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/lit/ - Literature

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20382491 No.20382491 [Reply] [Original]

Bible threads are a non-denominational general on /lit/ dedicated to the study and discussion of the Bible specifically and Christianity more broadly. While some level of inter-denominational bullying is expected, we do try to keep things generally focused on sharing the teachings of Christ, rather then attacking each other. Questions from people new to Christianity and/or Bible study are very much encouraged, no matter how basic. Fedora-Trolls are common in these threads and the best way to deal with them is to just report and ignore, rather then responding to them.

Read the Bible online: https://www.biblegateway.com
Read (non-Gnostic) apocrypha online: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/apocrypha.html
Read Gnostic apocrypha online: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhlcodex.html
Read Patristic commentaries online: https://sites.google.com/site/aquinasstudybible
Bible translations commonly discussed in these threads:
KJV - King James Version - The Classic Bible from 1611, still in common use today.
NKJV - New King James Version - A well-received conservative update to the KJV from 1982.
ESV - English Standard Version - Very popular translation and basis for one of the best Study Bibles.
NASB - The most literal bible still in publication (especially the 1977 edition). Don't get the 2020 update. The 1995 update is okay, with smoother language but loses some literalness.
NABRE - New American Bible Revised Edition - Popular (progressive) Catholic Bible. Know for its shitty notes.
DRB - Douay-Rheims Bible - The Traditional Catholic Bible from 1582/1610, updated in the 1750s. Based on the Latin Vulgate.
RSV-2CE - Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition - Popular (conservative) Catholic alternative to the NABRE. Used in Vatican documents. The basis for the best Catholic Study Bibles.
NIV - New International Version - One of the most popular translations but also considered progressive.
NRSVue - New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition - The Bible of secular academia, whose progressive policy of "gender-inclusive language" is highly controversial among conservatives in all denominations.
OSB - Orthodox Study Bible - Greek Orthodox revision of the NKJV. OT often follows the LXX, but sadly not always.

Last thread: >>20365904

Thread question: Do you ever seek out older printings of Bibles if given the opportunity? Any interesting finds out in the wild?

>> No.20382536

Anons, I was reading in Paul's epistle to Titus the other night and I came across this verse (1:15):
>"Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled."
I feel that there are multiple layers of meaning to this specific verse. I read a few commentaries, which variously spoke about the verse in relation to seeing oneself as lesser than others (Abba Poemen), the functions of the body (Athanasius), and ritual laws concerning food (Augustine). I think there's still another meaning to the line "unto the pure are all things pure" than what has previously been said, but I can't really articulate it properly. What do you guys see in this verse?

>> No.20382546

Exodus 34
sorry for late reply. I am having trouble understanding what the chapter is about. the Lord gives him some 10 commandments on some stone tablets but its not The 10 commandments.

>> No.20383148

Stop gaying up the OPs with all of these "versions". The K I n g J a m e s is the one and only Holy Bible. Also "bible" gateway is owned by NewsCorp, and far inferior to Bible Hub.

>> No.20383182

Found the Anglican

>> No.20383264

why are people so obsessed with jewish mythology?

>> No.20383361

I told him about Bible Gateway but he wouldn't listen. And since he included the ESVSB under ESV I asked him to include the NOA under NRSV but he didn't. The rest of his edition inclusions seem almost random. Also it looks ugly as fuck, it's like he's never posted on 4channel before.

>> No.20383409

You're right, I should remove the KJV next thread. It's meant to be "Bible translations commonly discussed in these threads," and the KJV is really only discussed by (You).

>> No.20383445
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>Failed nofap again

>> No.20383451

worshiping the KJV is more of a baptist thing tbqh

>> No.20383572

I know for sure there is a minimum of 2 more anons who know that particular absolute truth.

>> No.20383581

Why dont you read it and find out

>> No.20383787

if i remember right, Paul is discussing food laws and such. so i guess that's the main meaning.
it's just more commandments, along with the ten.

>> No.20383797

rather, try putting it into words. quite hard to explain, isn't it?

>> No.20383798

To some extent yeah. I read it cause i like the poetic language. Adds a layer other translations dont have and I like it's wording on some stuff in general better than others
But Southern Baptists now have their own Bible translation (HCSB)
And church I go to uses several translations (KJV is not among them weirdly, I assume it's to appeal to those who struggle with older english)

>> No.20383805

Paul says something similar in romans 14. Maybe read that?

>> No.20383854
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I guess a little different topic to discuss (hopefully it doesn't lead to schizo posting)

Do any of you think structures/objects survived the flood? Sphinx seems to predate ancient Egypt by quite a bit and has extensive water damage and I've read Arabic scholars in middle ages thought pyramids were ore flood and that Hams son mizraim was to basically reclaim that area
And of course there's other mystery stuff like the London, Texas hammer

Iirc Genesis says the flood killed everyone but it doesn't say it demolished everything

>> No.20383990
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I would have to guess that if the pyramids/sphinx existed pre flood then the would have been worn into low, smooth slight mounds. I'm unconvinced of the flood being anything even near 100% literal as told, or even necessarily 10%. Not on the plane of "this world" as we typically expect to define "this world", anyway. I assume it is by far mostly allegorical, in that context.

However, I do still consider it to be "absolutely rea" in the deepest possible sense...a sense of actual reality that *greatly transcends* our worldly parameters for what is and ain't "real". I think/understand/feel that the absolute most important "attainment" one can achieve in our form and "world" to be what I've come to term:


That is, in every way possible, to be "properly oriented" within the obviously "set parameters" of "our world", and as optimally "harmonized" with:


as one can personally *understand* and *muster*. Now, that word "muster" is important enough to warrant having carefully selected, because, for example, (You) know good and well that you could be a far better Child/Servant/Friend/etc. of I AM THAT AM that we are. So, you know, let's do our best to do our best to do our best to at least do a little bit better than we are, as utterly depraved and pathetic pieces of dung that deserve being cast into the FIRE!!! and burned with the rest of the GARBAGE!!!

We know good and well that we are that whore who needs to get down and wash His feet with our tears and hair and just feel grateful if He welcomes us to eat from the fallen crumbs under the table as dogs (DIOGENES!)

So, if the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY wants little ol' me to believe with my entire being in the FLOOD, as told, for my own good, and PROPER ORIENTATION, then that is what I will do and it doesn't matter to me if any evidence survived of it or not, but it would be pretty neat to see something like that turn up.
You should look up the "Holy Bible General"s from an archive somewhere and see how the thang is done, son!

>> No.20384064
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Pretty wild...after writing the above I figured I needed to stick some kind of pic on that'n, and went to search one up. I thought about maybe going with Billy Graham, then Jimmy Swaggart, then even Conway Twitty, but decided on Danny Castle. So after choosing one from the Google Image search, I figured I needed to check in on some recent Danny sermons as I haven't kept up with them for about the last month or so. First new one on the channel I tend to mostly use was this one here, titled with the subject of Elon/Twitter, but this sermon is hard core FLOOD material, leading into FUTURISM/REVELATION:


Danny ain't "sophisticated", in the usual sense, nor do I ever feel the slightest need to be in anywhere even near 100% "in agreement", but man he has brought me needed bits of PROPER ORIENTATION plenty enough times.

Anyway, it's pretty wild hearing this right after hittin' this here subject.

>> No.20384315

Man, he is really preachin' it there. I have had to pause it and do things, back and forth here and there, but dangamighty this is one great sermon so far. Y'all for sure should just check it out for 30 good minutes at least.

>> No.20384365

Hey man, it said
>hopefully it doesn't lead to schizo posting

>> No.20384371

Man, President Trump's looking different these days.

>> No.20384410
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Bereshit bara elohim et hashamayim v'et haaretz, v'haaretz hayitah tohu v'vohu

>> No.20384426
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Dear Lord Christ Jesus, please open this Anon's eyes to his fate to face you with an accounting for every idle word that she speaks, and fill her with an overwhelming craving to read Your one true written word, the Ki ng Ja mes Bib le from cover to cover every single day over and over again until they realize how retarded and sorry they are, and Lord, after that put them on their knees to go to beggin' You to spare their retard no good ways and please transform them into somethin' at least barely makin' it into Your incredible eternal Kingdom even if it is just toilet scrubbers havin' to clean it up like the t r oo n e r ja n n ies who do it for free.
Matthew 12:36
Romans 14:12
James 3:6
They will never be MEN

>> No.20384453

I didn't want to make another post just to say this, but even worse, I don't want to let my mistake go by without addressing it. I included (You) before actually paying attention to what you'd said. Just a short bit later I got to try to read it and noticed "elohim" so am now aware that it wasn't just random pointless jibberish! I am pretty sure whatever it is is respectable, and maybe even really kick ass!

>> No.20384456

>Do you ever seek out older printings of Bibles if given the opportunity?
I prefer all my books to be nice, crisp and new. Especially when it comes to texts such as the bible where there is ongoing academic research into the textual history that tends to gets incorporated into newer releases. I just wish there was an NRSV like translation (one based on the latest academic research) that was not also pozzed with progressivism; Threading that needle would basically create the objectively best bible.
>Any interesting finds out in the wild?
I once came across a leather bound KJV from ~1920 that was in remarkably good condition in a charity shop. I was not about the pay the several hundred asking price, but it was interesting. If also sort of sad, as it was clearly brought a century ago with the intention of being a multi-generational family bible, instead it seems it just got tossed as soon as a non-Christian family member got their hands on it.
I'm the anon that made the OP template a few threads back. I have not made the last thread or this one, so I have not had a chance to integrate all of the suggestions yet for what to include or change. These threads keep rolling over at like ~3AM my time.
If I get a chance to make the next thread, I will be able to include the updated OP, properly formatted.
While it is true that the schizo is basically the only-one in these threads that bring up the KJV. I felt it was important enough to include, even if only in the name of ecumenicalism.

