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20407277 No.20407277 [Reply] [Original]

Ok is this shit for real?
It's kinda scary.

>> No.20407291

What's scary about it? Saturn?

>> No.20407296

the eternal tornado in Saturn is pretty spooky ngl

>> No.20407304

I have that exact same edition. I personally think his experience with the spirits is the best part. Might have to reread that again.

>> No.20407306

What's the book about?

>> No.20407313

It discusses the historical evidence for a cult of Saturn. There's also rituals and shit.

>> No.20407315

You might enjoy a book titled Lucifer: princeps.

>> No.20407321

Not that anon but L:P one of the best studies on lucifer. Also it's not LeVay cringe.

>> No.20407335

this is a cursed thread

>> No.20407341
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What makes you say that?

>> No.20407348


>> No.20407357

>see see see, somehow Jews control Muslims and are secretly Roman pagans that worship Satan
>It’s a conspiracy against the pope!!!!

>> No.20407358

Post scans, please?

>> No.20407361

>The Cult of the Black Cube

>> No.20407375
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>> No.20407377

I found some subreddit that listed a webiste to give "background" on the black cube and Saturn. It poorly written and made no sense. The author would make outrageous, nonsensical claims and refuse to elaborate. Like he was trying to claim Biblical passages were about Saturn...but they weren't and he wouldn't elaborate.

This is some real schizo shit.

>> No.20407391
File: 63 KB, 680x507, Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say Saturn?

>> No.20407392

Sorry only have a physical copy.

>> No.20407396

Partially. It lumps roman paganism into it too. Schizo babble of course.

>> No.20407455
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Page sample

>> No.20407469

Um... Anon, that would be Jupiter. I have to obligatorily call you a retard you fucking retard. Saturn has the hexagon at its pole, the "cube".

>> No.20407619
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>> No.20407874

The red storm on Jupiter isn’t permanent, and as crazy impressive as it is, the hexagon shape at the top of Saturn is what they’re referring to.

>> No.20407878
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>> No.20407893

Schizo shit always finds patterns in things and provides no real explanation, just: It can't be a coincidence, right? Like the Giza's pyramid built on 29.9792458°N

>> No.20407899
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>> No.20407904

Heilig Scheisse!

>> No.20407925

Where can buy?

>> No.20408431

All abrahamic religions are saturnine control systems

>> No.20408562

I want to buy it but gotta save up, I like Theion but they do charge.

>> No.20408671

That's not the point Anon

>> No.20408797
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Kvetch harder

>> No.20408973

That's nice but

>> No.20408979

yes retard and what is it?
wind, a tornado.
Fucking genius.

>> No.20408983

and it's not a coincidence that it is.

>> No.20408987

>modern ritual to Saturn is donating money to the poor and oppressed
Book instantly deflated right there and ironically was the greatest revelation of the whole thing. I now understand why Saturn is the diety of faggots and jews.

>> No.20409032

is that trash or a body?

>> No.20409039


>> No.20409336

>I now understand why Saturn is the diety of faggots and jews.
what..? Yahweh is more relatable to Uranus as being the 'celestial sky / outer space god', Saturn was the god of agriculture (Saturn and Mars) and the God of pre-human(?) primordial bounty, as: Jupiter featured as being the law-giver to the humans in the stone age time stories of Prometheus misleading the humans and encouraging them to break Jupiters Commandments.

But the Abramics refuse the notion that Jupiter was Yahweh or that Saturn was Yahweh when they insist that Yahweh is the outer space god who made the planet in the first place - so the only one left who resembles that is Uranus the Zodiac God.

and Christians obviously don't like Saturn because they chose the name to represent their evil other-polar god, Satan.

I've never heard of this book -presumably it's about Islam - but I know that the Kaba cube was originally the Temple of the Cube-Face Arabic Jupiter and his three daughters / the three fates / the three graces.

>> No.20409560

Good thing gnosticism is not abrahamic as (((they))) define it

>> No.20409625

>dude I am a personal emissary of Saturn and have received le black gnosis
>no I won't tell you his direct will, only speculation about ancient customs
Into the fucking garbage

>> No.20409773

>"an orangutan crawling out of fire"

>> No.20410312
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>knowledge gained through direct transmission from mentors (human and inhuman) about the Saturnine deity.