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20393443 No.20393443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do zoomers actually read classics?

>> No.20393473
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Yes. Just look at any booktuber or booktok creator such as *e m m i e*. Reading is very trendy, especially with girls.

>> No.20393487

They're big on looking like they're reading. They don't even bother checking a wiki, unless they feel like someone might quiz them IRL, it's why so many are failing classes now.

>> No.20393495

Have you even watched * e m m i e * or any other booktubers or booktokers? How do they do what you accuse them of?

>> No.20393497

Zoomers don't read anything, even when they read something. A zoomer is like one of those Egyptian statues the Greeks thought were moaning because the wind was blowing through them.

>> No.20393499

can we have a census on this? any zoomercunts lurking want to share their reading list

>> No.20393502

I'm a zoomer, and I don't notice many of my classmates failing. Many of them are morons, but I don't think that I'd different from any other generation. Zoomers are more based than millennials.

>> No.20393505

thats because standards have dropped drastically.

>> No.20393518

the youngest people i actually know are guys 21-25, and they exclusively read "epic" manga, "pretty awesome" graphic novels, and fantasy series with "amazing worldbuilding"

>> No.20393531

I'm a zoomie and I'm reading Moby Dick rn (that's zoomer speak for 'right now' haha). Probably gonna read To the Lighthouse next

>> No.20393533


>> No.20393538

zoomers just read like the latest autobiographies by pedophiles celebrities or the latest trendy political books. Anything made more than 2 years ago does not exist to them.

>> No.20393545

we already had a thread over this where zoomers posted what they were reading and then all the seething manchildren millennials were upset that they were reading classics and philosophy instead of coomers VNs lol

>> No.20393546

Zoomercunt (early Gen-Z), I recently picked up the Divine Comedy and Homer's classics.

>> No.20393562

What are the zoomer cut off dates?

>> No.20393573

how old are you

>> No.20393577

I haven't read anything for the last few months, last book was some fantasy pulp, probably by Williams or Sanderson. I'm a Senior, think 1/3 of my class have failed the majority of required courses. We're not at Oregon levels, but it's close.

>> No.20393584
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>> No.20393585


>> No.20393592

Books I've read this year... (I'm 20)

Blood Meridian
100 Years of Solitude
The Plague
The Stranger
The Fall
Don Quixote
Invisible Man

>> No.20393611

Why would you ask for consensus here? The responses are guaranteed ego inflation, if not outright fabrication. Assuming anything said is ever truthful, you'd still be dealing with a biased sample due to user proclivity.

>> No.20393630

1996 - 2012

>> No.20393649

>for superior Aryan Noblemen.

>> No.20393666

yeah, youre right
zoomers are utterly hopeless

>> No.20393689

19 now
>12 and 13
The Inferno, Count of Monte Cristo, Orwell, Taleb
>14 and 15
Plato, some Shakespeare, Infinite Jest, read Illiad, Odyssey, Oedipus, and Antigone as part of class
>16 and 17
Ulysses, Sound and the Fury, Crime and Punishment, Tolstoy in general
>18 and 19
Nietzsche, Moby Dick, Decline of the West, Bronze Age Mind Set, Moldbug, and for class: Notes from the Undergound (great companion to Nietzsche), Rousseau, Tartuffe, some other shit I don't care enough to list
Def read more than this but this is what I remember and is probably most formative
Also remember trying to read Gravity's Rainbow when I was 15 and getting completely filtered lol

>> No.20393697

very nice, my reading experience is quite similar to yours. do you have any favourites in particular

>> No.20393706

>Missed being a zoomer by 1 year
At least one thing went right

>> No.20393712

Infinite Jest was my favorite novel for a long time, I worshipped that shit, but its glean has worn off a bit as I've gotten older. Still think it's an incredible novel. Loved Anna Karenina and Crime and Punishment, but liked Anna Karenina more. Mostly was filtered by Ulysses but what I did understand was incredible, the section of Stephen and Bloom going back home and ultimately pissing together in the garden is one of the best things I have ever read. Nietzsche is a genius. BAP and Moldbug are exciting because they're the only modern intellectuals I've read who propose genuinely fresh ideas.
Any recommendations?

