hung up on the satan/glory for himself thing.

We will always have one God. No matter how far we progress in the eternities. Even if we reach a type of Godhood we will never surpass God. You’re scared because you think that means that we think that we will someday surpass God and this render him irrelevant but as the Bible says that is not how it works nor is it possible and anyone who would ever even think of becoming more than God is void of righteousness and this could never even come close to dwelling in Gods presence.

>> No.20426102
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>> No.20426108


To clarify: their bodies aren’t just “flesh and blood” they are perfected and celestial. Totally different than human bodies.

>> No.20426125

Ah yes the religion invented over a thousand years after Jesus is really the fullness of Christianity and all the apostles and church father's and greatest Christian thinkers for like seventeen hundred years were wrong yes of course.

No thanks dude I ain't buying your cult. It's retarded and there are much better alternatives out there. I feel sorry for you and I hope you can pray yourself away from your delusions and prelest

>> No.20426276

I agree. A friend of mine joined the church and I knew he wasn't there for the church, but for the community
Then when he left the church he said it, I was there only for the people
Another friend also says this, that he likes the church (despite not believing in it anymore) for the community, whatever makes he sleep at night I guess

>> No.20426355

Do Mormons think that Christ is God himself? Protestants tend to point out John 5:17,18 in that regard.
Also is Mormonism monolithic? Seems like there other denominations are totally fragmented between communities and even under a single roof Ive seen former xyz's pushing outsider culture and theology behind closed doors. Surely Mormons deal with this to a lesser extent?

>> No.20426360

ty for answering these anon, i was afk

like the other anon said, according to the book of mormon some native americans have ancestors who came from Jersalem in the 6thC. BC.
While some leaders of the church tried ro justify racist practice against black people, the doctrine says nothing about why black people are black (or any race generally; with some exception to racial terminology in the Book of Mormon that can look and sound pretty bad)
polygamy, again, other anon answered really well. book of Jacob (ch. 5? 6? i forget) says what other anon said about raising a nation, and by all accounts many mormons today are of “pioneer stock” or essentially come from polygamist families. how joseph smith didnt have so many children despite having 35+ wives….. ask dr john c bennett…..
there are theories that Jesus had as many as 3 wives (mary magdalene, mary and martha)
kinda yes, imo
we seek to glorify God, and that means attempting to become like Him. that said, just as I grow up and have my children, it does not replace my own father or his status as my dad, my relationship with him only changes and grows and we’ve gotten closer since hes become a grandpa. so imagine a heavenly version of this? thats what i picture
slight clarification, in that Christ had no body before being born. Death is the separation of the spirit from the body, and if Christ had a body before coming down he would have to had died, then be born and died again

>> No.20426445

I have prayed extensively. Which denomination would you suggest and where should I begin? I’ve read the Bible 3 times front to back already so some supplemental reading would be better

>> No.20426537

Honestly even as a fundamental Baptist I think no church is truly safe from wolves, it's a case by case basis. Words are inherently vague, people will try to use you. Don't forsake faith in God's promise though, always remember this is ultimately about the Cross, what God did and not what we do.

>> No.20426563

Personally I would recommend starting with ancient philosophy and European history then after you have a decent grasp of what interests you most I would start reading about Christian history which is going to be Catholic or Orthodox. There are literally tons of good writers both ancient and modern that have wrote books about those two denominations. Maybe start reading some of the traditionalists like Evola or Guenon, idk.

Disregard all forms of protestantism. It has an inherently revolutionary spirit and is incompatible with the tradition of Christianity. I don't really give you one big book to read I just think you need to learn about church history and it will be pretty clear that new age cults are not true religions. Maybe go to a Latin mass or something to compare and see what a religious ritual looks like. Personally my biggest influences are plato, most Greek / Roman stoics, and the traditionalists I mentioned above.

GK Chesterton, Augustine, e Michael Jones, Fr Josiah Trenham, Seraphim Rose, and CS lewis are all interesting. You can find lots of videos of bishop Richard Williamson floating around on YouTube and he's very informative. As for Mormonism I can recommend the book no one knows my history by fawn brodie

>> No.20426583

Most Mormons are in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), which is very centralised and enforces uniformity in all their congregations. There are individuals who interpret things differently to the official line, like in every denomination. The most significant of the smaller Mormon denominations are the Fundamental LDS, who split over banning polygamy, and the Community of Christ who are much less strict and don't require belief in the Book of Mormon's literal truth

>> No.20426597

When I talked to another Mormon on here and I said the same thing, he didn't make this objection, so I don't know who to believe, but ok, that's a bit better, I suppose. It still makes God contingent and mutable.

