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/lit/ - Literature

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20399495 No.20399495 [Reply] [Original]

ITT post lesser known authors and books the likes of which only 4chan or /lit/ users would read. Wanna support independent authors and also don’t want ya garbage you find in bookstores. I’ll start. Just finished picrel yesterday. Seemed extremely shallow, edgy “dark” web user basically incel does incel shit and dies an incel death

>> No.20399526

Inb4 CotC

>> No.20399662

i havent read that one but i liked his follow up, "negative space," quite a bit.

i liked maggie siebert's collection "bonding."

>> No.20399677

fuck off ”maggie”

>> No.20399681
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>> No.20399685
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>> No.20399698


they (negative space / bonding) were both published on the same press, who do a lot of cool shit in general.

br and maggie seem to be friends based off twitter interactions

>> No.20399722

Stop posting this schlock

>> No.20399738

yeager is alright but bonding (more like networking) is like random entries from a copypasta wiki

>> No.20399765

How’s negative space?

Also, unironically, does any anon know if Gothic Violence is any good?

>> No.20399786

Amazon suggested this book to me and I found the description laughable. "The dark seedy underbelly of the internet that radicalizes young men" or some shit. I love how people prop up 4chan and it's reputation more than what 4chan actually does.

>> No.20399789

dropped it when he started naming 2019 celebs

>> No.20399814

the thing that rubs me wrong about this nu-transgressive stuff is that it’s basically a support group for people who once browsed 4chan but today see themselves as ”above” it because they became good socialists and trans allies, yet their experience here, in all its abjection, remains the richest vein to mine. they’ll fill their little books with dennis cooper fanfic that doesn’t shock anyone anymore but won’t dare to have one of their edgelord characters say nigger

>> No.20399819

Lmfao. This is a fucking Mongolian basket weaving site and motherfuckers like the most recent famous shooter in America namedrop this site like it’s their fucking Bible. Amygdalatropolis is quite similar to what you’re describing. It reached quite far in its “le 4chinns bad” metaphors. I liked its brief breaks of purple setting writing though

>> No.20399992

I think it recently aged fairly well.

>> No.20400018

What I find funny about literature of transgression is that everyday Mexicans in drug cartels put said authors' imaginations to shame. Can't write about that though, that would be racist and promoting xenophobic attitudes in the era of white supremacist misinformation kek

The "dark seedy underbelly" of the internet radicalizes young men into holding moral beliefs normal before 1968. If an author wanted to be really edgy, they should entertain the possibility that most of these people are all too sane.