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File: 412 KB, 2048x1365, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20391260 No.20391260 [Reply] [Original]

I've been on a binge of most of this man's work. Holy shit, he really tried to save us all. Nowadays everything is coated in sarcasm, self depreciating irony and cynicism.

>> No.20391279
File: 521 KB, 828x816, 3E580D00-3C90-4ACF-BAFF-946DC77CFCE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to be posting memes, but I am also reading Infinite Jest again

>> No.20391292
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>I presume it’s probably facilitate that the tennis coach mistook for accentuate, though accelerate, while clunkier than facilitate, is from a phonetic perspective more sensible, as a mistake.

>> No.20391300

I've been re-reading some of his essays recently. They are serious fun, but I can't help but feel that they are also very late 1990s. If there were someone on his level commenting on culture today that sure would be swell.

>> No.20391302
File: 434 KB, 1000x807, infintejester.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20391305
File: 594 KB, 2755x1358, 7EFA6239-080E-4312-8C01-24B0E9748C5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also really like his commencement speech at Kenyon College

>> No.20391308

Redpill me on why I should read this

He just reminds me of some pseud from my time at community college.
This sentence reminds me of a less funny and more pedantic version of larry david without any of the fucking charm

is he just a cynical fucking retard the whole time who hates irony or what

>> No.20391314

David Faggot Walrus.

>> No.20391318

>Redpill me on why I should read this
What do you mean, this, he wrote lot of stuff. If you mean IJ, well you should probably read some of his essays first. If you feel like reading 1000+ pages of fiction written in that style, well you know where to look.

>is he just a cynical fucking retard the whole time who hates irony or what
His personality or rather the image you have of him is part of the fun of reading his work, yes.

>> No.20391320

>he tried to save us from irony and cynicism

After reading A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, I get the impression that he was terminally bitter and cynical himself, with true disdain for his fellow man.

>> No.20391330

I agree with his message, but his writing is fucking awful. I've never read anyone else who could say so little with so much.

>> No.20391333

Wait you see cruise ships and don't think they are fucking weird?

>> No.20391335

You couldnt pay me to say this retarded shit

I agree and it's still annoying
Look maybe he was a sweetie so I dont want to disparage him too much but it all just seems annoying

>> No.20391351

The only sincere thing he ever did was hang himself

>> No.20391353

No. I'm not a joyless cynic, so the idea of people having fun isn't foreign and strange to me.

>> No.20391360

Suicide is inherently a treason against nature.

>> No.20391364

Seriously, those boomers he met on the cruise treated him sincerely and kindly and he still had to go and shit on them in the most passive aggressive way possible. He was bitch made to his core no wonder he ended himself.

>> No.20391371

This is the saddest part about his death to me. If he didn't die we would probably get another novel or two and a couple short story collections, which would be awesome, but I would really love to read his essays on modern internet culture, things like 4chan, youtube, twitch, twitter, etc etc.

>> No.20391372

Honestly that's the first time I've heard of anyone having a reaction like this. Personally I could relate a lot.

I wish he had made a report on the horror that is Disneyland.

>> No.20391373

Nature is a bitch, better suck my dick bitch.

>> No.20391385

This also shone through to me in his one essay on 9/11 where he was wondering why everyone just had American flags around. This fuck grew up in the midwest, but is baffled by the idea that people would have American flags? What a pretentious asshole.

>> No.20391408 [DELETED] 

Are you sure he's not just critiquing patriotism and corporatism.

>> No.20391432

Are you sure he's not just critiquing patriotism and corporatism?

>> No.20391452

Everyone else might be but I'm not. Irony and sarcasm is gay hipster shit and I prefer vagina, thanks

>> No.20391465

never read him but for some reason i feel like this guy's stuff will effortlessly annoy me--like pynchon does

>> No.20391466

He isn't, he's talking about feelings of genuine alienation and sadness in the very unreal life of American consumerism. I guess some people won't be able to realte (surprising that those people hang out on /lit) but it feels quite natural to me.

Like there are boomers at the local supermarket that explicitly ask for the little pamphlet with offers for next week; they are actively asking for looking forward to advertising. Makes me feel existential dread.

>> No.20391469

I see a lot of people interested in Infinite Jest here. Some people are eager to jump in, others are intimidated. I've read the book about eleven times, so I just want say a few words and address people who are thinking about reading it.