>> No.20393723

I remember watching her every now and then until she made a video titled something like "the worst dates iv been on"
Instantly dropped, never watched one of her videos again

>> No.20393752

hell i think youve outread me a fair bit, im just a year younger than you. dostoevskys im a fan of, i ordered notes from the underground just a couple weeks ago but house of the dead and demons are a personal favourite. have you tried rereading ulysses? my grandpop has a copy of that i want to snag but id probably get filtered, never read joyce before

>> No.20393761
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I really wanna read Anna Karina, but haven't read War and Peace, should I read that first or just go ahead with Anna?

>> No.20393764
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I mean, zoomers are upwards an age of 26 now, I wouldn't exactly sense that anyone over the age of 20 is a "zoomer", they're Gen-Z but most of the cringe people refer to come from kids still in highschool or maybe middle school.

>> No.20393775

Classy looking dog

>> No.20393785

Zoomer here. They only read genre fiction, webcomics (mostly gay shit) and manga (pretty much just the porn and gayshit ones and still then they mainly watch tge anime instead) and highschool required reading (by that I mean watch the movie if it's over 200 pages). Besides Shakespeare, nothing close to anything classical unless a new musical comes out. People either pretend to read something that's actual literature because someone popular on social media did or because it's "heckin anti-establishment" to buy Maus on Amazon.

My Australian perspective.

>> No.20393788

That's vine comedian age, he's millenial at least.

>> No.20393793
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fellow australian

>> No.20393797

Nah, I'll pry wait until I'm closer to the end of college to read Ulysses, hopefully I'll be able to understand it better. I'd say give it a shot, you absolutely will get filtered to some degree but you'll pry still get some value out of it like I did. I do recommend reading Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man before you read it though, which is great in its own right.
I read Anna Karenina first, doesn't matter at all imo, the works aren't directly related to each other to my knowledge

>> No.20393811

Country's fucked. No one understands or gives a shit about politics so it'll always be Liberal and then "not as bad but still filled with scandals every term just like Liberal" Labor and then have the gauls to say it isn't a two party system.

>> No.20393817

That one word has ruined so many things

>> No.20393818
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I'm a zoomer. 25 years old. This is what I'm reading

>> No.20393821

Glad you're here, and not them, because you're better than them.

>> No.20393824

cheers, this is excellent advice, all of it. whatre you busy with college for

>> No.20393826

Thoughts on Oryx and Crake?

>> No.20393827

mate i dont even bother, im getting out of this shithole when i get enough money

>> No.20393830

lovely collection

>> No.20393835

Right now reading pop nonfiction (18)
>12 Rules for Life (completed)
>The Thomas Sowell Reader [1/3] (also Basic Economics for self education)
>Reading in an Age of Distraction (completed)
>How To Read A Book (just started) [priority]

Planning to read:
>James Joyce 4chan read-along (at least until Ulysses)
>Crime and Punishment [started] (Katz, looking for thoughts on Oliver Ready though)
>King in Yellow (prelude to Lovecraft)
>Lovecraft (good chunk of mythos stories)
>The Invisible Man
>Tales, Fables and Folklore (Arabian Nights, Grimm, etc.)

Big projects once I've developed my reading skills and habits
>KJV Bible
>The Divine Comedy
>Moby Dick

Should probably add Edgar Allen and Shakespeare in there to develop canon.

>> No.20393838

Same, once I get shit sorted I'll save and learn Japanese. I aint touching anything starting with a U.

>> No.20393856

same but im learning kikongo/dutch. you unvaxed too?

>> No.20393872


>> No.20393876

>I am built

>> No.20393882

Lmao me too. She's ruined now.

>> No.20393946
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Am zoomer and reading classics to be immersed in my white culture and heritage purely because there is obviously a concerted effort to destroy it.