>> No.20384505

Have you taken a good look at the Berean Study Bible (not that kind of study bible)? It was put together by an essentially Internet only collaboration of independent, yet legitimately scholars, scholars, and all of the built and utilized translation tables themselves were published as spreadsheets.


On the whole I tend to favor it over any other modern. There are spots here and there where I think the ESV or NASB "beats" it. It is often fairly Kin g J am e s "friendly" to, in interesting ways. Obviously some, at least, of the translators have been strongly, deeply "influenced", or truly touched by, the one ultimately best and most true nd even itself inspired Holy Bible (K J). Yet, they also obviously spent a lot of time and no telling how many debates over how many specific words/passages/readings/etc. earnestly attempting to output what they think/believe to be the best possible renderings here and now today. The footnotes are generally far above average, in terms of alternate words/readings, manuscripts, etc. There have been a very minimal few times that I've known there to be something that should be included but is not, or that should have been worded differently (the footnote itself, I still mean).

>> No.20384512

I should also add that I have Bibles going back to one of my great great grandfathers, 2 from grandfathers, 1 from a grandmother. I know for a pretty solid fact that I will be the last to hold them. The will wind up being given to Goodwill upon my passing, at best. I do not use any of those, however, and prefer having my own personally selected new one, then wearing it out from massive tons of careful, gentle actual use, filled with my own notations and even "edits".

>> No.20384514

Whenever I come to these threads, its always cringe due to the fact its all larpers, don't you guys have something better to do?

>> No.20384520

I am not a LARPer in the least, my utterly faithless, lost and wandering spiritual sibling, of sorts. The LORD God Almighty is absolutely, legitimately, unironically real. I pray that (You) will hear the voice of the Shepherd whispering to (You), and that (You) will answer His calling and follow.



>> No.20384525
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Saw /his/ discussing the Synoptic problem. /lit/'s thoughts on it?

>> No.20384914

There is no problem, only a lack of understanding of oral traditions.

>> No.20384962

I did and became an infidel

>> No.20384996

why were the church fathers such misogynists?

>> No.20385128

Rejecting anime is your first step, friend.

>> No.20385132

why? chinese cartoons aren't sexual by definition

>> No.20385143

There is a common trend between anime consumption and heavy masturbation, some even going as far to reject the sexuality God gave them.
Anime is no good for you

>> No.20385173
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Do Catholics read the King James Bible? It’s hard to get a decent Douay-Rheims here in the UK, but I have a KJV with Apocrypha. Surely it’s fine or do Catholics see the KJB are purely Protestant? I am interested in Catholicism, as an aside. (currently non-denominational)

>> No.20385319

Ignore him. I haven't masturbated in 4 years and I only became Christian 1 year ago and I got heavily into anime 5 years ago. Anime actually helped stop me masturbating because 3D whores looked disgusting by comparison and generally I reduced my consumption of anti-Christian pro-degeneracy Western media. Anime is just a medium anyway, not a genre. Just don't watch hentai in the same way as you can read books without reading erotica.

>> No.20385321

Like Jehovah's Witness, they only accept Bibles vetted by them with certain translations. Stay Anglican: you can enjoy the best bits of Catholicism without the Pope worship and the requirement to interpret scripture a certain way in defiance of scholarship.

>> No.20385359

>Actual women look disgusting to me compared to my cartoons
You don’t see an issue with this? In the same way the Bible doesn’t condone gay relationships, neither would God want us to fall in love with cartoons; it is anti-procreation

>> No.20385382

No Catholics dont read the KJV. And frankly, the Douay-Rheims is the better translation; its written more elegantly than the KJV THEE THOU THOU THEE SMITE THEE horseshit


>> No.20385429

I didn't say women, I said whores. IRL women look like human beings to me now. Online whores are grotesquely twisted caricatures of femininity. I'm married with children now, back then I only had unstable relationships.

>> No.20385458

St. Gregory of Nyssa had like 30 kids. And was the one who wrote about virginity. Moderation here is key, an equilibrium. Pay attention to the gospel, the woman maintains an holy place. Misogyny implies hate. Christians can’t hate.

>> No.20385746

Nice bait

>> No.20385785

sod off

>> No.20386327

Do not concern yourself with Satanic Babylonian pagans and their counterfeit "bibles". Pray only to God.

>> No.20386549

That actually looks like a nice Bible. How's the binding?

>> No.20386732

Easily the best Bible I’ve owned. I’ve had a couple of leather ones, faux leather, calfskin, and this beats them all not only in the feel and binding, but the typeface is great, the centre column references are easy to navigate, and I even like the maroon-red for the words of Christ. I highly recommend Cambridge Bibles based on this.

>> No.20386753

I read the NOAB some time ago and in one of the essays it talks about a supposed contradiction in the Bible concerning when to release a slave, in one passage it says to release them in the jubilee year and in other it says to keep them forever, or something like that. Does anyone know which passages or which essay I'm talking about?

>> No.20386755

>back then I only had unstable relationships.

>> No.20386791

depends on if the slave is Jewish or not. You have to release them only if Jewish

>> No.20387268

I use the NRSVCE generally, but I like to read the KJV for the language. I would never use the KJV for serious study, and the vast majority of people I know who aren't nutjob mutt protestants with no understanding of what the Bible is are the same. It is not a good translation as far as accuracy is concerned.

>> No.20387384

So did Jacob use the branches in Genesis 30 to determine the goat's complexion or was it determined by God? If so, then what was the point of telling the reader about these branches? Was it some sort of folk-magic?

>> No.20387398

Robert Alter said the KJV had a shaky sense of the Hebrew but was nevertheless the best English Bible in terms of style.

>> No.20387447
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Any fellow LXX Chads? Also, do you use a Yad in reading The Scriptures? I find it helpful in focusing on the text and not getting lost in it

>> No.20387454

I thought the charts that get posted here show it as one of the closest translations?
Anyway I think you're being hard on it. You can use it to study. I have for years. I won't pretend I'm some theological wizard but if you take your time it's very good

>> No.20387486

Best bible with apocrypha (any denom) for ESL girlfriend who has never read the apocrypha?

>> No.20387514
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>> No.20387524
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>I would never use the KJV for serious study
So you never actually do serious study then.
>It is not a good translation as far as accuracy is concerned
Enjoy having health to your "body" or "flesh" rather than navel, thus rendering (You) ignorant of our spiritual umbilical connection to the LORD God Almighty, just because some """scholar""" thought "navel just doesn't really make sense, I am sure those quirky Hebrews simply intended 'generally the human body', or even what would have been the more appropriate term for the archaic eras 'flesh', so I will just make it 'make sense' to my own levels of understanding, which is essentially crypto atheist" in Proverbs 3:8.

Not to mention wondering why the "nations" rage, rather than the non Israelites who aren't under the LORD God Almighty's full hand in Psalm 2. "Goyim" actually meant something, and that meaning should be clear across the ages. For that matter, it's especially important now to realize that that meaning holds over into the Christian dispensation, even though the Jews still think it is non "them". No, now Christ's Body, His ekklesia, are His own "nation" and those outside of it tend to rage and imagine many vain things. What a pity for them, and us all, here in Babylon.

Anyway, lrn2ChristianMysticism so (You) will have a chance at having an actual clue towards:
>understanding of what the Bible is
because when you rely on """scholars""" to decide what they think the words "should" mean, you wind up getting a much less potent interaction with Scripture, and get trapped in modes of awareness filled with distractions like fabricated treadmills of sin mechanics with "priests" like you are playing some sort of video game where you have to report to the station to have damage healed and get power ups, only available through them, and praying to beings other than God. As long as "they" fill your head with their own prescriptions, you'll not be able to see the glory of what is actually there...in terms of:


So be more careful, attentive, dedicated, immersed, awake, watchful, vigilant, lest ye be fooled by the one who is MORE SUBTIL THAN ANY BEAST OF THE FIELD.

>> No.20387528

Repent schizo

>> No.20387531

Well maybe saying "it's not a good translation" is too harsh, I admit. It was almost certainly the best translation at the time it was written, and it's much better than stuff like the NIV. I just meant that it is inferior to more recent translations which had access to better sources and did not have the Church of England, a denomination formed by the King because he didn't like the rules that had existed for 1500 years regarding marriage, looking over the shoulders of the translators and telling them what was right and wrong. For serious study there is no reason to use the KJV over the RSV, ESV, NASB etc. Of course if you are really doing serious academic study you learn Hebrew and Greek and compare multiple English translations, but obviously that's not a realistic approach for the average person.

>> No.20387551

Americans were a mistake

>> No.20387594

>"""better sources"""
There is no better source than the LORD God Almighty.
>For serious study there is no reason to use the KJV over the RSV, ESV, NASB etc.
What a joke. Ask me how I know that (You) do not spend anywhere even near enough to near enough to near enough time reading parallel verses then the original language breakdowns on Bible Hub. Start doing that and I will know it from the things you say. You will actually start learning about Christianity then.

