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20410454 No.20410454 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss GRRM and why you think he will or will not ever finish the series, what you think the ending will be like and discuss his writing style and stories

>> No.20410478

i shan't

>> No.20410505

why not?

>> No.20410507

The American Tolkien.

>> No.20410544

based or cringe?

>> No.20410862

> * Pants * Lord Maximus at your service, m'lady

>> No.20411469

It'll be finished by next year, trust the plan

>> No.20411479

Gene Wolfe is the American Tolkien.

>> No.20411567

I shart

>> No.20411595

I personally think he'll die before he finishes is, like we have two books to go and this one has taken him like a decade. I definitley blame him for also starting dunk and egg as well as all the show writing he's been doing.

I also think he's kind of written himself into a hole, like there are so many sub plots and foreshadowing that he needs to tie up its ridiculous.

>> No.20411666

I know it's hard to turn down a dumptruck full of money from HBO of all people, but he should've known his limits and told 'em "no, thank you. I have to finish the series first. Then it can be adapted."

Dumb and Dumber deserve the majority of the blame for things going wrong, but that bit's all on him. For whatever reason, he refused to recognize his limits.

>> No.20411777

Why does Jaime get away with fleeing King's Landing in AGOT to the war in the Riverlands? Right after he wounded Ned Stark, who gave a knight of the king's guard leave to go and lead banners in a siege?

>> No.20411786

i shat

>> No.20412213

Fever Dream was pure kino. I don't know if I'm the only anon that actually read it or not. He was a talented writer, but he stopped being a writer when he stopped writing.

>> No.20412252

Because his dad is tywin lannister. He can do whatever he wants.

>> No.20412253

>Why does Jaime get away with fleeing King's Landing in AGOT to the war in the Riverlands? Right after he wounded Ned Stark
He is the brother of the queen, son of the richest man, and kingsguard. Some city watchmen wouldn't question him leaving. Also why would they stop him. He left before knowledge of him attacking ned spread.
>who gave a knight of the king's guard leave to go and lead banners in a siege?
His family are the ones in power. By the time he is leading battles Robert is injured or dead. Also it's his dad's army he's leading not some royal army.

>> No.20412271

His dad was the defacto ruler since no one had the balls or power to say otherwise. He also wanted him away from Kings landing so he could stop fucking his sister.

>> No.20412302

I think George genuinely thought he would have the next two books ready for the series. Think about, GOT took about 9 years to write and film. Brandon Sanderson shits out two books a year. He definitely thought he could do it, but then money and fame got in the way and he wanted to squeeze out every last drop of it. I can't blame him, really, other than him not setting his ego aside and hiring ghost writers

>> No.20412340

Unbelievably based

>> No.20412351

It still would be treated as treason and breaking his oath as a knight of the kingsguard. The Hound would be put to trial and probably executed or sent to the wall if caught. Jaime lectures all the knights of the kingsguard about how shit they are and how some of them let 2 kings die in his absence. The irony is Jaime is never guarding the king and just abandons his duty whenever he pleases.

>> No.20412395

Why would Jaime have to guard himself. He is fucking the queen and all the royal heirs are his children and everyone knows it. The stupidest part of the first novel was Eddard taking so long to figure it out.

>> No.20412403

Those things only had a chance of happening if he came back and robert was still king.

>> No.20412407

the more she drank the more she shat

>> No.20412449

I think we'll get Winds but Spring won't be written by him. I gave up on WoW anyways but it's clear GRRM doesn't have it in him to finish it. I just wish he'd hire some ghostwriters to help him out. I wouldn't judge him

>> No.20412502
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Pic related

The stupidest part of the first novel is how:
>Ned finds out that every time a lanister and a baratheon have kid that they have black hair >Roberts kids all have blonde hair so they can't be his
>that means cersie is cheating on him
>leap of logic
>Cersie is fucking her brother and not anyone else

>> No.20412521

I'm almost finished with ASOS. I'm really not looking forward to the POVs in the next book. No Tyrion for an entire book. No wonder people dislike Feast of Crows so much. Up until now, Martin is quite good. I guess where I am, is the peak of people's love for him. The thing that baffles me the most is all the bat shit theories fans come up with. They will take some obscure line from world building and over analyze the shit out of it. I feel like everything is pretty straight forward.

>> No.20412574

Roose Bolton is an Other

>> No.20412576

Ned was not the sharpest tool in the shed, but to be fair, he was only tracing Jon Arryn's footsteps. It was a bit of a contrived way for George add a mystery, not to mention the logic doesn't really hold true to what we know about genetics. From a medieval perspective and throughout the rest of the books, whenever a character looks at a known person's child, they look at their physical features. Based on the way evidence is treated in trials in the series, all Jon would have to do is point out how they all look like Lannisters and it would be evidence enough in court. What George should have done, is give a more clever mystery for Ned to chase. Finding Gendry at the balcksmith was good, he could have built that entire story arc around that.

