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20378911 No.20378911 [Reply] [Original]

So, the West is decaying. How about the East?

>> No.20378942

>How about the East?
China is going strong.

>> No.20378978

The whole world is decaying. The Democratic Republic of Congo shall rule all

>> No.20378983

My dick is hard

>> No.20379002

I'd say the only place that isn't in decay are the Islamic states. One needs only look at their crime levels. Yes, being homosexual is a crime along various other things that are considered o be normal here in the West, but the punishment there is far more extreme in comparison. You would think twice about stealing if it meant being tied to a pole to be beaten in public, barbaric as that may be.

>> No.20379010

I'm not so sure with all the stories coming from Egypt...

>> No.20379018

Islamic societies are alive in the sense that weeds or rats are alive and functioning, most people seek a little more fulfillment from their interactions with their civilization's gestalt than mere animalistic survival.

>> No.20379022

Globalization and overpopulation coupled with dwindling resources and money hungry oligarchs means everyone is in trouble

>> No.20379048

Would you not consider carnal desires animalistic? The same that are illegal there: sexual deviancy & depravity, alcoholism, blasphemy, etc.

>> No.20379053

What stories coming from Egypt? I have not heared.

>> No.20379060

the antichrist shall bring all under him, and for that to happen both East and West must lose spirit of their preciousness, whether that be by decay or by prosperity, or a type of both.

>> No.20379094

the east started decaying in the 15th century, culminating in the century of humiliation for China, but they've been rising ever since. Our grandchildren will probably speak chinese fluently at age 15 and will look at our knowledge of english the same way we look at 19th century french speakers, "that's weird".

>> No.20379104

It's over

>> No.20379108
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Never been better, 同志。

>> No.20379350

The east already decayed in the past couple of centuries. Of a continent that used to be home to some of the longest living kingdoms and empires which had some of the gratest cultures of antiquity, little remains today. China is the only one on the incline, but they sacrificed a shit ton of their culture in their commie experiment. Japan is stagnant and shrinking, south korea and taiwan dont have much more growing space and the middle east are in constant state of turmoil, chaos, insurrections, civil wars, flinging shit at each other and getting btfo'd by a tiny nation that didn't exist 100 years ago. I have no idea how iran is doing nowadays tho.

>> No.20379360

>the only place that isn't in decay are the Islamic states
Lmao what

>> No.20379382

I think at this point the dominance of english is too far ahead to be overtaken by any language. Everything technology related is done in english (like the programming languages). In many non-english speaking countries, universities offer stem undergrads and masters degrees fully in english.
Also the switch from french to english as international tongue was easy because thwy are similar languages. Switching to mandarin would be a shit ton harder since the language is not just different, but very hard on its own.

>> No.20379389

>taiwan dont have much more growing space
China is eager and willing to bring them back into the fold of their ascendancy whenever they get over their little temper tantrum and decide to come home

>> No.20379435
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How the fuck do reactionaries measure "decay"? It clearly isn't a quantitative measurement in-itself and decay is no apparent substance. You can't measure it with a ruler, a compass, a watch, a scale, a chromometer or even otherwise mathematically. Is "decay" just some metaphysical abstraction of disregard for tradition? Metaphysically projecting that Others have more power against those traditionally with power?

The three measurements of the HDI are GDP per capita, literacy and life expectancy. Inequality-adjusted HDI also measures inequality. Literally wtf is "decay"? Is it the alienation of traditional family values from your subjective Being? Is decay a society being too "open".

Even if I suspend materialism for a moment and follow Berkeley, "decay" isn't even an ideal mathematical quantity. No unit for decay.

Is it literally just the disappearance of fatherhood norms? If so I do not lose much because unfortunately the only father I ever knew was a mentally ill dysfunctional one, so I lose nothing from positivistically saying that Being is more linked to HDI, GDP, Literacy, Life-expectancy than any norm of fatherhood. No need for reactionary romanticism and idealism.

Where is this "decay" substance?