Those other translations have their moments, to be sure. For instance, I do think the Kin g J a mes does "let us down" when it comes to rendering "nephilim", and I don't care for "Easter", and I do especially like having a few enhancements from the Dead Sea Scrolls insights in modern ones. But for pure rubber meets the road study which points one into the knowledge of God directly, the Ki n g Jame s is the undisputed champ by far over any and all.

>> No.20387619

Generals were a mistake. Recurring threads inevitably attract schizos and attention whores.

>> No.20387633

Women don't like it when their partner is a porn addict, pretty simple.

>> No.20387636

>medieval manuscripts
Enjoy your Vulgate 2.0

>> No.20387646

No, even the Erasmus step in the chain alone corrected tons of that pollution.

>> No.20387760

Any thoughts on a semi-Annihilationism sort of view on Hell? I've recently found it to sound like a compelling idea biblically. It probably has a name, but basically it's the idea that some will be eternally tortured if they fulfill certain criteria (Rev 20:10) but most will just have their souls destroyed (i.e. Matthew 10:28)

>> No.20387844

Because the Holy Bible is a blueprint on how to use my telepathy.

>> No.20387961

>KJV over the RSV, ESV, NASB etc.
Don't know about the other 2 but some of the wording in ESV seems to cheapen or weaken the text
>And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
Genesis 4:6-7 KJV
>The Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.”
Genesis 4:6-7 ESV
Sin is not just something contrary to Cain, it desires him.

I stick with KJV for the most part because of stuff like this.

>> No.20388030

Thoughts on John 15:22-24
>If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin. He that hateth me hateth my Father also. If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.
Is Jesus simply saying that people wouldn't have the sin of persecuting Christ/Christians had he not come?
Or is this applicable to those before his coming down from Heaven who knew him not?

>> No.20388045

wrong, especially because that's being held on by the finest line of a certain interpretation of a verse. the "destruction of soul and body" doesn't seem to be such nothingness. along with 2 Thessalonians 1:9 and Matthew 25:46.
why concern yourself with such matters, though? you shall reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7), so why waste time thinking of the result of sowing sin, instead of picking the seeds you're throwing?

>> No.20388046

This right here, for just starters.

>> No.20388081

their sin here is denying the Christ (and therefore calling God a liar), and not believing, even after all the proof He gave.
Acts 17:30-31
they were before in ignorance, but now willfully denied the Christ. they knew Him not, but after He showed Himself, they're guilty of denying Him.

>> No.20388089

to be concise, Jesus gave unquestionable proof that He was the Christ, the promised Messiah, and they chose to deny Him even with that.

>> No.20388100

That business with sin/Cain is due to the ESV "translators" forcing it to match up with their desired edit of Gen 3:16.
>Sin is not just something contrary to Cain, it desires him
Right on, it desires to drag us down, destroy us, cause us suffering, to take us away from God, to *own* us.

>> No.20388114 [DELETED] 

That fits in startlingly well with the idea that we need to purge ourselves of desires. Does this mean sin's an external factor counter to God? Since he can't interact with it.

>> No.20388123 [DELETED] 

>>20388114(me, fixing)
Not counter, I'm sorry. Against? Adversarial to?

>> No.20388163

KJV is certainly the most beautiful, literary, and cultured Bible. Most other bibles include in their aims a desire to be accessible (ie, able to be understood by children, retards, union members, and nogs) which strips that away.

>> No.20388337

To be fair ESV has 'or is toward' as a footnote for 'contrary to'. There is definitely bias in the ESV as in 99% of other translations (including the KJV), but it's not like it's just presenting one view and trying to hide any other interpretation.

>> No.20388437

>including the KJV
Damnable blasphemy. The only bias the K ing J a me s had was making sure that all earthly kings other than David, Solomon, and Josiah being absolute evil tyrants wasn't solid Scriptural doctrine, and insisting on "church" for "ekklesia". Oh, and helpful original language alternate words being in footnotes was perfectly fine, but no marginal expository/theological notes allowed (as were found rather extensively for the time in the Geneva). There might have been a couple more minor aspects here and there, but I'm not heading to Wikipedia for a refresher, feel free to research and "BTFO" (Me).

Enjoy being eternally internally massaged by Satan's pecker for speaking ill of the one and only closest to perfect legitimate word of the LORD God Almighty that we have available *in* earth. That's right, not *on* earth. Check Matthew 6:9-13 if (You) are a Thomas.

Now, that particular there was not in """the original Hebrew""", per se, as the word does seem to lean mostly towards "on" from the casual reading of the natural minded man (1 Corinthians 2:14) taught a bunch of dung in some """school""", but when you utilize the Holy Ghost it becomes perfectly clear that "in" was Inspired, officially, straight from Him who holds the seven spirits (Revelation 3:1 + Zechariah 4:10).

>> No.20388559

Didn't read, take your meds

>> No.20388598

>I don't have interest in actually discussing the Holy Bible
>I have no ears to hear

>> No.20388652

Ghosts are dead people anon, Ruach HaKodesh is more like the Holy Breath

>> No.20388682

The JPS 1917 is a little different

>And the LORD said unto Cain: ‘Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?
>If thou doest well, shall it not be lifted up? and if thou doest not well, sin coucheth at the door; and unto thee is its desire, but thou mayest rule over it.’

I hear a lot of praise for the KJV style but I don't see what's so good about it. Maybe it's because I'm not a native English speaker, but English Bibles just sound so souless to me.

The book of Job flows perfectly in my Portuguese Bible, it reads like an epic poem and I can actually feel something while reading it.

>> No.20388691

Ghosts are beings that are of the realm of what is to us the "unseen". He is the Holy one of those, from that linquistic perspective. Otherwise I also agree with Holy Breath, just like I understand where the NRSV minions of Satan get "wind from God" in Genesis 1. One thing I have learned from Tim Mackie is that those words were intended to have power of repetition, pattern, type, so I do figure they should be translated thusly. I do appreciate my KJ having the translator's note of "wind" being the Hebrew in Genesis 3:8 ("cool/wind of the day") for that very purpose. Holy Ghost is a very good descriptor though, when seen in the fulness of intended context and not just referencing departed humans.

>> No.20388699

>Ghosts are beings that are of the realm of what is to us the "unseen"
So are angels, so are dead people (their souls), this terminology "holy ghost" is horrible, which isn't surprising coming from anglos

>> No.20388745

Nah, it's breddy gud. Lrn2words properly. You are seeing through some foreigner filter of some sort and it has (You) all warped. It means things that thou art unawares. But one must have lived from birth within lives in which such words are used in the common within the fullest allowed/implied/defined contextual variances, to really feature a proper feel for them. Heck, I even appreciate Shane MacGowan's take, "Holy Spook".

>> No.20388766

Out of curiosity, here's Robert Alter's translation, which is actually rendered in poetic form in his book, but I'll render it just as plain text.
>[6] And the LORD said to Cain. “Why are you incensed, and why is your face fallen? [7] For whether you offer well, or whether you do not, at the tent flap sin crouches and for you is its longing but you will rule over it.”
Alter accompanies it with the following note
>This is the first of two enigmatic and probably quite archaic poems in the chapter. God’s initial words pick up the two locutions for dejection of the immediately preceding narrative report and turn them into the parallel utterances of formal verse. The first clause of verse 7 is particularly elliptic in the Hebrew, and thus any construction is no more than an educated guess. The narrative context of sacrifices may suggest that the cryptic s’eit (elsewhere, “preeminence”) might be related to masʾeit, a “gift” or “cultic offering.”

>> No.20388794
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Checked number of books in God's true canonical Holy Bible. I think I just realized I definitely need to invest in the Alter set should I ever find myself able to invest in things again someday. I suspect it really holds a certain array of keys to fully unlocking the OT. Reading it probably enhances one's usual translation, should that not wind up becoming exactly that. I wish it were available in a single compact, relatively light weight, quality leather format on Bible paper too, like an OT only standard Bible typically is.

>> No.20388832

Yeah I'm definitely leaning against it more now, having looked into it more, was just interested to hear thoughts on it after learning about it recently. Either way I don't fear studying the bible, nothing evil is sown by pondering and learning from it.

>> No.20389465
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>> No.20389694
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>not having the NJB on the list, despite being the latest non-woke (1985) translation from original sources; not to mention all the juicy notes from the Study Edition
>yes, NJBR is woke, as probably any bible with "Revised" in the title :/

>> No.20389697

I was thinking of going for a more literal translation of the bible as a newbie. I'm agnostic with anti-catholic sentiments and it's more for enlightenment in general/self-study rather than a religious motivation. Would I be better off going for one of the King James versions compared to NASB?

>> No.20389705

ESV or either of the 2 you mentioned depending on the complexity of the language you want.

>> No.20389714

>I'm agnostic with anti-catholic sentiments and it's more for enlightenment in general/self-study rather than a religious motivation.

>> No.20389845

Unavaiable in my area. I like Jefferson so I want to know what it's about.

>> No.20389859

chopping Christ's history to frame Him as just a moral teacher is asinine.

>> No.20389862

watch the Bible Project videos. quute helpful in understanding everything.
I'd go KJV for the literacy and its decent accuracy.

>> No.20389892

here's my suggestions, although unrelated to a translation.
get a reading plan, like the M'Cheyne or the Bible in a year one.
or even just an order, like Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, John, Epistles, Revelation, OT ordered in some way or in order.
the biggest thing here is you have to read the Bible for what it says. don't interpret passages based on your own philosophical and personal views. read the Bible on its own terms, so to say.

