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20418117 No.20418117 [Reply] [Original]

Something lit related for a change

Previous thread >>20411719

>> No.20418124


>> No.20418128
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Thank fren.

>> No.20418163
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Excited to write something these next few hours

>> No.20418166
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Can the janitor please call the moderator in to help sweep this place out. It’s absolutely horrid. I don’t have the time to flag them all.

Please ban frogs and jacks. PLEASE

>> No.20418178
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>> No.20418192
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I love anime girls so fucking much. A near-perfect version of man's most carnal desire. The only thing missing from anime girls is their existence in the real world.

>> No.20418204

And yet the attempt to do so proves hideous.
What the anime fetish wants is for the viewer to enter it instead.

>> No.20418209
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Hey, shut up. Nobody wants to hear it

>> No.20418212

Prices will return to thier previous state, right? They cant be increasing forever.

>> No.20418218

If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.20418230

I want a perfectly proportioned slightly overweight milf with huge tits ass and lips to get on her knees and do whatever I want

>> No.20418235


My first love from 10 years ago came back into my life. Pretty happy cause I've never really stopped loving her, but we're also different people now. We're trying to make it work. So far its been fun.

>> No.20418253

Are they really that bad?

>> No.20418257

Look at all that off topic sneed spam bullshit >>>/lit/catalog
This thread contains nothing

>> No.20418259

>he doesn't know

>> No.20418262 [DELETED] 
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Eat shit

>> No.20418266

It’s going to pop. An uneven ragged mess is coming. And the authoritarians will smash the teeth of anyone trying to hang the sonsofbitches who did this to us. Ready?

>> No.20418275

occupy the wallstreet was the last attempt

>> No.20418279

As long as communists are btfo I will be content. People say that authoritarianism at the fringes of the empire returns home eventually. God willing, it will, and communists in America will be ground into dust.

>> No.20418289
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the xi jinping of driving high

>> No.20418298

At a peaceful protest. I hope.

Statists “communists” will try, sure. But then you say you’ll enjoy authoritarianism. You don’t understand the shit that comes out your ass or mouth.
What is needed is a limited power for foreign relations. A council of people that can be easily deposed. The locals take care of their local needs… oh but you’ll never go for anything so American so freedom and democracy oriented. You want a strongman that’ll start wars with Latin America

>> No.20418303

>Statists “communists” will try, sure.
I have zero (0) faith in anarchists, who managed to have the backing of roughly half the US population back in the BLM riots and accomplished nothing with it.

>> No.20418318

We need a pinochet figure. A temporary dictator who purges the subversives and degenerates and then steps down after reestablishing order. The system of federalism is good enough for local control. Local control becomes a problem when the locals are freaks. See CHAZ.

>> No.20418331

t. deranged genocidal death cultist.

>> No.20418332

Arsonists aren’t practicing anarchism. It doesn’t matter is these masked goons think of themselves as anarchists or are in fact agent provocateurs.
BLM is like DSA, the Green Party and a host of other outfits. All infiltrated by the feds. The riots were put on to make us afraid and approve militarized police. Oh yes, the DNC are bringing the fascists rule home once they come home from their failed military adventurism.

My advocating local people seeing to their own governance isn’t likely to put arsonists in any kind of power. Direct democracy ensures that even group of them can’t steer a whole town to their aims. But tell me again how terrible democracy is. “It doesn’t work now. Won’t work later” that line?

>> No.20418336

>t. Tranny

>> No.20418337

We need to put all the Pinochets in the ocean
Those ARE the degenerates

>> No.20418345

I'd become a tranny long before I'd become the next mass shooter like you're heading towards.

>> No.20418350

You'll do both like the guy in Texas today

>> No.20418355

What happens when the Big Man you want to kill everyone you hate doesn't show up? You'll become more and more frustrated and hateful, until you can't take it - you MUST take things into your own hands.

>> No.20418357

The thing about the BLM riots is that they are by design intended to misdirect anger that should be channeled into class struggle into race struggle. The more blacks blame whitey for their immiseration the less time they spend blaming a capitalist system that's on a downward trend and views them as the most expendable .The anger is still their regardless .

So of course they accomplished nothing. What they were participating in was not only useless but directly counterproductive.

>> No.20418359

Please don't project your fantasies onto me

>> No.20418365

>We need a pinochet figure. A temporary dictator who purges the subversives and degenerates and then steps down after reestablishing order. The system of federalism is good enough for local control. Local control becomes a problem when the locals are freaks. See CHAZ.

This is your genocidal fantasy that YOU WROTE, dumbass.

>> No.20418374

Werent you just talking about hanging bankers?

>> No.20418376

No, learn to follow conversations.

>> No.20418380

Not you? >>20418266
Not you?>>20418298
Lots of violent fantasies contained in those posts. And then what happens? Your average middle class american is suddenly le evil fascist getting slaughtered on mass scale. Hence why a Pinochet figure appears at all.
Lefties are the frothing at the mouth psychos. I just want to grill. But I can't be left alone, can I?

>> No.20418382

>Texas shooter
Wtf was his/her deal? /lgbt/ thought the shooter was a transwoman, it turned out to be some Hispanic. Why the hell would a Hispanic go on a shooting? Their demographic group is growing.

>> No.20418384

Have an exam in a few weeks that decides whether or not I can graduate from my masters program. I have two tries on it and they say 50% of people fail it (not sure if that includes both tries). Currently channeling my inner sage and studying everyday except saturdays for the next few weeks.

>> No.20418391

>But muh standard of living!
When will people learn that the increased standard of living under capitalism is a historical anomaly that resulted through labor movements in opposition to it, not as a consequence of it?

For most of capitalism's history the mass of humanity, children included, were working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week in dangerous toxic factories for subsistence wages and lived in rickety old flophouses ? And that this is still mostly true for most people in the world living under it? And that the only reason it changed is because those conditions became unbearable and had to change? Those battles already happened. We're living with those gains, but they are steadily degrading and regressing, because the gravity of capitalism is to tend back to those conditions. Most first world people are still living the high life comparatively speaking, but there's a lot of room to fall .

>> No.20418406

Where are labor movements now?

>> No.20418410

Even your beloved CCP eventually had to acknowledge capitalism raises living standards. It's called building the productive forces.

>> No.20418427

No. Those two are mine. And no violent fantasies there from me. This is just a prediction of the shit that’s coming.
The average bootlicker, rightwinger and leftwinger have them, will go along with the Pentagons plan and we’ll all pretend everything’s normal as the fascism gets worse.
We saw this coming in the early Bush administration. It’s playing out more or less as I imagined.

There are other lefties and righties who hate the government and fear/loathe fascism/authoritarianism. We wanted a better America. We’ll resist your Pinochets

>> No.20418432

Okay, I'll bite. How would your localized political system solve:
1. Gun violence
2. Opioids crisis
3. High lost of living crisis
4. Global warming/environmental crisis.

