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20397293 No.20397293 [Reply] [Original]

>I asked Naveh why Deleuze and Guattari were so popular with the Israeli military. He replied that ‘several of the concepts in A Thousand Plateaux became instrumental for us […] allowing us to explain contemporary situations in a way that we could not have otherwise. It problematized our own paradigms. Most important was the distinction they have pointed out between the concepts of “smooth” and “striated” space [which accordingly reflect] the organizational concepts of the “war machine” and the “state apparatus”. In the IDF we now often use the term “to smooth out space” when we want to refer to operation in a space as if it had no borders. […] Palestinian areas could indeed be thought of as “striated” in the sense that they are enclosed by fences, walls, ditches, roads blocks and so on.’


>The attack conducted by units of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) on the city of Nablus in April 2002 was described by its commander, Brigadier-General Aviv Kokhavi, as ‘inverse geometry’, which he explained as ‘the reorganization of the urban syntax by means of a series of micro-tactical actions’. During the battle soldiers moved within the city across hundreds of metres of ‘overground tunnels’ carved out through a dense and contiguous urban structure. Although several thousand soldiers and Palestinian guerrillas were manoeuvring simultaneously in the city, they were so ‘saturated’ into the urban fabric that very few would have been visible from the air. Furthermore, they used none of the city’s streets, roads, alleys or courtyards, or any of the external doors, internal stairwells and windows, but moved horizontally through walls and vertically through holes blasted in ceilings and floors. This form of movement, described by the military as ‘infestation’, seeks to redefine inside as outside, and domestic interiors as thoroughfares. The IDF’s strategy of ‘walking through walls’ involves a conception of the city as not just the site but also the very medium of warfare – a flexible, almost liquid medium that is forever contingent and in flux.


So this is the power of the written word?

>> No.20397309

>borrow topological and geometric concepts
>use them in philosophy
>military retards think they're smart when they convert those concepy back to geometry again

>> No.20397311

What a picture. The Israeli isn’t able to even look her in the eye

>> No.20397317

Negarestani got a very similar sounding passage on urban warfare in Cyclonopedia, which makes me inclined to believe that what you've posted is also partially motivated by him and is altogether an exercise in theory fiction writing

>> No.20397325

The Palestinian intifada, Hezbollah etc are literally nomadic war machines, that's why they use these concepts
First thing I thought of, he talks a whole lot about middle eastern warfare in deleuzian terms

>> No.20397327 [DELETED] 

>When Palestinian residents of the besieged West Bank town of Ramallah turned on their TVs over the weekend, what they encountered was neither news nor any of the usual Palestinian Authority programming; they encountered pornographic movie clips.

>Three of the four TV stations in Ramallah, headquarters of Yasser Arafat, had been occupied by Israeli troops. The town’s remaining TV station was meanwhile running a crawl at the bottom of the screen explaining that the porn clips were the work of the occupying forces. “We urge parents to take precautions,” it read.

>Israel is not below exposing families and children to pornography against their will. I mean, what did we expect? They’re not below murdering children outright, so exposing them to graphic sexual images is a step up as far as Zionist morality is concerned.

>Replacing Palestinian news and other programming with such material also increases the stress and frustration of the populace. Remember, Ramallah’s residents were unable to leave their homes, even to buy groceries. Their need for information was intense. Israeli forces had the option of taking the TV stations off the air entirely. Instead, they left them operating, but broadcasting “replacement” imagery. The pornography may well have been even more demoralizing than no programming at all.

>George Soros and his charitable organization, Open Society Foundations (OSF), in advocating for the full decriminalization of the sex trade industry. Research finds that OSF spends only a small amount of money on grass roots “sex worker” groups around the world advocating for full decriminalization, but the foundation awards larger amounts of funds to large human rights groups whose reports and policies have a wider reach.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8H7rqkXXb98 [Embed]

>Leaked files expose Syria psyops veteran astroturfing BreadTube star to counter Covid restriction critics
>Valent Projects staffer Hamish Falconer has disclosed that the “exciting” Challenging Pseudoscience campaign has also received “generous support” from the Open Society Foundations of CIA-adjacent billionaire George Soros.
tranny breadtube star philosophytube collaborated with adam ruins everything. xe also did videos about normalizing ''sex work''. the reason leftist propaganda makes you feel like you are at the receiving end of a root canal, its george soros and prince charles trying to buckbreak you into a fierce, fetanyl affirming trans sex worker.