>> No.20390201

so im about to start 2nd chronicles. this is easy so far. im wondering if the wisdom books are more 'dense' so i can plan accordingly.

>> No.20390217

I got bogged down in Acts :(

>> No.20390222

dense in what sense? one nice little tip is seeing the proper meaning of the word that was translated into "meaningless" in Ecclesiastes.
and, one of the most important things, understand Job properly.
there's literally a book because its author misunderstood.

>> No.20390223

how come?
what else have you read until now?

>> No.20390273

The four gospels. People say that Acts were written by the same person who wrote the Gospel of Luke but I highly doubt it because the Gospel of Luke was not boring. Different vibe.
Now I will either switch back to finishing the Pentateuch or start reading the Catholic Letters.

>> No.20390283

catholic letters?
it's a given really, because Acts is basically pure history. it's worth reading with attention though.

>> No.20390307

Saint Peter's letters

>> No.20390330 [DELETED] 

the Epistles then.
it's how i've heard them called, at least.

>> No.20390980

If Acts is "boring" then you are lacking tons of contextual knowledge and perspective. It is one of the most exciting books of the entire Holy Bible, by far. It is a book of urgent missions carried out by people who knew for a direct fact that they were doing the work of the creator of all existence and that everything they were doing was laying a foundation that would last and be relied upon by all of God's people ever after until Christ's return.

>> No.20391162

maybe I just burned out (I'm at chapter 11 of 28, read all that in 2 or 3 days)
it's pretty cool but doesn't add much to the Gospels to be honest

>> No.20391493

Can I believe in Christ and everything taught by Christianity but not be a Christian?

>> No.20391498

If you believe in Christ and everything taught by Christianity you are by definition a Christian.

>> No.20391507

But what if I don't go to church, I don't respect the teachings, and I don't even admit to others in my life about my beliefs?

>> No.20391519

Why don't you go to church or respect the teachings?

>> No.20391528

I'm just asking. It may be hypothetical or not.

>> No.20391598

Part of believing Christ and everything Christianity teaches is respecting those teachings. "You will know them by their fruits." If you believe, you'll act according to your belief.
Dors that answer your question?

>> No.20391608

No, you can very well act against your beliefs if you're too weak to follow them.

>> No.20391645

but what God wants is you to want to follow Him and hold those beliefs.
we are so failed, we cannot even try to live a Christian life by our own will. and God helps you. all He wants is you to be willing.

>> No.20391653

*but God helps you

>> No.20391682

After I read Hitchens' "God Is Not Great" in March I started (partly unconsciously) inching towards materialism and atheism from my previous agnostic perspective. I've started believing that belief in God is just a coping mechanism, which is needed for such a hostile world we live in. It's easier to live with yourself when in the back of your mind you can trust that God is on your side. No tragedy is too great and with God you won't sink into despair. But I can't bring myself to believe that there is a God especially due to recent events. Why would God allow such mindless and needlessly evil acts, for example the rapes of children in Ukraine? This it not a new thing, humanity has always been like this. How could a loving and fair God have created humanity?

>> No.20391694

There is really a God shaped hole in my heart but how can I believe in a God when humanity is so fucked up, we cannot save ourself from ourselves

>> No.20391705

What does one have to do with the other? God gave us free will, and evil happens when people don't listen to God. He isn't forcing us to do anything.

>> No.20391750

They didn't do anything to deserve it. It can be said that the man doing the evil deeds did not listen to God, but what about his victims? Why does God allow the evil mans victims to suffer?

>> No.20391764

How could he give us free will while also protecting everyone from suffering? Part of free will is that you can hurt others.

>> No.20391800

>we cannot save ourself from ourselves
guess who can.

bumping so someone recommends a book that addresses the 'problem of evil'
that some call it. I could try to explain it, but i know someone has done it better.

>> No.20391818

>I don't respect the teachings
>I believe in Christ and everything taught by Christianity
anon pls go back and read the four Gospels again

>and I don't even admit to others in my life about my beliefs?
Saint Peter didn't either so maybe go read >>20390307

>> No.20391824

I asked a question, not for advice. If you can't answer, don't bother.

>> No.20391832


>> No.20391880

the word sin in Hebrew means "to fail".
we have failed God since the beginning; Adam and Eve were prideful in wanting to be like God.
most evil is a result of choosing our own selfish desires. greed, anger, lust (in your example. using another being for personal pleasure, disregarding what they are).
the innocent suffer because of the sinner's error. by our own hand and choice, we cause evil unto others.
God wants us to repent, and live according to His perfect will. you can see what that is in the life of Jesus Christ. we are all made in God's image, and should respect eachother likewise.
Christ even summarized the Law: love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength, and the other commandment, 'and love your neighbour as yourself.'
the child suffers because of the soldier's sin. but God shall judge them both. "for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)
i recommend reading (and understanding! it's extremely complicated) Job.

>> No.20391938

and what i forgot to add. God made us in His image, and *we* chose to change that.
how could we have gone so far away from God is the question you should be asking.

>> No.20391962


>"unto the pure are all things pure"

He seems to contrast purity with defilement.

>"They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to stimuli in a certain pattern... even if you shower him with information and documents; take him by the hand and show him concentration camp he will refuse to believe it until a military boot crashes his skull, then he will understand; but not before then. This is the tragedy of the situation."

>> No.20392057

more like /fg/ fiction general

>> No.20392257

Are you 15? You can find basic videos on YouTube explaining why the new atheists are just nonsense. I suggest you start with Mathoma.

>> No.20392270

Then why are you on this thread is you find it devoid of interest?

Back to the BBC threads with you....

>> No.20392351

here's a recommendation to everyone, give the 'bad word series' of Bible Project a watch.
it's an amazing channel.

>> No.20392577

>Bible Project
Don't watch their video on Jonah. Just a suggestion.

>> No.20392593


>> No.20392611

They call it a satirical book (i.e., a work of fiction). Which is pretty awkward because Jesus referred to Jonah like he was pretty real in Matthew 12:40.

>> No.20392668
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It's coming in the mail tomorrow. I'm excited. I overcame my atheist phase and realized God is real. I decided to begin my journey back into Christianity by reading the Bible front to back. I made into Judges reading a NIV version until I realized how cucked NIV is (removal of gendered language etc). So I started reading a KJV app and realized the old English really isn't that hard to understand as long as you're at least 3 digit IQ and really enjoyed it much more than the NIV so I decided to buy a nice KJV.

Is there anything specifically I missed reading all those books in NIV? I'm going to go back and read the creation chapters again in my KJV, is there anything else in particular that I should re-read in KJV?

>> No.20392790

read it all, if you're so inclined. the language is more poetic, and there isn't such a thing like studying Scripture too much.
i'd recommend a different order though.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, John, Epistles, Revelation, OT.
you can read the Gospels in any order, but read Luke and Acts together as he wrote both.
either that or a reading plan like the M'Cheyne and Bible in a year (both of which i have seen recommended here).
it's easier to see OT prophecy once you know the conclusion of it.

>> No.20392817

there's a few little bits where they kind of toe that line of being wrong, but on the whole it is quite decent.
i personally really like their word studies. Hebrew is such a beautiful language with an amazing depth of meaning.

>> No.20392844

>" " " " " " " V " " " " " " "
It is just the Kin g J am es Bible, there are no "versions". What you have there is *the* one and only Holy Bible.

>> No.20392920

It's weird that I come to these threads for advice despite not being a Christian?

>> No.20392985

Kind of. What kind of topics do you ask for advice on?

>> No.20392990

I want to leave 4chan.

>> No.20393004

You're here forever, I'm afraid.

>> No.20393081

same, maybe when the pendulum shifts and there are better alternatives to reddit and sjw propaganda. For now just try to quit porn and avoid coomer blue boards like /co/

>> No.20393138

After doing volunteer work one I realized this is just filled with vindictive spiteful people and that I have to get away from here if I want to find happiness.

>> No.20393152

True. Trouble is where I am isn't something to leave for. I am signing up for volunteer work too so I can stop being a NEET though.

>> No.20393188

It's nice meeting someone whose fairly laid back given that this is /lit/. That being said volunteering hasn't really helped because I still have too much time on my hands same thing applies to vidya. Really the only solution is getting a job

>> No.20393209

Or god forbid /vt/. I originally went there for the spectacle and that is still true but it is just a cesspit of simps, degenerates, and coomers.

>> No.20393217

You don't actually watch V-Tubers right anon...RIGHT?

>> No.20393232

I also feel that my time spent on unsavory boards has disconnected me from god, like when I read the word it doesn't pop like it used to, I really need to redouble my efforts to get in the word, listen to the holy spirit and leave that crap behind.

>> No.20393248

Ofc not vtubers are cringe and I could barely listen to clips of them for 2 minutes no less a stream of two hours, I just found morbid curiosity in chronicling their retardation.

>> No.20393352
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The Biblical events, overseen by God, happened in such a way, that we can also relate to them anagogically. But they first of course happened, exactly as it is written.

>> No.20393402

>Ron Wyatt
Oh, fuck off.

>> No.20393403

The main reason most of us are on 4chan is because we wanted to discuss or hobbies and interests and see funny things that you wouldn't find on most social sites. The problem is that 4chan isn't any different from Reddit and Twitter and still gives your brain the rush of instant dopamine that it craves. Honestly we're probably never actually quit and at best learn how to use it in moderation.