>> No.20418434


>> No.20418437

We need a Pinochet figure… a temporary dictator… who purges and shits and snarls… the subversives… degenerates… then kaput! Vanishes! Local control becomes a problem when the locals are Jews… See… Auschwitz…

>> No.20418459

I hear the rain in my pillow

>> No.20418467

1. Decoupling medicine and psychiatric help from capitalism would do wonders.
2. Same. Seriously, big pharma bastards need to be taken out.
3. You talking about inflation? Why continue with this broken ass economic system?
4. Ditching that broke ass economic system would do wonders for this.

>> No.20418475

The Pinochet wannabes and their bootlickers are the degenerates. We don’t need them. We need to discourage them

>> No.20418476

>The average bootlicker, rightwinger and leftwinger have them, will go along with the Pentagons plan and we’ll all pretend everything’s normal as the fascism gets worse.
Thanks for affirming my point. You harbor desire for violence against fascists and then label everyone a fascist. This is why your ideology always results in slaughter. I don't want to hear any more of your sick fantasies.

>> No.20418481

Is that you butterfly? The 50 year old spinster?

>> No.20418498

Ok faggot

>> No.20418501

I wish my mom still did the groceries and shopping for me like this guy.

>> No.20418503

This thread is NOT comfy.

>> No.20418603

>warn that violent people are going to get emboldened
>still mistake that for a desire for violence after have been corrected.
Dunce. I didn’t label everyone as fascist. I label the supporters of fascism as fascists. Seems pretty obvious

Poltard infection. I know.
What have you read lately, anon?

>> No.20418616

>What have you read lately, anon?
Not much, I took two summer classes at a local university for a certificate, so I mostly read the lectures and related texts.

>> No.20418623

I should quit my job and take yoga or tai-chi or something.

>> No.20418630

I work full time while doing those classes, though my job is shitty enough that I can study quite a bit everyday while working.

>> No.20418633

Unless you are smoking hot and plan to eventually become an instructor to a class full of sex-depraved business women, I don't see why you need to quit your job to do yoga or tai chi.

>> No.20418640

Just received an AMBER alert on my phone, startled me so much I quite nearly died right there.

>> No.20418641
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Not my problem. Keep it to yourself

>> No.20418646

>Pours fat and cooking oil down the drain

>> No.20418648

I’m 25, work dead end labor jobs I find on Craigslist, no education, no gf, no ambition. Is it over? Is this it?

>> No.20418664

Start with yourself. Love yourself. Find what you want to do. It may take a while, so in the meantime, just do some self improvement stuff. Eating right an exercising, expanding your mind with something you like, developing a hobby, socializing, making friends.

>> No.20418678

I'm getting Five Guys tomorrow for my birthday.

>> No.20418684


>> No.20418686


>> No.20418700
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i'm writing fiction actually i'm putting it off by browsing here

>> No.20418715

Sounds very gay and expensive.

>> No.20418719

>I’m 25
You just barely stopped being a teenager. Of course it's not over, you're juste 25.

>> No.20418722
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This is really good advice. Thanks.

>> No.20418727

It sounds like you live in a small town or rural area. Unless you move to a city, then yes, the chances for desired improvement are slim.

"No ambition" really means that you're depressed and have nothing immediate;y rewarding and satisfying to work towards, so cannot find the motivation to take the first steps toward long-term success.

25 is precisely the age where you feel lack of success really eat away at you with no excuse of youth to fall back on. My recommendation would be to define clearly what you want now, and what you would want to have a year from now at 26, and brainstorm ideas for what steps to take to attain those goals.

Then, realistically look at how you're spending your life currently and whether that's conducive to your desires or if they aren't even toxic influences in some way or another that you should probably jettison.

>> No.20418737

Have sex, incel.

>> No.20418762
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Thank God for the SCOTUS :^)

>> No.20418768

So have libtards finally learned their lesson about economics or are they just going to blame it all on Russia and then call for more socialism? -_-

>> No.20418773

girl is cute

>> No.20418780

we are a nation of law breakers. Stop dragging that shit pie in here

>> No.20418850

Some wacky weirdo broke through the main door where I work yesterday. It was 2:30 in the morning, guy just wrapped his shirt around his first and punched the glass door to pieces. He got in and started doing some kind of dance in the glass shard, barefoot, and told me to call the police and an ambulance because he was in psychosis. I obliged. Tried chatting with him while the cops were on their way to keep him calm, but he was just dancing in the glass and telling me to stay away from him, which I was already doing. The two ladies who are on the night shift with me showed up just as two police car arrived, not even 5 minutes after I had called them, which I found impressive in such a small town. They locked him up and told me that they knew him and were taking him to the hospital. I then spent like two and a half hours just cleaning the hall of all the glass. Strangely enough, I found a used condom. I'm confused as to when he dropped it and why he was carrying it around.

It was not all bad though. One of the ladies, the older one (in her fifties) was wearing some close fitting pants and it made me realize how much of a nice ass she has. Like super tight and firm, lads, what an ass. I kept thinking about her buttocks all through the rest of the night but the vision I had of her hard asscheeks kept being invaded by the barechested, barefoot wacky weirdo dancing in the glass.

Anyway, lady is wearing normal loose scrub pants tonight which disappointed me quite a lot.

Found a piece of glass in the main hall that the Shop Vac didn't pick up last night.

>> No.20418894

>from 10 years ago came back into my life
How, if i may ask?
Did she approach you, or otherwise?

>> No.20418945
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>0-10: Read children's books and YA
>10-20: Read novels and SF
>20-30: Read philosophy and poetry
>30-40: Read theology and poetry
>40-50: Write your life's work

>> No.20418967

>0-75: Play vidya all day erry day

>> No.20418973

>waste your life feeling depressed, unfulfilled, yet filled with regret and guilt
I'd rather not, thanks.

>> No.20418976

My TI-83 Plus is still working.

>> No.20418988

surprise me...

>> No.20418993

you aren't winning reading your shitty books either

>> No.20419014

Cut myself off from internet at large again save for just having the browser on my phone and movies on the TV. The last time I did this it was the happiest months of my life since childhood. Still don't change my circumstances from being poor and alone and retarded but it helps regardless.

>> No.20419162
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>retarded mom wants to throw me a birthday party
>decline multiple times telling her that covid is still a thing
>she ignores me and does it anyway
>one of my aunts who attended had covid
>now I have covid
Can’t wait for the brain damage to settle in. Thanks mom.

>> No.20419164

Goddamn son, how old are you? 16?

>> No.20419167

I'm suddenly getting the things I've always wanted and now I don't want them anymore

>> No.20419170


>> No.20419188

ur supposed to put "wwoym" in the op or title so i can just go to boards.4channel.org/lit/wwoym and go directly to my blog

>> No.20419195

>covid is still a thing
kek imagine still giving a shit about covid. Are you a hypochondriac or something? Just get it and get over it.

