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/lit/ - Literature

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20407372 No.20407372 [Reply] [Original]

only high IQ neets will make it on the literary world.

only neets have enough free time to not worry about making money, read the western classics with their fellow /lit/ high IQ chads.

Eventually this modern version of 1920 paris coffee bars will be the only place in the planet to produce the next joyce.

pepe will become the biggest literary character of the early XXI century.

>> No.20407477

The literary world will no longer exist in any meaningful way due falling IQ rates. In several generations there will be simply no one to read what is meaningfully written.

We are in the death throes of high literature.

>> No.20407484

jews and asians still have biologically high IQ genes, as well as germans.

>> No.20407556

Jewish IQs are falling at a coimprable rate to other first world populations
Asians have "high IQs" only when you don't realize they are pooling from 5 billion people. So not as impressive at first glance. They also have no interest in art or literature, and offer nothing to the art.

>> No.20407562

1% of global population now is 70 million.

Even if literature is just enjoyed by top 1% IQ, that means 70 million people.

>> No.20407577

1% of global population is a vast over estimation. "high IQ" starts around 135, and that's something like 1 in 150,000 people or something.

>> No.20407594

there will be 10 billion people by end of the century, that's a shit ton of people.

>> No.20407601

10 billion sub-85 IQ, morons. Hurrah.

>> No.20407606
File: 55 KB, 1200x713, 1651265222052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn about bell curves.

t. math subhuman (YOU)

>> No.20407612

Learn about eugenics, hereditary intelligence, and then look at which races are at birth replacement, and which races are several times birth replacement.

>> No.20407629
File: 38 KB, 480x480, washington carver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's not blacks with 150 IQ points
I do hope you google what is a bell curve distribution and what implies a top 1% of a bell curve on a 10 billion population, right?

Also, around 10% of the black population has an IQ higher than 120.

>> No.20407640

Please! Do show me all the great literature from these titans of intellect, anon. Surely, we must be swimming in it.

>> No.20407651

>Please! Do show me all the great literature from these titans of intellect, anon. Surely, we must be swimming in it.
Please, show me all the great literature from these MENSA geniuses.
I'll be waiting.

>> No.20407663
File: 302 KB, 2223x1667, chinua achebe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol retard can't even namedrop the biggest lit black african author

>> No.20407665

D-do you...do you just expect me to list the Western canon to start? Or should I start with the Greeks, and then just go from there?

Do you see how pedantic your position is? It's okay, anon. You can lament the leaving of the people that created literature.

>> No.20407677

Why did you post a literal who? Also I'll read one of his books if you can post a single one where the central plot isn't race relation based. You'd be surprised how many black authors can't pass that test.

>> No.20407688

Nigger, at least read his wikipedia page, fucking idiot.


>> No.20407690
File: 1.29 MB, 2941x1694, 1DE13824-DFB3-44E6-92B6-FCACCA80E68D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck Nietzsche was right

>> No.20407695

>at least read his wikipedia page
Convince me it's a worthwhile click, then. Dresing a little old black man up in European clothing doesn't make him interesting, anon.

>> No.20407703
File: 307 KB, 715x436, 1588556683673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, so you have no intentions of reading the most important black african writer, but at the same time you lurk on /lit/, a board about writers?

Why not fuck off to a board more appropiated to people that doesn't read, like /pol/?

>> No.20407707
File: 311 KB, 500x649, kaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20407713

What has he written? Why is it worth reading? Have YOU even read him?

>> No.20407716
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>> No.20407721
File: 64 KB, 481x406, 1579226899139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I remember my professor spoke about him on the fucking world literature class when he was talking about africa.

just read things fall apart, which is his most famous work.
I assume it will be one of those novels that /lit/ pseuds that hate anime and games would love to read.

>> No.20407726

>just read things fall apart
Is it pandering race relation, bullshit?

>> No.20407738
File: 22 KB, 618x496, 1595563186447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, colonization is a big topic of african history, but is not about white people doing bad things.

Or are they supposed to not write about it?

I suppose you've readen some history about african colonization to talk about it, right?

>> No.20407745

>Or are they supposed to not write about it?
It would just be cool if they could write about literally anything else. It's difficult to judge the merit of their work, otherwise.

>> No.20407748

>literally only frame of reference for black people is neoliberal clickbait
>t. never spoken to a black person in his life

>> No.20407756

>t. never spoken to a black person in his life
I live in the American South, so this is unfortunately not the case, sadly.

