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20404897 No.20404897 [Reply] [Original]

Describe what kind of a book you want to read and other anons recommend!

I want to read a book where main character is depressive, suicidal, anxious, explaining his life difficulties and complaining . I've read Houellebecq and I need more.

>> No.20404911

catcher in the rye

>> No.20404917

Notes From The Underground

>> No.20404923

>I want to read a book where main character is depressive, suicidal, anxious, explaining his life difficulties and complaining
every mass shooter manifesto

>> No.20405074

Stop being a resentful little faggot and live in accordance with Nature. Read Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.20405100

The books that I’m reading now.

>> No.20405273

No longer Human
Notes from the Underground

>> No.20405329

I've got too many books to-read piled up in my gaff, but here's what I'm most interested in reading next, I just can't decide which one:

Death on the Installment Plan - Céline
A Glastonbury Romance - Powys
You Bright and Risen Angels - Vollman
Bleak House - Dickens
Pierre - Melville
The Makioka Sisters - Tanizaki
Pale Fire - Nabokov
Tom Jones - Fielding
The Sot-Weed Factor - Barth
Hopscotch - Cortazar
Berlin Alexanderplatz - Döblin
J R - Gaddis
Solaris - Lem
Tristram Shandy - Sterne

Wot u saying brevs?

>> No.20405339
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>I want to read a book where main character is depressive, suicidal, anxious, explaining his life difficulties and complaining . I've read Houellebecq and I need more.
Book of the New Sun

>> No.20405349

>Wot u saying brevs?
You need a better reading list.

>> No.20405372

Alright, i've got two

1) Im nostalgic for the the magic mountain. A slow contemplative novel about death and illness, ideally set in a sanatorium of some sort.

2) a good history of the Austrian empire

>> No.20405378

I read A Glastonbury Romance this time last year, it was the best reading experience of my life. Will re-read next year.

>> No.20405388

>Im nostalgic for the the magic mountain. A slow contemplative novel about death and illness, ideally set in a sanatorium of some sort.

>> No.20405399

I'm just wondering if there are any contemporary fiction authors who aren't woke douches adding that crap into their writing. I like scifi and speculative fiction. Blake Couch seems to be one of the few. I'm tired of getting about 40% into a novel and then the author goes balls to the wall with a character itself having 5 genders or some other leftist shit, probably out of fear of getting canceled by the publishing houses.

>> No.20405402

Knut Hamsun's Hunger.

>> No.20405405

Blake Crouch*

>> No.20405407

>I want to read...
... a story with a genius who isn't a sperg. Think James Bond, but with a steady level of realism in the plot.

>> No.20405409

You can easily bypass this bullshit by not reading books written after 1945. The quality in general of the things you read will exponentially improve as well.

>> No.20405430

I'm just going to do this then. My TBR list is pretty clear at this point except for some field guides so I get to start over.

>> No.20405663

Second this

>> No.20405696

I will definitely buy Notes from the Underground. I decided for Wilks translation.
I've already read it.

>> No.20405717

Recs for books that me feel happy? I just want to be glad when reading

>> No.20405746

Try "Himizu"
It's a manga, but it's well-written. I know you guys like it when your books don't have pictures and that's alright.
If you can't look past a superficial flaw such as the medium to read a good story, just don't read it.

>> No.20406049


>> No.20406084

What's the literary equivalent of Goodnight Punpun

>> No.20406114

BOTNS but without all of wolfe's sex autism

>> No.20406241
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Filtered. Smaller scale but Vodolazkins's Laurus is kinda similar, though less fantastical.

>> No.20406413
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I'm in the market for

A very unassuming and normal story at a surface level told through either a potent quantity of philosophical contents and/or a particularly lavish or unique style.


Fiction with style and/or themes that feel very contemporary


Any book that is very fun to read

>> No.20406427

No Longer Human

>> No.20406511

You've probably already read it but stoner is great for your first ask.