Also I agree with the whole Cersie, Jaime, and Robert thing. The whole relationship would have to make you believe that either Robert was completely ignorant of the fact that he wasn't getting her pregnant through his drunken stupor, or that he just coped and knew. Both are possible I suppose. She HAD to have fucked him sometimes, unless she just got him off and he was so drunk to not remember otherwise.

>> No.20412605 [SPOILER] 
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A quote I once heard:
"AFFC is a book about characters you don't care about doing interesting things while ADWD is a book about characters you like being boring"
I was sour on it a first. But I came to really like feast. It's one of my top 2 in the series.
The prolog is kino. Brienne storyline is very comfy. Sam's introduces some interesting plot points. The ironborn stuff is great. And Darkstar is of the night.

Also The whole Tyrion not confronting littlefinger issue. But that's more book 2.

>> No.20412701

Anyone else think there's a concerningly high number of gangbangs in these books? Especially peasant on noble gangbangs, I'm starting to think that's GRRM's medieval version of BLACKED. He's a Jew so it would make sense

>> No.20412729

Well like I said, I've only read through book 3. However, I think that Preston is wrong here. He is over estimating Tyrion's power when he goes to King's Landing. He also is underestimating Littlefinger. Tyrion DOES clean house the best he can. He really enters a scenario not too much different from Ned Stark. From Tyrion's perspective, Janos Slynt is number one priority. He's a lesser known Lord and controls the Gold cloaks. Completely logical to put his own man (whom eventually dies in the Black Water leaving him even more alone). With the muscle under his control, Tyrion did get over confident. However, Littlefinger, we have no idea how powerful he is. The things he did throughout are pretty incredible. Tyrion does everything he can to send Littlefinger away from court. That was his whole reason for sending him to Tyrell. Littlefinger then is able to conspire in High Garden to kill the King, capture Sansa, and escape to the Vale. I really don't have much of a problem with the dagger story. I don't think it's too difficult to understand, although probably too convoluted. In retrospect, it shows how clever Littlefinger is when it comes to improvising his lies on a moments notice.

>> No.20412742

Also I want to add, Cercei likes Littlefinger after he brings in Ned Stark to be captured. That gives him power. While Tywin dislikes what he knows about LIttlefinger initially, he then defends him in front of Tyrion proclaiming it was his doing that brokered the alliance with The Reach.

>> No.20412750
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>leap of logic
Jaime was the closest to the queen and Ned is prejudiced to Jaime. Also I think Ned thinks Cersei wouldnt just present her cunt to every blond man in King's Landing other than a Lannister. She's be too prideful for that. Ned doesn't know how close Cersei is to Lancel back then so by process of elimination it could only be Jaime. Ned wasnt sure until he asked Cersei which the latter shamelessly admits.

>> No.20412798
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>wikipedia article
a true /lit/izen

>> No.20412926

does tywin know about jaime and cersei? i don’t think he does

>> No.20412933

i believe he will finish winds of winter but a dream of spring will never lunch

>> No.20413047

>will never lunch
With Martin lunch is one of the only 3 things that are a certainty

>> No.20413067

Feast for Crows is a fine wine. Hard to get into due to all the new characters and meandering plots but it ages well on reread. Tyrion's journey is ADWD is pretty kino though. Meereen is underrated; I find the setting much more engaging than Westerns. Gives the story a sword-and-sandal exoticism which contrasts so well with Stannis's miserable cold march, which is enthralling in its own way.

The latter two books don't have the thrust of the first three, but man do they suck you into the world. You have to savor the relaxed pace and little character moments.

>> No.20413074

*Westeros, autocorrect can jump off the Wall

>> No.20413075

Yeah I don’t think he does, he’s surely heard the rumors but I don’t think he believes them because he views it as bullshit made up by Stannis to get his grandson(s) off the Iron Throne.

>> No.20413118

Tyrion’s journey was the best part of ADWD and the thing that I was most mad they cut out of the show.
It makes sense that he had to fight tooth and nail and go through back channels after killing the king (allegedly) and his father.

>> No.20413305


No. That was just the show.

But he does know who Tyrion's real father is!

I'll give you a hint: his name would've started with an 'Æ', but GRRM didn't know how to type that special character when he put in the original GoT manuscript.

