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/lit/ - Literature

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20411557 No.20411557 [Reply] [Original]

How do I meet more people that read books? Half the reason I go to Barnes and Nobles is just in hopes that I will meet a cute girl who reads the same things as me

>> No.20411564

what do you think her shart pipe tastes like bros

>> No.20411572

What's the appeal of getting with a chick who reads a lot? What about English majors turns you on ahahah

>> No.20411574

Sharty farties and patchouli oil aka divine

>> No.20411600

I like intelligent girls

>> No.20411658

>edgar allan hoe

>> No.20411665
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Fuck, that would probably annoy me more than anything else

>> No.20411674

>How do I meet more people that read books?
First, you go to uni. Second, you take out a large loan to study English. Third, you realize that you're surrounded by women. Fourth, you hit on everyone in your class. Fifth, after you get rejected by all of them, you turn to a life of isolated alcoholism and attempts at making it at writing. Finally, you pick up night shifts at a 7/11 to fund your trials and tribulations, all the while your regrets mount and the years pass by in a state of mind-numbing boredom and self-hatred.

>> No.20411675

What a dumb fucking whore

>> No.20411735

queen material

>> No.20411773

I've been with a bitch like her. It blows. They're way too emotional and just bitch and moan all day long. They were so superficial I could barely respect them as a human being. They obsessively watched YouTubers and followed all their drama. They always had to be the victim in everything and were just a straight up bitch all the time. Not to mention embarassing to take out into public. I worked at a movie theatre and would take her to see movies. Every damn time she would fall asleep and then wouldn't wake up after the movie was over. I would be shaking her trying to get her awake when the staff was going through the rows cleaning up.

>> No.20411779
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One doesn't need to find a girl interested in reading (a genuine interest is actually rare). Luckily, women are the more plastic sex. Find any girl, really any girl. The first couple of dates must be normie, but you must ensure that the sex is primo. This is the carrot that we will draw her with. After a few dates, offer to do something more /lit/. If you're good, she shouldn't care about the /lit/ date because women are whores and really only want a good fucking. If the night turns out well, you can keep repeating until you force a Pavlovian response from /lit/ material related to being fucked. Simple as

>> No.20411782

No such thing

>> No.20411787

you'd be better off at a used bookstore

>> No.20411803

Mediocre white women discover Radiohead, the Smiths, and Salinger, then make being an insufferable performative pseudo-intellectual their entire personality trait.

>> No.20411806

Anon you are looking for a type of woman that comes in at less than 1% of all women and that 1% is 75% fat

>> No.20411814

That's not even to mention the personality flaws of said women

>> No.20411898

Varíola de macaco

>> No.20412076

At least she’s trying to read something other than YA garbage. I would marry her.

>> No.20412103

Look at her TikTok, you fucking simp. It is 99% YA schlock

>> No.20412130 [DELETED] 

pathetic incel scum, you will die alone

>> No.20412151

I can't tell if this chick is 17 and in high school or 18 and a freshman in college. Either way she is irreparably damaged. BPD claims another victim.

>> No.20412157

I am genuinely curious as to why these types of people onions out so hard over Dostoyevsky and the like even though their work represents almost everything they oppose and despise.

>> No.20412174
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>I like intelligent girls
You're going to be very disappointed if you think a woman reading is an indicator of intelligence

>> No.20412177

>Every damn time she would fall asleep and then wouldn't wake up after the movie was over. I would be shaking her trying to get her awake when the staff was going through the rows cleaning up.
My ex would do this. It was the cutest thing ever.

>> No.20412191

This man speaks the truth. I don’t think the other anons in this thread realize that this is exactly how you do it. If you’re good looking it’s even easier. Anons will say I’m larping but fuck it. I literally turned a socialist into an unironic racist and book freak with this method.

>> No.20412192

My dumbass ex did this too. The retard fell asleep driving one day and permanently crippled herself.

>> No.20412194

It's embarassing because she would look like a drunk or someone spaced out on drugs. Granted this would happen when we drank before the movie, but she would literally have ONE glass of wine, or ONE long island. It made no since.

I found it embarassing because I worked at the theatre, and the only time we would find someone like that when someone snuck in a bottle of Jack and drank the whole thing during the movie or some hobo/nigger/junkie would do take some sort of drug. It's just embarassing.

>> No.20412228
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Im about to read crime and punishment too, but I'm currently reading this, also by Dostoevsky.

>> No.20412232

I guess that's understandable. My ex had a mild form of narcolepsy, so I just put it down as one of her quirks and rolled with it. It'd probably be more embarassing if she was drunk or high.

>> No.20412235

Try being tall and attractive and carrying a book around all the time.

>> No.20413300

this anon gets it, women are so fucking malleable. The ones that try to be "strong and independent" are 10x more easy to fool

>> No.20413309

After you fornicate with her you're left with a personality. You spend a month, an year, with her and the novel pleasure you got from a cute girl is gone. Her cuteness doesn't attract you anymore, her personality is annoying, the sex isn't worth it.

"How long, O simple ones, will you love your simple ways?
How long will scoffers delight in their scorn
and fools hate knowledge?"

