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20394716 No.20394716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if god exists and we are made in his image why did we sin before eating the apple by eating it. Shouldnt we have free will like he does and also not be retards?

>> No.20394729

God I wish that were me

>> No.20394732

So they just do that right in the middle of the floor, huh? Not even a booth or anything.

>> No.20394738

Ancient folklore shouldn't make any sense to you anyway. It's just a massive LARP, trying to rationalize the Jewish fairy tale.

>> No.20394752


stop being a coomer and you will understand the answer

>> No.20394757 [DELETED] 

So could snort shit and the dried sperms of several dozens of men right?

>> No.20394761

I tought the opposite. That is so sad.

>> No.20394771

So you could snort shit and the dried sperms of several dozens of men right?

>> No.20394776

Is she called Alex Coal because she is a coal burner?

>> No.20394785

Yes. I’ll be right back, just need to confirm something...

>> No.20394789

Whats so sad about it? Western civ rejected the so-called base appetites and after two millennia, its culminated in our being losers on 4chan. Maybe its time to rebel

>> No.20394883

Only mental illness would make someone burry their face in another person's ass crack. Butts are nice to look at during sex. You can't even look at it when you eyes are smothered. Instead you put your mouth where the woman (or man) shits. Small bits of feces will go into your mouth. Think about that. What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?

>> No.20394891


>> No.20394893

no what you're seeing is the result of rebelling 300 years ago, and western civ is condemned.

>> No.20394896

Never got your ass eaten, bro? You’d change your mind it’s amazing. Most bitches will do it but you have to show the initiative.

>> No.20394921

>Instead you put your mouth where the woman (or man) shits. Small bits of feces will go into your mouth. Think about that.
Think. This is extremely exciting.

>> No.20394927

One time a cunt tried to explore her fingers on my butt and I punched her in the face

>> No.20394936

You wish it wasn't you?

>> No.20394943

Yeah I understand, don’t like that myself. But make the bitch put her tongue in there next time, you won’t regret. She’ll expect you to return the favor but that’s optional obviously lol.

>> No.20394947
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>> No.20394966

Me on the far left.

>> No.20394967

>it’s amazing
Eh. I've gotten rimmed a few times and it was nothing. On par with getting my kneecap licked. Is my asshole broken or are people just getting off on the "tee hee this is naughty" factor?

>> No.20394973

>this faggot hasn't got a clue about immune system workouts
So tell me, how many and which allergies does your frail body unfit for the dirty world have?

>> No.20394978
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>You can't even look at it when you eyes are smothered. Instead you put your mouth where the woman (or man) shits. Small bits of feces will go into your mouth. Think about that.
Please.. keep writing about it.. sounds really bad haha.. gotta make sure I never do it.. could you write some more about how it is filthy..

>> No.20394984

If you are a smartie you will insist the woman shower at least a few hours beforehand. I say a few hours and not just before it so that in that time period the asscheeks will rub against eachother, become sweaty, and give that lil star a certain salty flavour and warm smell. The slight whiff of woman's ass and cunt at the same time is one you should've experienced as a man.

>> No.20395018

They were taught this. I've said it before to zoomers that many things that have been normalized now we're once universally known to be degenerate and for losers and it was news to them. They're parents don't/didn't teach them shit and they learn trash from trash people and sources. Porn altogether was for loser perverts who couldn't get laid and serious sexual deviants with fucked up fetishes. The fact that they've normalized even having fetishes really says it all. No normal person used to have that. Things are so fucked. We're doomed.

>> No.20395029

lmao copest of cope

>> No.20395033

>Cardi B generation glorifies booty
>Begin licking eachother out like near-empty nutella jars
>"Why do kids in HS do this thing we started"

>> No.20395063

lol chad hepatitis A enjoyer

>> No.20395066


>> No.20395071

I'm more like a GenXer, even though I'm not actually one. They were the last generation that were in any way normal at all. Millenials were fucking pussies. The millennials that were functional and didn't have to go 'adulting' hung out with older people like GenXers, learned from them, and actually developed socially. It's not millennials fault though, boomers did it to them. It's a circle of shit. There are some more normal zoomers though but they just use common sense; it's not due to an outside positive influence, because there aren't any.

>> No.20395086

>The fact that they've normalized even having fetishes really says it all. No normal person used to have that.
Tell me you’ve never read history without telling me you’ve never read history.

>> No.20395092

Christlarpers think that the past was like 1950s washing maschine commercial lmao

>> No.20395093

There's just something fundamentally wrong with zoomers. People in older generations, even without proper upbringing, never succumbed to this level of degeneracy.
Non-cute radiation poisoning from smartphones?