>> No.20407758
File: 43 KB, 480x480, 1595972840483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I assume you will be interested in reading from a black african point of view and not an european dude talking about black people history.

Besides, the book is more about a tribe that "THINGS FALL APART" when the colonization start because more of bad luck, more than "HUH DUH WHITES ARE EVIL" kind of shit.

>> No.20407764

Still sounds like you get most of your feelings about black people from internet and the media. There are black intellectuals out there anon, you just have to keep an open mind.

>> No.20407769

>There are black intellectuals out there anon.
Statistically insignificant.

>> No.20407794
File: 298 KB, 2348x1326, thomas sowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most geniuses are stadistically insignificant, yes.

99.9% of the population is stupid, yes.

Another basic black /lit/ writer.

>> No.20407808

>Do you see how pedantic your position is? It's okay, anon. You can lament the leaving of the people that created literature.
I'm talking about the MENSA people who don't actually do jackshit with their lives.
What about specifically that Langan guy? What is his actual achievement being allegedly smarter than Einstein?
To what his life amounts in fact?

And there's so many such stories.
So many of these who were child prodigies hit adulthood and fall short of their shimmering promises; that is even mildly amusing, slightly unsettling.

To put it short: I believe and admire RESULTS; not cool numbers from a cold examination.

>> No.20407895


>> No.20407987

>What about specifically that Langan guy? What is his actual achievement being allegedly smarter than Einstein?
Langan should unironically be given the title of "Caesar" worldwide, and fix this world on the brink. To expect all hyper intelligent people to be an "Einstein" equivalent is quite naive. Spciety marginalizes anomalous intelligent people as they are not particularly geared toward social life or monetary gain.

>> No.20408088

IQ is distributed normally and adjusted so that the average IQ is 100. How could IQ "rates" (?) "fall"?

>> No.20408094

Based pepe image.

>> No.20408172

The best way to achieve a literary lifestyle is, in my opinion, is having some sort of psychological or situational problem that doesn't impair your ability to write, but causes your life to shatter apart in a hot mess every year or two in a spectacular fashion. Basically the higher the velocity between build up and crashing is, the more nuanced your accumulated experiences will be.

I think being too financially comfortable can lead to a sort of complacency that's not conductive to accumulating the necessary experiences in order to make art. And I do think that perception and new experiences are the main foundation of good literature, the material from which the artist rearranges and communicates in a unique way.

I think this is the best way.

>Grow up in a semi-dysfunctional home but the home becomes functional as you get older
>have enough financial security to do well at university, study something in STEM not literature and keep literature as a hobby
>Life comes apart due to psychological problems or some other cause, forcing you to constantly try new avenues to get by
>Because you're always crashing and burning, trying something new, you meet new people in different areas all the time
>You're not in one isolated class bubble, you get a picture of how people in society live their lives across all all levels.

If you're too financially secure it's too easy to become out of touch.

>> No.20408248

Came across this thread and noticed there was alot of profane science talk
>muh IQ
And so forth, neets should also read Guénon

>> No.20408259

A thread died for this.

>> No.20408311

Suboptimal, honestly. The best job is one that requires you to do very little work, and is better than NEETdom. It provides a change of scenery, some money, and time away from the vices at home. Take the nightshiftpill, NEETbros. You won't look back.

>> No.20408507


>> No.20409067


>> No.20409105

your NEET window is always limited and tend to be unproductive because you lose all sense of time. Nobody is a NEET forever. Your parent will eventually give you an ultimatum.

>> No.20409319

I disagree with this I got a fulltime job and the no-life reading and writing whem I get home and give sparing time to family and women. Many authors that are making often dont give up their daytime career either. It doesnt take as much time as you think to read and write and a disciplined pro has more than enough time to get published.
I do hope to see more from NEET authors as Im not a real NEET anymore or at least anons. There are some from /wg/ that are doing well but fledgling and need to stick with lit. Most anons I see not putting in the work or are serialized genrefiction anime writers.

>> No.20409553


Past a certain point, being "N E E T", (not ever even training) stunts one's ontological development, since the primary task of one's coming to Earth, beside sharing the fruits of one's genius, is to rectify one's psykhical deficencies through adversity, which lifelong "N E E T s", by growing in a virtual incubator, never do.

>> No.20410162

literally one of two black writers who are considered good even by libtards, the other being toni morrison
Things Fall Apart actually doesn't really have much to do with race relations, it's also not good.
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison doesn't really have many white people in it as I recall. But yeah they really only have one thing going for them typically

>> No.20410168

is that blood or shit