>> No.20413316

The world of lies is so depressing. Mankind without Torah is worse off than beasts.

>> No.20413359

Found a used bookshop/cafe near me. Wish me luck bros

>> No.20413405

I have some bad news for you about English majors...

>> No.20413493

>I can't tell if this chick is 17 and in high school or 18 and a freshman in college. Either way she is irreparably damaged.
>As if it matters.
>The retard fell asleep driving one day and permanently crippled herself.
Man, I feel sorry for her.

>> No.20413658

Go to Powell's bookstore. There are always groups of nerdy book girls excitedly gushing about some book they just found.

>> No.20413791

are you not wearing pants?

>> No.20413799

I always found 'simplicity' like this sorta endearing.
She's kinda like a daughter looking to you for praise after she finishes a long chapter book.
Yeah she probably doesn't really appreciate the actual literature, let alone understand it, but that is precisely why it's so damn cute and lovable.
She read it not because she actually cared about the literature, but because she thought you'd litter her with praise. How could you not love that?
Would make a great housewife

>> No.20413856

Where do I get a /lit/ bf having to live in a third world shithole anons

>> No.20414099

Hate to break it to you but reading doesn't make you intelligent.

>> No.20414143

And mediocre white men do the same with Evola, Guenon and the Bible.

>> No.20414168

I always pictured Hegel, Kant and Spinoza's Ethics as the mediocre white male triad

>> No.20414198


>> No.20414210

Mediocre white male triad is Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Deleuze

>> No.20414216

Take that back you nigger

>> No.20414227

See how the white man recoils: "I've been found out"

>> No.20414361

lies and deception. you trippin' nigga

>> No.20414396


>> No.20414448
File: 58 KB, 321x394, 69068C21-2323-4641-A387-20F3E454460C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English majors
>intelligent girls
Holy kek anon, have you ever even spoken to one? I’m guessing not considering you try to pick girls up at Barnes and noble you fucking loser.
English majors are not only unintelligent, they aren’t even that interested in literature. I studied biology at university and I read far more literature in both quantity and quality than the female literature students I lived with who were far more interested in marvel movies and histrionic gender/race cultural “studies” the most literary they would get was the romantic poets (which was part of their curriculum so they had to study it) and Virginia Woolf (because of course it was).
The girls/women I’ve met with genuine interests in literature were all artists and art students, not literature students.

>> No.20414457

Aristotle, Hegel and Spinoza are the based white male triad

>> No.20414462

Though admittedly of these three only Hegel was white, their modern fans are mostly based white guys

>> No.20414473

Greatest country in the world

>> No.20414587
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>be me
>meet girl whos so attractive and perfect in every way
>she even reads good literature
>take her out on a date
>goes great
>we have sex
>after that night, every time I ask her to hang out she has an excuse
>we stop talking

damn . I guess I did coom in 30 seconds but I didnt think that was such a big deal

>> No.20414592

Not a chad. Women can pretend to hide their Stacey mentality with "good literature" and quirky performative art hoe aesthetics, but deep down you were not and will be never be a chad to her

>> No.20414630

My day is irreparably if I see, or even hear, a woman at the bookstore.
Here I am in my most vulnerable state, drymouthed, sweating profusely, hands trembling, in a state of intense autistic concentration. Why would I want a woman to see me like that.

>> No.20414643

like my post
it's over

>> No.20414689

>he hasn't desensitized his dick with a circumcision from birth and death grip masturbation with no lube
NGMI if you can't make a girl cum. Next time you'll just have get her close before you put the penis in and then you'll need to rub her clit while you thrust once, twice, thrice, and then cum.

>> No.20414711

yea im uncircumcised and I rarely jerk off so that could be why.

Id put a lot of money Ive had more sex and with better looking girls than you ever have

>> No.20414713

Should've tongued her, man.

>> No.20414719

Ok, but I do not cum in 30 seconds and get ghosted by retarded losers then whine on 4chan about it

>> No.20414724

Pfft, I can cum faster than that.

>> No.20414729

ok fine you got me

>> No.20414753

do you... not, read naked?

>> No.20414756

Very true, many such cases.

>> No.20414773

Marry a stem autist then.

>> No.20414778


>> No.20415176

This is the most action I've got in a month now, whore

>> No.20415279

he said autist, didn't he?

>> No.20415285

I burst out laughing from this image. Hilarious.

>> No.20415589

I can save her...

>> No.20415615

goes hard

>> No.20415680

I am so abnormal and incapable of being genuine with anyone that I cannot even imagine being in a situation where I go on a date and "bring her home" after. If I was genuine they would leave and I can't be fake long enough to make it work, and if I could I wouldn't want to. If I am being genuine I would sit there and tell them politely that I have no interest in anything they could talk about, unless they want to tell me problems in their life and I can give them advice (which they would forget or ignore).

