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20411205 No.20411205[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does this whole charade remind anyone else of Bauxdrillard's The Gulf War Did Not Take Place? It's like the audience's verdict of who's guilty is 90% defined by irrevelant memes, how bad heard's acting is, how "over the wall" she looks, how smug and attractive Depp's psychologist is etc. It's almost like Depp's slow and deliberate cadence does more to persuade people to his side than any of the actual content of what he says, and likewise with Heard's hysteria.

And I'm saying this as someone who wants Heard to lose just because I think #metoo and #believewomen supporters had it coming and should be taken down a notch regardless of who's guilty. I feel like I'm one of the few people who's honest enough to admit I want Depp to win just because I liked his movies more. Malcolm Gladwell talks about this in Blink. We form opinions on emotions first, and every other belief that comes afterwards is hindsight rationalized to explain why we formed that opinion and to delude ourselves into thinking we're fair and impartial beings.

>> No.20411209

My thought on this matter was that it's reality imitating reality tv

>> No.20411256


That's what depp was aiming for. He knows his net worth is tied directly to his branding and public perception. that's why there's the stipulation that this be streamed.

I wonder if Hollywood will buckle to public pressure or whether he still be blacklisted when this is over. The trial is timed perfectly with Netflix's recent fate and may be an indication of whether companies ultimately care more about the more direct and immediate route of increasing profits through sheer box office draw power or supporting woke causes


>> No.20411320

>Malcolm Gladwell talks about this in Blink.
Guffawed. Thanks for the post anon.

>> No.20411331

Not really. People are on Depp's side because all the evidence is in his favor.

>> No.20411386

Rerun this in a small claims court with two literal nobodies and you're only given a transcript and see what happens.

>> No.20411398

this is a subhuman topic
engaging in subhuman topics marks you as subhuman
simple as
i am thankful for this subhuman market #123123 because i can write in a notepad every person who mentions it to me, so i dont forget at a later date when something serious comes up who to give this job and who can i never take seriously

imagine caring about which entertainment retard shit the bed trial while there is a secret epstein trail at the same time where all of our public leaders took 20+ flights per year to epsteins pedo island
what is in the public interest here? which of the 2 entertainment retards shit the bed, or which of our law givers engage in government sponsored pedophile islands? i guess only one of these two trials are in the public interest, one should be stuffed with 100+ cameras and the other one should be secret

>> No.20411413

This isn't /lit/ related fuck off.

>> No.20411416
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I don't know what Depp's trial is about, I don't watch films or television so frankly I'm astonished that I know he has a trial at all.
But he's a good looking lad and I wish him all the best.

>> No.20411431

I don't follow celebrity gossip.

>> No.20411451
File: 227 KB, 913x1285, 6f9d8265b115fbef09a734f0ec08e3b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic spectacle

>> No.20411521

This case is the Trial of Socrates of our time. The outcome of this case will profoundly influence the mindset of the retarded zoomers who will one day become retard politicians influencing politics. Millions of retarded roasties are currently sitting on false abuse accusations just waiting for the verdict to tell them whether they can pull off the same scam. Thousands of female publishing agents will commit suicide if Depp wins, allowing men to take their place and actually get good books published again.
People ignore low culture at their peril.

>> No.20411540

He’s also just a whole lot more likeable, he’s a face we all know and have all seen likely multiple movies of, we’re comfortable with the public image of him as a well intentioned eccentric, there’s certainly no need for another rant about parasocial relationships.

>> No.20411544
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High IQ take

>> No.20411570

Absolutely. It's clearly coordinated by Depp's team to be a media spectacle. And it's logical, in a way, since cancelling of famous people is a media spectacle in the first place, and now Depp needs an another spectacle to return into the public's favour.
So the trial is recorded and distributed in the style of a reality show. (Which is again a ridiculous concept - even the term is oxymoronic, and that's a part of the appeal.) You can follow it on any social media platform, even the ones that do not give a shit about such topics otherwise.
Not that Heard's side isn't giving them plenty of ammunition too, maybe even deliberately. Today they questioned a psychologist (who behaves like he's on drugs) who claimed to have assessed Depp's psychology in part by watching Pirates of the Caribbean.

To Americans, acting is not a job or a thing you do. Their public life is a Moebius strip of reality and unreality. Just as DiCaprio had to cut up a real dead horse and crawl into its corpse in order to "act" for a blockbuster, so does Depp have to create a blockbuster to win a real court case.

>> No.20411571

This. CEOs of big media companies are all waiting for the verdict to decide whether or not to spend more on all-female remakes, diversity in writing rooms, BIPOC representation. If depp wins the sad puppies and gamergate guys will be vindicated and sexual surrogates will be mandated for all incels and rape will only be illegal in san francisco

>> No.20411585

>"over the wall"
Nobody says this. It's like saying "under his Rubicon" rather than "through", or "get a grip around yourself" instead of "get a grip on yourself". Stop making up stupid things and putting them in quotes; that's how this whole thing started and look at the ugly result: you posting this travesty like you're worth oxygen.
I suggest committing suicide and not leaving a note because you would fuck it up.

>> No.20411594

>my life is deeply influenced by subhuman affair of the month #123, therefore subhuman affairs matter
i am so sorry to inform you anons, and please dont shoot the messenger, i am relaying the message in good spirit, but being affected by subhuman affairs marks you as subhuman
if these are the things that matter in your life, if these things influence you, figure your life out before its too late

there is a better way to live your life anons

>> No.20411608
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I honestly don't even know if this woman is right, or if being board certified is all that important, or if having dinner and drinks served at his house has undue psychological influence when she's supposed to be a neutral party.