>> No.20426611

I think Community of Christ was formerly the RLDS?
I would say that no, Christ is not God. They are two distinct beings, perfect in every way, both helping us become perfected through Christ.
there have been over a hundred splinter groups from the mainline LDS faith. FLDS are (in)famous for maintaining polygamy and for being an abusive/incestuous sex cult
RLDS/Community of Christ believed that Joseph Smiths son should be the next leader of the Church

>> No.20426938


Only the most autistic of Utah anglo stock can read this in one hour

>> No.20426948

this isn't /ipg/ retard

>> No.20426966

I’ve read evola, Chesterton and CS Lewis. I’ve also read the Greeks and am decently familiar with philosophy. I am more interested in reading the “fathers” or whatever. I guess I’ll start googling Catholic and orthodoxy history. I’ve looked into it consistently over the years and it’s always super disappointing and feels like I’m Slugging through a bunk version of the true gospel (Mormonism) >>20426597

It’s still accurate but it’s important to note that we also believe that the kind of flesh and blood is that of a celestial nature.

>> No.20428840

just trust me bro

>> No.20428854

284. To God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. Whether you reveal what is within your selves, or conceal it, God will call you to account for it. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. God is Able to do all things.

285. The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, as did the believers. They all have believed in God, and His angels, and His scriptures, and His messengers: “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and we obey. Your forgiveness, our Lord. To you is the destiny.”

286. God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity. To its credit is what it earns, and against it is what it commits. “Our Lord, do not condemn us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord, do not burden us as You have burdened those before us. Our Lord, do not burden us with more than we have strength to bear; and pardon us, and forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Lord and Master, so help us against the disbelieving people.”


>> No.20428913

I can't believe in a system where "God" is a contingent, non-omnipotent, non-omniscient being who was created by another being in the last. The communities and family values are very nice, but I can't force myself to play along with what I know is false. It doesn't help that as soon as you question this part of LDS theology all of the sudden you're "hardening your heart" and "not praying hard enough" and you should just read everything with an LDA bias instead of thinking about it.

>> No.20429809

Who ever said that God isn’t omnipotent? Mormons believe that He’s omnipotent. Having a physical manifestation that’s relative to space and time doesn’t mean that God is “contained” and limited to that space alone or that he cannot also be everywhere at once in other capacities. Mormons do not limit God. Again the Bible is first in our canon dude.

>> No.20430299

>Who ever said that God isn’t omnipotent
Mormons did, when they made the idea of God once being exactly like humanity a feature of their doctrine and thus declared that God is a dependent, contingent being.

>> No.20430370

ok, I understand, but are they horses or tapirs?

>> No.20431415
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>Doctrine And Covenants 129;
>4: When a messenger comes saying he has a message from God, offer him your hand and request him to shake hands with you.
>5: If he be an angel he will do so, and you will feel his hand.
>8: If it be the devil as an angel of light, when you ask him to shake hands he will offer you his hand, and you will not feel anything; you may therefore detect him.

Why's shaking hands so important?

>> No.20431455

Unironically because of Freemasonry.

>> No.20431560

Reminder that Mormonism is a 19th cent. scientology-tier fraud

>> No.20431618

They were giant ant eaters dude duh.

>> No.20431836

Lol at all the people debating Mormon theology about God's body as if that's important compared to the fact that they believe Joseph Smith dug up gold plates from ancient Israelites who sailed to America from Arabia, and Joseph kept the supposed plates hidden under a cloth so nobody could see them, then """translated""" them by looking at a stone in a hat.

There is a certain point when a belief system is simply founded on bunk. If the very foundation of your religion is false, there's no point trying to save it.

>> No.20431943

"18 Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two aspirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are bgnolaum, or eternal.

19 And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am amore intelligent than they all."

Here God says, in the debunked """translation""" of Egyptian funeral papyrus, that there are other eternal and uncreated spirits besides God.

Chapter 4 of the same "Book of Abraham" just copies Genesis 1 and replaces "God" with "Gods." Joseph Smith removes God as the sole creator of the world and adds in some unnamed (but we can infer from the context Jesus and Satan are among them) gods who do the business of creation.

"23 And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; thou wast achosen before thou wast born."

Here God says that Abraham was a pre-existent spirit.

Look at this horseshit:


Return to the true Church and repent of that heretic Joseph Smith's machinations to pervert Christianity (already perverted by the Protesant Revolt) to serve his own selfish and fleshy ends. He was no prophet.