>> No.20397349

This. It seems like a pretty superficial reading of D&G.

>> No.20397362

There isn't a "deep" reading of it because none of what they describe actually exists or has any applications to the real world outside of a handful of academic texts.

>> No.20397363

Jews demonstrating high verbal IQ once again, with Jews you win.

>> No.20397427

when jews get better at D&G they start setting breadtube ZOG-a-ganda channels staffed by psyops special forces veterans who went native by trooning out in order to be at the knife's edge of biopolitical security ensuring vaccine compliancy and shutting down the opposition before it emerges.

>> No.20397441

There aren't major and minor arts, sciences, and philosophies? Desire isn't a productive force? The actions of bodies can't be compared to the actions of machines? Bodies don't form by processes of differentiation?

>> No.20397442

The most unbiased D&G critic

>> No.20397461

Israeli subversion began, at a level where the unified idea of a 'jewish people' subverting other states, with the book of Ezra.

>> No.20397466

If you're so smart give concrete real life examples/applications of terms such as body without organs, plane of immanence, nomadic war machine, assemblage and haecceity.

>> No.20397468

also jews are a territorial state machine in israel but elsewere they function as a deterritorializing nomadic war machine, treating the whole world as a no rules minecraft server were they subver everyone else for shits and giggles.

>> No.20397489

Jews in Israel are a completely different thing than rootless globalist Jews, outside of a few government types they are just as subversion of traditional values as any goy

>> No.20397494

Deleuze and Guattari hated Israel. This is just proof that most philosophy is relativist garbage that can be repurposed for anything and by anyone

>> No.20397498

haha what if they kissed

>> No.20397510
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this is a good book exposing postmodern relativists

>> No.20397522

>Deleuze and Guattari hated Israel.
Who cares? To the extent that there was a political trend in French philosophy at the time, it was seething about Fascism, or seething at France for having colonies in Algeria and Indochina. "Postmodern relativists" aren't moral relativists, they're antifascist, know the difference.

>> No.20397536

I mean if these people are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books, not wanting children to be molested, not wanting to be a second class citizen in your own country or having thoughts unapproved by the DNC corporate media, can fascism probably be all that bad?

>> No.20397552

Is it actually worth it tactically to blow up holes in ceilings and floors just as a means of passing through space? Doesn't it expose your position?

>> No.20397558

No one gives a fuck about your retarded article that gets posted here over the years. Some academic jew with IDF talking superficially abut deleuze does not make him popular anong the IDF. You must be a retarded undergrad

>> No.20397559

>body without organs
Something that you strive towards but have no actual intention of reaching, just as a goal to be worked towards. Ethnic purity is an example.

>plane of immanence
A space from which creativity can be drawn. Historical revisionism is literally this.

>nomadic war machine
A band of men separate from the state that is kept at the periphery and moved towards some state end (if the men themselves are choosing to overthrow a state then the state that is using them is the state that they will found). While this is LITERALLY the Indo-European Koryos in A Thousand Plateaus, it is also THE ENTIRE POINT of using ethnic proxies, such as Niggers, to stir up conflict.

Board culture.

Being an actual human being and not just a walking meme or CONSOOOOOMER.

>confusing the Frankfurt School and Postmodernism
Yes, I'm sure that the crippled fag in a wheelchair will stop fucking his cousin and GONVERD to GADOLIZIZM :DDD if you keep losing for the Republican Party.

>> No.20397567

>Yes, I'm sure that the crippled fag in a wheelchair will stop fucking his cousin and GONVERD to GADOLIZIZM :DDD if you keep losing for the Republican Party.
Not sure what you're getting here. I'm not even registered to vote.

>> No.20397568

What the fuck are the Palestinians going to do? Call in an air strike?

When D&G say "Fascism" they mean Stalinism. They say so. It's a joke to dunk on Tankies.

Anyways anon's problem with "Relativism" is that relativism is not subjective enough and you can still find meaning with it. He wants everyone to reject meaning entirely. This is because his position is one construction by Jews to make him lose.