>> No.20393952

Yeah. Originally I was just antimandate but the whole debacle made me realise how dangerous they can be

>> No.20393953

may as well be watching netflix

>> No.20393958

Where you thinking of going?

>> No.20393986

debacle, thats the word. I knew it was all bullshit when straight forward anti vaxxers were booed and antimandates were just barely tolerated.
i got some relatives in south africa, i might just move out into the veld and live out my days... maybe, not sure about anything really im just cashed up now.

>> No.20394090

Good for you man. Honestly I don't think I'll like Japan but any other western country will be collapsing before they wise up and it's the best I can come up with factoring academics and healthcare. With how zoomers have developed due to tech and urban planning and babies are mentally stunted due to quarantines we're going to have an epidemic of people being autistic for (((some unexplainable reason reason because autism isn't something you can cure by learning how to be normal))) and they'll be manipulated and stupid and society will fall. Normal people won't want to reproduce with that generation's women and there will be no one around to make a gen you'd want to marry. Japan will likely be in a bit of this but I'm hoping their imperial and national sentents will protect them and I'll be there before the flood of other whites try to get in so they'll let me stay.

>> No.20394098

Young people are often based, as you age you become more conformist and easy to manage.
Millennials were also based when they were 16.

>> No.20394297

lots of whites moving to japan nowadays im sure itll all work itself out. best of luck to you mate

>> No.20394378

Solid. its a start

>> No.20394417

A Confederacy of Dunces made me question some of this kind of thinking; I think a lot of people have felt this way about their time and place at one point or another.

>> No.20394434

I'm the only zoomer that reads, everyone else either reads YA or not at all

>> No.20394465

>They don't even bother checking a wiki
Classic /lit/

>> No.20394519

I'm 20. I used to read hundreds of books yearly in elementary school, I was in top three readers in the whole school. We used to read like one book a day. What's interesting is that I never studied and I was very badly behaving in school. I came back to the literature at the end of the middle school. I read like 60 books that year. From basic non-fiction through Houellebecq and other more edgy books, to the classics and ancient philosophy. I learnt about stoics, which prolly changed my life, even though I read only few books about the stoicism. Between all those years filled with high intensity reading I was barely reading. Now I finished high school and I'm trying to start reading at high intensity again.
People from my class definitely used to read and not even some reddit tier stuff, but "real" literature.
Sorry for the blogpost, sorry for the ESL.

tl;dr - zoomers read classics

>> No.20394581

I should read that, it's mentioned here a lot.
But we're seeing actual evidence it's happening and it will happen because every civilisation or society eventually collapses. No one has escaped the patterns that we're currently following. There's an expected 20 point IQ drop in quarantine babies. After going through the "neurodiversity" ASD system myself as a misdiagnised kid (by a hippie/lefty named Krystal) like many boys before me with ADHD and the like I have first hand experience in the indoctrination and cluelessness the medical field has towards vulnerable, imlressionable kids (it's why I'm on 4chan). Ever notice how so many autists are turning trans for example? I've been in the same room with the people that turned those kids, alone with them. I was normal so I didn't fall for it and resisted the defeneracy but so many kids with some issues that I met with tgat could've lead normal and in fact even great lives were lost. Wasted away by the pedos and freaks in the system. It was heartbreaking. Civilizations that aren't following this progressive trend aren't having these same issues. A good example is Israel doing the opposite of everything it preaches the US should do and they're thriving! It seems those which are very small or thise which keep their nationalist values are succeeding.

>> No.20394593

You probably had a raducally different upbringing to most zoomers.

>> No.20394630

Not really, my brother is the opposite of me. I don't come from a rich family. We used to live in a studio, or whatever it's called, until I was like 10. No one in my whole family even works in a white collar job. The only difference is that my mother used to borrow books from a library for me and it somehow clicked. I spent my childhood like the rest of the children my age - playing computer games and doing stupid shit outside. I never hanged out with smart kids, but with ones with the worst grades and worst behavior.

