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20397366 No.20397366 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20397387

Not a specialist, but it seems like a book to me.

>> No.20397397

Not to brag but it wasn't as nebulous as I was expecting it to be.

>> No.20397445


>> No.20397591

Don't read Nabokov, he's for hipsters

>> No.20397744

its complicated enough that i have no idea what youre saying what to

it is under the surface. i wish someone compiled all the wierd details and theories. right now there are only lots of 20 page long papers with a single thing to say

>> No.20400430

I hate books with intrusive prologue and epilogue, I just skip that shit. Poem isn't even that good.

>> No.20400456
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>> No.20400524

This is what being filtered looks like.

>> No.20401959

A thread died for this.

>> No.20402222
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What was the point? Just silly satire on going down the rabbit hole? Why was there random le Beatles teen band? Because the 60s? Why did they show MCs husband once? Why was she a whore? Am I retarded? What am I missing?

>> No.20402905

It's Pynchon. That reaction is the point.

>> No.20402944

it's actually a conservative book even tho libs love it for the strong female protagonist, basically a housewife goes out in search of the vast mail conspiracy, and instead finds hidden male suffering everywhere

>> No.20402962

Or everything is political, at least in a purely left or right spectrum. You’re seeing ghosts

>> No.20402965

*not everything is political

>> No.20402966

i didn't say anything about left or right

>> No.20402969

It is when the guy putting stuff out has a political agenda.

>> No.20402970

I see conservative and liberal in your post. Unless that isn’t you? And if we are playing semantics, just change my left and right to the two words above

>> No.20402971

pynchon's obviously a liberal guy or he wouldn't be famous ... but that doesn't mean his books are cut and dry lib shit

>> No.20402976

so you think the message of a housewife going out in search of some antique network of mail power only to find a lot of really unhappy men is a liberal progressive message? it seems a lot more nuanced than strong female protagonist saves the day, especially since the ending is completely unclear, also u think a book about conspiracy and hidden networks doesn't have faint and obscured themes in it?

>> No.20402982

I think you are seeing what you want to see, which is ghosts. You’re brain is rotted from politics

>> No.20403001

it has nothing to do with politics dude, the it's showing that in the 1960s housewives thought they were being oppressed and men had these great lives through the patriarchy, but no, men are not necessarily happier than the stifled housewife. that's not a "conservative" message like "vote for goldwater" but it's conservative in the sense that it acknowledges males aren't "le bad", and it also shows the difficulty men had communicating emotionally, but it does admit there are power networks that predate the modern state etc. imagine reading pynchon and just thinking it's a bunch of jokes about hippies, man this site is ass.

>> No.20403009

Do it and post it here

>> No.20403873

for those who are in the know, the first four lines of the poem contain the meaning of life

"I was the shadow of the waxwing slain
By the false azure in the windowpane
I was the smudge of ashen fluff, and I
Lived on, blew on, in the reflected sky"

>> No.20403891

I really liked the way he describes the husband's life as a car salesman and the lives they leave in their cars when they trade them in. Otherwise I had mostly the same impression as you.

>> No.20404710

ya and when he describes the old man's bed and how the bed leaves an imprint of ourselves and how we vanish when that bed is gone.