>> No.20393474

That's what I'm volunteering for. No one will hire an empty resume and I don't like lying so I'm doing things to fill it. I'm lrobably laidback because I'm a newfag, don't browse reddit though.

>> No.20393504

>we can also relate to them anagogically
I wouldn't even include "also". Such levels of meaning are far more important than our standard "worldly historical scientific" paradigms.

>> No.20394000

why did God create such a fucked up project that we call humans then? whats the point?

>> No.20394041
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Geneva Bible/GNV:
Older than the KJV by several decades, and in many ways it manages to be both more readable and more “literary” compared to the KJV, especially once you get used to the archaic spellings (or get a copy of the modernized spelling editions) of the GNV.

Add to that fact that it was also the Bible used by Shakespeare, Bunyan, among others, and it is my favorite bible to read (though I still have a couple of copies of the King James, including a very useful 1611 edition with Apocrypha.)

>> No.20394055
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Glory, my friend - to overcome this world and it's evil through Jesus Christ.

Peace be to this general, and all who post in it

>> No.20394060

Do you have a particular edition to recommend?

>> No.20394138

>Bible Thread
Reminder to never join any "Church" and just pray to god.

The Church wants you to
>pay like 10 % of your income as a donation without anything in return
>tip them once a week for mandatory Church visit (or you are a sinner!)
>tip the Church at Christian holydays
>tip the Church at "rank up" ceremonies

It is really important to completely throw the Church into hell and let them burn there. If you want to love Christ, just read the Bible and follow it.

I really miss in all Christian Bible threads a strong distancing from the Church. The Church is a commercial enterprise which has nothing to do with religion. Tipping is not the word of god and therefore not part of the true believe in the Bible and god.

While I wouldn't care about the Church (it's never wrong to promote the Bible), I'm just disgusted at how the Church wants to bully you into tipping.


>> No.20394170

No church I have ever been to has so much as hinted as such a requirement.

>> No.20394215
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Searching up “1599 Geneva Bible” on Libgen will bring up two copies by Tolle Lege Press, who publish a faithful update to the translation without tinkering with the translation:

(For example,
“I said in mine heart, Goe to nowe, I will proue thee with ioy: therefore take thou pleasure in pleasant things: and beholde, this also is vanitie.”


“I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove 1thee with joy: therefore take thou pleasure in pleasant things: and behold, this also is vanity.”

[and for reference,
KJV reads
“I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also is vanity.”]

If you like the ebook or pdf, genevabible.com will start selling them in a limited run this summer, but unless you want to drop $100-300 on a leather of calfskin copy, you can find them on eBay or Amazon for $20-50 easily.

I hope that this helps.

>> No.20394444
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The Church used to be the backbone of my country (England) and was the thing that brought most people together. It’s community and worshipping our Lord together, which is what a healthy society needs.
I long for those days. I’m an Anglican but the CofE today is a far cry from the Anglicanism of C.S. Lewis; it’s now become the worship of woke politics…The Church here is now a mirror of a sick society, but I tell myself it wasn’t always like this.
In many aspects of life, we must go back, and I hope to God that he restores the Church back to what it used to

>> No.20394550

He didn't. God made us in His image.
we chose to mar that.
the issue is us, and He is fixing it. that's the whole deal with Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Moses, everyone, and the covenants. Getting back into following God's perfect will. as God saw that we are too failed to keep it, He came down in the flesh so that through Jesus Christ we could be forgiven, helped, and saved.

what you're probably thinking wrong is seeing the free will God gave us as something wrong or bad.
we are the wrong and bad who can (and do) use that will wrongly.

>> No.20394617

>he doesn't realise that each church is completely independent
I suggest you spend less time reading headlines and more time going to church.

>> No.20394797

Independent from what?

>> No.20394837

Each other. There is no Anglican Pope. One church can disallow female priests while the church across the road blesses gay marriages. One can be full of stained glass windows dedicated to the saints and another can be an altarless Calvinist demountable. Pick one that suits you.

>> No.20395052

>Reminder to never join any "Church" and just pray to god.
That would be going against Christ and his words, so no.

>> No.20395074
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I am going to become Orthodox.

>> No.20395094

Enjoy being fooled by Satan into praying to demons disguised as Mary and "saints" instead of being Christian and praying only to God.

>> No.20395129

What if I pray to our Lord’s mother and God? Maybe a bit of both but moreso to God, naturally. What’s the harm? Do you think he hates his mother so much he would send me to hell for it? What’s the harm?

>> No.20395136

Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins.

>> No.20395168
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It's over for jabbies isn't it? They're all going to get the monke pox with their compromised immune system

>> No.20395183

It will go one of two ways;
1) The vaccinated actually got immunised against monkeypox and they will survive
2) The unvaccinated will contract monkeypox easier because they didn’t get said vaccines
Neither outcome is particularly good, I don’t think.

>> No.20395330

Who did Jesus teach to pray to?

>> No.20395350

3) the vaccine actually compromises your natural immune system and the vaccinated will die at a much higher rate from what would otherwise be a mild disease

>> No.20395352

Himself, of course. He also said to Peter that Mary is his mother also.

>> No.20395374

when caths say it's a sin to not fast on fridays or skip church on a sunday, itsn't this the exact thing christ condemned when he broke the sabbath in mark 2?

>> No.20395380
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I have 2 questions.

I just bought a somewhat expensive bible so I want to maintain it well and take care of it. I'll be taking it most places and to work with me so it will be spending quite a bit of time being carried upright in a case similar to pic related.

My question is: when being carried in the case is it better to position it with the spine facing up while carrying (spine toward the handle) or better to carry with the spine facing down (towards the ground)? Or does it even matter?

2nd question is what do I do with the shitty NIV bible I bought from Walmart? I don't want it, it's full of typos ontop of NIV being cucked anyways. I'll never read it again but it still feels wrong to just throw a bible in the trash. What do I do with it? Or is it ok to toss in the trash?

>> No.20395398

I always burn non K ing Jame s "bibles" so as to prevent them from polluting others with Satanic counterfeit "scripture".

>> No.20395496

Why even shitty translations like NIV are still the word of God albeit poorly so why deprive people of it. why not just donate them? Also there are other translations that are perfectly cromulent (ESV, NKJV, NLT)

>> No.20395503

spine to the ground. it's gonna crease put the other way.
donate that NIV to a church or to someone.

>> No.20395508

donate it, give it to your local church, or if you know someone who doesn't have a bible give it to them.

>> No.20395649
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if it's a carrying case like pic you attached, spine towards the ground, as the case is soft... if it was hard and the book sit snugly (slipcovers or box covers or cardboard cases) spine towards the top as otherwise the curve of the spine may get squished

>> No.20395654

Catholics are legalistic and silly. Fasting is a good and ancient practice but if one doesn’t understand the purpose of fasting and instead turns it into a rule, it’s useless.

>> No.20395722

How, pray tell, does burning an NIV deprive people of the Kin g Jame s? No, nothing that is not the Bible is "cromulent" with the Bible. Something either is or is not the Bible. Rust, and rust colored paint are both similar in appearance, but only one can eat metal.
>oh hey look, here is a pile of meth. I do not use meth but can just donate it to someone who does

>> No.20395927
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Can any of you lads recommend a book about God and nature or books written by Christian outdoorsman.
I really like John Muir and he is a Christian whom I deeply admire.

>> No.20396019
File: 186 KB, 1200x1600, 84F5D9A1-AD31-4912-92C0-57FBB981CCA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly what you requested, but if you don’t already have this (and can stomach the NRSV), the so-called *Green Bible*is a “green-letter” edition that has well over a thousand verses highlighted in green text.

Some of them may be a reach, but overall it’s a welcome way to look at scripture from a refreshed or alternative perspective.

>> No.20396028
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I don't really have a way to burn it. I don't want to burn the fake leather plastic shit on my grill.

>> No.20396252

That actually looks very interesting! I will look into this Bible. I usually read the KJV but this looks great. Thankyou.

>> No.20396253

Just take it out in the yard and throw it on your twice annual burn pile of fallen limbs this coming Fall, since you just did the Spring one a little over a month ago.

>> No.20396272

>Harper who also publishes Satanic Bible and Joy of Gay Sex

>> No.20396289

By your same logic that anything that departs from the original texts (IE any translation) should be burned so you better learn greek and hebrew nigger. did you know that there are words that were in the original manuscripts that don't exist in english translations because there isn't a direct translation that encompasses the whole meaning of it?

>> No.20396328

Also I am talking about copies of the NIV that I have that are about 10-15 years old. I don't know if they have done silliness with the translations recently but those copies that I read as a kid vs the KJV or ESV don't miss much my only grievance is that the language is a little too simple to convey the weight of ideas. Although it was always it always an assumption that they were meant for children or people with low reading level.

>> No.20396404

read that there are no official instructions for disposal of a bible, but that many people use burial or burning out of respect

I'll bury it

>> No.20396418

>your same logic
Apparently (You) do not even know what that is, because it BTFOs all of that. The Ki n g Ja m e s is closer to the autographs than anything still available without exception, in any language. The Holy Ghost helped its translators to restore Scripture to a more proper absolute state after centuries of meddling by Satanic Babylonians like "saint" Jerome.
>some dude in the future digs and finds it
>is corrupted by counterfeit "scripture"
>becomes a troon

>> No.20396441

why not just donate it?