>> No.20413616

Dunk and egg is older than the asoiaf series

>> No.20413619

sandkings also

>> No.20413635

Tolkien was average at best
If later writers didn’t put their own better spin on elves orcs and dwarves he wouldn’t even be remembered

>> No.20413639

POV characters don’t mean shit
Sansa? = the hounds story arc
Brienne? = jaimes story

>> No.20413643

Can you name some? I don’t remember any apart from Dothraki on mirri

>> No.20413657


>It still would be treated as treason and breaking his oath as a knight of the kingsguard.
It would, if Kingsguard was anything at the time. Instead Selmy is about to be dismissed, and the rest of the knights are Lannister pansies.

>The Hound would be put to trial and probably executed or sent to the wall if caught.
Put to trial by whom? Robert "just give this fucking blond women what she wants and leave me to drink in peace" Baratheon? We saw Robert's exact approach to justice with the Lady (Sansa's direwolf) fiasco - Cersei gnaws at him to give her what she wants, he caves in, and that passes for justice in the Seven Kingdoms. And that's before Robert got boar'd.

>The irony is Jaime is never guarding the king and just abandons his duty whenever he pleases.
Before being HANDled by Vargo and Zollo he couldn't care less, "I'm Jamie Fucking Lannister I do what I want". After the HANDling, he is well aware of the irony.

>leap of logic
>Cersie is fucking her brother and not anyone else
He doesn't know that originally. He suspects Jaimie due him being famously close to Cercei, and due to the whole Bran falling thing (Jamie and Cersei were the only members of the royal household who did not leave to hunt with Robert the day Bran fell), and he accuses her in a personal confrontation in the godswood of the Red Keep, hoping to catch her off guard. Instead she goes
>"Yeah, I love my sweet bro in my cunt, watcha gonna do about it you little bitchfaggot huh?"

>The stupidest part of the first novel was Eddard taking so long to figure it out.
1. Ned is NOT a smooth operator.
2. Hair color and general resemblance is not DNA testing, it's just a possible clue that needs many other clues to become solid. If Ned just jumped on "oi oi why are your kids blond and green-eyed", everyone would point out that Robb, Bran and Sansa look nothing like Ned himself, with predominant Tully features, so maybe he should go and accuse Catelyn of fucking her brother Edmure instead.

It took:
A. An old forgotten book with MANY examples of B+L progeny.
B. Taking a peek at about a dozen of Robert's other children.
for the lack of resemblance to click.

>> No.20413709

Did they really put nipples on breastplates?

>> No.20413722

1. At the one opportunity where Aerys could impregnate Joanna, he acted dismissive of her.
2. Lady Genna says to Jaimie at Riverrun that Tyrion IS Tywin's true son, in about every possible way.
3. Arys had peak Targ genes - his children were either stillborn or perfectly health (Rhaegar, Viserys and Daenerys) healthy, there's no reason for Tyrion to be born a dwarf if Aerys is his father. Meanwhile Tywin and Genna were themselves quite inbred (without the Targ genetic haxx that makes inbreeding safer) and cousins to boot.
4. Tyrion gets nasty burns at Blackwater. Targs are supposed to be fireproof.

If anything, it's more likely that Jaimie and Cercei are cuck children:
1. Aerys had much more opportunities to fuck Joanna before her first pregnancy.
2. Explains the twins' perfect beauty (while none of the Lannisters are known to be very hot previously), Cercei's fascination with fire and total fucking batshit insanity.
3. Neither of them get badly burned at any moment in the series.
4. Explains the strange resistance of Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen to the effects of extreme inbreeding.
5. Would make Jaimie Kinslayer in addition to Kingslayer for double pottery.
6. Would mean that Tywin simped for cuck children while utterly ruining his relationship with his one true son for maximum pottery.

>> No.20413725

*Meanwhile Tywin and Joanna

>> No.20414213

>6. Would mean that Tywin simped for cuck children while utterly ruining his relationship with his one true son for maximum pottery.
The absolut poetry would be that a line of literal Targ bastards finally managed to sit the Iron Throne, while Blackfyers are still poop.

Suck it, Bittersteel.

>> No.20414297

Some times, this was more a bronze age thing though it did happen in the Roman period too, look up Lorica Musculata
>One noble (a Fossoway?) gets gangbanged in the King's Landing Riot where the Fat High Septon dies
>Viseryis threatens Danny in Danny I or II that he'd let the whole Khalasar and the Steeds run a train on her if it meant his army
>Danny dreams of 4 dwarfs fucking a maiden, biting and drawing blood (Westeros)
>Some of the bedding ceremonies get pretty grabby (this is also the source of Tyrion being Aries' and that's why Tywin hates him and why Tyrion is so deformed(aside from being the result of first cousin marriage))
Absolutely perfect this is my headcannon now

>> No.20414355

I read it as well, and it's quite good. I still prefer ASOIAF, but Fevre Dream is probably what I would recommend to people from him since it's actually digestible and complete.