>> No.20419198

Give them to me then

>> No.20419201

Thanks anon I enjoyed this

>> No.20419205

You would know, wouldn't you?
You extend your hand to those who suffer
To those who know what it really feels like
To those who've had a taste
Like that means something
And oh so sick I am
And maybe I don't have a choice
And maybe that is all I have
And maybe this is a cry for help

>> No.20419216

It can cause lasting lung damage and a decrease in gray matter in some areas of the frontal lobe iirc. If this wasn’t the case then I wouldn’t care.

>> No.20419222

In the story I'm writing, I've written myself into a corner. I have created this situation in which my narrator is captive to a violent philosophizing homosexual who calls my narrator his "tight little unit." It seems like I need to write this bizarre and rapey homosex section, and I'm worried it's going to come off as if it's a sexual fantasy of mine. I think I need to read Lolita again and read some Nabokov interviews, because he must have felt something similar — that struggle of writing about something very strange and to which you have no personal connection. I still want to give it some authenticity, but I'm worried about what my family will think if they ever read it.

>> No.20419225


they will continue increasing until that huge bump of helicopter money they gave out during the coof is back on the trend line

>> No.20419229

is this how they're going to try to excuse all the children who fell way behind in school due to the teacher's union demanding two years of remote work? brain damage from a coronavirus? lmao literally unbelievable

>> No.20419248

>socializing, making friends
I'm happy with myself except for this. How do you do this when you don't have any current friends or any reason to go out? I had no trouble making friends organically while I was in college, but I never had friends back at home. I also work remotely which doesn't help

>> No.20419261 [DELETED] 

have u tried volunteering somewhere? i have a friend who volunteers in addition to work just so if she changes jobs all her friends from the volunteer gig stay in her life, but if u live in an overachieving place like nyc u'll probably have to apply to be a volunteer and it will be as tough as getting a normal job.

>> No.20419276

The virus is attracted to olfactory and respiratory organs. The olfactory nerve is in your nasal cavity just below the frontal cortex, which I guess provides a path for the virus into the brain. I’ve read about people experiencing strange cognitive issues, but most of the studies done on the topic used very old populations.

>> No.20419283

The janniggers have been on a rampage the past week or so

>> No.20419296

>define clearly what you want now, and what you would want to have a year from now at 26, and brainstorm ideas for what steps to take to attain those goals.

Different anon but also 25 and feeling equally hopeless. The problem is that I have no fucking clue what I want to have a year from now. I have spent 2 years since I graduated trying to pin down what I want and I'm no closer. I'm just trying to get a full time job and hope that something evolves from there but no one will hire me. They won't even send a rejection email. Ok I could go back to school but to study what? I'm scared I would pick the wrong thing, go into debt, and then not even get employed after anyway. It feels so hopeless.

>> No.20419335


>> No.20419365

Are you even getting paid for this, little fella? You should move on to monkey pox and how food and water rationing is actually swag.

>> No.20419391
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I liked this passage a lot.

>> No.20419404

This is the Mother 3 book?

>> No.20419408

Alright I’ll entertain you. What is the globohomo agenda?

>> No.20419416
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>the non-comfy retards are back at it again

>> No.20419417

So I found my son's manuscript for what seems a smutty novela about a marriage between a prepubescent girl and the reader self-insert. I'm ecstatic that he turned out a 200-page story, but i'm severely dissapointed in the story content. It's not enough to kick him oit of the house, but I want to talk to him about channeling his creative energy into something more productive. I only hope he becomes a more successful writer than me.

>> No.20419427
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Yes. That was how I heard about it, but the game is really just kind of an homage to the first book, by naming the characters the way it does. The book is very different (and much darker). It's also interesting to see how the mother figure is ultimately handled in the end (the complete opposite of idealized video game crap). I wonder if Itoi even read all three.

>> No.20419457

Forgot to add: they're very good and I recommend reading them. It's pretty much misery from beginning to end, though.

>> No.20419470

If you don't want your son to resent you, consider coming at it from the point of a literary critique. It's really none of his business as to what YOU think is worthy of HIS creative energy.

>> No.20419480

Whatever filth he's writing about will be socially normalized in a few years so it's not like it matters.

>> No.20419498

How old is he?

>> No.20419543
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I'm really getting sick of these types. Especially when they try to argue about my religion

I hate numales

>> No.20419550

I hope not
He'll be ok, we had this talk before when he went thru his weeaboo phase

>> No.20419568

So, what, you're teaching your son to accept the tastes of others? Try trusting him to make his own mistakes, recognize them, and learn from them. You want him to be a better writer than you are, but at the same time you still do your best to arbitrarily imprint upon him the values and thoughts that led to your own creation. Great writers are iconoclasts. If you impress anything upon him, try making it center around the celebration of following his own creative impulses, rather than trying to get him to follow yours.

>> No.20419577

god what the fuck is bottom of the barrel bait. fuck off skinwalker.

>> No.20419589

Spoken like a true cunny connoisseur

>> No.20419590

I feel empty but empty enough to absorb all things I want to; my body is officially dirty, I love and feel disgust for every person I know.

>> No.20419596

No. Fuck off, pedo.

>> No.20419602

I'm reading a book on Caligula, and in it is says that Emperor Tiberius was into "triple anal penetration". And I need to know, how the fuck is that even supposed to work? Is it like one of those 3d puzzles?

>> No.20419603

go back

>> No.20419613

holy shit are you really defending some guy's loli fanfic?

>> No.20419616

For all I know, it could be a work with serious literary merit. I'm operating under the assumption that it is. If there is at least the attempt at serious merit, any topic is in-bounds.

>> No.20419627
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The more I live with my mom and sister the more I loathe it. Everday it's one incessant comment on one thing or another. I really need to get out of my house.

>> No.20419642

and what is your religion?

>> No.20419649

Big yikes. Get him and yourself onto the straight and narrow before its too late

>> No.20419656

Pics of them?

>> No.20419668


>> No.20419858
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What do you need to read in order to obtain a superior understanding of the world and appear intellectually superior to the average person? Real or perceived; It doesn't matter.

My theory is that since information is so widely available now most people have a similar base knowledge. Esoteric knowledge used to be reserved for the elite but now the dirty peasants believe they grasp the nature of the universe because they watched a YouTube documentary.

>> No.20419863


>> No.20419867

sorry no fat girls allowed on this ride

>> No.20419870

step one: stop being degenerate coomer

>> No.20419872

I really wish it would rain tonight and continue doing so until Tuesday.

>> No.20419873
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>> No.20419876

Can you stop thinking about your bodily fluid fetish.
You have a twisted aesthetic

>> No.20420083

>t. ugly white woman

>> No.20420122
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Life in a nutshell.

>> No.20420253
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we could be heroes...