>> No.20396462

Because NIV is cucked. And it's a shitty NIV full of typos and words bleeding through cheap paper

>> No.20396497

Has anyone softcover leather bound a bible? I have the old KJV that I got after I got baptized, and I really want to restore the book by getting rid of the crappy pleather binding and replace it with some genuine leather.

>> No.20396506
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My pleasure, anon, happy to help.

I agree that NRSV is bleh, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that my younger self enjoyed highlighting my KJV with green pencil all of the “green bible” verses and the words of Christ in red pencil.

Even though I’ve been using the 1599 Geneva bible a great deal, I’ve got love for those who rep for the Authorized/King James/Holy Bible, particularly the 1611 edition with the Apocrypha.

Peace be with you, brother.

>> No.20396521
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I like this bible even though it is a cheap gift bible but I like the formatting and that it is made with real paper as opposed to that onion paper crap. I also want to make some upgrades like adding 3 ribbons for OT, NT and an active reading bookmark.

>> No.20396594

Ignore the histrionic protestant schizo. Giving it attention encourages it.

>> No.20396742

I read somewhere that holy texts should be disposed of in one of two ways: wrap it in a cloth and bury it, or throw it in the water

>> No.20396752

Any Bible with "Revised" in the title should be avoided as they are modified to cater to feminists and the "nonbinary." We are living in the era of the Internet, it's not that hard to look up if the original meant male, female, plural etc. In the meantime respect the work of people who dedicated their lives to make a proper translation from original sources, like the New Jerusalem Bible.

>> No.20396760

In the future, scientific advancements will allow readers to have the Bible broadcast directly into their brains in the form of wordless concepts and ideas, making a correct translation and a correct interpretation of doctrine synonymous.

>> No.20396778

>avoid "revised"
>go with "new"
This kind of warping of the mind is what praying to demons disguised as Mary and "saints" will do to one.

>> No.20396832

"New" is not any kind of buzzword, it's to differentiate it from the "Jerusalem Bible" which was translated in the 1960's (as far as I recall) and since then new studies were done.

>> No.20396866
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So "new" and "revised" are very different things, and not both totally terms indicative of differentiation from their previous "versions" after having "new studies". Ah, yes, I now have a clear view of the grand vista that is the giant gulf between those two words as pertaining to Bible translations.

>> No.20396946

Read the Revised Version of 1885. Anything else is basically a paraphrase, the KJV included.

>> No.20396969

If I was going to consider that I'd just go with the ASV.
Should be tossed into the fire.

>> No.20396981

the modern "Revised" buzzwords stands for what I wrote here >>20396752 and you quoted, asshat
back in 1985 when the New Jerusalem Version was published, "new studies" haven't existed
go back to sodomizing your father
is it better than KJV+concordance?

>> No.20396988

>tossed into the fire
see >>20396742
Age of Aquarius may be better than Age of Pisces but darn you guys are annoying

>> No.20396998

>The New Jerusalem Bible is an update to the Jerusalem Bible
>The New Jerusalem Bible uses more gender inclusive language than the Jerusalem Bible
The LORD God Almighty awaits your contrition for "asshat" and being Catholic.

>> No.20397031

>For the most part, however, the inclusive language is limited to avoiding a "preference" for the masculine, as the translators write in the foreword. The New Jerusalem Bible uses more gender inclusive language than the Jerusalem Bible, but far less than many modern translations such as the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, which changes "brothers" to "brothers and sisters", throughout the New Testament.
It respects the neutral it does not change stuff.

>> No.20397062

What's the best translation of the Apocrypha? I have the KJV but to my understanding the Apocrypha were given less focus during the production of the KJV than the rest of the OT.

>> No.20397083

>avoiding a "preference" for the masculine
Imagine not keeping women in their place.

>> No.20397109
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>is it better than KJV+concordance?
Even better, get the KJV+RV Interlinear Bible.

>> No.20397131

That was one of the funniest sentences to read with no context

>> No.20397421
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KJV, GNV are the best ones, ESV is a very close second, beingthe most readable without making too many concessions to fidelity to the texts.

Cambridge still publishes a separate apocrypha for the KJV and ESV (top two pictures. I have copies of both, both are great), the Oxford ESV Bible with Apocrypha is great (if you can find it; it commands a high price for being out of print), and the parallel apocrypha, while interesting, really only is useful for making you appreciate how much better the KJV is than the others short of learning Greek yourself.

Hope this helps.

>> No.20397918

Welp, just got my copy of Mounce's Biblical Greek grammar and workbook. Apparently there are less than 6,000 koine greek words in the Bible, so it should be attainable for a lay person like myself to be able to read the original greek in a year or two. See you lads on the other side!

>> No.20398066

Why go through all of that pointless waste for an inferior version of Scripture? In 2 years you'll either be gayed by Satan or come back preaching the K J.

>> No.20398075

Have you considered becoming an Anglo-Cath? Are Anglo-Caths still part of the Anglican Communion?

>> No.20398077


>> No.20398078

What kind of question is that? Anglo-Catholics dominate the Anglican Communion and exist nowhere else.

>> No.20398093

Battle of the dubs. 66 for the number of God's true Biblical canon wins.

>> No.20398101

>why are people so obsessed with jewish mythology?

Why is history important?

Jewish fables and academic fables ARE NOT THE SAME THING

>> No.20398103
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>church is only once a week

>> No.20398135

>the original Greek is inferior!
New levels of contrarianism have been reached.

>> No.20398152

You are replying to a poster who has said that the translation of the OT quoted by Christ and the Apostles is a tool of kikes and demons. Replying further will only cause you to develop a headache.

>> No.20398179

He also denies the 81 books of Scripture.

>> No.20398187
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Greek is inferior.

They write the sounds down.

>> No.20398213

What's funny is that he's repurposing an argument from the preface of the original Douay-Rheims of 1610 which argued for the authority of the Latin over the Greek and is just applying it to his King Jim Jam English instead.

>> No.20398297

No, I have never said that, but I recall that dialogue. So many times ding dongs here have mixed me up with others. May God have mercy and forgive (You) rather than ταρταρόω.
Interesting, but I did not intend the notion of the language itself being inferior, nor even the original autographs. However, our understanding of Koine is certainly flawed due to a variety of historical factors, and "learning" it really just amounts to being taught to overlay various English words and anyone can just look one up and see a cluster of claimed applicables, then choose which one they think "feels best", essentially.
The DRers were on to something there, but unfortunately they were also relying on "saint" Jerome's intentional alterations like Genesis 3:15 to suit his own personal sick, wacko sub cult of wealthy women.

>> No.20398307

Do penance.

>> No.20398349

Do research.

>> No.20398364

I have. If your "church" doesn't believe in baptismal regeneration, the Real Presence, and the authority of bishops, you're at odds with the 1st century Apostolic Church and you're a Gnostic.

>> No.20398383

>welp, bishop said we're going to start praying to Mary and "saints" now, I guess he has the authority.
>welp, bishop said we have to give money to get our loved ones out of Hell Lite quicker, I guess he has the authority.
>welp, we no longer speak Latin and have no idea what is being said in church, but bishop says that's what God wants, I guess he has the authority.
>welp, some kids at our parish got diddled, bishop said he's moving the priest to diddle kids somewhere else and for us to sign an NDA, I guess he has the authority.

>> No.20398458

>No argument
Become Christian.

>> No.20398485

>welp, bishop said we are merging the church with the state now, I guess he has the authority
>welp, bishop said to burn this man alive for saying that the stars are other suns, I guess he has the authority.

>> No.20398581

Again, become Christian.

>> No.20398719

Will reading Revelation in isolation give insight in to world events or do I need more to go along with it?

>> No.20398803

Do Roman Catholics normally use the first, last, or full name of saints when putting relatively recent saints in their name?

>> No.20399501

Revelation is full of references to Zechariah, Daniel, Ezekiel and other apocalyptic books of the Bible, and is probably *best* understood with these in mind. Reading it alone isn’t impossible though. Trying to apply it to world events won’t work too well though. We’ve been in the end times since 30 AD, and certain ‘tropes’ of history repeat themselves over and over. The main message of Revelation is that God reigns and has already won, and that Christians will be persecuted and killed by worldly governments and led astray by false prophets, but those who endure to the end, even through martyrdom, will be with God. Like Christ said, He will come like a thief in the night, and we should ‘stay awake’

>> No.20399514

Which book of the bible should I start with if I just want to get to the good stuff?
The last time I tried to read the bible I was filtered by Genesis because it's boring.
I'm not going to become a Christian, but I want to better understand what people value about the bible.

>> No.20399516

Gospel of Matthew and Gospel of John

>> No.20399520

Same reason I’m reading. Luke is where most newfags start I think. I was recommended John. Im sure other anons will guide you just as they did me. Good luck friend. Genesis, might be boring but it’s where most biblical references come from. Required reading for sure. Be sure to look into other Christian texts as well! Paradise lost, and confessions.

>> No.20399528

Matthew. It's the first book of the New Testament for a reason, and has the most sayings of Jesus.

>> No.20399535

Impossible. That's like trying to have sex with only an an individual pube instead of the whole vagina.

>> No.20399540

Ok thanks. What about the old testament?
I've heard that Ecclesiastes is one of the most poetic and nature focused books in the bible, so I'm curious about that.

>> No.20399544

The OT is shared with Jews and despite being 3x as long is quoted half as much in most churches. It's obviously still Scripture but if you want to see what makes Christians tick, read the Gospels and Acts first. You already tried Genesis which is the most important to Christians of the OT anyway.