Before you embark on your journey into the mind of a genius, you have to understand a few things that are very important. When we talk about David Foster Wallace, we’re talking about a man whose I.Q. could not be measured. Past 200, I.Q. tests get imprecise. We don’t know whether we’re dealing with a man with an I.Q. of 200 or 300 or what. We can’t measure it. When it comes to Wallace-tier geniuses, the standard tests simply don’t apply. You see, Wallace could have entered any field he wanted. He was a real-life Will Hunting. He could’ve been a doctor or a lawyer, or both, if he wanted. He could’ve been a pioneer in physics. He could’ve been a codebreaker for the NSA. But no. He decided to be a writer. He decided to devote his life to aesthetic beauty and to illuminating for us the way to live. That was the beauty and the tragedy of his life. In one way, it’s a blessing to have been born in Wallace’s time, to be able to hear his voice in interviews, to hear him delivering his famous commencement speech, which is already transforming people both intellectually and spiritually. On the other hand, I will surely die before we know even half of the secrets buried within the labyrinth of Infinite Jest. That I consider a curse.

It’s been eighteen years since Infinite Jest was published and scholars have only begun to come to terms with its full implications. This is what you must understand. Wallace reverse-engineered not only the novel, but all of Western literature as well as language itself. Packed within Infinite Jest is Hamlet, The Brothers Karamazov, Gravity’s Rainbow, Ulysses, and everything else. Hell, it even serves as an overview of human history, from dawn to today. It’s a book you could spend a lifetime studying. A lifetime spent in bliss, no doubt. It would be more worthwhile to spend one’s life reading and rereading Infinite Jest than to achieve being “well-read” in the traditional sense.

I don’t say this to intimidate you, but to encourage you. You must understand that, on your first time through, you will not understand everything Wallace is trying to communicate to you. Don’t worry. He knew things about life that we won’t discover for decades. Your job is merely to get on the road. In the decades to come, we may, if we’re lucky, discover scientific applications for the new ways of thinking Wallace gave us. We may have to throw out science altogether. We simply don’t know. For now, we have to be content with our vanguard roles. We are the ones who will break the ground and loosen the soil for Wallace’s future interpreters. This is not only our pleasure, but our duty. And for that, as Wallace famously said, “I wish you way more than luck.”

>> No.20391484

Oh wow old people that survived hard economic times are spendthrifts. SAVE MW NIGGERMAN.

>> No.20391491

It's not about spending, it's about spending lots of money on being constrained in small ship sounded by artificial spectacle.

>> No.20391530

You get to spend your money on a huge ship with nice ass pools jacuzzis And spas. You get good ass buffets and open bars. You get some nice singer like Burt Bacharach or Tom Jones to sing ballads
Why are you such a miserable cunt.

>> No.20391558

>people saving a few dollars on groceries gives me existential dread

Maybe you should get out more.

>> No.20391630

neck yourself faggot

>> No.20391690

Only an American would think a cruise is a vacation. Don't you ever get sick of eating and drinking yourself into a coma?

>> No.20391740

Okay yuroshit. It's not my fault that your idea of fun is vacationing in Spain crimea or some southeast asian sex tourist shithole.

>> No.20391759

this is great

>> No.20391991

Men will honestly write thousands of pages of self-pitying bullshit before they get actual therapy.

>> No.20392041

Who on earth wrote this

>> No.20392112

A wheelbarrow full of horse cocks.

>> No.20392176

What do you guys think he'd say about modern internet culture?

>> No.20392408

People on the internet are so me-ACK

>> No.20392606

His essays are all great. I wish I could read Big Red Son again for the first time.

>> No.20392814

That's not existential dread. That's gay dread or something like that. Anyway, you will never be a real woman.

>> No.20392882

>Nowadays everything is coated in sarcasm, self depreciating irony and cynicism.

is everything really though? the blm people don't seem sarcastic or self-deprecating to me? the people who think the election was stolen don't seem that way? the people who stand with ukraine don't seem that way? the people who think they will die if they catch a coronavirus don't seem that way? the people who think the world will end in 10 years due to climate change don't seem that way? if anything everyone is too god damn serious. the problem with writing about pop culture shit like dfw is that it's dated already and the dude's only been dead for like 15 years.

>> No.20392886

>old ppl on social security look forward to sales and bargains
when u grow up and have to buy your own groceries you'll understand

>> No.20392914

Every piece of pop culture is littered in postmodern irony and cynicism. What are you talking about?

