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/lit/ - Literature

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20402015 No.20402015 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite work of LGBTQ literature? And don't just say anything by Mishima.

>> No.20402021

That one book by Mishima

>> No.20402025


>> No.20402031

Tove Jansson Donna Tart Patricia Highsmith. I just love skinny dyke bitches.

>> No.20402049

Ehhhhh if it counts due to the gay scene probably a-rebours.

And by the way, calling Whitman homosexual, it’s more accurate to say the man was a hardcore onanist, the only man he ever loved was himself, his poetry is after a manner a kind of spiritual masturbation, I do not mean that mockingly but after a manner as a compliment, the sexual play of the parts of himself and his fixation with his own body, his personality as divided from that, his ego divided from that and his soul divided from that, all in all his major theme is the spiritual masturbation of the parts of the self.

>> No.20402053
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My favorite "LGBTQ literature" is the part where God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in the book of Genesis.

>> No.20402058

cringe larper

>> No.20402073

Based. Double based for triggering trannies like >>20402058

>> No.20402076


>> No.20402084
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>> No.20402096
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the well of loneliness by radclyffe hall
original and best. a proper classic.

>> No.20402102

Based God hating fags so much he nuked the shit out of them.

>> No.20402104

The works of Walt Whitman and Oscar Wilde

>> No.20402110

and yet there are still "fags". more than ever if /pol/tards are to be believed
why hasn't your god just done it again?

>> No.20402117

I love Whitman and Byron as poets, but not their poetry. I feel like you can’t separate them from their work, and they embody what it is to be a poet. Like poetry in the human form

>> No.20402129
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>> No.20402131

In spite of all the flag signalling fags are still a miniscule part of the population. No one carea. I live in a major liberal city and we have a rash of gay and trans hate crimes and the police don't even be pretend to care. Only reason you dumbfucks still exists is because white people are generally more merciful.

>> No.20402133


>> No.20402156
File: 22 KB, 279x445, 7AEE26AF-5397-4F03-A161-93B13C619E1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count? My interpretation of this is that the two boy main characters are dating. They read exactly like the way I would expect a dating couple to speak to one another but I don’t think the book ever outright said they were gay or in a relationship. I think they were described as friends but the way the boys speak to one another comes off as romantic.
I could be over analyzing F Gardner’s book but to me this is the impression I got.

>> No.20402160

This is honestly a really interesting take.

>> No.20402171

I dunno. but it blew my fuckin mind to see that Arcade had the same characters as Crocodile. Kinda reminds me of how plays will have the same characters but for separate stories.

>> No.20402745

fucking yikes

>> No.20402767

The Picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.20402775
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>> No.20402808

The Greeks are very good.

>> No.20402815

Memoirs of Hadrian
The City and the Pillar of Salt
Schopenhauer's Complete Works

>> No.20402818
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>> No.20403002
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Satyricon by Petronis.

>> No.20403168

Eh Probably not bro. Gardner just writes simple pulp horror.

>> No.20403732
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>> No.20403733

>why hasn't your god just done it again?
If you don't know, just say "I don't know".

>> No.20403772

I don't think i read much that explicit promoted as LGBTQ.
I really like Berlin Stroies if that counts.

>> No.20403890

The Gay Science.

>> No.20403906

It's not that they were fags per say, it's that they were going to rape the two angel boys from heaven and would even kill Lot and his family to get to them

>> No.20403986

Because Christ has already died for all our sins. This includes you getting sodomized every now and then. Disgusting.

>> No.20404000

The angels would've enjoyed it

>> No.20404351

Plato’s symposium because it portrays Alcibiades as a gay rapist who can’t seduce Socrates the satyr

>> No.20404354

Dorian Gay

>> No.20404355

best post in the thread

>> No.20404384

American Psycho

Just the perfect encapsulation of America in the second half of the 20th century. Violent gang of bloodthirsty mauraders using the threat or actuality of violence to enforce our economic whims on a global society.