>> No.20394643

reading this brings back some repressed memories. so much abuse suffered at the hands of these "teachers" and kikeologists, id be damned if i ever put my children through the education system. its a nasty world.

>> No.20394655


>> No.20394661

Don’t bother. Zoomers just list off all le classic big names but the actual ideas pass them by.

>> No.20394665

More like we were “upset” that zoomers treat books like Pokemon cards.

>> No.20394670

“I determine my personality and interests by what Twitter and 4chan say”

>> No.20394682

>Literal antivaxxers
I thought /lit/ was supposed to be a smart board. Maybe Spencer is right, 4chan should be banned.

>> No.20394685

Zoomers don't read millennial classics like Harry Potter and Scott Pilgrim as much sadly. Philistines I tell you. Now off to my 14 dollar per hour burgerflipping job.

>> No.20394687

Israel mandates vaccines. Almost like they’re not le ebil wef joo juice

>> No.20394708

zoom fr cap no cap bussa bussin bussy
(TL: How are you liking it?)

>> No.20394712


zoomies really are fucked

>> No.20394828

Zoomers are not 26 wtf. I'm 27 and I'm a middle millennial.

>> No.20394841

No you aren't, you're at the interstice of gen-y and gen-z

>> No.20394857

Old zoomer here, reading Musil 's Man without qualities despite having zero time due to exams. I assure you we exist

>> No.20394876

1997 is the cut off for zoomers. So, elder zoomers are in their mid-20s

>> No.20394881

Who cares honestly. Especially the generation between 93 and 00 in europe has had more or less the same upbringing as their american millennial counterparts, since americanization was much slower till 2005 or something. There's nothing to brag about being part of either, so who cares. Make yourself proud anon.

>> No.20394965
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Do you remember pic related?

>> No.20394968

Greatest day of my life, love from Pakistan

>> No.20394977
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>> No.20395023
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>Missed being a zoomer by 1 year

>> No.20395031

More like "avoided".

>> No.20395057

Zoomie here. I'm currently reading The Hero with a Thousand Faces, I've read a good amount of older lit. Recently I finished the Song of Roland. Next, I want to read Oedipus.
Some zoomies are hard-left, but not as many as you'd think. I've met quite a few who are tired of woke bs.
Even among those who I would expect to read (I attend the philosophy club at my uni), many of them do not and prefer to watch videos, but I do know several voracious readers.

>> No.20395068

Ok incel

>> No.20395079

do they actively hate non whites though thats the only thing that matters

>> No.20395082

I suspect a lot of 'anti-woke' zoomers (and that's a good thing) do but just hide it behind more politically correct stuff.

>> No.20395083

>17 year olds waxing precocious and talking about how they read dante when they were 14
It was just embarrassing. Nothing even wrong with trying to read Dante when you're 14, it's just that they were all trying so hard to show off and looking like tryhard fruits in the process.

I feel very empowered knowing this board is filled with little pencil-knecked teenagers I could easily beat up after getting drunk on legally purchased alcohol and then drive away in my car (not my mom's car or the car my dad bought me if I got A's last semester).

>> No.20395147

reeks of insecurity holy shit

>> No.20395288

go get some bitches while youre at it craned neck fool

>> No.20395320

The zoomers seething at this confirm it's true.

>> No.20395332

>zoomers proving they are a degenerate subspecies by not getting when something is tongue in cheek

your brains have been trained by watching social media "beefs" between mulattos your whole lives

>> No.20395335

No one over the age of 20 should honestly be on this board lol go get a job and a wife nigga

>> No.20395392

I'm in my early 20's. The two I'm currently reading are Child of God and Tool and Object.

>> No.20395423

you type like someone i would shove into lockers nerd

>> No.20395481

18 yrs old, my recent reads are:
- A year with Rilke
- The Setting Sun
- No Longer Human
- Laurus
- The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Never Let Me Go
- Siddhartha

As for my classmates, I know a few readers, around 90% are women though and read romance exclusively. I would say out of everyone I know that is of similar age to me,15% read books, and a much smaller number than that read classics and books /lit/ would approve of.