>> No.20392931

i don't really consume pop culture but the little i have seen took itself pretty seriously: drill rap? it might seem over the top, but it takes itself seriously. i saw the new dune movie, it took itself pretty seriously. i don't watch tv but the last show i watched, that southern gothic thing with matthew mccaughney, true detective or whatever, took itself seriously with all kinds of melodramatic monologues in shit. idk dude.

>> No.20392948

Modern marvel movies and pretty much most American media is drenched in irony and sarcasm.

>> No.20392975

oh i did watch that joker movie, another melodramatic slog, but i guess since it had some jokes u'd consider it ironic or something

>> No.20392984

Modern media consumption is designed around cynicism. The executives who greenlight these sorts of things aren't doing this because they hate their media properties. They're doing it because sincerity isn't as cost effective.

You make a shitty film/show but give it a cynical tone, and the you get to use the excuse that it being shitty is part of the tone. If it becomes a hit, you get a bunch of idiots defending it as "making a statement" and it's a flop you flip the script and say "we're sorry it was a rushed product caused by XYZ." Compare that to a sincere or earnest product, those are ride and die. The Black Cauldron and Treasure Planet are evidence of that. They were sincere products that failed (and if you look closer they failed because of executive meddling which is a look executives want even less of)

The Qwipism of the MCU was developed entirely because of this mindset. Nothing is serious. Nothing is sincere. Be cynical. Be cruel. Nothing has value. Consume product because you risk missing out if you don't. That's what these modern companies want. They want junkfood for your soul because nobody swears off a junkfood because of one bad bag of chips, but one bad lobster and suddenly people start saying they have a Shellfish allergy. They want your anger, your apathy or blind consumption. If you hate these films and what Disney's production you need to go out of your way not to consume their products and convince people to watch other stuff not because Disney is bad, but because the other stuff is better. Disney can spin you calling their products shit to bait people with FOMO, and losing one sale is a drop in the bucket if you don't go out of your to convert others.

>> No.20393039
File: 247 KB, 2000x1000, AD12BB09-352F-401E-8566-517A122704BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is because Wallace was writing from a former generation, and was steeped in a certain milieu — that of the pop culture and mainstream media of his time (Generation X), as well as the literature, the postmodern and avant-garde artistic circles. Hence, Wallace’s worldview is like an obscure autistic little niche based on modern disintegrating hyper-rapid American culture with a surfeit of information and new communications media and technology, as well as the whole system of hyper-consumerism and advertising, which we haven’t necessarily evolved to keep pace with, mentally and emotionally. Keep in mind when he makes these observations on sincerity and irony, he’s someone, as a writer interested both much in the literature and avant-garde theories of art of his own day and circle, and the pop culture he absorbed, that he’s so much as saying, “There’s a sincerity and spiritual striving in the works of Dostoyevsky (a famous writery writer whom I, David Foster Wallace, have also read, since I am a modern famous writery writer) I don’t necessarily find in the works of modern writers as apparently different like Pynchon on the one hand or Bret Easton Ellis on the other hand (ditto), who share this same hip irony and cynical transcendence of tradition.”

Wallace is someone who disappeared so far up his own asshole in this new soulless American cultural milieu plus, that he created this outrageously detailed, autistic, claustrophobic little niche of, “What reality and humanity and modern literary and mainstream media and pop culture seems like to me, David Foster Wallace.” In this little cranny, he paradoxically disappeared so deeply up his own asshole, thus becoming the characteristically “Wallacian” writer he is — this metamodernist sprawling hyper-detailed experimental bric-a-brac, colloquial yet poetically literary, high-culture (references to Joyce and Shakespeare and the like) yet low-culture (also to the Brady Bunch and Beatles), while claiming he was precisely NOT trying to escape up his own asshole like other postmodernist writers did, and that he was trying to transcend modern hip cynicism — so, over his essentially cynical, emotionally and psychologically damaged nature as a victim of the claustrophobic consumerism of the place and age he lived in, he artificially and painstakingly grafted over it, this idea of a “sincerity”, an “authenticity”, which he couldn’t actually reach, only pretend and try so hard to — hence, “Yes, I’m going to write this 1000+ page long book, hundreds of pages of which are endnotes, but I’m also going to include stream-of-consciousness analyses of just some average drug addict from Boston, an apparently low-class unsympathetic character, one people with PhDs in literature might find themselves too ‘hip’ and ‘cynical’ to relate to, but I’ll try to MAKE it relatable.”

