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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 394 KB, 1395x1080, Dalí Atomicus, Salvador Dalí and Philippe Halsman collaboration, 1948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.20402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You've got to be kidding me right? /Fit/ and /Lit/ are combined now? Why not /Lit/ and /His/? Why not /Lit/ and /Pol/? WHAT THE FUCK DO WORKING OUT AND LITERATURE HAVE TO DO ONE ANOTHER YOU FUCKING IGNORANT PIECES OF SHIT!?!?!?

>> No.20421

O-one r-rep...max

>> No.20440
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>post yfw OP has never lifted anything heavier than his dick

>> No.20574

fit and lit rhyme
*drops thesaurus*

>> No.20590

Ba dum tss

>> No.20654

>/fitlit/ - Well-Rounded Citizens

>> No.20664

It's sad this is probably an accurate assessment of the moderators thought processes.

>> No.20669
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>post yfw you bench double of OP's iq on a daily basis

>> No.20683

Truth is though, it's working. The other boards are whining and bitching but everyone here is having a great time.

>> No.20684

Its just an april fools joke you asshat.
Is 1 day of not being able to autism on your board too much for you? Get a hobby or something nerd

>> No.20698

/fitlit/ is how /pol/ should behave, desu

>> No.20706

>l-l-l-look how much I c-can lift guys!

Thank you for proving me right on the absolute insanity of this board fusion.

>> No.20710

/mlpol/ seems to actually be having a good time

>> No.20716

being this new

>> No.20720
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>benching every day
found the dyel

>> No.20722

Mens sana in corpore sano

>> No.20746


>> No.20749

No you guys just need to contain your autism.

>> No.20757
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2 x 0 = 0 you dumb nignog

>> No.20768

I benched 295lbs just today, getting close to 3pl8.

>> No.20770

/cock/ - Cooking & Cartoons

>> No.20778

Oh, man. I HOPE you're right. If that's the case the mods are awesome because they got me good.

I didn't even remember that was today.

>> No.20794

Happy April fools anon!

>> No.20822

A lot of boards got the treatment.


>> No.20833
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Yeah, because /cock/ and /mlpol/ make so much sense

>> No.20834
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Actually, he would have to bench 314lbs.

>> No.20855
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This guy has it.

>> No.20885


>fit and lit get combined
>a /lit fag estats his IQ, just as everyone on fit estats their lifts

Really depolarizes my membrane potential

>> No.20886

together, they make you a Well-Rounded Citizen

>> No.20915
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You got me there. I'm actually laughing.

Best roast.

>> No.20921

/his/ is a containment board for christfags who unironically quote the bible as fact, and having it here for even one day would do irreparable damage
You already know why /pol/ is shit

>> No.20932
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>He doesn't listen to audiobooks while doing cardio.

>> No.20997
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I don't listen to audiobooks period. I read books. I listen to classical music while I work out - or anytime I listen to music.

>> No.21055

I read them between sets

>> No.21056

I am one of those Christians.

Although I would not quote Scripture in a discussion with a non-Chistian (unless the topic was the Bible, Christianity, or something related).

>you already know why /pol/...

Yes, you're right I do.

>> No.21071

This 2bh.

I read books / ebooks to relax after I have exercised while listening to music.

I tend to listen to songs with beats, though.
More so, songs with a beat that can be halved and still have a rhythm to exercise to.
Megamixes are great for this.

>> No.21125

These are all fucking great.
Like ck and co is like WWHHAATT????

and mlp and pol is an absolute trainwreck right now

I wish they would of mushed /n with something

>> No.21132

>not /fit/ and /co/
Wasted opportunity.

>> No.21150

>Why not /Lit/ and /Pol/?
I love /pol/tard tears.

>> No.21155

>2017>not building your body and your mind to become a well-rounded individual

>> No.21209

>he cant master mind and body
stay pleb wimp

>> No.21260

>OP is this stupid
>calls other idiots

>> No.21323

You must admit there is far greater overlap between literature and politics than literature and fitness.

For my 10th birthday, I got a set of dumbells, a pocket knife, and a barrel of whey protein (my father is an avid athletic). I've been ripped for a long time anon. However, I consider the amalgamation of these boards a greater distraction than an improvement.

Still, you are all more pleasant than I expected.

I have to confess - I saw the combined boards and panicked before actually giving you all a chance.

I'm quite ashamed of myself.

>> No.21324

You're alright, /fit/. This was fun, but hopefully things go back to normal tomorrow since all our /lit/ threads are getting burried by the amount of /fit/ posts.

>> No.21333
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I honestly just came here just now and i got to say wtf. I don't think im going to post here anymore. /fit/ was good when there was occasional sip threads and shit post threads. now they are trying to clean it up by inviting a bunch of pretentious autists to our bro board. wtf seriously what is going on?

>> No.21337

/fit/ threads*

>> No.21342

Don't feel bad, /pol/ has it worse right now.

>> No.21360

>being a brainlet
baka do you even read between sets?

