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20415947 No.20415947 [Reply] [Original]

What I really want to know is if it is worth it to read Hegel. Will it make me a better or more educated person?

>> No.20415975

Educated about what?

>> No.20415991

The effect of all philosophy is palliative. If it helps you cope more easily then it's worth it... can you think of a more rewarding use of your time?

>> No.20416073

No, but it can help you become a student of Hegel's philosophy and earn some income from it, for example by teaching Hegel's philosophy at the university. But only other students of Hegel's philosophy will listen or read you, simply because everything Hegel wrote makes sense solely from the point of view of Hegel's philosophy. It's kind of like a black hole: everything goes in, nothing comes out.
(I myself am getting ready to read Hegel's philosophy of law. In advance in complete disgust, but I must.)

>> No.20416094

It'll make you more educated in the sense that a complete reading of his work will help you greater understand the Young Hegelians and the dialectical materialist thread in the Marxist tradition.
This pretty much.

>> No.20416596

it will make you more educated but a worse person.

>> No.20416625

If you plan on reading a translated version the answer is categorically no.
If you plan on learning German to read Hegel you'll still be disappointed, but at least by the time you're ready you'll know German, which will make you a better and more educated person.

>> No.20416691

Repent and return to Christ our saviour

>> No.20416696

Schopenhauer was right about Hegel. Brevity is the soul of wit, and Hegel had none

>> No.20418093

Absolutely hilarious how this criticism sounds from the heights of the phenomenology. As if Hegel doesn't wrestle precisely with the struggle for self-expression with mediation/limitation. Schopenhauer never directly addresses anything Hegel says but merely accuses him of obscurantism with some ad homs thrown in for good measure.
The Phenomenology of Spirit will teach you a thing or two about how to read a book well

>> No.20418118

Hegel is worth learning but ironically the Phenomenology is probably his weakest work and even he disavowed it later once he created his Encyclopedia that better systematized what he was trying to say.

>> No.20418143
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What do you consider a good person, what do you consider well-educated?

>> No.20418248


>> No.20418409

Why would you do it to yourself?

>> No.20418417

>Schopenhauer never directly addresses anything Hegel says but merely accuses him of obscurantism with some ad homs thrown in for good measure.
He can spot a bullshiter from miles away.

>> No.20418423

Hegel's philosophy was basically just doing Doctor Oz does for medicine. Just bullshit to make money. That's largely how philosophy has operated for most of its history. That's how Marxism works today too. People bullshit about class struggle, exploitation, to grift off of gullible retards.

>> No.20418439

>I'm sorry to future readers for mentioning Hegel, someone who's philosophy you've undoubtedly never heard of.
Shoppy savaged him

>> No.20418455

>evades directly addressing what exactly Schopenhauer's critique is or citing where it is found
lmao that was easy

>> No.20418458

>It's so easy baiting hegelians that is not even funny.

>> No.20418460
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Could I get just a single coherent critique or even just a reference to the location of one of Schopenhauer's own?

>> No.20418483

Here, if you actually care.

>> No.20418493

Okey. I have one question.
But before let me warn you that I'm almost completely ignorant of his philosophy. With this in mind:
Do you think that if Hegel was resurrected in the contemporary world and looked around a little bit he would think that "Die Geist" (or Idk what) had progressed since his time?
In your opinion, would he think that we are better CULTURALLY now than we were, let's say, 200 hundred years ago?

Answer honestly.

>> No.20418504

*two hundred

>> No.20418757

Academia love answering for dead philsophers and twisting their words to fit their agenda, but literally every pre-1900 philosopher would despise the clown world we currently live in.
The left has claimed people like Hegel for some reason, but if he was alive today he would think that Hitler did nothing wrong. The utopia of strong government that Hegel laid out in the Philosophy of Right is almost exactly the Third Reich.

>> No.20419006
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the current world isn't that bad
you're just a miserable antisemite who wants to see people suffer

>> No.20419029

The only real difficulty with Hegel is adapting to his language. Once you get past that, you realize that Hegel and the people he influenced are just trying to do philosophy on easy mode.
But he will allow you to have conversations at bars where you can vaguely allude to ideas and talk about how he influenced x person, and how x person influenced y person, a and so on. That's pretty much anyone who is takes interest in philosophy from a historicist perspective ends up doing anyways.

>> No.20419035

2022 clown world is the worst time to be alive in human history.

>> No.20419044
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>2022 clown world is the worst time to be alive in human history.
compared to the past our current times are quite neat
give your life a meaning instead of crying about modernity and "the jewwwws"

>> No.20419045

Then stop jewing, then and then maybe people won't hate you. But you can't though.