>> No.20393060


>> No.20393069

He grew up in the midwest, but the essay is like an anthropological report on his fellow midwesterners for a swanky east-coast-magazine readership whose relationship to patriotism and response to 9/11 were very different.

>> No.20393070

You didn’t actually read IJ or it’s probably one of 5 books you’ve finished if you can claim that life isn’t drenched in irony and people will say whatever it takes to justify their morally justified endorphin high.

>> No.20393096

junkies sure will lie to justify getting high but i wouldn't call it irony

>> No.20393113

dude what is it with people from reddit and marvel movies lmao calm down if u think their too ironic or something don't fuckin' watch 'em. last marvel movie i watched was spiderman in like 1999 or something which was like peak dfw era, and there's was nothing ironic or cynical it was just standard hollywood blockbuster shit.

>> No.20393114

I don't remember joker making some epic quip just after he killed the TV presenter or his mom.

>> No.20393130 [DELETED] 

so when arnold schwarzenegger blows some dude away and says a one liner you think this is some signal or deep american ennui or something? hollywood movies have been doing that since i can remember. if bruce will says a one liner after he blows up a building or something, that's not some conspiracy to erode your sincerity, it's minor comedic relief after an action sequence.

>> No.20393254

>He's now deliberately misunderstanding the discussion
You type like a retard and think like an even bigger one.

>> No.20393268

>marvel movies have jokes in them, this proves dfw is a literary genius!
ok dude great

>> No.20393277
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>> No.20393288

There's a difference between comedic relief in certain moments and away from serious moments and deliberately inserting jokes into tense scenes just so that your audience doesn't feel any legitimate emotion.

>> No.20393295

so cancel disney+ and get criterion channel? it's full of super serious artsy shit where nothing happens for 20 minutes

>> No.20393303
File: 141 KB, 854x694, hamlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what the fuck you guys, I was reading Hamlet for school today and I realised that Hamlet namedrops DFW's magnum opus randomly. What did Shakespeare mean by this? Is this an Elizabethan metatextual echo across time and space?

>> No.20393311

He was a boomer himself. He was born in '62

>> No.20393314

I think it's hilarious how he goes on and on about sincerity, but his brand of sincerity is the passive aggressive denim "rose in the guitar case" brand of bohemian idealism which is exactly the sort of thing that people wanted to die in the early 2000s. I mean, there was a 'curve' to sincerity that he was completely unaware of in his lifetime. Fedora Ronin are extremely sincere, but they're tone-deaf to the zeitgeist of their environment which is more often than not in tune with the natural behaviours of humanity. Academic life is unnatural and I can't help but feel that in pursuit of his own identity he inadvetently became the most unnatural expression of himself. "I'm unique. I'm better than the people around me. The people I've never been able to understand at all."

>> No.20393319

it's another example of how elizabethan england was coated in sarcasm, self depreciating irony and cynicism!

>> No.20393467

>He still doesn't understand the argument

>> No.20393481

touch grass faggot

>> No.20393541
File: 44 KB, 500x500, artworks-000611363962-q7ut0j-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yippee kay yay mf


>> No.20393604

nice post, mind if I save it?

>> No.20393613

It's all yours, just make sure you do proper MLA citation if you're going to use it.

>> No.20393617

So tired of people psychoanalyzing this poor nigger. He was a great author, and IJ is a great work.
>uhhhh he preached sincerity but wasn't actyualkly always sincere himself gottem
you fucking niggers who gives a fuck how autistic he was in real life IJ obviously contains sincere, interesting, and well-articulated messages, and what more can you ask for from a guy
also very prescient like OP notes which is the best indicator of an accurate and valuable worldview

>> No.20393618

no he didnt. maybe early in his career, but oblivion and pale king have completely black worldviews

>> No.20393646

yeah, he comes off so lame in interviews, but who gives a shit about him personally. i'm into texts, don't give a shit about the author t b h.

>> No.20393800

>Like there are boomers at the local supermarket that explicitly ask for the little pamphlet with offers for next week; they are actively asking for looking forward to advertising.
How can you be so cynical? Maybe they're looking to save some dough, maybe they're hoping to see something that they hadn't thought of, and want to try.