>> No.20406583

Actually I have but I agree that it's a good recc

>> No.20406609

I want a story that explores the extremes of emotion by way of religion

>> No.20406618

The Man Without Qualities

>> No.20406621

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.20406622

A novel about a 27 yo man who overcomes his post covid fall into inactivity

>> No.20406624
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I want a horror book where the villain / monster / whatever has a dark toxic, erotic chemistry/dynamic with another character

>> No.20406629

To put it simple: something similar to Raymond Carver short stories.

>> No.20406645

Sheridan Le Fanu's Carmilla

>> No.20406652

I want a book that is similar to Orwell's style but about different politics

>> No.20406657
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The Wizard Knight

>> No.20406660

Mr President by Asturias

>> No.20406970

these looks neat! Please keep the recs coming

>> No.20407017

I want to read a prosey lovecraftian romance story set in a vast, mystical wood with the aesthetic of Over the Garden Wall.

>> No.20407253

Was meant for >>20406652

>> No.20407303

My diary, senpai

>> No.20408355

any books about social anxiety?

>> No.20408376

I’ll read this too.

I want a genuinely funny book that does not rely on wordplay or references. In other words, something that is funny as a narrative and not because fictional animals are named after puns or the wicked witch is actually good (although I would read something like the latter, even though it sounds like an outline for a bad isekai).

>> No.20408388

I want a book set in a historical or pre-historical environment (fantasy is okay too). With lots of descriptive violence and action scenes. Preferably sword fighting rather than gun fighting (although I'd make exceptions for Westerns or other similar settings) I just want something with grisly exciting violent action and fight scenes that make my heart pound and make me say "oh fuck."

Examples of what I'm looking for that I've already read;
Gates of Fire
Conan The Barbarian
Blood Meridian (and other McCarthy books)

>> No.20408402


>> No.20408412

I'm looking for a novel in which the main character gradually improves himself through hard work and persistence. Something like Siddartha or Martin Eden.

>> No.20408452

>I want to read a book where main character is depressive, suicidal, anxious, explaining his life difficulties and complaining
why? I want a book where the main character is a schizophrenic gigachad that isnt moby dick because ive already read it

>> No.20408478

Evelyn Waugh's Decline and Fall, very detached dark comedy centered around a Candide-esque protagonist

>> No.20408488

Downloaded and I’ll check it out tomorrow. Thanks, anon.

>> No.20408499
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>I want to read a book where main character is depressive, suicidal, anxious, explaining his life difficulties and complaining . I've read Houellebecq and I need more.

>> No.20409231
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A book that is similar to the film Taxi Driver is what I'm after, boys.

>> No.20409277

Tom McCarthy, Rick Moody, and Patrick Roesle are all leftists and contemporary but not by any means pozzed.

>> No.20409284

Red and Black by Stendhal
John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse
Seconded. I'd pair it with Master and Margarita or Dead Souls.
Notes from the Undeground maybe

>> No.20409317
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What is the go-to book on... anti-female revolution?

>> No.20409697

The novelisation

>> No.20410090

my struggle by knausgård for all of those

>> No.20410825

I want a book that feature a love or companion story with a cute loli

>> No.20410940

Book of Disquiet for sure

>> No.20410942


>> No.20411016

>I want to read a book where main character is depressive, suicidal, anxious, explaining his life difficulties and complaining
just look in the mirror dude

>> No.20411051
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Technically this fits that bill.

>> No.20411070

growth of the soil

>> No.20411304

The title is actually markens grøde, and it translates to [the] earthworms porridge

>> No.20411322

Something that will make me depressed/insane for a period of time. A new personality

>> No.20411326

F Gardner

>> No.20411358

I've read this, but yeah this is very much in the vein of what I'm looking for. Also The Good Earth (which I've also read). Robinson Crusoe would be another one I've read that's like this.

>> No.20411433


>> No.20411463

faen kis

>> No.20411468


>> No.20411472

Lost illusions by Honoré de Balzac.