>> No.20395115

I feel pretty far removed from last gens myself. I feel genX got fucked over worse than millennials while being more accepting of their fate. They were more normal than their parents too. It's as you said, there's some small clusters and individuals who can get by with the help of older friends or through their common sense. It's a shame there's this generational divide making it harder for lifeskills to pass

>> No.20395116

>Small bits of feces will go into your mouth.
Anon, you need to do a better job of cleaning your ass

>> No.20395120

Hey bro, I've read shit like Taschen sex books, I've seen how there have been perversions going all the way back. To deny that modern technology and pornography and the increasingly pornographic nature of all media has not effected the younger generations negatively is a fools errand. This is not a Bacchanalia but impotent lust from disintegrated and manipulated minds. Purely pathological.

>> No.20395121

Just massive watching of pronography from early age, though millenials were already educated that way. Just ponder the average zoomer or millenials have watched hundred of hours of pornography down to the most debased and violent stuff before first kiss.

>> No.20395122


>> No.20395131

To add to this, a normie friend and I were watching Shitflix at his place and in this dumb show there was like a ten minute sex scene. In a cartoon! (I didn't choose what we watched). My buddy was like "do they want us to see this?" Even he could see what was going on.

>> No.20395141

Watching porn makes eating ass look appealing. I imagine the reality is grotesque unless you are some scatological perverted nigga. There is a reason why gay men have a massively disproportionate amount of shigella infections and gut problems. Licking poo holes, particularly those of unwashed strangers, might not be the best idea.

>> No.20395167

We have lost natural community (most people live in alienating conditions either in the city or suburbs), the negative physiological effects of technology (spot on with the radiation), diet is abyssmal (sneed oils, etc) and probably most of all the social engineering (social media, porn).
There is no succession from adult figures. People are perpetual children now and it's outside of their control. The majority of people under 40 live with their parents now because there is no other option. It's not their fault. All this is being done to people.
If the youth decide to take responsibility for themselves then the best they can do it stop watching porn, stop using social media, and go outside, talk to real people irl, and get exercise. But that still will not change the current conditions we live under. There's only so much that can be done.

>> No.20395169

In a drunken stupor, I once buried my face in a big fat sweaty club booty. You need to be drunk to enjoy it, to be at the point where your sense of taste and smell are fucked and you just don't give a fuck. Its hot in a wild degenerate kind of way. The following day its a bit awkward and you just hope you didn't catch anything. You can also smell it in your nostrils for some time afterwards, a bit like when you get strong pussy juice on your dick or fingers and it takes a while to fade.

>> No.20395196

who designed this lingerie set, i see it everywhere
i have a chinese make of it

>> No.20395205

doesn't kamasutra lists various types of philias or fetishes and it was written >500 years ago

>> No.20395207

Is casual sex worth it, anons? I want a wife but I've been single for so long, I just want to get laid a few times. I keep thinking about dating apps but I wonder if degeneracy is all its cracked up to be.

>> No.20395208

If you follow that logic, a blowjob is also quite suspect. There are about 6 billion bacteria in a human's mouth.

>> No.20395211

It is weird how being drunk makes you not care, when I'm sober I'm into eating ass and pussy and doing all kinds of nonsense but I still have to take that initial jumping into cold water type plunge into putting my face in some girl's muggy genitals. A lot of the instinct to brace yourself comes from anticipation that she might smell terrible. It's always such a relief and a nice surprise when you get one of those girls who can be hot as fuck wearing jeans all day and still smell and taste like nothing, no ass rot, nothing.

But when you get bad pussy you know it. I hooked up with this crazy 18yo once and went down to eat her ass and the only thing that can describe what happened as I came close was that it was like opening a hot oven, except with rotten musk smell instead of heat hitting me in the face. I had to do a sneaky maneuver to veer away from the ass and come back up so it wasn't obvious to her that I was going for her ass and changed my mind. I can't even imagine the smell up close and personal, that was THROUGH her pants. I feel like I almost got lost in the primordial jungle from Jumanji but turned away at the last second.

But I agree when you're drunk you don't care, almost to a scary degree. I have some drunk memories that make my eyes widen with "uh oh" fear when I think back on them. I'm not sure whether to be afraid of my drunk self's willingness to eat ass anytime and any place, or to admire him.

>> No.20395217

Yes, but it did not mass proliferate them to children.

