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[ERROR] No.2040552 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished American Psycho, and have to say, honestly, it is one of the most well-written novels I've ever read. The stream-of-consciousness is amazing. Any fans of transgressive fiction/psychological horror want to talk about awesome this book is?

>> No.2040858
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I read it this past summer and really, REALLY enjoyed it. Some people told me that Patrick going into explicit detail about what people were wearing was annoying and hard to read through, I wouldn't say these were my favorite parts of the book, but I somewhat enjoyed them because it struck me that Patrick was very detailed about every day things, like the entire chapter dedicated to his morning routine.

Another thing I really liked was how his mental state declined as the book progressed, and how the book was written when he was having a suddenly rush of thoughts. Like that chapter where he was having a panic attack and nearly everything written was some kind of incoherent thought.

I probably enjoyed the book so much because I haven't watched the movie yet, or because I just started getting into books, but I was quite surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

>> No.2040896

The book that changed my life.

>> No.2040914


>> No.2040944
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nice try, but check these.

>> No.2040962

>implying /lit/ isn't slow enough to get whatever anyone wants.

>> No.2041020

I guess nobody else found the description of so many items quite pedantic?

>> No.2041027

>pedantic- of our like a pendant

I don't think I quite understand what you mean...

>> No.2041064

*Shallow* and pedantic?

>> No.2041085

Pendantic; it means something (or more often, someone) who is overly showy or tends to cavil about things. It's usually done in an educational fashion. You know, sort of how like Bateman is always describing the little details of things.

>> No.2041107

Really liked it. Especially when it goes into third person when he shoots the sax player.

Also, in the first chapeter (or somewhere early on in the book) he reads about tis double murder on a yacht in the newspaper and he sort of snowballs with it from there, like he was putting himself at the scene of the crime and noting how this one guy was being awkward around him because he thinks he may have seen him at the yacht paarty.

>we shared a mutual aquaintance - a waitress from aspen who I raped with a can of hair spray

>awkward boner

>> No.2041121


I found it tedious, but thought that tedium was the desired effect. I thought it was meant to indicate the impoverishment of Bateman's consciousness and his perception. As a result of him being socialized in consumerism and being a psychopath he sees brand names more than he sees people. That's what I took from it anyway, probably others had a similar reading.

Anyway, yeah, I enjoyed the book. "This was civilization as I saw it, colossal and jagged"

>> No.2041129

>it is one of the most well-written novels I've ever read
i can't imagine you've read many novels


let's ignore the human dictionaries and get at what this dude is saying: that the descriptions of everything were boring and repetitive

it's nihilist novel and we all know what type of people are nihilists

>> No.2041882
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OP here. I was referring to its merit as a character study. The dialogue, the imagery, the shifting of perspectives, all for the sake of characterizing Patrick. What would you consider a well-written book?

>> No.2041894

Great novel. Anyone else find it hilarious? Just the way he thinks is so fucking funny, the things he says... anyone?

>> No.2041897

It's extremely intense. It's written as somebody who is utterly obsessed with status and physical appearance, and so the writing is in that style. A lot of people seem to hate it because of this. Not me. Easton put all his cards on the table writing like this, and I think it pays off.

>> No.2041902

Yes. We all thought it was funny. It's supposed to be fucking funny. You are not special or edgy in your tastes, you fucking teenager.

>> No.2041900

>we shared a mutual acquaintance - a waitress from aspen who I raped with a can of hair spray

I fapped to that part. So hard. You don't even know. Stopped reading right at that sentence and fapped hard.

>> No.2041907

excellent novel

made me cringe, made me laugh, made me think, and, let's be honest, gave me a boner

what more can you ask of fiction?

>> No.2041909

if you dont give a shit about characterization its ok

>> No.2041919

I honestly can't see they hype for this novel.
I read it and came out thinking it was just a long winded piece of try hard literature. Outside of Lunar Park I'd even go so far as to call it Easton Ellis' worst.

>> No.2041933

i'm not nearly desensitized enough to get through all of the graphic parts. i started skipping them near the end but i just ended up loosing interest. i kind of want to go back though.

i liked the part where bono reached out to bateman (or so he thought) and said something like "i am the devil and so are you," sums up my thoughts on u2 pretty well.

>> No.2041945

The boner he got there was possibly my favorite part of the book. Also, not desensitized enough for AP? What the fuck, man, you're on 4chan. Never been to /b/? Seriously, that book was tame as fuck.

>I respect your innocence

>> No.2041956


>> No.2041969

Is AP better than Less Than Zero? I read LTZ a couple years back and thought maybe the author was deliberately trying to bore the reader.
>Not the case I later learn.
Have avoided Easton Ellis since. Liked AP the movie though so maybe I'll give it chance someday.

>> No.2041995

rolling again

>> No.2041996


>> No.2042002


>> No.2042118

Imagine Hollywood remaking American Psycho and Michael C Hall playing Patrick Bateman.

>> No.2042128


horrible idea. no need to remake it, and bale is the better bateman. while hall is amazing as dexter, bateman is a completely different character.

>> No.2042153

ITT: People pretending to like trash because it's popular. These people also like Fight Club for the same reason.

>> No.2042154
File: 46 KB, 230x353, 9781846270789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this at the moment

'I am not a good man. I am not a bad man. In seven days I will be dead. My name is Peter Crumb. This is what remains ...' Peter Crumb is a man whose life has been derailed by a single, devastating act of violence in his past. Now, in what he intends to be his last week on Earth, he is determined to leave his mark upon humanity - randomly, unjustly, with infinite attention to detail. And Monday means murder ...

Shatteringly well written, this is a car-crash-compelling description of a week in the hell inhabited by one splintered and savage soul - an unrehearsed and unputdownable Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde for our times.

>> No.2042159

Add yourself to
Thank you.

>> No.2042168


I felt like the book was way too long - I understand part of that was a deliberate attempt to capture the guy's thought process and his single minded obsession with status symbols like food and clothing or sexual escapades, but I felt like it would have been trimmed by 1/3 and still convey that just as well.

That being said, I enjoyed the book just fine. It wasn't bad, I just thought it seemed a bit bloated. For some reason the scene near the beginning really stuck with me when his friend (Price maybe?) walks off into an indoor railroad tunnel or something at that club and goes missing for weeks.