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20409291 No.20409291 [Reply] [Original]

I had a strange dream that troubled me and would like it interpreted. Who can I go to? What can I look to? I want to know more about dream interpretation

>> No.20409358

All the psychoanalysts, Freud, Jung, Adler. I think Freud and Jung would suffice but they interpret dream symbolism differently, but it'll give you a good look on how to start symbolizing dreams.

>> No.20409468

post here I'll try to help. Recommend Robert A Johnson, Inner Work if you want some techniques for Jungian self analysis.

>> No.20409580
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Read this. A pretty good introductory book about dreams and their interpretation. Im sure that this is just a starting point and you could go deeper into this topic but i think its sufficient for a surface level understanding

>> No.20409591

I know a guy named Daniel but he's in jail rn

>> No.20409645
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>post here
>at a job in an unclear place, I’m some sort of menial worker
>have to clean up a dead black cat
>I have a shovel and a trash bag
>the cat is lying on the ground, I’m somehow aware this cat died by being microwaved, or by some sort of radiation poisoning
>I look at the cat lying there for a while
>say “I don’t think the cats dead at all”
>start prodding it
>“Yeah this cat isn’t dead, he’s just sleeping”
>cat wakes up
>turns into a little girl wearing a maid outfit and a “cat ears” headband
>she suddenly hugs my legs as tight as she can, while excitedly yelling “thank you thank you thank you, oh thank you!” over and over again
>I wake up
The fuck does this mean? If it means anything

>> No.20409657

Oh and thanks for the recs, I don’t wanna seem like I’m ignoring you

>> No.20409661

Probably sounded like a knee-slapper in your head.

>> No.20409777

It means you've been watching too many of a certain sort of Japanese cartoon.

Try Chihayafuru.

>> No.20409778

Fuck Erich Fromm that commie bastard

>> No.20409787

problem with dream interpretation is that any analyst would need so much knowledge of your life generally, who you spend time with and your relationships with them, that what happened in your dream would make as little sense to us as it does to you
t. have read too much freud also have done some dream analysis that friends think is accurate (kek as if any dream analysis is accurate)

>> No.20409788

Biblical references shouldn't be discouraged, even if they're not very good (/lit/ being a pro-traditional culture board after all).

>> No.20409833

dreams are just synapsis firing while ordering memories from your left brain half (chaos, new input) to the right (order, long term memory, experience)

>> No.20409954


Lol what a doozy. >>20409787 is true. The only meaning of the dream is already inside you and informed by your knowledge and experience. Go through the symbols individually (menial work, cat, catgirl) and find the first associations that come to mind for you then meditate on them to tie them together.
Cool dream though it immediately reminds me of schrodingers cat. I'd have to assume to much about you to make a comment on the girl and what it could represent.

>> No.20409984

Funny enough, I hadn’t seen anime in years. I started watching some recently. Not spurned by the dream, just incidentally. Even then, I’ve never seen any cat girl anime
Okay well a few things I noticed (or, as many parallels to my life I can find)
>I had recently volunteered at an animal shelter
>I used to have a job as a menial worker cleaning the bandsaw and cutting tables at a butcher (and helping customers)
>I am a Christian and know the Bible story where Jesus goes “this girl is not dead, but sleeps,” and I say something similar in the dream
>I one time had to take care of a dead rat in a similar fashion. It’s not a big memory but it returned after the dream
That’s all I can think of

>> No.20409989

Meant to reply to >>20409954 too

>> No.20410521

What are some ways of better remembering dreams? Is the dream jurnal thing true?
I sometimes have lucid conversations with beings in my dream and once even got straight up advice, but I rarely remember anything more than bits and vague ideas.