>> No.21387
File: 817 KB, 1215x3031, 1484071350503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ and /pol/
/pol already has a book club.
They have a mega repository.

Have this from /pol/ with love to /fitlit/

>> No.21415


Fug i just remembered the date. whew

>> No.21438

There, there, anon. Go to sleep. Things will look better in the morning.

>> No.21454

Get Ironpilled bro.

>> No.21457
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i read my feels

>> No.21486

You're just mad because /pol/ has encountered a board (/mlp/) that has autism power levels that match your own.

>> No.21492

every combo has this kind of thread


>> No.21508
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Want to know how I know you read only for the image and to look good to others?

They're heavily connected. Both are self improvement. If you truly read, odds are you also see great value in lifting too.

Shoo shoo, ugly DYEL brainlet.

>> No.21579

Good job being completely wrong.

>> No.21623

Nope. Literature is self-improvement for most cases. You get something out of it. Lifting/fitness is self improvement as well.

I suggest you go and sit at starbucks for another 7 hours with that DFW cover in full view hoping someone will notice how smart you are.

>> No.21664

I love how much faith you have in your absolutely abysmal intuition.

>> No.21679
File: 3.35 MB, 2560x2739, 1457659874323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is /pol/'s book repository.

personal recc's

Plato's Republic
Ride The Tiger
Into the Cannibals Pot
Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the face of Jihad.
Wealth of Nations
War on Cops
Black Lies Matter
Democracy: The God the Failed
The Prince

You guys might like >>21387

>> No.21721
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I'm genuinely confused at how someone that supposedly reads (which is ultimately a form of self-improvement) also thinks being fit/lifting doesn't fall under the same wing of progress under self.

You're a bitter sudo m8. Go post some neechee quotes on your insta

>is he just angry that the 6'4" natty chad also reads just as much as he does

>> No.21728

This is why no one likes /pol/.

>> No.21732
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>> No.21758

This list is so bad, my God.

Is it supposed to be for 15 year old readers?

>> No.21777

/n/ is slow as fuck

What would it be meshed with, /turtle/?

>> No.21793

Well I mean /lit/ is also pretty slow and they got merged with one of the fastest boards on this site.

>> No.21801
File: 24 KB, 680x419, e93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how OP is so stupid that he can't even read the current date, while complaining about how stupid others are.

is right - your lack of basic analysis and overall attitude that being /fit/ and /lit/ aren't connected under the umbrella of self improvement seem to justify you are, in a fact, a retarded seudo that "reads" to look good. Probably also a form of compensation under his character. The most disgusting reason there is to read.

I'm willing to bet you're a solid 4/10, under 5'11", and out of shape too.

>> No.21854

I'm not critiquing your correlative assertions. I'm saying you're way off base on what kind of person I am.

Likewise, if you had read through the thread you would have already seen my reasons for objecting to the conjoining of our two boards.

Now, go and work on that intuition. Find something inductive to exercise your mind.

>> No.21878

>Can't read the thread.

I commented on the date a long time ago, kiddo.

See above >>20778

>> No.21920
File: 9 KB, 320x180, For+example+the+guy+_560de6235b5b3bb870315a7bfa56a2ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commented on the date a long time ago

Once someone was polite enough to point it out for you.

>Find something inductive to exercise your mind.

Literally pic related.

>> No.21941

>*throws bookcase at you

>> No.22089

Yes, he was kind enough to point it out - though I wouldn't call his manner polite.

Nice try, but you're still way off. You may want to try making guesses which aren't all interrelated and meme-ish.

>catches it
>thanks you
>fills case
>pours glass of wine
>grabs a book

>> No.22107

Because it's funnier when the boards aren't related. /mlpol/ is genius.

>> No.22159

self-improvement, obviously

>> No.22169

dunno mate, you just reek of faggotry.

people that think shit like its impossible to be /fit/ and well-read or intelligent simultaneously are usually the bitter virgins that read just to compensate for their physical status.

>> No.22179
File: 443 KB, 1506x3976, 1486290744101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combining /fit/ with our /lit/ is honestly awful.

The amount of faggots here dramatically increased with this merge.
Merge /lit/ with a better board, please.

>> No.22209

>not even one plate

>> No.22230

>/lit/ and /pol/


The ensuing shitstorm would be hilarious

>> No.22275

>/lit/ and /pol/

Does your reading material only consist of poorly compressed jpegs about jews?

>> No.22445

My dear, dear man. How are you so lost?

>> No.22508

>The folder link you are trying to access is no longer available. This could be due to the following reasons:


>> No.22518

do it

>> No.22556
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>> No.22647
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>> No.22691

/fit/ here

5 bucks says he's right desu

>> No.22805


wew newfags this was from the bread pill generals before /his/ split

>> No.22838

How would you prefer to pay me? Paypal? Check? Mail?

>> No.23303

Hopefully /co/ and /ck/ are blueboards...
Imagine if they ever went red the flurry of dickposting there while they merged... wew lad, /fit/ would have migrated their with /r9k/ and /soc/.