>> No.20379444

I got a Glock in my 'Rari, 17 shots, no 38

I'm like, yeah, she's fine
Wonder when she'll be mine
She walk past, I press rewind
Just to see that ass one more time
And I got this sewed up
Remy Boyz, they know us
All fast money, no slow bucks

>> No.20379454


>> No.20379656

>t. materialist

>> No.20379704

>"decay" isn't even an ideal mathematical quantity
not to nitpick but you can use differential equations to calculate growth and decay


>> No.20379706

Define "the West"

>> No.20379718

lets see
middle east: war torn shithole or theocratic shithole

south east asia: poo in the loos, rising hindu nationalism, sri lanka is on fire

east asia: japan and worst korea are vassel states, can china overcome america, stay tuned for dragon ball z

>> No.20379727

The US empire is collapsing and so it’s acting more and more erratically. The globe is suffering a climate catastrophe and humanity will run out of the resources that fuel that catastrophe eventually anyway. “The West”
Humanity is set to blink out.

>> No.20379827

Reactionary here, by decay we typically mean something like "processes that are averse to the health and continuity of the community". From a purely material perspective this is easily quantified in birth rates/demography. If you accept the post WW2 negations against the race principle this is literally meaningless though.
Beyond that, you are close to an understanding with your
>Is decay a society being too "open".
Yes. This is the core of our position. It's built on a sort of metaphysics of impurity; the gist is that a "growing" culture will always be seen to positively assert itself when confronted with otherness. The rising culture will want to destroy competing conceptions of life/reality rather than accepting them "into" itself, for that is to be contaminated and thus cuckolded by a foreign concept of life. Open societies are societies that want to get fucked and bred (dilution, erasure) rather than ones that want to do the fucking (expanding, asserting).. It's deeply psychosexual of course but that should be obvious to anyone with eyes. Decay is the destruction of essence and that isn't incompatible with your HDI, GDP and so on and so forth

>> No.20379841

>The three measurements of the HDI
>his "ruler" is given by globohomo

>GDP per capita, literacy and life expectancy.
Okey. I'll refute TWO of these, I don't have too much time. The last one I will leave to anon:

Most people only read shit and unsubstantial stuff and feel entitled to an opinion. They would be better off not reading anything at all, I think.
You know what I'm talking about, young adult, flavor-of-the month "be-fucking-awesome", you get the gist. So I don't know how someone can see it as intrinsically good (I swear).

*life expectancy
You live as a zombie, barelly alive, mecanically breathing. You can't even have an erection without some medicine.
And Big Pharma gladly sells you some pills to keep this golem going without a soul or purpose. And then they devise brand new euphemisms in order to cheat yourself out of your decayed skin because YOU can't stand the sight of your own wrinkles on the over-polished mirror of modernity, where the elderly don't have a place or shabby token of dignity.
And they keep promissing that you'll be eternally young and powerful "soon",
but this soon is never soon enough and you always eat the dirt before becoming a megazord, a enshrined algorithm
or some similar
mathematical abstraction.

But it's all good. I suppose.
WE3'll be fine.

>> No.20379991


>> No.20380283

Read The Gift by Marcel Mauss. It is insulting to think you can reduce a peoples' quality of life, understood in the broadest sense of the phrase, to GDP/capita, literacy, life expectancy, or inequality. In other words, your conception of quality of life is narrow.

>> No.20380290

Zero COVID any day now, 黑鬼

>> No.20380336

The entire world is on the decline

>> No.20380380

yeah the only way this happens is first the chinese themselves ease the rules for speaking chinese and second, they copy the american with flooding people with a high dose of chinese entertainment.

>> No.20380391

>a high dose of chinese entertainment.
i don't think liveleak compilations will help much

>> No.20380410

99% of Hummanity is going to be wiped out by the end of the century thanks to climate change causing cascading crop failures, social unrest, and migrations as a result. The winners are going to be the small mountain tribe or the random Chinese villiage in bumfuck nowhere that are miraculously able to grow food.

>> No.20380416

>I'd say the only place that isn't in decay are the Islamic states.
God... those countries are corrupt basket cases constantly in some state of freefall.

>> No.20380419

Japan, China, and to a lesser (shitty) extent Korea are the only countries that get to have Cultures other than America (the home of the west), but like America they've been on the decline culturally since the 90s and since Covid no country has any Culture

>> No.20380450

Are you kidding, have you not seen what's happening go the Sugondese people?

>> No.20380953

You look outside and count how many of your neighbors are Aryans.

>> No.20381120
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>they copy the american with flooding people with a high dose of chinese entertainment.
Me, gravely: Genshin Impact is a potential national security threat. We should consider the idea that in order to achieve Communist Party foreign policy goals China could well employ cute anime girls who are nice

Politician who paid my think tank a gorillion dollars for this information: my god