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/lit/ - Literature

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20406882 No.20406882[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

on the state of /lit/
1) it is impossible to talk about anything Christianity related (or unrelated but that's another issue) without one of a small number of relentless shitposters (always the same people their writing style betrays them, clearly shills) shitting the thread up.
2) For the last 2000 years the west has been Christian and 98% of western literature is Christianity related
3) it is therefore impossible to talk about literature on the literature board.
Subpoint A) even when we are talking about things only tangentially related such as Kant's or Hume's philosophy, these poor obsessed souls will be there to drag people into flame wars.
Supboint B) These poor obsessed people also always use the same kind of rhetoric. They will for instance say that Christianity was invented by the Romans and is a pagan religion, using the same arguments as Luther against the catholic church. Proven wrong they will say that it was invented by Jews to destroy pagan civilization using the same arguments as various neopagan fucks. The same people will switch strategy and opinion depending on necessity. This is obvious upon reading.

This is not ideal, and makes the whole board useless.
Since we are here to discuss literature and philosophy, all that I can do is invite such persons to take such conversation to /x/, you don't have to be Christian to know that Hume's arguments against Aquinas 5 ways are fallacious, and admitting such doesn't mean HAVING to believe in God.
Likewise when discussing Kant, or Guenon,or Evola or Nietzsche or whoever else.
Just behave like functional human beings that can have their points of view challenged, please.

>> No.20406925

I see that you're butthurt that you're getting made fun of in the other thread lmfao

>> No.20406939

On christcucks

1) Seethe
2) Cope
Subpoint A) Dilate

>> No.20406941

I'm not, I win every time.

>> No.20406944

>>20406925 >>20406939
in fact thank you for posting here, you proved me right, dumbasses lol

>> No.20406983

why don't you and the rest try actually reading?

>> No.20406997

Just dont reply to them lol

>> No.20407001

I do, and when I come here (it might sound strange!) I want to talk about what I read!

>> No.20407007

just look away from the screen lol just turn it off

>> No.20407028

Good. Less christfags. Better. They're insufferable

>> No.20407036

litterally just talking about books on the book board, retard.

>> No.20407109

I think the main issue is that demonically possessed people need to criticize Christcucks. The devil needs to be the enemy. Their one goal in life is naturally to be left alone because by the very existence of Christ they are wretched. This is theological OP, pay it no mind.

Christ is King.

>> No.20407247

I just think frogposters should be erased.

>> No.20407262


>> No.20407272
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>> No.20407274

Uh, just ignore them? I hate discussion about Christianity because I think it's a stupid belief but I just scroll pass those threads whenever I see them

>> No.20407280

Make a religion board. Simple as.

>> No.20407282

This is so true. They just go against whatever is popular and they hate. I wonder what is next

>> No.20407310
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>make a post about Christianity
>get called a tradcuck larper
>mfw I'm Episcopalian
First time in history any of us have ever been called traditionalists lmao

>> No.20407311

>This is so true. They just go against whatever is popular and they hate. I wonder what is next
This is over 15 year time span and also doesn't reflect meaningfully contrarian views. Atheism is significantly more fringe in USA than Maga and Maga is much more fringe than Christianity. It reflects the opposite statistically.

>> No.20407319

it accurately reflects the most annoying assholes on the internet

>> No.20407337

And what are your beliefs?

>> No.20407368

none of your business

>> No.20407373

>criticizes others
>won't share own beliefs
Oh look demonic thinking at its finest. All criticism no being.

>> No.20407383

They wouldn’t be as bad if they stayed in their lane. These groups can’t/couldn’t help sticking their nose where they don’t belong or aren’t wanted. Pure shit stirrers

>> No.20407387

>demonic thinking

>> No.20407412
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>demonic thinking

>> No.20407561

How about you try reading a good book

>> No.20407704

>2) For the last 2000 years the west has been Christian and 98% of western literature is Christianity related

That's not even remotely true, and just exposes you for the completely pig ignorant christcuck you are

>> No.20407714

Probably LARP Buddhism.

I'm not sure really. The only thing that is an absolute certainty though is that will be another completely insincere LARP, with these retards still not understanding why no one takes their LARP seriously

>> No.20407718

The true problem is that some Christians can't fucking discuss books without sperging out about m'jesus and whateverthefuck.
We need a religion board.

>> No.20407722

Which should be called /larp/

>> No.20407731
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>Atheism is fringe in the US
Not for long niggaaaaa

>> No.20407743

I don’t think that would work out too well. What would an angry, agitating Buddhist look like? It would be comical

>> No.20407765

They would probably find some way to combine 2006 style American conservatism with traditionalist Buddhism. So basically seething about everything related to sex and minorities, just using the Buddha's extinguishing of all desires to channel their incel rage into

>> No.20407782

I find it more likely that the left would politicize Buddhism, like >>20407765 said "seething about everything related to sex and minorities" but from the other side. Completely missing the point and just using it as another ideological shell to mask their wrath behind.