>> No.20420411

>trying to manage both by 'doing something' is causing manic energy that gets me into dumb situations
Its amazing how you figure out your own tendencies as you get older. Most of my problems in life have been because i was depressed and anxious and then went and sought out conversation with a friend or family so i wouldn't have to feel like sitting on negative energy and all that happened was the negative energy caused a confrontation either because i was lowkey crying for help or being irritable or off putting in some way.

I dont know what im going to do about feeling like shit rn but i do know i'm not going to make it someone else's problem until i'm less likely to be a cunt today. How much of the battle of life do you win just by knowing when you are having one of your bad days and choosing not to go out.

>> No.20420432

Literally what is the problem that republicans have with stricter gun control laws? I do not understand this.

>> No.20420437

What laws do you propose? Why not address the underlying individual issues?

>> No.20420449

What underlying issue?

>> No.20420464

They don't work and are a scam. Legal gun owners don't commit any crimes, only illegal gun owners do, and America is anti-enforcement of any law that works to get guns out of the hands of criminals. Stop and frisk basically stopped all crime in any city where it was implemented and got tons of guns off the streets but you can't have that. Can't have "broken windows" policies. Can't put people in jail for committing crimes, have to have bail funds so they can go commit more.

Also countries with almost zero routes to legal gun ownership have a shitload of knife crime, and surprise, lots of illegal gun crime. Countries with zero routes to legal handgun ownership have tons of illegal handgun crime. Meanwhile countries with healthy sane citizens but tons of guns have no gun crime. Belgian had 2,000,000 civilian owned guns in 2006 to a population of 10 million and the lowest gun crime rate in the universe.

The only way I would ever listen to a "progressive" about "gun control" (propaganda term for anti-constitutional nanny state disarming of the legally armed citizenry) is if they were consistent in wanting to prevent and reduce crime, which would mean rolling back at least to their positions in the early 80s, to broken windows legislation and stop and frisk laws that proactively get illegal guns out of criminals' hands. But all they have done for the last 30 years is show they don't want to prevent or prosecute crime, they want shorter sentences and no life sentences for the most violent criminals and they want to make it as easy as possible for those criminals to be armed. The ONLY thing they EVER want to do is make it more tedious for my uncle who has never been arrested in his life to own a long gun.

Maybe, maybe if they weren't hypocrites and useful idiots of the totalitarian nanny state gun grabbers, they'd have a point. But even then I would say go fuck yourself because it's unconstitutional and only a pussified child's worldview could think that daddy state can save you from every danger. America is imploding, it's a civilization in late stages of decay. Its problem is that it is more like Brazil than Belgium, and its technocratic elite is perfectly happy with this, not that rednecks like to shoot on weekends. Look up the concept of anarcho-tyranny.

>> No.20420472

Urban slum life being the norm, dysfunctional welfare state that legalizes weed so its millions of mentally ill uneducated dependents can wander around smoking weed and playing games on their Obamaphones during working hours, while the shrinking middle class is at work continuing to sustain their hedonistic lifestyles, permanent elite class that hasn't been outside California, NYC, the beltway or Martha's Vineyard in their lives (except for vacations), robber baron elites who sell the entire country out to foreign interests so nobody can get jobs and let infrastructure decay and the entire white middle class get hooked on opiates, the only "leftists" being trannies who call truckers petit bourgeois when they organize.

>> No.20420476

They shut the global economy down for a year and printed money to make up for it. This is the reality that short-sighted policy swept under the rug.

>> No.20420486
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Anyone know how the new paperwhite compares to the new kindle? I had an old paperwhite(2015) that finally died and I bought a standard kindle because it was cheaper, but I've noticed that it has more lag, and the touch-screen isn't as precise. Is this also an issue with the new paperwhites? A flush screen is nice, but not $50+ nice.

>> No.20420488

Does it really just happen that I come across a person I get along with so well and like so much but a relationship with them just cannot be functional? I could spend years of my life enjoying my time with this woman but she is just not functional as a normal partner, she's a fucking wreck and I can't do anything about it.

>> No.20420490

The texas shooter legally bought the gun that he used
Those are more abstract issues where as putting more restrictions on who can purchase a gun is a goal that is more concrete in solving the problem

>> No.20420495

>let me have a twitter back-and-forth with you in under 140 character talking points for eternity

>> No.20420500

I didn't think we were having an argument, we're just talking here.

>> No.20420506

I don't think it counts as talking when you reset to the same one-line positions and opinions without actually trying to convince your opponent of anything or caring whether an exchange of ideas is taking place. That's your aunt on Facebook posting "I can't believe Drumpf is getting away with this!" and getting two likes from your other aunts.

>> No.20420514

I can hear my cat snoring even through my headphones rn. She's snoozing.

>> No.20420516

I didn't know these were one-liners and I'm not try to convince you of anything. I saw you talk about how most crimes were caused by illegal guns and I googled it to find that the texas shooter bought his gun legally, which was what I was most concerned about. I'm tired of hearing about elementary schoolkids getting shot and it's depressing that nothing is really getting done about it. I'd be open to changing my mind about things but I can't find these arguments convincing when I see shit like this and think that more restrictions would be an effective deterrent.

>> No.20420523

>The texas shooter legally bought the gun that he used
Why do you think anyone would respond to you when you didn't address anything he said? Why should he show you that respond when you didn't show him any?
>You didn't convince me because my feefees got hurt
Fuck off zoomshit.

>> No.20420527

>Why should he show you that respond

>> No.20420545

Well, I would respond but I don't really know what to say. Like I said, I don't really want to argue, I just mentioned that it doesn't address the point I'm concerned about. So he "won", i don't care.

>> No.20420550

That wasn't me who responded. I'm open to civil debate. Once again, which laws do you propose?

>> No.20420559

No you openly called for violence and said you hope OWS is the las of the peaceful protests. Stop playing damage control, you harbor violent fantasies.
And right, just like i said, you want violence against fascists and then broadly label just about everyone who isnt your super niche autisitc brand of anarchism a fascist. Like I said, you'll going into the houses of basic middle class Americans and slaughtering them. All your gay little anarchist and communist uprisings throughout history have done as much.

>> No.20420587

Should have got the 4th shot

>> No.20420596

Find a Discord room or something, you guys suck and are retarded.

>> No.20420601

*void sounds*

>> No.20420603
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Just remove 80% of money in circulation

>> No.20420605

my dick is too fat bros, every time i go out in public everyones staring at my fat fucking cock, it's so embarassing
please stop staring at men with gigantic penises, it makes us very uncomfortable
i can;t help that the good Lord gave me an enormous freaking wiener

>> No.20420631
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Have you considered wearing pants?

>> No.20420639

Restrictive gun laws might prevent some things, but it is not worth it. We don't live in a nice homogeneous country where you can take for granted that you won't need to protect yourself.

>> No.20420654

Walked a small street on my way to work today, and saw a crow busily pecking at a dead pigeon just off the sidewalk. Not a common sight, it was sobering and somehow very reassuring. I thought to myself: you go, little hellspawn. Live. Devour everything that catches your eye. Breed till your offspring eclipses the sun.