>> No.20397576

These are equivalent of IDF’s version of america’s military war college where it is just theory for them to get a M.A. For example, there is a paper written by a Colonel analyzing Trotsky’s military strategy and how to implement his concepts into real world. It is all theory and will never be implemented by the boots on the ground

>> No.20397592

That's actually really good explanations, thank you. I wish I had this kind of understanding when I was actually reading their books.

>> No.20397593

>What the fuck are the Palestinians going to do? Call in an air strike?
Of course not, but if the position is exposed then what is point of "infestation" through "overground tunnels" ? Why not just go a more direct route?
Furthermore, is it worth the use of explosives to burst through a floor/ceiling instead of just taking the stairs?
I'm just struggling to understand the point of this innovative means of warfare. Is it worth the cost of explosives?

>> No.20397594

Get the Brent Adkins reader. Trust me, it helps.

>> No.20397603

>what is point of "infestation"
Terror. The point is that Schlomo can be anywhere, at any time, and torture you and your family to death. If you even think about doing anything against the will of Israel, the fucking floor will erupt and four pasty dweebs will come out and skin your daughter to death while raping your son.

The reason that the IDF does this is because it is filled with neurotic psychopaths. Are your criticisms valid? Absolutely. But these are the people who think that a million gentile lives aren't worth a single Jewish toenail.

>> No.20397610

Yeah I was the one who said the IDF reading is superficial. We agree.

>> No.20397627

Honestly, I did not even read your full post I replied to. I simply saw the first line saying minors and majors arts and sciences and immediately went to academia. Contextually, my reply was useless.

>> No.20397632

Israel gets billions from the US taxpayers to do this shit. It's not they're money.

>> No.20397643

But is controlling the US Congress to secure funds by means of pedophile blackmail not part of the work of the nomadic war machine?

>> No.20397648

It's ok anon. I suggest you actually try to understand Deleuze's concepts though. You don't need to be pozzed to find value in his thought. I suggest watching Deleuze's alphabet book on youtube to get a feel of where he's coming from.

>> No.20397656

Jews as a whole can't really be considered a nomadic war machine, they're more so a state apparatus. The problem that people fall for is failing to recognize that it isn't "Israel" but rather JEWS AS A RACE. It's the Shtetl gone global.

>> No.20397658
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virgin IDF reading deleuze still unable to defeat starving arab children Chad american hereditary naval aristocracy reading korzybski and turning their own country into a william s burroughs novel

>> No.20397663

I have spent 6 years studying Deleuze, my friend. Then I went to law school, and well I apply deleuzian concepts in the criminal defense world

>> No.20397669

You gotta read 1000 pages of frog garbage to understand these? D&G bros can like their books, but I seriously cannot fathom that someone with at least some intellect and reads broadly couldn't have understood these movements/phenomena by themselves without all the "schizoanalysis"

>> No.20397674

Welcome to the French Catholic mystical tradition, enjoy your stay. It's been like this since Charlemagne kicked the bucket.

>> No.20397682

Ok I thought you were this anon >>20397362

>> No.20397683

You're supposed to read a bunch of Freud, Kant, Heidegger, Husserl etc before you read D&G

>> No.20397684

Don't forget Spengler, Toynbee, and most importantly Georges Dumezil.

>> No.20397691

wait seriously? i thought they were commies

>> No.20397701

They're pretty cool, they reference Lovecraft and Carlos Castaneda too

>> No.20397708

If you're referring to Deleuze, Deleuze declared himself a leftist iirc, but he may not have considered himself a Communist, certainly not in the sense of Stalin which was what mattered at the time. I believe Badiou, an unironic Maoist, went on a rather odd tirade accusing Deleuze of fascism.

>> No.20397709

A Thousand Plateaus is fundamentally about engaging with the counter-history (that is, a history counter to the Abrahamic history that posits Jews as the protagonists) setup by Georges Dumezil. It's from him that they draw... well really everything in the book. The "nomadic war machine" is the Indo-European mannerbund, AKA the Koryos. Their conception of political power and sovereignty is just Mitra-Varuna. They lift the blisteringly hot take about nomads not actually moving from Toynbee and cite Spengler a few times.