(both sides do this, the left is just more open to non-Western religion)

>> No.20407783

Legal positivism could solve the atheist problem

>> No.20407786


>> No.20407797

USA would probably be a better place if everyone was a light Buddhist. Just semi practicing the main tenets of the Dhammapada. Too many people look to the external and try to change that

>> No.20407799

True, but annoying leftists tend to channel their judgemental assholish behavior into a sort of hippy dippy love the earth kind of way.

That is having an effect on the right too, by the way. I can see the wellness right wing becoming a big thing in the future

>> No.20407804

Honestly I think the political landscape will change greatly in the USA after the recession we are about to enter

>> No.20407805

Absolutely agree, honestly the whole world would benefit from that approach. People just need to fucking chill, God and the church make enemies of us.

>> No.20407821


>> No.20407823

Yeah. A deeper look into the political landscape now shows that EVERYONE is unhappy right now and looking to fix things eternally. Change comes from within. All is suffering. All is transient. All is unreal. Take life as it comes at you, don’t try to do too much and realize happiness comes from within.

>> No.20407834

>For the last 2000 years the west has been Christian
Europe wasn't even fully Christianized 800 years ago

>> No.20407840

Idk. I don’t watch the news or anything but I have eyes. My dad is great with finances and pretty plugged in. He said a year long recession. I think it could be worse. Privately owned businesses are struggling mightily now. With basic food products going up drastically, people will look to save and they can only do that somewhat through major corporations, which hurts small businesses even more and takes money away from the average joe and sucks it upward. I want to yell at the people that this is the time to stand together. Fuck diversity politics pushed by the media. Occupy wall street suspiciously changed into diversity politics which divide. The middle class has been disappearing since then

>> No.20407861

>this is the time to stand together
What's the equivalent of that in actual, real world actions one could take in order to better the state of things

>> No.20407885

This is the million dollar question, especially within the confines of our two-party system.

>> No.20407887

I think the biggest issue is quality of life. That’s for both sides, hence the fighting. I’m apolitical, but my one true belief is anti mega corporations. They are destroying the middle class which is the backbone of American society. If you were poor, you could work hard, make a good decision or two and be in the middle class. If you were upper class, you could only fall down to the middle class if you weren’t a screeching retard. USA is turning into an oligarchy, if it isn’t one already. Super PAC’s are allowed to donate obnoxious money to presidential candidates, which is why I’ll never vote. Both sides are puppets of lobbyists. Independently owned businesses generally have better workplace conditions and morale, and better pay. Those things lead to a higher quality of life. I think something major will happen in the next 100 years. People are living longer, population is exploding, resources and living space are disappearing, money is mostly getting sucked upwards toward obscenely rich people, etc. We might just be fucked. I hate to say it but we need a major culling of the population. Looking back, the Covid lockdown did a lot of harm and will have far reaching implications

>> No.20407905

>2) For the last 2000 years the west has been Christian and 98% of western literature is Christianity related
>3) it is therefore impossible to talk about literature on the literature board.
Aside from point 2, which is obviously very wrong, and its corollary point 3, you have a point. It's my experience that most anons will discuss religion, the bible, etc, productively, and that doing that is usually completely tangential to whether you believe in god
Posters like this >>20407109, and the legion other anons we could reasonably call "christcucks" are just as bad as what you're describing, though.

>> No.20407930

A revolution is sorely needed if the people have it in them, which I doubt. Everyone is too docile and divided.

>> No.20407950

At this point I think revolution is pretty much out of the question. Our military is so advanced, coordinated, and equipped that even if everyone in America hypothetically went out to their local gun store and formed local militias shit still wouldn't change.

>> No.20407984

If the 99% showed up on the 1%’s door, I don’t think the military would kill their friends and family. And if they would, make the military have a Pyrrhic victory with their cities in rubble. That’s why diversity politics is so insidious and effective. I keep going back to how the media stopped promoting Occupy Wallstreet, and diversity politics appeared overnight. Big money owns the media. The media is the most effective weapon today. I don’t consume any of it and I’m happy. I look around me and everyone is losing their minds. Someone needs to unite the people

>> No.20407994

> If you criticize me then you're literally the devil.

This is sarcasm right?

One solution is the add trips so you can ignore the trolls like on /biz/.

>> No.20407999

I'm predicting Islam with how anti-woman it is and gives them the state mandated tradwife they want so badly

>> No.20408007
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christers are
(1) eternally butthurt
(2) eternally refuted
(3) eternally nihilistic
(4) eternally larping
(5) eternally demonic
(6) eternally cucked

>> No.20408025

>That is having an effect on the right too, by the way. I can see the wellness right wing becoming a big thing in the future
It already is. Or starting, at least. You haven't seen all the tradlarpers chanting "lift weights, this is a threat" and thinking they'll save the West with their 3pl8 deadlift? To their credit there are efforts to systematically reject the slop that American food companies try to feed us now, which is a good thing. Nutritional hygiene is due for a huge overhaul

>> No.20408031

Caring about what's in the food was a "liberal" issue like a decade ago and people were mocked for not wanting to eat garbage; of course "right wing" grifters have picked it up by now and are trying to own it

>> No.20408033

The problem with the right wing is that they are too reactionary. They have no focus or feasible long term goal in mind. They hate the status quo so they become right wing by default