Honestly my transition into a complete "loser" (relative) is approaching completion. I was undercover as a normalfag for most of my life, until near the end of university where I went too far down the rabbit hole and stopped caring even a whit for "fitting in". I can talk to people superficially and have no problems, I'm not afraid to go out in public or anything, apart from needing a haircut and wearing bland clothes I look totally normal. If I started hanging out in group settings again I could do it, but I don't even want to, partially because it's too cringe for me (as in I can't bring myself to do it for prolonged periods and feel good about it). I don't hate women, in fact I greatly admire them (in the sense of what a woman should be in concept; in reality of course this is rare, moreso due to the processes of societal dissolution currently being at an ath). I do not have any interest in any part of regular society, nor am I hateful towards anyone. I simply don't care, although often I may feel some disdain for how childish/weak the average person has become. A concept that has been on my mind of late is "dead-alive". Thanks for reading my blogpost. Please don't think I'm depressed either, or hateful or mentally ill. I am just coming to terms with my non-existence, I suppose. This post is a form of social interaction for me.

>> No.20415687

interestingly, I don’t act like a bitter incel and have an educated and well read girlfriend. funny how that works

>> No.20415713


>> No.20415717

How do you talk to people? I just don’t care enough to respond 9/10 times and they just drift away. It’s not anxiety, I simply just don’t care. How do you fake it?

>> No.20415724

Nor do I, I just have little interest in or need for female companionship. Not in the mgtow sense where I feel offended by some supposed wrongdoing (like a feminist "not needing no man"), more in the sense of superiority/strength, where having a woman around would be bothersome and tiring and unnecessary.

>> No.20415740

Sounds based but only if you have male comrades. A koryos.

>> No.20415796

That sounds like personal experience.
Maybe you should write a book about it.

>> No.20415819

If you mean how it looks in practice, I try to sound cheerful and a little enthusiastic but also nonchalantly so (when I'm speaking). Through writing it's harder but basically the same thing. I can't stand doing it though. I guess it's too much effort and also an excersise in futility in most cases.

>> No.20415893

Literal ten year old x-post from /r/funny

>> No.20416421
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Kill time until mid 30s dating ADD Catholic girls or Chinese exchange students (whatever dull everygirls take your fancy).
Acquire a rudimentary knowledge of the 'Western canon' and attain some level of disposable income (doesn't need to be much 18 yo girls are poor and easily impressed on all levels).
By the time they realise you're a pseudointellectual who has no interest in meeting their family it doesn't matter because by then you've already seen everything.
Speaking as somebody who has cracked the lit hoe kernel i'd recommend actually skipping readers entirely and instead going for women who bake.

>> No.20416460

Thinking about marrying an intelligent girl makes me think of Sartre and Beauvoir, what a miserable couple. Feels like men that are insecure want to date women that are perceived as smart just to look good

>> No.20416489

imagine being proud of yourself for reading a book lmao. next people will be bragging about finishing video games since nobody plays games anymore they watch other people play games

>> No.20416504

greetingfs :D

>> No.20416518
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i'm reading the idiot right now, you'll love crime and punishment anon it's good shit. i have brothers karamazov (think i spelled it correctly) but i may actually get demons and read that beforehand. might read a short book in between just to spice things up.

>> No.20416528

STEM people are literally the most uninteresting people that I've ever encountered. Zero personality. I'm not looking for some high IQ genius who has read the entire Western canon, I just want a girl who is sincere and capable of having a vulnerable conversation beyond basic shit that girls care about like astrology or TikTok trends.

>> No.20416549

Very true. Intelligent women will lead you to misery as they opt to disagree with all your deep held beliefs to still feel like an individual.

They will then kill your kids.

>> No.20416557

Let's say hypothetically I was living in NYC this summer. Where's the best place to bump into literary people? Don't have to be girls lol. I assume some cafe in brooklyn somewhere?

>> No.20416614

>Not Eager_Anal_Hoe
Women never do anything right.

>> No.20416750

I work in a bookshop I got asked out by a 17 year old once but apart from that zero cute girls

>> No.20416850

Did you say yes? If you said no, why?

>> No.20416867

I'm trans and into men so...

>> No.20416871
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I also love women who aren't real!

>> No.20416915
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> Implying you could even get with a /sci/fu
Why don't you just stick to your booktok/booktuber whores okay?

>> No.20417383

How is that so far? I have it sitting on my shelf.

>> No.20417418

17 is legal in my country so I was going to take her out but I didn’t expect us to connect. Anyway she noped out over text when she realised I was older than she expected me to be.

>> No.20417420

I'd say mediocre white men start about the same as white women and then move on to Guenon et al. from there.

>> No.20417440

Feeling "proud" because you finished Crime and Punishment is insane. Like, how would she feel if she read Ulysses lmao.

>> No.20417799

she's unbearably basic. can't believe people feel special just for reading entry level lit and listening to Radiohead. pathetic

>> No.20417891

The reason you’re not meeting any cute girls who read the same shit as you is because women only read shitty YA novels

>> No.20418226

bubble tea and camomile

>> No.20418256

gotta go to those indie Marxist bookstores in the gentrified area of town, OP. Arthoes and femboys as far as the eye can see.

>> No.20418354

Don't wanna marry a man

>> No.20418505

So don't date any """girl""" that programs or is into category theory and you should be fine. (Pro tip: nurses, biologists, or any girl in health is a slut).