>> No.20431986

On a different note, don't believe the bullshit about Mormons not drinking coffee and tea because of caffeine. For whatever reason, Joseph Smith had a revelation re-instituting a softcore version of the Mosaic law.

The "Word of Wisdom" at hand: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/89.9?lang=eng&clang=eng#p9

"9 And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly."

Here, soft apple cider, hot chocolate, herbal teas, etc. are banned by Joseph Smith's whim. Keep in mind that Mormons still allegedly believe in the Gospel of Matthew and the Acts of the Apostles, which state contrary to Smith's lunacy.

Matt. 15:10-11: "10 And he called the people to him and said to them, “Hear and understand: 11 not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”

Acts 11:9: "9 But the voice answered a second time from heaven, ‘What God has cleansed you must not call common.’"

If Joseph Smith had cited coffee's stimulating effects, Mormons would have a better case; by generally banning hot drinks his word becomes quite foolish.

>> No.20432080

Why do you have to come into every Mormon thread and repeat the same tired opinions?

>> No.20432096

Is that your best response to the legitimate arguments being made here?

>> No.20432123

Honestly Mormonism is kind of like if some weird late-antiquity heresy was suddenly dropped into 19th century America. There's so much obvious bs in it under even the slightest scrutiny
>Believing in multiple ancient civilizations that have less archaeological evidence than Atlantis
>Believing in animals and technology that didn't exist in the Americas
>Believing that random scrolls purchased from a traveling freak show just so happened to supplement and corroborate the Golden Plates
>This image of Anubis embalming a corpse is really Abraham about to be sacrificed! You can't see Anubis's dog head, joke's on you!
>Every single Egyptologist agrees it was just some dude's funeral epithet? Well, uhh, the part they translated was right after that part and just so happened to get burned in a fire so you can't look at it!
>Maybe the horses that didn't exist in the Americas were just really big tapirs!
>Anyone asking any questions is just a big meanie sent by the South Park guys!!

In spite of everything, the amount of mental gymnastics they adopt just to retain their sense of community they very clearly love is admirable. They have sociologically stacked the game to where the arguments against them just don't matter because of how strong their community is and how quickly their numbers multiply. It's such a fascinating case study in so many ways.

>> No.20432161

What do you mean by that

>> No.20432168

Actually their numbers are dropping globally, although they're still entrenched in Utah. Mormonism really is a fantastic case study which shows that any kind of coherency or accuracy isn't required for a believer, if they get spiritual feelings and find solace in the community they'll believe. If those things can make people believe something as ridiculous as Mormonism, they obviously aren't indicators of truth (at least, not by themselves).

>> No.20432171
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How did I miss this thread until now?

>> No.20432177

Secret handshakes are used in Freemasonry, Joseph Smith was a mason and adapted some of their rituals for his own church


>> No.20432182

>although they're still entrenched in Utah
Not of Schlomo has his way with all of those refugees.

>> No.20432224
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Your arguments read like they are copy-pasted from some anti-mormon website.

>> No.20432249

>"your arguments hurt my feelings"
>*makes no attempt at assessing arguments*
Why do Mormons in particular do this? You never see this coming from other religions.

>> No.20432280

God works in mysterious ways. We are a peculiar people.

>> No.20432282

Muslims do it too. I think they're just trained to mentally shut down when something directly challenges their beliefs. It's the only way to stop them seeing the gaping flaws.

>> No.20432301

Does that affect the arguments themselves?

>> No.20432311

>inherently revolutionary spirit
All christers are part of a spiritual slave revolt

>> No.20432320

I'm not going to engage with arguments unless there is a brain behind them that might learn something.

>> No.20432357

Are there any reputable books that detail the history of Mormonism? Something that gives an overview and doesn't stray into either apologetics or anti-Mormonism? I'd love a recommendation if anyone has one.

>> No.20432399

Saints is the official publication by the LDS church.
It's free on their website https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/saints-v1?lang=eng
It is by far the most comprehensive if not completely unbiased.

>> No.20432418
File: 303 KB, 892x1034, Joseph Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like many people in the area, including his father, Joseph believed that God could reveal knowledge through objects like rods and stones, as He had done with Moses, Aaron, and others in the Bible. One day, while Joseph was helping a neighbor dig a well, he came across a small stone buried deep in the earth. Aware that people sometimes used special stones to search for lost objects or hidden treasure, Joseph wondered if he had found such a stone. Looking into it, he saw things invisible to the natural eye.

>> No.20432437

What you're saying is that you can't present a counterargument and won't even try to because your opponent won't presuppose that your position is the correct one. There are a great deal of people on this board who are receptive to logical arguments; none of them will be receptive to what you have to say if, faced by such an argument, you offer none in return.

