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20408151 No.20408151 [Reply] [Original]

what did you like? what did you not like? Did John Keats deserve this?

>> No.20408218

>what did you like?
About 3/4 of the first book.

>what did you not like?
Basically everything else.

>Did John Keats deserve this?
That entire part tries for pure AESTHETIKK and fails miserably by trying too hard.

>> No.20408291

i really enjoyed it and now im in the 2nd book but im a bit confused by it so far

ouster war is eh tier, sure, space barbarians showed up on hyperion and i want to know why but there are already more interesting mysteries out there
i really started caring about the backward aging kid for some reason but all pilgrims had very interesting stories
i really want to find out who/why/how was shrike created and the entire technocore politics

>> No.20408307

>i really want to find out who/why/how was shrike created and the entire technocore politics
this is why you'll have to continue into Endymion/Rise of Endymion, unfortunately

>> No.20408637

>That entire part tries for pure AESTHETIKK and fails miserably by trying too hard.
it's not even remotely the most interesting part of the book. The worldbuilding of the Hegemony (and later Pax) and the Human-AI conflict (what are the implications of building God) are just constantly interrupted by MUH NAME WAS WRIT IN WATER

>> No.20408661

What I gathered from the second book was that [Spoiler] the shrike is an avatar of the AI-god who is travelling backwards in time because the emotional aspect of the human god fled back in time from their future god war, so the shrike impales humans in eternal torment to try and lure the empathetic god thingie out of hiding... but then because the humans sort of won a big future war the shrike has a human keeper (rachel) - this shit made zero sense to me but it was still kinda cool, decent book [/Spoiler]
never bothered reading the 2 spin-offs

>> No.20408691


>> No.20409278

just got to the part of Fall of Hyperion where Meina Gladstone goes to the Moon and thinks about THE HOLOCAUST

>> No.20409338

I finished Endymion and I am preparing for Rise of Endymion. The only fun character is unironically named the Onions. God help me.

>> No.20409384

Yeah it's good aside from the robo-keats and private detective bits, best story is the priest's cruciform with the satyr poet guy as a close second. Sad that the series nosedives at endymion.

>> No.20410102

>God help me.
good luck anon, it's painful beyond description.

>> No.20410766
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My autism prevents me from not finishing complete series. I truly wish the books focused on the Bikura or Space Eskimos since they were the best characters of their respective books. I honestly can't imagine how the same man wrote Hyperion and Endymion. As I've said, I only like de Soya because I imagine him to look like Adam Driver from the movie called Silence.

>> No.20410768

yeah de Soya and the way he travels around the galaxy is neat, and unfortunately a high point of the book

>> No.20410947

Exactly. His character is wasted on such a shitty book.

>> No.20411052

While I really liked the mysterious torture terminator, ai politics, cross shaped parasite that turns you into immortal religious midget retard, father trying to cure his only child from a mysterious disease, a soldier chasing his imaginary girlfriend who might be real and immortal torture terminator, random poet just wanting to write a cool story, and the fact that all these mysteries might be connected:
I might just drop it in the middle of the 2nd book. My reason is because its too slow. There is a whole fucking bunch of stuff going on that you gotta keep up with that could make entire separate book series, and this other stuff I care less about is now happening at the same time this massive time travelling AI stuff is happening, which is already too big on its own. Its too much!

I thought the 1st book was very good because I only had a handful of interesting people dealing with this interesting thing. Now I have the space senate, the AI senate, a whole civilization of even bigger space barbarians, a whole bunch of even more characters?
Sorry I cant juggle all that in my head, just give me the AI torture god and a squad of interesting characters, this dynamic is interesting enough for me, I cant also handle interpersonal dynamics of thousand more planets populated by billions of more people. Not at the same time anyway. Galactic politics is very interesting but im just waiting for it to end so I go back to AI torture labyrinth.

So I might just go and listen to youtubers talk about the parts I care about while I play videogames, I do this for fun after all.

>> No.20411086

>I might just drop it in the middle of the 2nd book
ah just stick with it but don't bother with Endymion, leave that part to youtube

>> No.20411105

I really enjoyed the use of the cruciform as a workaround to FTL limitations too. I'd read a spin-off military sci-fi book about a young De Soya or the Pax military as long as anyone but Dan Simmons wrote it. Kassad's chapter shows that he can't write military fiction worth a damn.

>> No.20411143

i'll write it once I reread Endymion. I'll make sure de Soya gets real sad about the Holocaust as well

>> No.20411173

I like the part where the filthy Palestinian whose people are just as useless and dumb in the future has to prove himself by destroying a planet full of Shi'ite terrorists and later wants to fuck a demonic white girl.

>> No.20411236

>and later wants to fuck a demonic white girl.
lmao she's Jewish

>> No.20411264

Even better

>> No.20411296

Worst book of the series by far, the last one is better, although it still has some parts that are a bit boring

>> No.20411461

Am I the only one who enjoyed Kassad's story regardless of his balls retracting to the top of his scrotum every now and then?
You should also make it so that Jews are first people to colonize another galaxy!

>> No.20411492

I also realized that de Soya should get real sad about 9/11 as well