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20384521 No.20384521 [Reply] [Original]

Why does adderall make me good at writing

>> No.20384536

It doesn't, drugs aren't magic, and this is true about most drugs. It's not that Adderall makes you a good writer, you're a good writer who's dependent on Adderall. If you weren't then you wouldn't write good period, at all, it's simply that you're not used to letting it out while sober. You feel more comfortable, happy, focused, whatever when you're stimming, it's that state that is allowing the good writing to happen. It's like people thinking that alcohol relaxes them socially, it doesn't, it's that people don't allow themselves the 15-30 minutes to relax sober in a casual social space.

>> No.20384548

It’s weird because I did adderall last night and I literally came up with more ideas and writing in 4 hours then I have in the past 2 months

>> No.20384723


>> No.20384840

Ayn rand wrote all of her books on amphetamine. Just don't let the drugs fuck you up

>> No.20384857

writing a lot is not the same as being a good writer.

>> No.20384861

and her writing is utter trash.

>> No.20384891

Idk I’ve shared some of my writing and ideas with some people and I got nothing but positive feedback

>> No.20385018

He's just coping anon keep it up

>> No.20385058

>that people don't allow themselves the 15-30 minutes to relax sober in a casual social space.