>> No.20411591

>I want to read a book where main character is depressive, suicidal, anxious, explaining his life difficulties and complaining .
I want the opposite.
Hit em up with some whitepill books anons. Fiction or non-fiction.
Saxon series by bernard cornwell but it gets old really fast.
Conqueror and Emperor series by conn iggulden though they are more about politics and history, still some good action scenes and good if you like reading about the formations and tactics.
Tyrant series by Christian Cameron, about the diadochi wars.
The Assyrian by Nicholas Guild.
Eskkar Saga Sam Barone.
The Hittite by Ben Bova. A unique perspective on the siege of troy.
Thrice named man by Hector Miller, i haven't read it but my mom says it was ok.
My mom said Count Belisarius was good too.
There was two duologies that i can't remember the name of that were really good. One was about Hammurabi and one was about a Greek soldier turned priest. I'll let you know if i remember them.
None of these books will compare to classics. Basically violence/history porn to be honest but better than tv.

>> No.20411645

Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike

>> No.20411680

What to read next?
Fear And loathing Thompson
A sport and a pastime salter
Bel Ami guy de Maupassant
Money Martin Amis
Hero of our time
Storm of steel
Colossus of Maroussi
Dante’s Inferno
Farewell to arms
Blood And Champagne
Narcissus and Goldmund
The sovereign individual
Invisible Man
Endgame Beckett
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Myth of Sisyphus
Nausea Sartre

>> No.20411736
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I’d like a well written escapist fantasy book/series. Not something subversive or with multiple perspectives like GOT. Just a story about a hero with a destiny or something that goes on fun adventures with friends and some kind of love interest. I’m fine if it’s more directed at a ya crowd but doesn’t have to be I guess. I don’t mind it having a darker tone but I’d just like it to be fun with some cliches in it.

>> No.20411749

Lot about paranoid schizos involved in vast conspiracies? Like imagine Eyes Wide Shut but with the mc from Taxi Driver.

>> No.20411756

Books about lonely people living in cities (like the movie Lost in Translation) but not by an asian author

>> No.20412242


>> No.20412279

I shill The Colossus Of Maroussi every chance I get, so I recommend that. Criminally under read

>> No.20413420

What to read next?
The Aeneid
Inherent Vice
Sand County Almanac
Anna Karenina

>> No.20413534

Hi. Offboarder here. Not really looking for a recommendation, but need help tracking down a book that I remember some details about and have never been able to track down. Figured I'd post the details here and see if anyone recognizes it instead of making a whole thread about it. If no one recognizes it then I guess you can give me recommendations on similar stuff, because I clearly liked the premise enough for it to stick with me all these years later.

>Read some time between 2012 and 2014. No idea if the book was new or older than that.
>Would probably be listed as a young adults novel. Found in a school library.
>The book starts out seeming like it's in a fantasy setting. Characters talk about magic and the like.
>Later revealed that the setting is actually a failed human space colony. Some disaster occurred that basically knocked the colonists back to the dark ages.
>What the characters refer to as magic is actually ancient technology still around from when the planet was being colonized ages ago.
>Planet has multiple moons, most of which are revealed to be artificial and part of the colonization efforts.
>I believe the characters meet with an old AI that was suppose to oversee the colonization efforts later in the novel.
>There's some sort of corruption spreading across the planet. No recollection of what it actually is though.
>Main characters are an older guy and some young guy who's his apprentice or something like that. I think they meet up with some chick from a city later.
>Don't remember any character names or anything beyond that.
>I feel like I recall the book being a part of a series, but that could be incorrect.

Ring any bells for anyone?

>> No.20413579

Try reading Family Happiness before you read Anna Karenina. It's like a miniature version, so if you don't like it, you probably won't like Anna Karenina.

>> No.20414165

unironically just read don quixote

>> No.20415409
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>> No.20415654

Any books from the POV of a person that gets infected by something alien/supernatural and describes the changes they are experiencing.

>> No.20415668
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Books where the villain achieves his/her objective pls

>> No.20415675

The gospel of Paul

>> No.20416302

Want to read a book about people from the past having to live in modern day.