>> No.20420668

i've tried every kind of pants there is, but no matter how comically huge and baggy they are, my magnum dong is still visible

>> No.20420700

Even though this anon is being a bit hysterical I agree with his first premise. People forgot the 2nd amendment is primarily an anti-government measure - domestic and foreign - but has been twisted to attack gun fanatics who are intentionally misrepresented as the status quo of normal gun owners. I'm heavily in favor of gun ownership but even I agree the suburban gun owner culture is really distasteful. Since we are experiencing an unprecedented time of peace people have this misconception that mass-scale violence has been eradicated. Difficult times will resurface in America and without guns people will be at the mercy of government. I would argue that the deterrence alone has prolonged our period of peace.

At the risk of sounding insensitive I propose the question: who has killed more innocent people, rogue citizens or tyrannical governments?

>> No.20420705

>people write what’s on their minds

eat a dick fatty

>> No.20420711

this is great. if its fiction, even better

>> No.20420718

big dicks shall rule the world

>> No.20420727

>One of the ladies, the older one (in her fifties) was wearing some close fitting pants and it made me realize how much of a nice ass she has. Like super tight and firm, lads, what an ass. I kept thinking about her buttocks all through the rest of the night
There's a woman at my job, probably in her mid-40s, and she has a great ass and really nice, toned legs. She always wears skintight jeans so you can see it all extremely well. I wish she'd quit because it's a distraction.

>> No.20420784
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Knowing that I am totally undeserving of anything good doesn't help to quench the desire of such things regardless. Its an awfully stressful paradox.

>> No.20420786

No one deserves anything. No one has a right to good things. There's nothing wrong with taking them if you can get them.

>> No.20420812


>> No.20420814
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>> No.20420828

Wheres all the blood?

>> No.20420837

>even I agree the suburban gun owner culture is really distasteful
God forbid something you find distasteful exists.

>> No.20420875

There was none, to my surprise. I looked all around to make sure but didn't find a single drop. Glad I didn't since one of the lawful officers told me to be weary for blood as the guy might have diseases. What diseases? It is not known, only implied. I did see some blood on his feet when they moved him from the police car to the ambulance, but it was on the sides and not on the soles. Man was a glass bender, a shard walker, a modern fakir of psychotic proportion.

>> No.20420886

I’ve been constipated for three weeks but nothing about my diet or lifestyle changed. wtf bros

>> No.20420892

your obsession with guns is pathological and right wing propaganda has rotted your mind. sad!

>> No.20420900

Eat some prunes

>> No.20420913

I got figs, will that work

>> No.20420914

Take a few shots of sunflower oil.

>> No.20420925

Yeah I think so

>> No.20420928

you should file a complaint, she's basically raping you with her pantaloons.

>> No.20420935

Drink a lot of water. Sometimes we don't notice our need for water increased, but lack of water leads to shit getting firmer and harder to push out.

>> No.20420941

is this a prank?

I’ll give it a try, thanks anon

that’s the thing, I always drink a ton of water and that didn’t change

>> No.20420950

Do you drink a lot of coffee

>> No.20420960

couple mugs per day in the morning. The first one usually makes me have to go, but it hasn’t lately.

>> No.20420980

It's one thing to own a gun and respect its intended purpose as useful tool and another to integrate it with your whole personality. You don't see people driving around with DeWalt table saw bumper stickers on their trucks do you? How about Samsung refrigerator conventions?

>> No.20420982

commodity fetishism

>> No.20420984

Get some over the counter rectal suppositories. If they don't work, maybe it's time to see a medical doctor.

>> No.20420995

try having someone pee in your butt

>> No.20421003

I’ve had small bowel movements every day, but only a full blown one once every few days. Am I going to die?

>> No.20421012

>is this a prank?
A spoonful alone will lube up your insides good. Guaranteed shitting.

>> No.20421016

Nah doesn't sound that bad, but since it's been that way for quite a while, maybe you should see your doctor if it affects your everyday life and general well being.

>> No.20421069

Why I wasnt worth to have all those things? What did I do that I wasnt granted it? Why did God deprive me of it?

>> No.20421102

Guys what book can I get as a birthday gift for this girl I know? (to be clear she's ugly and I'm not in the least bit interested in her romantically, just doing social convention crap) She studies classics.

>> No.20421131

ive never been outside of Philly

>> No.20421145

I've never been to the US

>> No.20421151

salvation is far from the wicked

>> No.20421156

Just get her Sherlock Holmes, can never go wrong with mystery.

>> No.20421181

Was thinking more something that would educate her

>> No.20421242

I just ordered and it cost $60, so yes.

>> No.20421246

You're buying a birthday gift for an acquaintance you don't really want to get too close to, it's okay to keep it simple, but if you really want her to learn something, ask discreetly about her interests and get her something not too expensive on the subject.

>> No.20421254

I ordered a hot black coffee and the bitch gave it to me iced and with cream.

>> No.20421260 [DELETED] 

Pushing at the boundaries of your understanding and experience - the will to discover- is the ultimate life-affirming action. For every ounce of despair you feel at the present condition of the world, push a pound harder against the tyranny of your expectations! Praise the everlasting question mark, the infinite unknown that keeps us always in motion, forever becoming and never complete!

>> No.20421261
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yo anon, how was your day?

>> No.20421266
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Probably something gay like pic related. When women say they like classics they don't meant actual classics.

>> No.20421268

I don't have the time to ask about her interests, birthday is saturday

>> No.20421275

>You don't see people driving around with DeWalt table saw bumper stickers on their trucks do you?
I do. I used to have a milwaukee hat before I lost it.
Give it a break. Shooting is a hobby which is adjacent to a lot of other interests, like military history, hunting, and others. I personally own three antique firearms.
You're just a boring faggot. Probably on the spectrum

>> No.20421284

The point is to direct people towards virtue, and not away from it, even if they're not shining examples... I try to have some faith in mankind

>> No.20421291

What day?

>> No.20421293

After having tasted the indescribable joy and simplicity of having a truly submissive girlfrend, I'm never going back to normal relationships. Women are made to be genuinely submissive to their men. The harmony was just perfect. Talking to regular girls now feels like such a pointless and foreign exercise. It's insane to settle for a typical Western woman; they bring nothing to the table. They complain, they have demands, they think highly of themselves, they don't obey you, etc. I'll probably buy a wife from the Philippines.

>> No.20421300

Get her The Odyssey but translated by a woman or whatever they're called.

>> No.20421302

Ecclesiastes, Aeschylus, Augustine, or John Donne. She won't read them though and she'll think you're weird.