>> No.20393808

>new dune
I am in the unfortunate situation of watching many new movies and shows as they come out, and Dune was a shining ray of hope in the sea of self-conscious, ironic dross.

>> No.20393816

what the fuck kind of response is this? we're talking about whether cynical, ironic shit exists, and you're just saying "dont' want it dude"? What do you think we're even talking about

>> No.20393840

Good to know I can type 2x faster than one goated on the words.

>> No.20393892

Yeah bro that image is so fucking real and just btfos DFW!

>> No.20393896

This has so much soul it's unbelievable.

>> No.20394229


Pretty much this. Post-modernism and irony are dead. It has been replaced by a hysterical sincerity and a conformist fanaticism that's far worse.

>> No.20394250

"we've never been more connected and yet never so far apart" or something like that

>> No.20394264

lmao get a brian, moran

>> No.20394322

Can someone post the anime DFW if they have it please

>> No.20394358

damn what books do i need to read to make my own brain voice like a tuning fork?

>> No.20394806

Clicktivism doesn't count. Sincerity isn't believing whatever to justify a dopamine laced moral high.

>> No.20394860

>What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?
Not very witty, but it works.

>> No.20394864
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>> No.20394874

>he was terminally bitter and cynical
Yes, it's called depression.

>> No.20394878

Everything you mentioned was created after DFW. For the sort of peak irony that his work was responding to, look at media from the 90s/00s.

>> No.20394884

op said "nowadays"

>> No.20394895

His essays were totally embarrassing. I don't know how he showed his face in public after publishing the 9/11 one.

>> No.20394899

The saddest part about his death is him not writing new essays for you to read? Seems a bit weird.

>> No.20394905

>it's like eating candy for the soul
Jesus Cringing Christ.

>> No.20394944

Yes. It's bad writing.

>> No.20394957

>candy for the soul
So it's pleasurable in the moment but bad for your health in the long run?

>> No.20395001
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Yes. Which is the truth. Almost every piece of media nowadays is littered with it.

>> No.20395020

He deeply hated himself for his passive pussy attitude. When he was teaching at that California college he admitted that he shitted all over one students story just because he was talented and confident. Like what the fuck how petty can you be?

>> No.20395030

"Nowadays" refers to the recent past, as we are currently living in the future.

>> No.20395037

>When he was teaching at that California college he admitted that he shitted all over one students story just because he was talented and confident.
lol where can I learn more about this?

>> No.20395300

He also abused his wife.

>> No.20395314

Who didn't.

>> No.20395378

Generation X and their smug detached ethos has been a disaster for America.

>> No.20395434

Admittedly Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films are very earnest

>> No.20395468

I can't find the source at the moment but take a look at this as consolation.
I'm sure the author of this is an anon.

>> No.20395472

You don't know what that word means

>> No.20395484

Having autism, I always saw irony and detachment as dishonesty and while I'm no fan of the current zeitgeist of humanity, I can't help but think that it's better to not be lied to so the sickness is on full display than being lost in a sea of questions and uncertainty

>> No.20395489

>selling out to the enemy

>> No.20395551

>I prefer vagina, thanks
No straight guy would ever say this, you LARPing weasely queer.

>> No.20395596
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>> No.20395716

Eh.. could only get a few paragraphs in before I stopped. He attacks his fans and supposed plagiarism more than anything else. I wonder why he even wrote this.

>> No.20395816

Infinite Jest just got translated in my country, and the translator, while loves Wallace and his works, considers him a bit too conservative to his taste.

Is this true? Can he be considered a conservative?

>> No.20395827

I gotta read this book in english one day

>> No.20395932

If "conservative" is advocating for the importance of healthy families and not being addicted to entertainment or drugs, then yeah he's a conservative
There's also some tentative pro-religious stuff

>> No.20395943

Our whole culture is treason against nature. I see suicide as a natural response to a completely unnatural existence. I have my own reasons for not killing myself, but worrying about committing an act of treason against nature is not one of them.