>> No.20399549

Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and the Psalms are all good.
A lot of the Old Testament is best understood both literally and by looking forward to Jesus, i.e. typological readings. For example, the near-sacrifice of Abraham’s son Isaac in Genesis 22, and how Isaac says that God will provide the lamb, and how Isaac carries wood up the mountain, and how he is the only son of Abraham, etc. Christians link this all to death of Jesus on the cross, and the lamb referred to by Isaac would be the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Looking into typological readings can help one understand how the Old fits into the New Testament, as well as being familiar with stuff like Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 and other aspects of the OT that were extremely influential in coloring how Christians read the OT.

>> No.20399553

>is quoted half as much in most churches
That's part of why I'm curious about it. I've spent a lot of time in mostly evangelical churches working as a substitute musician.
Of course hearing someone talk about it isn't the same as reading it, but old testament is more of a blind spot for me.

>> No.20399600

>Can I believe in Christ and everything taught by Christianity but not be a Christian?

Hypothetically, yes. But as a practical matter, not really, because Christian belief necessarily includes an element of praxis -- if the praxis is not there, the "belief" is not salvific, and lacks that cooperation with God's grace and commandments that is necessary to "be a Christian."

In sum: "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:22

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24

"Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' but not do what I say?" Luke 6:46

"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 7:21

>> No.20399616

>"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:22
There's no deceiving
>"Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24
I don't see the relevance
>"Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' but not do what I say?" Luke 6:46
Various possible reasons
>"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17
Yes, it's a sin
>"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 7:21
Christians can go to hell to, no?

>> No.20399653

>There's no deceiving
If you're a hearer of the word and not a doer, and you think that somehow makes you a Christian, you are deceiving yourself.

>I don't see the relevance
The message is that you have to have to act on what you hear. It is essentially the same as James 1:22

>Christians can go to hell to, no?
Yes, but if so it is because they have not done the will of God -- they have been hearers only, without putting what they heard into practice.

>> No.20399655

Were those verses supposed to explain why anon can't do what he described?
Those verses are good evidence that actions are more important than belief.

>> No.20399663

>Were those verses supposed to explain why anon can't do what he described?
>Those verses are good evidence that actions are more important than belief.

The verses were posted in response to >>20391493's question: "Can I believe in Christ and everything taught by Christianity but not be a Christian?"

>> No.20399664

>f you're a hearer of the word and not a doer, and you think that somehow makes you a Christian
You have to first demonstrate that a Christian must be a doer
>The message is that you have to have to act on what you hear. It is essentially the same as James 1:22
It says being a doar is useful
>Yes, but if so it is because they have not done the will of God -- they have been hearers only, without putting what they heard into practice.
Then you admit Christians don't have to be doers...

>> No.20399672

Yeah, and if you believe in the teachings, but aren't Christian, that means you'll believe in doing the actions, but not hold the belief, which means prioritizing actions over beliefs.
Being Christian isn't action. Following the teachings is action.

>> No.20399690

>Genesis which is the most important to Christians of the OT anyway
Absurd. Where is Passover and sacrificial atonement?

>> No.20399694

I didn't say it was the only important bit of the OT, but it contains more of importance than any one other book and it's not even close really.

>> No.20399707

Projection according to your own personal levels of understanding, but wrong in actuality. In addition to >>20399690, the exodus and Babylonian captivity are at least as important to the Christian worldview.

>> No.20399711

So you'd say Exodus is more important? I would have put it 2nd, because of the first 11 chapters of Genesis being so fundamental.

>> No.20399714

>Being Christian isn't action. Following the teachings is action.
If you aren't following the teachings, you aren't a Christian -- if you think you are, you're "deceiving yoursel[f]," James 1:22.

>Then you admit Christians don't have to be doers...
i. The NT warns that if a Christian's actions are not consistent with his beliefs, he will not be saved. In other words, a person with the nominal status of "Christian" will not necessarily be saved, as per Matthew 7:21, 1 Cor 6:9-10. "Faith without works is dead." James 2:26.
ii. A true Christian believes and acts consistent with that belief.

>> No.20399736

>If you aren't following the teachings, you aren't a Christian
Anon is talking about following the teaching in every way up to everything except for believing that every word of the bible is literally true.
I think what you're trying to say is that "If you aren't believing, you aren't following the teachings"
In my opinion, this is the opposite of what Christians should be doing. If people believe in following the actions prescribed by God, we should accept them into our club.
Christians would rather accept a sinful believer than a righteous atheist.

>> No.20399762

I don't have a problem with accepting a sinful believer.

What I have been addressing is the hypothetical proposition/question set out in >>20391493

>> No.20399763

Yeah I know. That's my point.

>> No.20399777

Well, I guess I don't interpret >>20391493 the way you do.

>> No.20399788

Yes. I'm directly disagreeing with your interpretation of that post.

>> No.20399800

k. it's kind of an open-ended question, that could be fairly addressed in different ways. thus, one can imagine the person posing the question in good faith (the sinful believer), but it's also possible to the question otherwise than in good faith, which i suppose is the way i addressed it.

>> No.20399857

>i. The NT warns that if a Christian's actions are not consistent with his beliefs, he will not be saved. In other words, a person with the nominal status of "Christian" will not necessarily be saved, as per Matthew 7:21, 1 Cor 6:9-10. "Faith without works is dead." James 2:26.
Well yes, I get that you're not saved. The questioon was if it's still a Christian, and you seem to agree.
I'm the person who asked that question. Your interpretation seems close to what I mean though you keep going on about salvation when I mean whether one is Christian or not not even one is saved or not.
>Anon is talking about following the teaching in every way up to everything except for believing that every word of the bible is literally true.
No, I meant believing everything in the bible is true but not following the teachings regardless.

>> No.20400009

the eucharist is only a symbol right? just like the bread broken during pascha was a symbol and not actual bread they ate at the exodus story right?

>> No.20400028

>but not following the teachings regardless
Not following the teachings (i) because of weakness (the sinful believer), or (ii) because of an Ivan Karamazov-like rejection of salvation because God is not worthy of worship, or (iii) because of a Luciferian determined malice / deliberate defiance of known truth?

>> No.20400034
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No, it is not only a symbol.

As Flannery O'Connor once said, if it's just a symbol, to hell with it.

>> No.20400045

Because of laziness, lack of motivation, disinterest

>> No.20400076

It’s actually his body and blood. The entire early church was unanimous about this and so is Jesus Himself.

>> No.20400108

Fwiw, I would characterize this attitude as coming within the scope of what used to be called 'acedia', one of the seven deadly sins.



>> No.20400113

So the answer is "yes", it's just a sinning Christian?

>> No.20400145

It’s spiritual death. Don’t expect to be saved when you can’t even lift a finger for God

>> No.20400213
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I already did now u

>> No.20400218

>the eucharist is only a symbol right?
No. There does not exist anyone in the first 200 years of the Church that thinks anything other than it being his literal body and literal blood except for heretics straight-up denying the Incarnation.

>> No.20400396
File: 208 KB, 328x499, 9BAE16A6-F6FB-4D45-90CD-2B8BF7AEE48E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you know anything about the Celtic Christianity movement?

>> No.20400504

What are the biblical implications of having hoes in different area codes?

>> No.20401357

Fornicators get the rope anon. Think about it, sex is sacred, its where you come from.

>> No.20401369

Read Paul. Get to know St Paul, our Church builder.

>> No.20401381

>Whether we are looking to find our cultural heritage or are seeking an alternative to worn and restrictive religious forms, the earth-centered, woman-friendly, inclusive faith of the Christian Celts offers us a deep-rooted alternative approach to traditional Christianity.
I think I'll pass.

>> No.20401433


>> No.20401650

imagine relying on a book to keep women in their place
isn't that where the whole of Protestantism went wrong?

>> No.20401765

>total ignorance
Protestants kept women in line just fine until recent decades thanks to Satan getting laws changed.

>> No.20402221
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What are we to ultimately make of the mss variance in Ecclesiastes 2:25? Not only which should it be, but how did the variance arise?

>> No.20402500

i think it's due to the caligraphy in some manuscript.
the proper is what the LXX gives.

>> No.20402548

Yep, that was exactly my thought just looking at the Hebrew words visually.

>> No.20402886

>sex is sacred, its where you come from.
not seeing the connection here

>> No.20402928

I'm at nehemiah right now, when does this get good?

>> No.20402983
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>Fedora-Trolls are common in these threads and the best way to deal with them is to just report and ignore, rather then responding to them.
Mods never ban fedora trolls on this site, they can break every rule apart from the first global rule and their posts will remain.

Israel is not a legitimate state. Death to satan's counterfeit Israel. Death to the synagogue of satan.

God hates you.

Catholics hate the KJV because it exposes their false doctrines. They only like "bibles" that have been perverted by satan to justify the whore of babylon vat-of-sin.

If you believed everything he said, then you'd be Christian. You've obviously never read what he's said.

Christ never broke the sabbath.

OT is more interesting than NT.

Also, NT-only """Christians""" are lukewarm faggots and God hates them.

It's Catholic pagan sun worship. It's a sun disc wafer. God doesn't dwell in temples built by men, why would he dwell in a cookie? Catholicism is retarded and should be exterminated off the face of the earth. Evil babylonian judaic cult and cash for heaven scam with indulgences, decked in gold and riches.