Nicaguran death squads, south american coups backed by the DOD, inner city cops recieving CIA and FBI training so they can continue beating/killing poor minorities with ruthless efficacy, labor movements being put down by large multinational corporations so americans can continue to enjoy cheap products, firebombing vietnemese civilians, etc.

I've always felt Patrick Batemans violence was a fantasy to prevent him from seeing what a god damn boring basic generic rich daddy's boy loser he is, but the violence is still real it's just symbolic of the violence the united states and it's allies inflicted on the rest of the world in the 20th century to ensure everyone plays by our rigged version of capitalism.

And yes for anyone who didnt know Brett Easton Ellis is hella gay.

>> No.20404404

since I don't want to make a new thread, why did the modern spawned too many gay artists?
I'm not just talking about literature (which itself had Poe, Arthur Rimbaud, Verlaine, Gore Vidal) but also painting (Francis Bacon, Warhol) and music (John Cage, Tchaikovsky).
One has to wonder if it was the begin of the globohomo.

>> No.20404413

The Alcibiades dialogue when Socrates basically tells Alcibiades he is a stupid faggot and he hit the wall and nobody likes him.

>> No.20404441

The Iliad

>> No.20404898

“You’re a fag and your shit’s all retarded.” - Socrates basically

>> No.20404909


>> No.20404960

the most virulent homophobes are self-hating gays

>> No.20405095

There were already several artists with homosexual inclinations before, but modern age gave birth to the concept of sexual orientation and the whole "gay identity".

>> No.20405400


>> No.20405406

no, that's just you projecting because you can't imagine anyone not liking being unnaturally diddled in the ass.

>> No.20405410

this, it used to actually be a private thing, but they have been instrumentalized by the usual idiots.

>> No.20405438

This book is really easy to masturbate to.
>ywn have a giton of your own

>> No.20405642

Sonetti lussuriosi
Les 120 journées de Sodome
My Secret Life
À rebours
Monsieur Vénus
Under the Hill
Les Chansons de Bilitis
Monsieur de Phocas
Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß
Fr. Rolfe's Venice Letters
Der Tod in Venedig
Sodome et Gomorrhe (La recherche)
Le Livre blanc
Confessions of a Mask
La carne de René
L'exilé de Capri
L'apprenti sorcier
A Single Man
Les garçons
Éden, Éden, Éden
The Wild Boys
Les guérillères
Journal d’un innocent
A Boy's Own Story
Mystiek lichaam
Horse Crazy
À l'ami qui ne m'a pas sauvé la vie
Dans ma chambre
The Sluts
Castle Faggot

>> No.20405851

Very Foucault

>> No.20406218

The transgender industrial complex

>> No.20406220

The Sailor who Fell from Grace to the Sea

>> No.20407206


>> No.20407219
File: 200 KB, 583x842, DontForgetTheWhip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20407226

Literally everyone in ancient Greece was a homosexual pedophile.

>> No.20407244

no,in fact that's a leftist psyop there's no evidence of Greeks treating pederasty and homosexuality with anything but absolute contempt while the Persians obviously DID partake.

>> No.20407250

You don't know what you're talking about, read Against Timarchus

>> No.20407662

>read Against Timarchus
Did *you* ever read it?
Against Timarchus doesn't make any point against homosexuality. Timarchus was deemed unworthy of having political rights because he used to be a prostitute, and Athenians believed people who sell their bodies could easily sell their opinions as well.

>> No.20407740

>Dude..every person in history who wasn't married was actually gay!

>> No.20408210

>a private thing
Homosexual relations being actively criminalized for most of history had absolutely nothing to do with this of course.

>> No.20408846


pretty sure Greek Eromenoi were closer in age to modern age of consent than say Romans fucking 12 year olds.

>> No.20408951

It sure did, and they should be criminalized again. Imagine seeing the state of corruption in Western society today and believing otherwise.

>> No.20409712


>> No.20409786


>> No.20409810

>Christ died for all sins
Found the universalist fag

>> No.20410170

Does Brideshead Revisited count

>> No.20410184

The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.20410189

Theres a monkeypox outbreak right nwo