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[ERROR] No.2037380 [Reply] [Original]

Remember Fountains of Wayne, or La Roux, or Tatu? Yeah, me neither.

He wrote one great book: 2666. It was very good in almost every way, and I've got a lot of enjoyment out of it. So far, so good. He also wrote pretty average stuff like Amulet and Last Evenings on Earth, and complete crap like Monsieur Pain and The Skating Rink. What's his problem? To be fair, it's not so much hackery from the author, more from his publishers, who want to squeeze every last dollar out of his corpse. It's like David Foster Wallace, nothing is too low! I saw a book that was the last interview done with Bolano. It wasn't a special interview, it just happened to be the last one. To say nothing of how his short stories are divied up, with about 250 pages of stories in each collection, when they could be more robust.

Fucking Roberto Bolano.

>> No.2037390
File: 31 KB, 460x276, Paloma-Faith-002-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying I don't remember Fountain of Wayne, La Roux or Tatu. although La Roux was terrible, I remember two of her songs.

>> No.2037393


The funny thing is, each of their best songs are good / great, but everything else sucked. Seriously, Stacy's Mom is a great song with a good vidya. I like it when her mom is on the lawnchair, topless on her stomach, with her boobs hanging out. Imagine seeing THAT when you were 12, yes? Good times.

>> No.2037395
File: 24 KB, 387x231, taty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I forgot about Tatu

Also Bolano also wrote Nazi Literature in The Americas which last time I checked isn't 2666 and therefore he has had atleast 2 good book and the Savage Detectives was okay as well.

I hate you Sunhawk.

>> No.2037396
File: 287 KB, 500x381, Paloma+Faith+18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you are vile.

>> No.2037397
File: 30 KB, 245x405, ladysov19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stacy's Mom is a great song.

>> No.2037400


Haven't been called vile on /lit/ before.


I haven't read NLITA. I admit, it may be good. How is it? I haven't bought it because it's £20 for a 150 page book.

>> No.2037402

I picked it up in The Works for £2.99, in hardback.

I really enjoyed. It's just a collection of nice short stories.

>> No.2037403
File: 31 KB, 471x312, palomafaith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It costs £6 on amazon.

>> No.2037405


Wow, I didn't know. My Waterstones sells it for about £20 (might be £15). Anyway, like I said, I've kinda lost interest in Bolano now, especially with all the whoring him out now. Still wanna read Hispanic writers though...maybe some more Borges.

>> No.2037406


>> No.2037408


I do. Calm down.

>> No.2037411


>> No.2037425


That's right, we are friends. But as I've said before, I read Tolstoy, Dostevsky (sp?), Novokov, and a few others. They aren't exactly easy going, though. Sometimes the humour makes me laugh...sometimes. Russians are pretty serious.

>> No.2037426
File: 183 KB, 423x469, Paloma+Faith+20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many threads have you made saying Bolano was the bee's knees?
Your opinion is worth nothing to me.

>> No.2037472

Fountains of Wayne are awesome. Denise, Survival Car, Sink to the Bottom... OK, it's been in a while but I'm, like, 80% sure that those are their songs. Man they can lay down a ditty.

>> No.2037805

>each of their best songs are good / great, but everything else sucked
Every song off La Roux's first album was fucking golden though.

>> No.2037811

one-hit-wonder general


>> No.2037817
File: 493 KB, 312x194, Tega.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close.

>> No.2037824

More musical than Teagan and Sara.

>> No.2037832

Oh hell yes! I love Fountains of Wayne. I just got Mexican Wine stuck in my head again, just from seeing this thread.
That's right folks, I'm about to turn off Nirvana for the chance to listen to some 90s pop.

>> No.2037836

Except Mexican Wine is off Welcome Interstate Managers, which is from 2003 (not the 90s).

>> No.2037839
File: 38 KB, 500x500, Tegan+Astronautalis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I hear Sugar Ray I think of Road Rash 3-D.

Everybody wanted to be a freestylaaaaaah in 2000.

oh boy.

>> No.2037842

>I'm about to turn off Nirvana
So you should, they're terrible.

>> No.2037920

Fountains Of Wayne has a sizable catalog of very solid music; some of it just flat out excellent. Learn how to music OP.

>> No.2037935

I officially think tripfags are fucking authors or publacists or something cause sunhawk I'm pretty sure you have been jizzin over 2666 for some time now so much so that I expect you to be Robert Balano

>> No.2037941


>I expect you to be Robert Balano

Seems unlikely.

>> No.2037944

If he was a publicist or the late Bolano, wouldn't he be hyping the newer, more expensive novels?

>> No.2037946

I think he's just a dumbass with bad taste in literature

>> No.2038017

Fucking Savage Detectives is just as good if not better than 2666.

Wtf: Nazi Literature in the Americas is great.

I agree Skating Rink was kinda/sortof pure shit.

Fucking Roberto Bolano.

>> No.2038021

Fountains of Wayne are actually a really good band


>> No.2038023

Oh also, if you look down, this video has the greatest youtube comment in the history of youtube made by youtube user 'divvle'

>> No.2039957
File: 18 KB, 410x230, 98663-sad-band-la-roux-410x230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La Roux is not a one-hit wonder, their entire album is great. Now they just need to make a few more.

>> No.2039961

I read By Night in Chile and thoroughly enjoyed it
also every thread you make is wrong and retarded