>> No.20414429

>One noble (a Fossoway?) gets gangbanged in the King's Landing Riot where the Fat High Septon dies
That was Lollys Stokeworth, the fat simpleton who is later given to Bron as a way to marry him into lordship.

>Viseryis threatens Danny in Danny I or II that he'd let the whole Khalasar and the Steeds run a train on her if it meant his army
>Danny dreams of 4 dwarfs fucking a maiden, biting and drawing blood (Westeros)
Those don't count. First is a threat by an underage edgelord, second is a hallucination.

But you also forgot Tysha, Tyrion's first wife that Tywin had gangraped by the entire garrison of Casterly Rock.
And the Mirri Maz Duur being raped by 3 Dothraki before Dany saves her.
And that other girl that Dany tries to save from rape, who still gets gangbanged and killed after Drogo dies.
And pretty Pia and other whores who slept with Loch's men getting locked in stocks and gangbanged by Bolton's forces after Roose takes Harrenhall.
And what Euron does with the wives and daughters of the lord of Stoneshield.
And the dancers that Xaro Xhoan Daxos brings to Dany in Mereen, when he gifts her 13 ships and begs her to go and stay go after all the SHTF she caused.

I don't know if the Summer Islanders on Cinnamon Wind count, when they have a religious mass orgy in honor after Maester Aemon's death at sea.

>> No.20414463

No it's not?

>> No.20414466

Yes, and Dorne characters are shit and not interesting

>> No.20414471


>> No.20414504

>"AFFC is a book about characters you don't care about doing interesting things while ADWD is a book about characters you like being boring"
that's a good quote, i entirely agree. i think it's the most thematically interesting book in the series.

>> No.20414518

the dorne chapters are really boring but they end of them is kino and got me hype for the continuation.
hopefully it's the show is zero indicator of what happens with doran and his plan and dorne in general, because that was utterly fucking dire.

>> No.20414717

There's also one of the Frey girls who got caught being gangbanged in the stables

>> No.20414767

Right, Gatehouse Ami.

>> No.20414790

I too like to make things up on the internet. How do you do?

>> No.20414796

ASOIAF copied Shouzou Kaga’s games. GRRM is a hack.

>> No.20414865

This is a literature discussion. George was not the first person to write about high middle ages with respect to history. Really though, AOIAF is quite obviously inspired by the plantagenet dynasty to the point where characters are almost copy and paste historical inspiration. Events and battles are directly inspired.

>> No.20414885

How do people even take this series seriously then? Is it because the dragons and porn-tier sex scenes appeal to the zoomer brain?

>> No.20414887

It’s an obvious joke. I thought /lit/ knew how to read?

>> No.20415216

I am impressed at your encyclopedic knowledge of group sex in this world and not surprised every time I realize a new fetish GRRM had.

>> No.20415729

One of the more esoteric weeb copes I've seen

>> No.20417241

I really wish there were Frey POV chapters. I loved the epilogue in ASOS.

>> No.20418524

>Is it because the dragons and porn-tier sex scenes appeal to the zoomer brain?
Yes, and?

>> No.20418685

He have no idea in the books. In the shows they imply he knows but choose to not believe it, because it would mean his total failure as father by letting his twins turn into degenerates

>> No.20418688

Not again with this bullshit. There area already too many secret targs around

>> No.20419046

>I am impressed at your encyclopedic knowledge of group sex in this world
Nah, I just reread the series like a few weeks ago.

>> No.20419054

Maybe the real secret targs were the bastards we made along the way.

>> No.20419071

> And pretty Pia and other whores who slept with Loch's men getting locked in stocks and gangbanged by Bolton's forces after Roose takes Harrenhall.
I think you may have made that up
Also euros didn’t rape anyone
And the summer islanders aren’t having a mass orgy, just sex and they aren’t prudes that pretend it’s bad

>> No.20419076

it was started in 98, 2 years after the first book came out
Close enough

>> No.20419835

>Maybe the real secret targs were the bastards we made along the way.
t. Aegon the Unworthy

>> No.20419847

Kaga is an anti-weeb. He’s a major Europhile.

>> No.20419980
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11 fucking years

>> No.20420013


Piers Anthony's written at least a dozen books since Dance with Dragons.

I weep for humanity.

>> No.20420021
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Anon you made me laugh