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20400666 No.20400666 [Reply] [Original]

Wellbeck is too pessimistic for fragile 4chan incels. This book sent me into a bout of depression (what else do I call it?) for about a week. I think that I'm most recovered now, but I still cry from time to time when thinking about this book. I can totally see how someone worse off than me can easily use this book to justify wallowing in pessimism, staying chronically online, and not doing anything with their life.

>> No.20401098

Go to sleep, Satan. This book made me enjoy the state we're in. Get behind me!

>> No.20401290
File: 1.34 MB, 1245x1600, Michel-Houellebecq-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First time reading Houellebecq eh? At some point you have to realize houellebecqs view of the word is an extreme one. He let's you into his world and explore it for a bit. If you make the choice to stay in it you probably should just kill yourself.

>> No.20401330

which houellebecq should i read first? i have elementary particles/atomised on my ereader but idk

>> No.20401352

His first, Whatever, and then Elementary Particles.

>> No.20401432

He had a somewhat unlucky early life. There is a French interview where he describes going to like 50 job interviews after graduating with a technical degree and getting rejected everywhere for reasons I don't really understand. Then like 2 years of being a NEET while his wife was working as a cleaner or something. He reads Lovecraft, gets a child, has still no job, becomes clinically depressed. All the while you have this hyperintelligent guy who I guess knew he was destined to be at the top somewhere. That probably has left its mark on his world view, though he hates this kind of biographical reductionism lol.

>> No.20401447

Particles/Atomised is generally the suggested starting point. You can read his first, too; it's short and gives the feeling of his outlook throughout his following work.

>> No.20402338

Didn't he go to film school after the agronomy degree? Then got sucked into IT?

>> No.20403494

Yeah, I think he never finished his film school degree. And the IT job he only got because some friend gave it to him iirc. It's really hard to understand how he could have fucked up things to this extent.

>> No.20403923

Yeah but didn't his parents abandon him to live in some commune or something? That definitely had to have been the catalyst.

>> No.20405009

Not everybody is as ugly and bald as Houellebecq. I can't relate to any of his books.

>> No.20405744
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 854081161001_6160067919001_6160060421001-vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the point of the German pedo and the few pages graphically describing his sex acts with a 10 year old girl? How did it play into the story or tone of the book?

>> No.20405846

Sounds like you're a limp-wristed faggot. Go suck on a muffler.

>> No.20405853


100% start with Whatever. It's his first, you can read it in a day.

>> No.20405865

Finished the map and the territory yesterday. Pretty good in the whole. Serotonin still has the east ending - even tho it's a slow burner. Atomized and whatever ate kino incel core; submission is a Muslim white pill. WHEN IS THE TRANSLATION COMING FOR THE LAST ONE, BROOOS???????

>> No.20406701

No, over the years he actually seems to be on his way to some sort of a solution

>> No.20406707

Do you even know what incel means?

>> No.20406712

Our guy