>> No.20421303

t. future practitioner of bestiality

>> No.20421304

Give her my phone number

>> No.20421340
File: 1.03 MB, 1107x762, Screenshot 2022-05-25 at 21.29.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for us whiteybros... everyone can see through us now

>> No.20421351

Life sucks

>> No.20421368

reconfusion in the determination of my next desire next to the new star allignment of this new world *it-s always new not the sime for even a moment* so i will keep going and explore each new frame who even gives a fuck about the meaning i just wanna ride for the rest of my life travelling from here to there and doing whatever the fuck i want the bitches aint none my concern the friends aint none of my concern and the people in general aint none my concern for i-m not a picky person and im indifferent to everyone me included equally so im riding
el cataclista im called cuz i aint give a fuck about no niggerfaggot going around calling me immoral when he-s black and homosexua;
im here to live and experience, not out of love out of not giving a fuck bout what-s next you know what i mean i literally dont know how to care, and i thought, maybe this is me, pure apathy. I DONT mind it for life is a ride and a bridge to cross
while i walk it i will look to the lakes by the side
i will look at the bottomless shadows when the water ends and i will look at the pines poking through the bridge and on to my face *i dont wanna fall out of the bride/life(?*
so we keep going forwards in to infinity it seems life is infinite i only trust my intuition y-know what i mean and im right
so that-s it
the music never stops now that i realize it
always there
im fatigued by it
but what else am i supposed to busy my ears with
and what do i care about this fatigue?
it's the same as liking the music
the same as hating it
and the same to anything in tween
im getting unbanned 4 minutes from now so ill keep rambling about my own thang
i keep writing to saciate my lust for idk what expression who cares edgelord
look i've got a cow in my bed and i fuck it before going to sleep in it's embrace
i prefer animals because my dick fits you know
probably dont because you're a bunch of /pol/tards trying to look smart
well, my cow goes to eat grass in the afternoons and i ride it to work in the sky

>> No.20421387

lol new shooting just dropped. texas x kids edition.

>> No.20421394

muh guns doe

>> No.20421399

60$ for five men?
Are they just gonna tickle your dinkle for like 10 minutes and leave?

>> No.20421408
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>got made fun of by family at a young age because i talked to a girl.
>got a computer and exposed to the internet and porn at a young age
Everything makes sense now. But i forgive them, they couldnt have known. I am my own worst enemy and its up to me alone to fix him

>> No.20421427

Is there a happy end?

>> No.20421430

Thats already old news

>> No.20421431

send her my dick pick

>> No.20421436

>jealous nogunner

>> No.20421440

Sour grapes helped me

>> No.20421457

How is that David Goggins book? I heard he like crafted a new identity for himself and I’m really interested in that.

>> No.20421465
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Do rightoids really...

>> No.20421484

im so sick and tired of whites prostrating before sand people and trannies that im siding with the chuds on this one

>> No.20421493

Half of the catalog is OP asking for book recs. It should be a bannable offense to, and only to, ask for book recs in OP

>> No.20421494

>mass immigration is a conspiracy theory

>> No.20421502
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>> No.20421504
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But it's on the UN website

>> No.20421514

Immigration is a sensible solution to the problem of birth rates declining in civilized societies. If you don't want immigrants in your country, you can have a work cultural like Japan, where you’ll be lucky to retire by your mid 70s

>> No.20421518

off yourself for posting this

>> No.20421523

It's just a prank bro
You're being replaced and HERE'S WHY THAT'S A GOOD THING!

>> No.20421529


>> No.20421530
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>> No.20421532

the metaphysics of saying “you’re” being replaced are dubious. I’m not “white people the group”

>> No.20421537

even assuming the theory is correct, the plain language of that provision in the genocide definition doesn’t include what’s allegedly happening per replacement theory. learn to read and stop falling for confirmation bias

>> No.20421544
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It's hilarious you think you're smart

>> No.20421546
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then you are exactly what you bought

>> No.20421547

Nobody is replacing anyone, but if you honestly don't see the issue then I’m not sure how to help you. Birth rates in developed countries naturally decline. It’s happening in China. They have already reached their peak population and from this point on they will only be declining in population, and they’ll only have enough healthy young manpower to make a move in the next decade before their population starts really aging. It’s the same in the USA and Europe and Asia. You can either accept that birth rates decline in civilized societies and counteract that with immigration programs, or doom your shrinking youth population to overwhelmingly providing care for the elderly and not even having time to have children themselves like in Japan.

>> No.20421548

I pains me to see the decadence of Argentina, even though I'm a Brazilian. I always held a certain admiration for the country, the beauty of the patagonia region, Buenos Aires and its architecture, the way their culture is so classy.
Argentinian people are a bunch of arrogant douchebags, but I still like their country. But now it is deep into a hole of poverty, incompetent government and decadence, it saddens me. I hope they'll overcome it and become the Europe of Latin America again.

>> No.20421553

>Nobody is replacing anyone but here's why you should be replaced in your own country!

>> No.20421566

This conversation is frustrating. What alternative solution do you have to offer for the growing population of elderly and shrinking population of youth? Because if it’s simply "have more babies!" I can tell you that will go over like a lead balloon to most young white americans.

>> No.20421575
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>Nobody is replacing anyone,
>accept that birth rates decline in civilized societies and counteract that with immigration programs
Ten years ago it gave me genuine anxiety that people as dishonest as you controlled everything, and people as stupid as you allowed them to. Now I am just looking forward to the next ten years as your entire "reasonable" bourgeois worldview implodes before your eyes.

>> No.20421579

seethe, chud

>> No.20421595

>I can tell you that will go over like a lead balloon to most young white americans.
Well if you tell me that then shit guess the only thing left to do is accept being replaced in my country

>> No.20421598


>> No.20421606

>Immigration, which was bought in a long time ago as a decorative lizard, has become in the meantime an enormous crocodile occupying half the drawing-room, but the general convention is to pretend not to notice and to mind one’s business exactly as if the beast was not there. Once in a while, when he is in the mood, and that is more and more often the case, he tears off and devours a leg or an arm, but people go on handling tea cups and discussing train timetables or the advisability of changing the wallpaper over him as if he were some kind of deconstructed sofa, blood all over the chairs and the carpet notwithstanding.

>I believe in the equality of nothing — except by chance, or by a sometimes legitimate coup d’etat of the law. Equality, as soon as it leaves its legal and political bed, destroys everything it touches — vessels, ramparts, cities, men — as Æschylus said Helen of Troy did. Equality between parents and children has destroyed the family, transmission of culture, civilization. Equality between teachers and pupils, or between good pupils and bad pupils, has destroyed schools, teaching, knowledge. Equality between high culture and entertainment has destroyed culture. Equality between citizens and non-citizens is destroying citizenship, states, nations. Equality between century-old local traditions and mores and imported ways of life and foreign traditions will leave nothing standing, or worth standing, of any nation. In France and in Europe, equality between Christianity and Islam spells death for French culture and European civilization.

>That is what makes equality, as well as antiracism, so precious to Global Replacism, to the universal petite-bourgeoisie, to the industries of man, and to Davocracy; and that is what explains why it is so easy, for the hyper-class, to find arrangements, either secret or open ones, with the equalitarian left, and why they support it, financially or otherwise.