>> No.20419057
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i am not jewish, but the hatred for them is usually just the pathetic cope of miserable people who need someone responsible for their own incompetence

>> No.20419059

Once you hit the age of 20, your life is pretty much set on a path. Those of us who aren't satisfied with ours will remain that way until we die.
Until that point, all we can do is whine, but I do agree with you that they'd better off whining about ourselves than about Jews or whatever it is that gets them going.

>> No.20419061

you mean Muhammad (PBUH)

>> No.20419073
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i won't deny that it's maybe true for some people, but that seems rather defeatist to me
changing your life with old age may be hard and uncomfortable but it's still possible

>> No.20419085


hegel pushed for humanism, and guess what 200 years later humanism is still the norm

>> No.20419086

I refuse to believe that anyone in the current year is not aware of the JQ. Especially people who use 4chan. You're either a jew trying to gaslight me or you got brain rot from only going on blue boards.

>> No.20419096
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your question makes it seem as if you want to read hegel like self help literature
if you're unsure if he interests you just read a proper introduction
if you know german i would recommend the one by ostritsch, although you should know that he's catholic and obviously also has his own personal views
if you don't know german... uh
i personally don't think that one should try to study hegel if they're not philosophy students or something like that because it seems like a rather big time investment while other philosophers would perhaps be more "beneficial" for your purposes

>> No.20419102

>your question makes it seem as if you want to read hegel like self help literature
This is the whole appeal of continental philosophy.

>> No.20419113

i don't know what "JQ" is but i personally think that you got brain rot from pol
there is nothing of worth on this board and most people there consume politics primarily to get entertained and angry
touch grass, read a book, watch some birds, stop being miserable

>> No.20419116

maybe, but nietzsche, schopi, plato or whatever seems like a way better choice for that than hegel

>> No.20420817

I have a legal profession, so it seems to be part of a theoretical course (naturally, no one read it at the University), but even then I made a note to myself - to read it. Secondly, I promised one person. Thirdly, it will give me the opportunity to spit on those who have not read.

>> No.20420849

>i-it's not so ba-

>> No.20420864

Make your university teach libertarian legal theory instead

>> No.20420877

Hegelian dialetcic has been a disaster to philosophy

>> No.20420903

>Phenomenology of Spirit
Why not Phenomenology of Soul? Soul is Subject too.

>> No.20420970


>> No.20420986

>Phenomenology of Ghosts

>> No.20421040


>> No.20421058

Hegel is like the David Lynch of philosophy, he jumbles up good but basic ideas (albeit unintentionally) and makes his work seem a lot more complex than it actually is, and like Lynch he has his own distinctive style which is almost a whole new language

>> No.20421212

The only common aspect of Lynch and Hegel is that both of them managed to filter you

>> No.20421249

But, Hegel is well read, and while Schopenhauer has large influence on art/media, basically the world wars and major political movements and regimes all took directly from Hegel in someway or another.

Hegel’s name will be immortal for as long as our western society is alive because of that.

>> No.20422143

Task already failed before even started. Please just stay the fuck away from philosophy if you're merely intending to use it to "grow". Jesus fuck I hate this individualistic improover cuck society. Stick to blood meridian and harry potter you dumb fuck.

>> No.20423301

>YouTube video lecture about the author in general
Do you understand how funny this response is? Anyways you're lucky I don't mind this stuff so I won't be disappointed when the actual critique of Hegel is barely alluded to, if at all in this video. Please actually read the books you talk about, like more than once or something.

>> No.20423515

even marx talked about the JQ lol

>> No.20423715

I have literally been blessed for 5 seconds by the Absolute. My life is better afterwards.

Reading Hegel is like opening the mysteries of the world. Just don't EVER think of how Marxism relates to Hegel or any dump materialism does.

Hegel is a metaphysician. That is the best way to experience him.

>> No.20424455

Ahhhhh, now I get what you meant

>> No.20424518

This is accurate. Hegel inaugurated bullshiting your way into academic stardom by spouting pseudo-profound nonsense that generates curiosity and attention. Since then philosophy has become an exercise in one-uping your predecessor in making up the most preposterous pseudo quackery -- it's a kind of "intellectual" signalling. Funny how this tendency is reproduced in art and other areas as well.

>> No.20424521

>don't ever think of how Marxism relates to Hegel
I hate marxists so much bro. not because they're left, but because they don't know jack shit about Hegel.

>> No.20424535

Is it fair to... call him the Jordan Peterson of his day

>> No.20425156

Hegel claimed history was a march towards the objectivation of the spirit to itself that happened in christianity. He would not have liked 2022, evidently.

>> No.20426118

It will arrive through the destruction of humanism and advancements in cognitive science.