Nothing about the Catholic Chruch is Christian. Christ wasn't decked in gold and fancy robes and riches, He was a carpenter's son and rode a donkey. The Vat-of-sin should be carpet nuked into oblivion.

>> No.20402991

Where have you been? I have been having to hold down the fort by myself for this last couple of threads.

>> No.20402995

There is no evidence Christ or his father were carpenters, and he rode two donkeys, not one.

>> No.20402998

im just starting 2nd chronicles. its hard to believe anyone takes this seriously considering how much of it is filler.

>> No.20403202

Are Bible ribbons supposed to hang out at the bottom or should the ribbons be tucked back in like how they often are when originally purchased?

>> No.20403265

it is obvious that you are very knowledgeable, please tell me which branch of modern christianity hasn't been usurped by satan

>> No.20403508

It depends on the quality of ribbon. I leave the ribbons out in my Cambridge Bible and sometimes the ribbon gets bent a bit but with a good quality one it seems to straighten out easier.
I bought a Douay-Rheims from Baronius Press and the ribbon in that got creased and knotted really badly to the point it looked very ugly. Even ironing it out didn’t help much.

>> No.20403552

If you shitpost ITT, God will punish you twice as hard compared to regular shitposting

>> No.20404492

If you could turn any passage from the bible into a short film, what would it be?

>> No.20404521

My ribbons are custom, 3/8" ones. Three in each Bible. I've seen people do both.

>> No.20404525
File: 280 KB, 1076x536, Screenshot_20220522-095821_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samson is kino

>> No.20404616


This passage from Matthew:

Oops, Pasolini already did it.

>> No.20404670

this is trash

>> No.20404999
File: 262 KB, 1094x1600, 6bc4419d5ae03f71de7f34c4b43f9501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A modern spirit of Judaizing has become very popular in liberal, new agey types of evangelical circles. I see it quite often. These Judaizers often implicitly or even explicitly deny the Trinity, say things like we shouldn't celebrate Easter or Christmas, shouldn't eat pork or shellfish, should have church on Saturday instead of Sunday, and they deny Jesus Christ's divinity. They also sometimes say that there are mistakes and inaccuracies in the Bible. Also they often have female teachers.
Demonic infiltration of the church is what this is

>> No.20405241
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>> No.20405528

>"Church Fathers"
The ekklesia has *one* Father, God. These people go on and on and on and on about what all of these people think about this or that as if it matters, when everything you need to know is in Scripture. I have seen that particular e celeb talking about how ridiculous it is to care for people that you cannot see, that things happening to people in other parts of the world do not matter to him at all and that any other notion is ridiculous. He knows nothing of being a legitimate member of the Body of Christ. Opinions discarded. Read Scripture, pray only to God.

>> No.20405541
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what's the rule on pork? I'm still in old testament (Judges) but I do remember it saying several times not to eat pork. Yet most Christians eat it anyways. Is it allowed or not?

>> No.20405575
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Pork is allowed for Christians to eat as we see in the New Testament! Paul rebuked the Judaizers who wanted gentile Christians to follow Jewish customs! Yet for some reason liberal new age Christians think they sound really smart if they say that you can't eat pork. You can just imagine them saying in their nasally voice "Umm actually sweaty, in the Old Testament pork wasn't allowed" Yes and we aren't in the Old Testament!!!
These are usually the same kinds of peoe who say that Genesis is only a metaphor and evolution is real.

>> No.20405576

Read Acts 10:9-16.

>> No.20405731
File: 82 KB, 491x750, 98a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does the Bible mention anything about racism? I have asked God during prayer if my arrogance and hatred is wrong and wish I didn't live with hatred. But I simply cannot stop hating blacks and their satanic, hedonistic "culture", destruction of the family unit, spreading of STDs through reckless sex, crimes committed against innocents, endless abortions, etc.

And I hate modern day jews as well. Sometimes my hatred for niggers/jews keeps me from sleeping at night even.

Am I in the wrong? I wish I just lived in a community of white Christians who shared the same cultural values as me and then I wouldn't have to feel this way.

>> No.20405839

Some of the earliest Christians and saints were (former) Jews and Africans, notably Paul, of the former, and venerated men such as Abba Moses the Black, of the latter. More modernly many exemplary Christians have come from African ancestry, such as Cardinal Sarah of the Roman Catholic Church, whose works God or Nothing and The Day is Now Far Spent I highly recommend.
Hating others like this is unhealthy, and more importantly, incompatible with Christianity. You are commanded to forgive all men, to love your enemies, and to pray for those who despise you. No one ever said it would be easy.

>> No.20405871

hanging out the bottom so you can use it to pull the pages up

>> No.20405944

>Am I in the wrong? I wish
Yes, you’re wrong. I pray for God’s will to be done, God’s kingdom come, not mine not any other anon’s.

>> No.20405978

Galatians 3:28
>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

see their perspective. most modern day Jews (as in followers of Rabbinic Judaism) only believe it because of all the stuff the rabbis(and this is not a bad word, it means teacher, although the teachers now are bad people) fed to them and their fathers.
the rabbis lie to keep their position, status, and lifestyle. it's a horrible thing, and you can see parallels of that corruption everywhere. they invented the "Oral Law", some spurious celebrations, and even contradict other rabbis (who didn't warp Scripture) just to hide the Messiah from the people.
check the "one for israel" channel, you can see a lot of people didn't even know Jesus was a Jew.
it's been going on throughout all history. you never hear of the converted rabbis, because they get erased from their records and such.
Paul is one such example; he studied under Gamaliel, who was from a line of the chief doctors of Law. from that alone you can infer how true the Gospel is: such a spot, as personal student of a chief was extremely hard to get, and he was probably going to be the next chief, and was completely knowledgeable about the Law, to simply get the position. he knew Jesus was the Christ, and so he followed.

Christianity is the conclusion of all OT prophecy, which is what the Jews believe (or should). i guess the separation comes from using Jew to refers to believers in Rabbinic Judaism (which is false), while the same word is used to refer to them as a people.

antisemitism is just stupid. the people have had their eyes covered, not denied the Messiah. completely against Christ's teaching aswell.

>> No.20405985

Anon, hatred is pointless.
In my travels, in Africa in a remote I found Africans living their ancient culture. And it was good, there was no niggerisation.
I think Gods plan is our own authentic homogenous cultures. Modern society has perverted this.

Tldr; don't hate the negro, hate the game.
America needs to release it's pets back into the wild.

>> No.20405987

They did, look up Liberia.

>> No.20405989

as for people with different colors of skin, it's similar. they're in bad communities, that applaud sin, depravity, and violence. what do you think they'll tend towards? they even have false teachers preaching made up nonsense that is from "their ancestors".

>> No.20405994

along with the lack of education and everything else.

>> No.20406004

Theres still much work to be done, look up chicago

>> No.20406013
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 1651170698054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see many posts here or elsewhere that criticize people like Jay Dyer for being "too aggressive" or whatever, and I'm not even Orthodox myself, but you know something anons, it is good to finally see someone who actually has a spine and doesn't let smug atheists walk all over Christianity. I am tired of seeing spineless emasculated Christians who spend more time apologizing on behalf of Christianity than actually spreading the truth and showing atheists why they are wrong.
I can't this castrated, sissified mentality that you see among many modern Christians, even the "conservative" ones. It is sickening.

>> No.20406124

>Jay Dyer
No one cares about your extra-biblical literature that has nothing to do with the Holy Bible.

>> No.20406150

Well that's not the point I was making!

>> No.20406201

I haven't seen this picture in years. Did you post on FP at some point or is it just part of your cat pic folder?

>> No.20406252

Is there a good starting point for learning koine Greek?

>> No.20406456

I can't find an answer to this:

My bible has satin ribbons. Is it bad to lay the ribbon across the text? Will it eventually lead to smudging? I usually lay the ribbon in the middle of a page because it makes it easier to open, but should I start laying the ribbon in the middle crease where there is no text rubbing against it? Or does it even matter

>> No.20406519

If you like Shakespeare-sounding English then read the KJV, if not I'd recommend going with the original RSV or the ESV.
In particular, for a non-denominational reader with no stake in theological stances, I recommend the New Oxford Annotated Bible in RSV with Expanded Apocrypha. It has a larger canon than most Bibles because it includes the Roman Catholic AND Eastern Orthodox apocrypha. It also has plenty of secular-slanted notes and essays that won't force theology/apologetics down your throat.

>> No.20406556

This, it's all just random dudes who happened to write, there is nothing whatsoever that gives the authority of the LORD God Almighty to what they "thought"/said/etc., much less "Jay's analysis" of any of it.

>> No.20406572
File: 32 KB, 629x245, wtqdOrqOlHsYdsj-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls respond.

>> No.20406664

I have never known anyone to do anything other than use the crease.

>> No.20406759

That doesn't mean that what they say is wrong. By your own logic we should never talk to or read other Christians because they aren't the Bible.

>> No.20406838

There's a difference between reading them, talking to them here and there, and having them be most of your focus, essentially having the doctrines and traditions of men waaaaay over Scripture directly. Jay almost exclusively discusses what is essentially nothing more than philosophers with a Christian bent.

>> No.20406846

som1 make a new thread

>> No.20406865


>> No.20406868

can't because this dogshit website doesn't let you create threads on mobile any more

>> No.20406893

It does in Firefox mobile is all I know, but I'm on PC and still not going to. I used to make the Holy Bible Generals but no longer make threads because all is vanity of vanities.