>> No.20432478

I just don't have the time. The lurkers will understand.

>> No.20432482

If this thread is still up tomorrow, I'll post something in response.

>> No.20432493

Youre a fag. Gospel lessons are the best/most interesting parts of visiting a Mormon church. If you know nothing about the religion, ask to attend Gospel principles. That's a basic introduction class. If youre feeling daring, ask about Gospel doctrine class. Just more advanced lessons. You will be deemed an "investigator" and exhorted to read the Book of Mormon with a contrite spirit and with faith in Jesus Christ to ask if it is not true. Unless you are a sperg it is a great way to meet nice and helpful people in your community, not to mention learn about the gospel.

>> No.20432526

He restored the rituals to their proper order.

>> No.20432532

So what insights did you get from your gospe lessons then?

>> No.20432548

Plenty of things

>> No.20432552

All of you fags need to download this EPUB and read James Talmage’s book titled ‘Articles of Faith’:

You cannot refute the doctrinal digestion of Mormonism. James Talmage was a Mormon Apostle and claimed to have seen Jesus Christ.

You want a real discussion about Mormon doctrine then let’s do this.. once you’re finished with the book make a thread.

>> No.20432554

Anti-Mormons are probably the worst critics of any religion ever. They're just so possessed by what Nietzsche would call ressentiment. They haven't achieved the heights of a really good critical analysis of religion. The closest to give a critical opinion is Harold Bloom and his opinion is largely positive.

>> No.20432561

>You want a real discussion about Mormon doctrine then let’s do this.. once you’re finished with the book make a thread.
You know most of the people here are larpers, right?

>> No.20432569
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Such as?

>> No.20432578

>Doesn't address any criticisms, just calls critics meanies
Can't argue with that, I'm converting tomorrow

>> No.20432610

For one thing Mormonism makes sense in a cosmic, metaphysical sense, and so is immune to common atheist arguments against God that are anti-supernaturalist. I dont want to go more into detail about that because it would require a lot of time I dont have atm. At the time I looked into the church I was a fedora atheist looking for a religion to mock. Just study and pray. Now instead of being a mocker I am a disciple of Christ.

>> No.20432621

>For one thing Mormonism makes sense in a cosmic, metaphysical sense
Answer >>20430299, please.

>> No.20432627

>For one thing Mormonism makes sense in a cosmic, metaphysical sense
How so? You could make tha claim about any belief, doesn't mean anything if you don't back it up.

>> No.20432635

You see how you're talking? That's what I mean. I'm not trying to win debate points like you, stop being such a fedora. I don't care what you think, I'm just saying something true about anti-Mormons.

>> No.20432638

Why would contingency matter, if you have infinite gods going backward. >>20432627
Not really. First cause arguments for example dont really hold up to scrutiny.

>> No.20432641

You said you learnt lots of things, I asked what they were, and you refused to explain.

>> No.20432650

Also as for omnipotence, God is omnipotent in our universe.

>> No.20432719

>First cause arguments for example dont really hold up to scrutiny.
Care to give us an argument for that or are we to take your word for it?

>> No.20432745

Mormonism is another false religion revealed by an angel of light to a ‘prophet’—just like Islam. It really makes me think. Instead of blaspheming Christ by denying the crucifixion and resurrection, the devil that inspired Mormonism instead went into fullblown polytheism and evil doctrines like becoming your own god.

>> No.20432847

look it up yourself holy shit

>> No.20432895

Great response.
Your whole argument boils down to crypto-atheism, by the way, as it's essentially claiming that there is no need to explain how or why the universe came into existence because it always existed. Even claiming that the God of Mormonism acts as the first cause of our universe doesn't hold water, as by making that argument you are ignoring the fact that an infinite chain of contingent beings is incapable of bringing itself into existence, regardless of how many iterations there are in the chain, and acting as if "turtles all the way down" in any way satisfies this conundrum. Moreover, if this universe is one of many whose causes lie in contingent beings, then it doesn't matter if the first cause of everything in our universe is not contingent on anything inside of it. You are simply expanding the chain of causality a few more steps.

>> No.20432951
File: 105 KB, 641x355, EE97A2F2-169E-46E7-AC06-3CBCD61A81D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BYU has a great astronomy dept. because they’re looking for the literal life bearing exoplanet that god inhabits. God to them is a physical being.

>> No.20432956

You can’t “become your own god”

God will always be my God. Stop being ignorant and allowing the spirit of fear to govern you.

>> No.20433753

I've only made two posts before, you're talking about another anon.