The bit about desire being the fuel of Capitalism and not Labor is ultimately what divorces them from Marxism, and in doing so they setup Capitalism as a force that is, always has been, and always will be, with mankind and isn't really a "development" as part of a Whiggish history (Because such a thing cannot happen in the history that they are engaging with). Rather, we've just segued into a period where Capitalism is dominant as opposed to other forces, and this too shall pass for reasons entirely divorced from some grand Hegelian arc. While this bit is taking place within Dumezil's history, it's ultimately about Freud and Marx more so than comparative linguistics or whatever.

>> No.20397718

Both of them were pretty fucking whacky, most Commies reject them for having triple digit IQs. Deleuze called himself a Marxist but tbqh he rejected a lot of the key points of Marxism (>>20397709) so I think that this was just a way for him to be an edgy troll. Guattari was absolutely just your bog standard Catholic Mystic with an eschatological bent. In as much as he thought that some grant narrative would happen that would change all of mankind, yes, he was doing what Abrahamics always do, but given what he did with Deleuze I can't imagine he would endorse Struggle Sessions or Collective Farms or whatever dumb bullshit Vaush watchers want to inflict upon the world.

>> No.20397725

What is the link with Catholic Mysticism that you mentioned a few times?

>> No.20397753

Deleuze throughout his works does a sort of code-switch, or intentional written idiolect of sorts, depending on whether he's doing Academic Philosophy or Philosophy (simply put). The former is totally clear, very plain, incredibly easily understood (By French speakers who know philosophical jargon). The latter is incomprehensible gibberish deriving from the French ideas of mysticism which is cloaking things in poetic babble. Being able to read the text and derive meaning from it is the key to entry: if you can't read the book and figure it out, you aren't the audience and are denied entry to the esoteric club. Anglos and Germans solve this problem by physical gatekeeping (denying people access to words rather than meaning). A number of people have commented that Deleuze (and Guattari alongside him, because basically everything that D&G did together fits under this category of Philosophy) is almost writing theology here.

A Thousand Plateaus, despite being pretty fucking Pagan in its outlook and history, is also very Christian in its reference. Not only does it draw from the aformentioned French mystical tradition, but it is constantly engaging with the French Christian experience of Church, theocratic hierarchies, salvation, grace, sin, etc. There's a funny bit where D&G talk about how the Face of Christ is the source of racism (what they actually mean, stripping the argon away, is that the post Roman West organizes things around central Christian views, and that our conception of race and ethnicity ultimately draws from Christianity and how those views interact with the world), and the problems that Christians have had with race (do you want niggers in your Church?).

The stuff on the Post-Signifying State (a social system based on a creativity drawing from a betrayal that leads to discrete temporal periods) is based on the French conceptions of the Jewish history in the Torah, and the stuff on the Signifying State (a central "Face", in this case Jesus's, is ringed by mouthpieces who speak for the Face, eternally interpreting the Face's words and handing them down to man) is drawn from the French Christian history.

>> No.20397787

>Anglos and Germans solve this problem by physical gatekeeping (denying people access to words rather than meaning).
How so? I'm American but I guess that falls under "Anglo" loosely. Don't think I would ever be able to grasp French Catholic quasi-mysticism even if I could read French.

>> No.20397804

Suppose that you have some text. This text has secrets in it. If someone who didn't "get it" got a hold of it, then there would be trouble. How do you get the text to your buddies who "get it" while keeping the plebs out?

The French answer is to just make the text incomprehensible gibberish so that even if a pleb gets a copy, they won't understand anything in it because it's all nonsense if you don't "get it". The Anglo-Germanic solution is to make the book totally accessible to the reader, but physically prevent unwanted readers from accessing the book. Freemasonry is the ur example of this, keeping secret libraries and hidden books that had to be physically kept away from outsiders.

>> No.20397813

Oh, didn't think you were being that literal about it. Just hard to see many books being really gatekept in the age of Libgen, for example.

>> No.20397928

He is schizoposting my man

>> No.20397995

The article: https://web.archive.org/web/20070415043138/http://www.frieze.com:80/feature_single.asp?f=1165

>> No.20398345

Interesting. Can you please expand on what you mean by Abrahamic history?

>> No.20399644


>> No.20400008

Pigskins are getting all esoteric with their racism now lmfao

>> No.20400215

Are you dense? Can you really not conceptualize there being books, few in existence, all of which are held in the hands of a select few, or a single group?

>> No.20400238

Abuse of mathematical language

>> No.20400320

3/10. post better bait

>> No.20400330

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