>[Emmanuel] Macron is indeed, in my opinion, the best local representative on Earth of what I have called Davocracy, the government of the planet by Davos, that Swiss ski resort where the Great Paymasters of the world, bankers and giants of finance, congregate once a year to decide how the planet should be run.

>The new world order schemers have the ultimate aim of creating a homogenous population of coffee-colored serfs: docile, predictable, and interchangeable. They don’t want a large reservoir of White people anywhere who might rebel.

>> No.20421613

I really regret pursuing a college degree and a professional career for the last 10 years.

>> No.20421616

I feel like the deeper issue here is this concept of being "replaced". I don't understand it, frankly. What about immigration causes you to feel threatened? The fact that people bring with them their own cultures? If you are worried about your culture changing, I can tell you that is the natural course of human history. Languages change and grow, people migrate and their values shift. This idea that immigrants are replacing you seems founded in isolationist xenophobia.

>> No.20421641

Many people would rather die than think in fact many people do – Bertrand Russell. I don’t like moralisers because I don’t think all humans have an identical moral system so this text doesn’t have the intention to moralise you. Despite that our lives are made up of circumstances, good or bad and these contribute to our identity or being. In certain cases these circumstances are inevitable. For example one does not choose his country of birth or his own face. One can then ask himself if we are not barely the result of some initially chosen conditions. Some of us would recoil at that idea, after all everyone believes he has control over his actions his conscience justifying their choice. However this would be done by forgoing the amount of events that are simply beyond our control, it’s important to at least recognize this bias. Continuing on this line of thought one will quickly arrive at the conclusion that our lives are probably already written and we barely ride the waves of causality. It could be true, in fact many people think so without realizing it. In Christianity for example the chosen ones’ names are written in the book of life. This assumes that whatever the “doomed” did during their life they couldn’t escape their fate because it was already written before their lives even started. Consider this thought experiment, if someone is asked to relieve his past but without the memories he accumulated after that how will he act ? If this person just merely redoes what he did before he would have no freewill because his being is purely reactionary to the events happening to him. On the other hand if the person acts differently then can we say that in the two cases it is the same person acting? In both cases this leads to a paradox (One can argue that the paradox comes from the very fact that one goes in the past but this kind of experiment can be simplified in various ways although the memory-forgetting part may be difficult to replicate. The influence of memories on our being is something to be explored later). This paradox is however artificial because destiny, will and causality are two parts of the same coin. Two fundamental pieces that constitute a discrete world. A world of will and representation.

>> No.20421648
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Diversity is our strength. Distinct cultures should remain distinct.

Good enough for T.S. Eliot, good enough for me.

>> No.20421651
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>> No.20421657

Look retard, it's my country and I'll fight for it. I don't care about your cuck philosophy, your sophistry, and your low IQ analyses. See you when SHTF and you'll try to explain your bullshit again.

>> No.20421670


>> No.20421678

>ok fine you're being replaced but just embrace your people and your culture being extinguished!
How long did you think this was going to work lmao

>> No.20421679

I saw her eloquent eyes glowing in the dark like a flaming star I felt her pain and the pain of every girl I left yet I could’t say goodbye

>> No.20421705

How can you be replaced if the people that immigrate to your country end up becoming Americans? You're the same race.

>> No.20421710
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>You're the same race.

>> No.20421726

>You can see why [in the 1920s] American felt our borders were out of control. [The immigration law passed at the time] stated a preference for Northern Europeans] ... [Restrictions on] Southern Catholics and Jews—this went on to 1964, so all through [World War II] there were incredible restrictions. 1965 comes, we’re reluctant leaders of the world, we have an economic boom, we didn’t have much immigration, and we have a ton of guilt. First, about the Holocaust. [Rep.] Manny Celler was voted in in 1923…he was Jewish, from Manhattan. He was warning about the Holocaust, and everybody was ignoring him. In 1947, he was head of the Judiciary Committee, and he was able to get jurisdiction [over immigration] changed from the Labor Committee. He had control over immigration reform. There was a huge attitude change. Exodus had been published. Israel was popular. The other thing was the civil rights movement. Black soldiers were coming back, and there were Jim Crow laws. Those movements drove the 1965 law. Philip Hart, called the conscience of the Senate, was passionate about civil rights. ... They decided to do away with preferences for work skills, and have preferences for family reunification. That’s pretty unique to immigration law—they gave green cards to extended family members.
>“They mainly thought it would be Europeans and Jewish families [who would benefit],” Orchowski told TAC.

>In his 2006 book Winning the Race, political commentator John McWhorter attributed the rise in the welfare state after the 1960s to the Cloward–Piven strategy, but wrote about it negatively, stating that the strategy "created generations of black people for whom working for a living is an abstraction".[8]

>According to historian Robert E. Weir in 2007: "Although the strategy helped to boost recipient numbers between 1966 and 1975, the revolution its proponents envisioned never transpired."[9]

>> No.20421828

brainlet response lol, typical rightist

>> No.20421838

I'm a world war one era luger?

>> No.20421840
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>> No.20421846

>t. From a lilly white American suburb

>> No.20421893
File: 296 KB, 1600x1000, 1626313698682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still feel like a fucking adolescent or teenager. Mentally underdeveloped. I haven't matured one bit since I turned 17. Or maybe I have. But I haven't done anything with my life since I turned 17. I should be taken behind the shed and shot. I'm defective. Everyone else I know is a functioning adult - I'm the outlier here. Everyone treats me like I'm 17 even if I'm almost the same age as them and I'm way taller than them because they know I'm still the same as I was when I was 17. Did I miss some rite of passage? Did I forget to board the grown-up bus? I'll always be spoken down to. I'll always be just a "boy" or a "little guy" and I didn't chose that title. Never a man.

>> No.20421897

How old are you

>> No.20421905

Nearly 21. I'm aware that's still pretty young but I see people younger than me treated like adults because I guess they are and I'm not.

>> No.20421908

kek. im 31 and stuck in the same sitch. life sux

>> No.20421911

Bro you're doing just fine. You're supposed to be coming into that kind of self awareness now. Desu early 20s are basically teenagers.

>> No.20421920

Hit the gym, eat more, stop being a pussy

>> No.20421942

>Nearly 21.
after u finisher ur bachelor's next year, take a job in a new city to get our of your comfort zone

>> No.20421948
File: 213 KB, 353x345, 1626913266073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after u finisher ur bachelor's next year
Yeah, haha, I'll be finishing my bachelors then, haha...

>> No.20421955 [DELETED] 

what r u one of those kids who did a bunch of college classes in high school and already doing their masters by 21? lmao maybe if u stop overachieving for two seconds and have some fun u won't be so mopey

>> No.20421959

>maybe if u stop overachieving
I'm doing quite the opposite, actually. Flunked out of my first university, had to transfer to a community college. Never took any college-level classes in high school and barely passed on-level and failed a bunch of electives including band. Seems like you're projecting here, but that might be a stretch.