>> No.20396319
File: 21 KB, 256x256, 1601082579418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.20396889


>> No.20397797

>Of course, those are just the literary crimes. Here are the acts of outright abuse:

>He pushed the poet and memoirist Mary Karr from a speeding vehicle.
>He threw a coffee table at Karr and shattered it.
>After attempting to pay Karr back for destroying the table he threw at her, he demanded that she give him shards of the table to keep.
>He stalked Karr and punched out her car window.
>He assaulted a student during a creative writing class he was teaching.
>He stalked Karr and her five-year-old son, and threatened to shoot Karr’s husband with a gun he’d bought for that express purpose.
>As Karr elaborated in one tweet: “tried to buy a gun. kicked me. climbed up the side of my house at night. followed my son age 5 home from school. had to change my number twice, and he still got it. months and months it went on.”
>He had sex with his creative writing students and, while on book tour, a 17-year-old

(okay last one is based)

>> No.20399710


>> No.20399716

>He pushed the poet and memoirist Mary Karr from a speeding vehicle.
Loved how the Hans Zimmer soundtrack emphasized his lightning-quick motoric movements when pushing her out

>> No.20399878

the ending of that book blew my mind after i read it but it was so all over the place i dont remember it at all lol

>> No.20399888

Did you really read the whole thing? Respec

>> No.20399898

That line was particularly bad.

>> No.20399964
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>Nobody swears off a junkfood because of one bad bag of chips, but one bad lobster and suddenly people start saying they have a Shellfish allergy.
Pretty yinyu.

>They're doing it because sincerity isn't as cost effective.
If it's not even cost effective for huge companies, how can it be cost effective for the little guy? It's rational for Havel's Greengrocer to feign FOMO because he'll be isolated and broke without it.

>They were sincere products that failed
Black Cauldron grossed $21M in 1985. Is that failure?
For comparison, The Fox and the Hound grossed $39.9M in 1981.
The Fox and the Hound was a success because it cost $12M. If Black Cauldron had cost that much it would have been a success.
Conversely, Black Cauldron was a failure because it cost $44M. If The Fox and the Hound had cost that much it would have been a failure.
Why was it necessary to spend 4x the money to be "sincere"?

Bonhoeffer. Bordieu. Rule #1: Know your audience. Know the media [sic] through which you can reach your audience. If your audience is small, than you must be small. If your audience is scattered, then you must be scattered. And if your audience is despised by the State, then you must not attempt to reach your audience through State-owned media [sic], nor tolerate an audience that's so lazy as to want to reach [and pay] you through State-owned media [sic].

My discord is in my name, also on IRC, Fediverse, etc.

>> No.20400340

a redditor

>> No.20400366

He's personally conservative, I don't think you should try to extend that to his political leanings, which were liberal in the American sense. A good example might be his stance on abortion, where he describes himself as simultaneously pro life and pro choice- that when a friend of his goes to get one he thinks what she's doing is wrong and she shouldn't, but she still should have the right to do so

>> No.20400375

If you cut out the made up shit by Karr, known BPD psychopath, that doesn't sound so bad. Assaulting a student though seems kinda crazy

>> No.20401458


>> No.20401481

imo, Consider the Lobster is a classic essay, as is Authority and American Usage. His verbosity gets tiresome, though. There are mch better writers.

>> No.20401518

Him striking out against Donna Tart sounds hilarious. Euginides was probably laughing his dick off watching him do it.

>> No.20401569

the book is so lost on its own times period, so informed by urban legend and juvenalia that it hits with all of the self-awareness and insight of a nirvana music video: here we are now, entertain us

>> No.20401707

He couldn't even save himself, anon.

>> No.20402252


>> No.20402688

>more sensible, as a mistake.
I hate when he adds a clause at the end of the sentence after a comma
>But he thought it was quite large, the cock.
>But he knew he'd never feel better, inside.
>His life would never be the same again, was the thing.
irritates me to no end for some reason

>> No.20402702

other than William Vollman you mean

>> No.20402734

Had a college course on classics of American lit since 1945 and postmodernism. Novel list started with Ellison, then Heller, Didion, Morrison, Atwood, Delillo. It was in chronological order. Ended with two weeks of Wallace. Keep in mind they were a very prominent literature scholar, and very based, believe it or not. He never said anything to the tune of "Wallace is the new GOAT" or whatever, but he chose to include Wallace's writing at the end of the semester for a reason.

>> No.20403860

peak psued

>> No.20403943

That's my opinion on abortion too. I find it immoral, but not everything immoral should be illegal, and people should have the right to make decisions I don't like

>> No.20403951

>and people should have the right to make decisions I don't like
So you're a cuck.

>> No.20404026

Well I reserve my right to judge them for their decision

>> No.20405820

What did the student even do?