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20389971 No.20389971 [Reply] [Original]

You do have a personal motto right? What is it?

>> No.20389978

i wont always wear sunglasses, but when i do, i wear them at night

>> No.20389981

Shit's fucked and then you die.

>> No.20389994

My name on here is a notarikon/acronym of it, made it many years ago so the language is poor.


Ain soph est mea LVX et NOX

The Limitless one(God) is my Light and my night.

LVX is both light but refers to the process of the descent of the divine will into nature, NOX is night but also refers to the process of ascent of the mind to the divine. Thus to me it says all of nature in all of its aspects is simply the opulence of God, and that every step to god and away from God is really just the unfolding of his will in nature.

>> No.20390055

That's verging on heresy, brother.

>> No.20390062

Based and Kabbalahpilled.

>> No.20390067

Fais ce que tu voudras

>> No.20390079

“I’m Always looking for Smiling wisdom”

>> No.20390084

Bully tripfags, sage and report off topic threads.

>> No.20390102

But what if they are good posters?

>> No.20390109

None of them are. Go back to rddt.

>> No.20390117

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.20390124

"I have no idea of what im doing, but im fucking awesome in everything i do"

>> No.20390158

proving >>20390109 right

>> No.20390159

Every day I pick a new line from the Aeneid and take that as my motto. I started this when I was 11. I am now 27. There are about 4000 lines remaining. When the poem is finished I will tie a rope and hang myself from an olive tree that grows out the back of my house.

Today's motto is "saepius et nomen posuit Saturnia tellus" (and oft the land of Saturn lost its name)

>> No.20390168
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Keep moving forwards.

>> No.20390177

Lebe dein Leben Trotz Anderer - "Live To Spite Others"

>> No.20390211

This is basically the average of all generic corporate slogans. I can't decide whether it feels encouraging, or like a barked order. Maybe it works well either way.

>> No.20390219

I didn’t create it but I ascribe to the Ora et Labora philosophy.

>> No.20390238
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It's an order disguised as an inspirational slogan for self-improover /pol/ cucks.
Corporate overlords use it because they need to push sheeple "forwards" into the path that society has laid out for them. In actuality there's no way forwards in life. Just live.

>> No.20390247

Kill the chill or drill the mill.

>> No.20390248

"The most important thing in life is cultivation of the soul"

>> No.20390286

>"A semen"

>> No.20390290

Grab 'em by the balls

>> No.20390298

C'est la vie
I say it a lot

>> No.20390312

"Based and redpilled" when referring to myself

>> No.20390344

Just do it.

Helps me get tedious stuff done.

>> No.20390361
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>> No.20390371


>> No.20390374

Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt and fuck like a goddamn retard

>> No.20390387

I want to die

>> No.20390392

«Mal te perdonarán a ti las horas»

>> No.20390395

I am unbreakable

>> No.20390397

"Niggers and jews, bad news!"

>> No.20390398


Have some gold, broseph!

>> No.20390399

"you win some, you lose a lot"

>> No.20390440

get gud

>> No.20390450


>> No.20390494

whenever i hesitate about anything ever i just say "can't win if you don't play" and do it 95% of the time

>> No.20390515

I may need some help with mine.
Old family motto
Always told it meant “who is stronger than them?”
Note: it’s not “fortior qui se vincit”, as an early source says it’s distinct from another family’s, which WAS fortior qui se vincit.
I’d love if any more educated men than me could help me translate better.

>> No.20390587

Ain't no rest for the wicked!

>> No.20390646

I will never lose myself again.

>> No.20390664
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> No problem is ever so big you can't run away from it.
> An open mind is like a fortress with its gates open and its walls unmanned.
> Do you read Sutter Cane?

>> No.20390684

I'm greek and my father used to bring up "metron ariston" everyday on the family table when I was little so that I guess

>> No.20390704
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I have two:
By dint and daring
The function of a system is what it achieves

>> No.20390712

Life is trial and error, death is to be accepted

>> No.20390713

ffs that's mine as well