>> No.20421968

>Bro stop calling it "replaced" it makes me sound like the bad guy can we change the word
KEK lefties are brain damaged

>> No.20421970

Fiction is dead.

>> No.20421973
File: 27 KB, 400x400, AhR5qOO28DHZpzKPGh4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pushing at the boundaries of your understanding and experience - the will to discover- is the ultimate life-affirming action. For every ounce of despair you feel at the present condition of the world, push a pound harder against the tyranny of your expectations! Praise the everlasting question mark, the infinite unknown that keeps us always in motion, forever becoming and never complete!


They sang the song that elevated humanity. Hundreds of thousands of inspired voices emerged from the global crisis and spoke powerful testimony about the value of life and the wonder of the universe. Their communications would touch the souls of billions and inspire incredible personal and social transformations. They would give birth to a generation of creatives that would outshine even them.

It most definitely was not called "normal," but the opposite: a strangification of experience; a socially infectious enchantment with life and all of existence. It was a psycho-social singularity, a singularity of human relationships including the transpersonal. What led it is the call of wonder, what drove it was the desire of curiosity at its greatest heights of aspiration.

Have you ever had a teacher who truly loved and lived to teach? Who had an overwhelming passion for teaching that made them an outstanding instructor? The kind of teacher who successfully infects students with the desire to learn and explore?

I have! I know they exist! I know how they have touched me! I have felt the same spark of inspiration in so many including writers, philosophers, artists, scientists, and their greatest passions speak of this blissful love of learning. If such passions could touch the hearts of the masses, it would be the single most transformative event in human history.

This is my greatest dream, and one day it will become a reality.

>> No.20421979

how could u flunk out i thought /lit/ was full of geniuses? no but for real just take any job and rent a place, supporting urself on ur own will put ur ahead of like half the zoomers our there, hyperachieving pricks aside. also, have u thought about who u use super immature looking anime pics on every post? even a guy who posts pepes has a chance of being in the army or law school or something, anime poster is def stunted development

>> No.20421989
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>how could u flunk out i thought /lit/ was full of geniuses?
You're posting here so clearly it's not.
>no but for real just take any job and rent a place, supporting urself on ur own will put ur ahead of like half the zoomers our there
Not in this economy.
>anime poster is def stunted development
You do make a point here.

>> No.20421997

>Not in this economy.
the unemployment rate is like 3.5%, it's not going to go any lower dude.

>> No.20422013

You wouldn't believe the things I've seen. If I told you, you would literally go bananas for coco puffs like a big dumb ape who lived its entire life in a luxurious zoo for rich white people in a rich white neighborhood with strict safety laws for animals in zoos because humans are pea-brained at comprehending beyond their dirty 1700s pirate scope with cracks in the glass trying to figure out what that alien space megastructure at the edge of the Earth's ozone layer is.

>> No.20422021

I enjoy civilisation thanks

>> No.20422085

I'm already bananas for General Mills™ Coco Puffs™, the most delicious, crunchy, and chocolatey cereal you can find in the breakfast aisle of your local Walmart™ for only $2.99! You'll go cuckoo!™ for the chocolatey milk!

>> No.20422125

mom watches the damn tv too loud

>> No.20422128

get your own place you leech

>> No.20422132

It's something all boomers do. They turn up the volume 'cause they can't hear well and then it damages their hearing so they have to turn it up some more over time. Young folks do it too with their headphones and shit.

>> No.20422155

Is subvocalizing everything I read a bad habit? I feel like it limits my reading speed and makes me trip up often. How am I supposed to decipher the tone that a sentence was written in without subvocalizing?

>> No.20422163


Wear earplugs at concerts bros, I 26 and have the hearing of a 65yo war veteran and my tinnitus is insanely loud

>> No.20422181

>google any random influencer/vlogger/miniature internet celebrity
>find 50 websites full of schizophrenics obsessing over every detail of their personal lives
i hope a meteor wipes out this failed species

>> No.20422200

Thinking of self medicating with amphetamines aha

>> No.20422207

I love you

>> No.20422209

incapable of thinking

>> No.20422219

Doin the cockroach yeah

>> No.20422220

Truth be told, I had a weekend of boring shift work lined up so it was no harm to queue up something I could tune out to. And also I had just recently read a series worth reading where the earliest book that was ass. So writers can get better. Couple that with the quote attributed to every pulp writer ever that every writer has a million bad words in them and shrug why not.

>> No.20422263

Any good books you can all recommend me? I'm not much of a reader in the sense I don't read much; but when I find series/books I enjoy I can finish them very fast. I read all of the Three Body Problem books in just a few days. They were very good! I've also been reading Children Of Time which is good but hasn't fully griped me. I also read all of the Wheel Of Time last year.

Any good recs are good for me. I read them during my boring work hours when there's nothing going on.

>> No.20422268

You look too far and think too complex, you have been robbed of locality

>> No.20422334

if you shiver in the summer
if you can't eat your dinner on an empty stomach
if you can't hold your pen to write
if you can't keep down water
if your stomach feels like a pit and a blockade at the same time
if your eyes are red as your skin is yellow
if you can't tell the delusions from the shadows
if you're afraid of the little bumps and creaks
if the cashier looks at you with pity
if the bartender asks you to leave
if the cops find you too pathetic to arrest
if you know you know

>> No.20422381


new sky ferreira

>> No.20422395

based skyposter

>> No.20422408

I feel like that too. I'm 25. I completely don't know what to do.

>> No.20422418

i think you're a silly man
i think you;re foolish
i think you're a touch dull
i think you have learning difficulties
i think you suffered some form of head trauma at a young age
i think you weren't breast fed

>> No.20422420

>Is there a happy end?

>> No.20422423

Why is 19th century Russian literature so great?

I recently read Leskov and Turgenev, and they were great!

>> No.20422442


>> No.20422472

What's the alternative?

>> No.20424210
File: 106 KB, 1200x675, 26-05-2022-rammstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life in a local tribe -> Locality is what neo cults will be aiming for: Less isolation, less commodification, less laws, more fluidity, group loyality, less digital entertainment, nature, less genetic variance, more love, more sport, stable identity -> Better mental health -> Better quality of life -> More natural way of living / we are more designed for a life like that.
Problem: Too trusting of gut feelings, being one with human intuition -> Less differentiated analysis of excentric individuals -> Sometimes carry revolutionary / innovative potential -> exclusion, harassment, death.
Also: Local life could be interpreted as being better at mainting a mere illusion -> Illness / accidents redpilling the individual of the pillars contributing to his past stability -> Globalized world merely accelerates these inequalities and thus decreases quality of life -> 5'2 indonesian male living in the Netherlands -> Unfair while life always was unfair to a certain degree -> What's right now? Communism / marxism as a narrowing of inequality in a world of eternal inequality ? -> Where is the line, where do we begin -> Antinatalism as the final answer?