>> No.20395220

If you're religious don't do casual sex, because it isn't worth. If you aren't, do it a few times so you can compare it to relationship sex. Women get more open when you're bonded as well so it's plainly more fun in a relationship.

>> No.20395221

Here op

>> No.20395227


Yeah nothing worse than when it absolutely reeks. Funny how some girls stink and others don't, I don't think its purely down to hygiene either.

Booze definitely makes degenerate shit easier. Probably explains why so many porn stars are druggies.

>> No.20395231

It's worthless compared with love.

>> No.20395239

Nah but it's a good idea to get it out of your system so you don't have regrets or curiosity. Women never live up to the fantasies, and mechanically speaking sex and blowjobs are always inferior to just jerking off, especially when you compare the time and soul destroying misery investment of being on Tinder for weeks or months before you get some mediocre girl who puts out as an average guy.

The one thing women have that porn and your hand (and abstinence) don't have is the sheer brutal fact of it being a real woman. I envy guys who can enjoy porn as much as the real thing, for me watching porn is just a painful reminder of what I'm not touching directly.

Personally I am glad I had plenty of casual sex before getting more serious, to get it out of my system and not spend the rest of my life wondering whether I'd be happier still having it. I still think it's objectively true that it's worthless either way, so FOMO is stupid, and if you are an incel or a single partner person you shouldn't feel bad. But it's at least convenient to just get that knowledge directly by trying it firsthand and getting bored of it, if you can. Saves you the wondering since you have the knowledge directly.

Just don't do it with decent women and ruin them. Use women who are already used up whores or bypass the bullshit altogether and go to escorts or strippers (but be safe and do your research).

>> No.20395241

Not so long ago it was something only whores did.

>> No.20395252
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>> No.20395260

Believe it or not, this is true. A pussy used to be good enough.

>> No.20395266

In my experience, it is very unfulfilling. Some guys apparently like it, though, so give it a go and see if it's for you.

>> No.20395272

Is this true? Are you saying there was no oral sex between partners not long ago?

>> No.20395273

Not true.

>> No.20395277

Not really because mouth bacteria is not the same as waste. Sure you can pass tons of things from kissing someone, swapping saliva, or sticking your cock in there, but the mouth and our body handling bacteria in the mouth is a natural aspect of our immune system. Consuming feces and those types of bacteria are much more harmful

>> No.20395279

He didn't mean none at all, only that it was a deviation when it occurred. It was not viewed as necessary.

>> No.20395282

That happened of course but that wasn't expected as it is now.

>> No.20395291

People here rather talk about eating ass than respond to my David Wallace thread. Great. How intellectual.

>> No.20395293

>Just don't do it with decent women and ruin them
Good advice overall, but this is gold. Listen to this man.

>> No.20395297
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Umm, source, sweaty?

>> No.20395312

Some of the greatest men in history never had sex.

>> No.20395318

There are 20+ DFW threads here a day, and this has been the case for over a decade. Go get a clue, you dumb tourist.

>> No.20395326

The speed of this thread is a pathetic indictment compared to any actual discussion of literature in other threads. Get real.

>> No.20395347
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Personally I don't enjoy casual sex at all - started turning it down halfway through college - but the sad truth is that you'll never hold on to a desirable woman without gaining exp in SEX talent tree. Even if the woman is "decent" and only had one or two partners before you, she still expects solid dick game. Male awkwardness (let alone virginity) is the single most repulsive thing in woman's eyes.

>> No.20395348

Yeah, you can find stuff from the 70's, like books for couples, talk shows, etc, where oral sex is discussed like it is a new frontier in the bedroom, something for the young and the daring. A little further on in time there are articles by sex advice columnists from the early 2000's declaring that "oral sex is mandatory" for relationships, showing that the act was now far more normalized but still not universally accepted like it is now.
It was definitely considered whorish, that doesn't mean that some portion of couples didn't practice it just it had an association attached to it that seems foreign in our culture.

Basically all sex acts that didn't involve unprotected vaginal penetration carried a certain stigma, simply because loose women and prostitutes would be more likely to perform acts that would minimize their chances of getting pregnant. There is a reason the rapid normalization of various acts coincides with the pill. Normalization is the key word here, people may have done whatever in the bedroom, but that is a far cry from Supermarkets blasting WAP while you shop.

>> No.20395354

Haters can hate but knowledge is getting dropped itt. They won't teach you this shit in school.

>> No.20395356

That's hot though.

>> No.20395361

My fetish is pearl-clutching virgins, and I just wanted you to know, I am seriously thinking about printing your post and making a cum tribute to it.

>> No.20395365