All I know is that her attractiveness, her smugness, her thick rimmed glasses all played a role in my positive opinion of her. The fact that she gave very curt yes/no responses made me think she's more clever than the opposition, and more likely to be telling the truth because someone telling a lie would feel the need to elaborate. The fact that the youtube video I first saw had something to the effect of "depp's psychologist DESTROYS amber heard's lawyer with FACTS and LOGIC" already colored my opinions of this whole thing so I don't even know if I'm capable of having an unbiased thought. Remember when zimmerman's lawyers were having trouble finding jury members who've never heard of him? That's how I feel.

>> No.20411615

I didn't watch the trials. I watched like 5 min of clips total. I'm just here as a passive bystander observing the effect it has on society.

>> No.20411728

you people are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo behind. so behind. there's no other word for it. you think you are over it, you ain't even under it. you are so behind culture, thought, matters. this event affects more people and overall means more to life than any le epic cultured book you pretend to Deeply Care about in the meantime you aren't wasting our times with these posts. fuck off /lit/
>so frankly I'm astonished that I know he has a trial at all.
yes bro i'm astonished you aren't getting dostoevsky news on your newsfeed. you are so stupid, so clueless. so behind.

>> No.20411790


>> No.20411791

I suppose being behind is the best place to be in an age of decline.

>> No.20411793

>masses think the world is flat, time to plan my voyage to the new world
>there's no way the housing market will collapse, time to invest in real estate in 2007
>dont worry about the plague bro, plague only hurts those who dont believe in god hard enough
>got a headache? the popular medicine is to bleed you and amputate your left leg, dont worry bro, its what the majority is doing about it, therefore its correct, its the current medieval year!

>you heard about a pair of literally whos? they are suing each other bro, i am such an important and important and serious person bro because im up to date with all celebrity gossip, just like everyone else bro, we are all watching this thing bro, and we are all getting a million dollar check tomorrow for watching it today bro
nah cunt fuck off, take your thread to b or facebook or pol or where ever the fuck you crawled from

>> No.20411813

best place to die alone on a hill no one even pisses at
stay #astonished retard

>> No.20411830

OP brings up an interesting, not sure why so many people are seething in this thread. Most people respond to events emotionally and develop beliefs based on rhetorical strategy. Both of these people are actors, and their performance in court is how they choose a preference. It's fascinating how fake everything is and how ideology is used to rationalize everything after the fact.

>> No.20411834

i want depp to win because heard is setting back women's rights 50 years. the reality is everyone is a fucking piece of shit regardless of their beliefs.

>> No.20411869

It really does have the feel of trashy reality tv doesn't it, right down to only women and gays paying attention to it

>> No.20411874

damn dude who pooped in your bed

>> No.20411881

>women and gays
That's 90% of Depp's audience so he's doing it right.

>> No.20411887

Amber did

>> No.20411903

This entire thing is a distraction.

>> No.20411920

distraction for what?

>> No.20411927

They consider themselves very serious people who only care about serious court cases where justice is actually applied, like Roe v. Wade, or To Kill a Mockingbird.

>> No.20411974

I've seen people here use that word to refer to all of the following in the past 3 months

>repeal of roe v wade

What more serious matters is this distracting us from? This case is at the forefront of the culture war, and the culture war defines the social milieu of the last decade. If you think celebrity culture is a distraction, well this country is built on it. Our economy rests on it. I guarantee you any one of depp's bigger movies has moved the needle enough to physically affect the economy more than some of the serious matters you deem to be not a distraction. How many millions of man hours do you think has been spent collectively on this theater? How many gigawatts of electricity?

Are you a communist? Surely a communist would think this is a distraction. That's what the chinese are calling this. A capitalist would realize that depp's fame has enough motive power to influence a hundred million people. That's what defines celebrity. If he sold "amber turd" merchandise tomorrow they would fly off the shelf and feed all of the people you commies let starve.

>> No.20412004

>which of our law givers engage in government sponsored pedophile islands?
Thank you. I fucking hate anyone who gives a fuck about celebrity drama except for when it actually matters

>> No.20412008

epstein trial you utter mongoloids
there, want a trial? watch that trial
oops, its a secret trial, cant let the public watch something relevant to public interest, here, lets throw them a trial about two literally monkeys flinging shit at each other

>> No.20412043

I don’t follow celebrities or gossip but this trial makes me sick. Very voyeuristic. People are wanting sordid details to emerge. The way people obsess over celebrities, but want all the dirt on them is interesting. I wonder if it has to do with jealousy, or some Freudian thing?

>> No.20412080

Nothing will come of the case. No celebrities or politicains would be rounded up. the jews won't lose power any time soon.
And this is the perfect example of what I'm talking about when I talk about bias. I was on the side of Minsky by default despite not knowing for sure his degree of involvement with epstein, purely because we used his textbook in school and so I considered him one of my 'tribe'. Not to mention the whole thing reminded me of the Walter Lewin affair so my brain immediately fell into anti-cancel-culture mode.Same thing with Stallman. Anyone else and I'd be all over it calling them pedos but because I liked RMS as a person I didn't even go there.
And take yourself. Plenty of people who think like you were laughing with glee when Gervais called hollywood out on their bullshit. Nobody called his performance a distraction even though award shows are pure unadultered distraction. If it flatters your political preconceptions then obviously you won't consider it as such.

>> No.20412110
File: 149 KB, 1000x1500, Political Romanticism, Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you've surmadised the theatrical nature of televised trials and public sepatcle well. See also Schmitt's Political Romanticism for the concept of politics as an aesthetic experience.